10 Beautiful Black Brick House Ideas (Pictures & Designs) (2024)

If you're considering or love painted brick houses, take a look at these black brick house ideas from black brick house with white siding to black brick with white trim.

When I first announced that I was intending to paint our house black, I received one of two reactions: “Wow!” That’s going to be fantastic!” or else they’d look at me as if I’d gone insane. Regardless, we painted our black brick house, and let me tell you, it looks fantastic. Actually, it appears to be far better than I had anticipated. If your brick house is painted white, gray, red, or brown, it’s time to paint your bricks black. Black is a neutral hue that, in my opinion, is the greatest.

I would say something like black is a dark and moody color, somber and brooding, but it looks great with a well-placed splash of color. That means you have tons of possibilities when it comes to choosing a color scheme for your home’s exterior. You can use light colors to create contrast or darker hues and shades that fit into the overall dark color scheme.

You’ve probably seen a traditional or modern black brick house. The use of black exteriors, particularly black brick house exterior, is growing in popularity. If you’re considering or love painted brick houses, take a look at these black brick house ideas from black brick house with white siding to black brick with white trim.

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Western Style Black Brick House

Building a new home can be challenging, especially if you don’t have the correct design. After all, not every design is appropriate for every individual. Some designs may be outdated, out of trend, or simply unappealing. This western-style design, on the other hand, might be right for you.

This brick home has a ton of character and charm to it. The black brick wall combines the past with the current. It gives an ancient house more refinement and personality. The black brickwork can make a significant difference in your home’s overall appeal.

Modern All Black Brick House

What do you think of painting the bricks of your house black? Here’s a great illustration of how much of a difference paint can make in an ancient house! It not only brightened up things, but it also gave this modest home a modern, stylish air.

Consider the black brick house in the photo above. The bricks have been painted black by the homeowners here. The roof is also painted in the same color as the walls. The black colour sets this property apart from the rest of the neighborhood’s homes. Plants will add drama to your home’s all-black exteriors while still keeping it looking elegant and consistent.

Grey Brick House

Painting your brick house grey improves its curb appeal and distinguishes it from the other brick houses on the block. The use of white elements throughout the property, from the window trim to the edges of the roof, helps to make it appear sleek and modern.

Grey brick homes will come in a range of grey colors, giving them a modern appeal without sacrificing the dimensions that brick has by nature. If you want a more dramatic effect than the standard black, pair this grey color with white trim.

Black Brick House With White Trim

Painting your brick home’s exterior white is the simplest method to make it look more modern. The addition of black trim to a white facade enhances its beauty. Black window frames, shutters, and columns are examples of this. The use of white bricks and black trim on the exterior can help to make the overall design more striking.

Why not add black shutters and a wooden front door, as seen above, to improve the beauty of your exterior? The aggressiveness of the black trim (shutters) stands out in a stylish way, and the white painted brick is bright enough to dominate the rest of the colors.

Black Brick House With Wood

Don’t you like how black the exteriors are? If so, instead of going entirely black, blend black bricks with other materials such as stone and wood. If you’re intending to paint your walls, you can choose a softer black tone instead of matte black.

Look at the black-painted brick house above; the outside walls are a somewhat softer but still beautifully rich black tone. This color scheme works well with the home’s rich wood elements. You may also play with the color of your window trims to achieve a clean and modern design. To create a modern ambiance, don’t be afraid to experiment with color combinations and other materials.

Black Brick FarmHouse

Every summer and lengthy holiday of my childhood, I spent time on and near farms. And I believe that the Farmhouse exterior style is currently receiving an unfairly bad rap.

Farmhouse exteriors are warm and inviting, with a timeless appeal. They satisfy many of our modern needs for authenticity while also providing all of the functionality and convenience we require.

Many homeowners want to know how to obtain the modern farmhouse look in their houses, and while the inside is vital, the outside is just as significant in achieving this style.

Modern House White + Black Grey

A home with a fresh coat of black paint and brilliant white bursts says “stylish city-slicker” like nothing else. When designing the exterior of your dream home, don’t be afraid to mix unusual hues and textures. This home’s curb appeal is black brick, brown driveway and a complementary white balcony. As people walk by, this elegant modern house will capture their hearts.

Victorian Style Black Brick House

When you think of a Victorian home, you typically see a large, ornate structure with clashing colors and lofty ceilings. A Victorian-style home, on the other hand, is much more than just a beautiful structure. It has its own unique and timeless features that are aimed at wowing the residents and the neighbors.

Victorian houses are another architectural house style that looks really amazing with black exteriors! Don’t imagine those haunting houses featured in movies and shows after reading about the mix of black paint and a Victorian property.

This house, however, is not one of them. Take a look at the suburban Tudor Victorian-style home with white sidewalk above; does it appear to be frightening? Darker, more intense colors are prevalent in Victorian-style residences. Use black brick colour to draw attention to the home’s architecture.

Suburban Dark With Contrast

A typical home exterior material is black brick. The outcome is nothing short of breathtaking exteriors, as you can see in the picture. Dark brick is more expensive than vinyl siding and fiber cement, but it is less expensive than natural stone.

If you like dark brick for a home’s exterior, you’ll love this elegant upscale suburban home with black brick, cream brick, a circular drive, and brick garage.

Dark Brick House With Blue Roof

Blue roofs have a modern, sleek appearance that makes for an intriguing architectural concept. This classic roofing color complements the dark brick architectural style, from conventional to ultra-modern.

If your roof is already blue, you may be considering the best exterior paint color to complement it. Since painting your brick home can be an expensive investment, you’ll want to pick the best house color to complement a blue roof.

I totally like the color of choice here. The black brick really stands out among the blue roof and lush green landscaping. No doubt, this was a post-modern restoration that turned out to look spectacular.

Is There a Black Brick?

While white tones are popular, darker alternatives are also popular. Yes, even black bricks! Although black bricks are a rare find, their uniqueness can set your home apart from others.

The majority of the time, they are employed to enhance the beauty of other colors by bordering them. Mostly, black bricks provide a traditional as well as a contemporary appearance. Furthermore, these are available in a wide selection of colors and tones.

Is It a Bad Idea To Paint a Brick House?

It’s either you like it or you don’t like it.

When it comes to painted brick, there is no middle ground. I suppose. I’d never given it enough thought to form an opinion.

Is it, nevertheless, a bad idea to paint a brick house? Overall, painting a brick exterior isn’t a horrible idea. One of the most important aspects of this job is to find a fantastic expert painter.

Benefits Of Black Brick Paint Upgrade

A paint refresh can bring several benefits if your home’s exterior is a boring and outdated home with red, orange, or yellow brick.

Increases the curb appeal of your home

Black brick paint is a cost-effective approach to improve your outdoor environment and boost the value of your home. When painted correctly, a dark color like carbon black or midnight black can have a significant aesthetic impact.

It shields you from the elements

When you paint your brick house appropriately, the paint will work as a sealant, protecting it from precipitation and other seasonal weather changes. Paint can also help protect your home’s exterior from fading and deterioration.

It’s simple to maintain

Because brick is porous by nature, dirt and debris can become lodged and difficult to remove if left unpainted. Painted brick has a smooth surface that is much easier to clean with a power washer on a regular basis.

Should I Paint My Brick House Black?

You’ve probably never considered painting your house black, yet it could be one of the most popular exterior painting trends today. The use of black exterior paint creates drama and depth, as well as a strong visual statement.

Black paint is excellent for drawing attention to architectural details while also complementing outdoor environments. Painting your home black will bring out its best characteristics and make it stand out from the crowd, no matter what style it is.

What Color Goes With Black Brick?

This is a common question, and when it comes to black brick exteriors, there are many colors you can choose that go with black brick exteriors.

The combination of the black and red brick house is one of my favorites. It has a timeless classical appearance to it while also seeming fresh and updated. For a painted black brick house, red is a terrific contrast.

Another fantastic paint color that goes well with black brick is Keystone Gray. When coupled with brick, this mid-toned neutral shines. Keystone Gray isn’t actually gray; it’s more of a warm greige in my opinion. It’s also in the same hue family as Agreeable Gray, which is always a hit. The warm tones of Keystone wonderfully complement the black brick.

White is a fairly safe color to mix with black bricks, as it will complement them regardless of their tone. If you have a black brick property, you can have white windows, doors, and garages to give it a clean, new aspect. The property’s white components will contrast with the brown brickwork to produce a contemporary look.

A basic color scheme of Slate Black, charcoal gray, and off-white will highlight the beauty of your brick. To complete the look, paint your front door in a similar color that complements the brick tones.

A neutral sophisticated backdrop for dark brick is created by taupe, beige, and tan with a blue roof. A vibrant front door will infuse your home with enthusiasm. To fit in with the scheme, choose a color that is slightly grayed or toned down.

Brick Wall Painting Tips

A properly prepared wall will not only make painting easier, but will also aid in the creation of a brilliant, long-lasting finish. Before painting the brick wall, thoroughly clean with some water and don’t forget to add some soap. This will make it easy to eliminate any leftover dust and debris. Rinse the wall once it’s free of contaminants and make sure it’s completely dry before continuing.

Prime your surface and let it dry completely before painting to guarantee good adherence and a smoother, more professional-looking top coat. When changing the color of a brick wall drastically, a second fresh coat of primer is necessary to successfully block off any brick color when painting with a black color.

Use a minimum of two to three coats of paint to get the finest results from your paintwork.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As an expert and enthusiast, I have access to a vast amount of information and can provide insights on various topics, including black brick houses. Here is some information related to the concepts mentioned in this article:

Black Brick Houses

Black brick houses have gained popularity in recent years due to their unique and striking appearance. Painting a brick house black can create a modern, stylish, and dramatic look. Black is a neutral color that can be paired with various other colors to create different design schemes for the home's exterior.

Benefits of Black Brick Paint Upgrade

Painting a brick house black can bring several benefits, including:

  1. Increased curb appeal: Black brick paint can enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of your home and make it stand out from the rest of the houses in the neighborhood.
  2. Protection from the elements: Properly painted brick can act as a sealant, protecting the exterior from weather changes, fading, and deterioration.
  3. Ease of maintenance: Painted brick has a smooth surface that is easier to clean compared to unpainted brick, which can accumulate dirt and debris.

Color Schemes for Black Brick Houses

When it comes to color schemes for black brick houses, there are several options to consider:

  1. Contrasting colors: Red is a popular contrasting color for black brick houses, as it creates a timeless and classical appearance. Another option is Keystone Gray, a warm greige color that complements black brick well. White is also a safe choice, as it complements black brick regardless of its tone.
  2. Neutral colors: Taupe, beige, and tan can create a sophisticated backdrop for dark brick, especially when paired with a blue roof. Adding a vibrant front door can infuse the home with energy.
  3. Color combinations: A basic color scheme of Slate Black, charcoal gray, and off-white can highlight the beauty of black brick. Painting the front door in a similar color that complements the brick tones can complete the look.

Painting Tips for Brick Walls

When painting a brick wall, it is important to properly prepare the surface for the best results. Here are some tips:

  1. Clean the wall: Thoroughly clean the brick wall using water and soap to remove any dust and debris. Rinse the wall and ensure it is completely dry before proceeding.
  2. Prime the surface: Apply a primer to the brick wall to ensure good adherence and a smoother finish. When changing the color drastically, a second coat of primer may be necessary to block off any brick color.
  3. Apply multiple coats: Use two to three coats of paint to achieve the best results and ensure even coverage.

Please note that the information provided above is based on general knowledge and common practices. It's always a good idea to consult with professionals or experts in the field for specific advice and recommendations tailored to your individual situation.

Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with!

10 Beautiful Black Brick House Ideas (Pictures & Designs) (2024)


What colors go with black brick? ›

Show off the beauty of your brick with a simple color scheme of Slate Black, charcoal gray and off-white. To further enhance the look, choose a complementary color for your front door that brings out the tones of the brick. Taupe, beige, and tan with an Aged Cedar roof create a tonal background for dark brick.

What is the most popular color to paint a brick house? ›

White is a popular brick house paint idea because it's clean and timeless. It's a neutral color that will make the brick appear brighter and more vibrant, especially if it has faded over time. Lighter colors also don't fade as fast as darker hues do, which means your paint job will last for years to come.

How do you make a brick house look nice? ›

9 Ways to Jazz Up a Dull Exterior Brick Wall
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Should I paint my brick house black? ›

Maintenance: Painting brick is a tedious and time-consuming process. Once painted, the brick will need regular maintenance to prevent fading, chipping, or peeling. The black color will make any imperfections or damage to the brick more visible, requiring more frequent touch-ups or repaints.

Is black brick in style? ›

Black is a striking color choice that telegraphs luxury and elegance for eye-catching curb appeal. Brick manufacturers have taken notice and created different, sizes, textures, shades of black brick to suit the specific needs of your project.

What color compliments black? ›

Black paired with bright saturated colors like orange, yellow, or red can help those colors stand out even more; helping to draw attention to a certain element within the space by naturally creating a focal point.

What color brick makes a house look bigger? ›

Choose light colors

Making the exterior of your home a light color is the best way to make your home look larger, brighter, and more inviting. Light colors such as white, ivory, pale gray, and sage green reflect higher amounts of light than dark colors, tricking the eye into perceiving the home as larger than it is.

What color brick is timeless? ›

Pros: Classic and timeless, red bricks provide warmth and charm to a variety of architectural styles. They blend well with traditional and colonial homes.

What is a complementary color to brick? ›

Whether you're going for a deep warm living space or a bright pop of color in your kitchen, orange paint is the way to go. Airing on the more modern side, white paint is a great compliment to your exposed brick wall. Especially those white shades with warmer undertones.

How can I make my brick wall more attractive? ›

Try a contrasting color molding or paint it close to the color of the brick for a monochromatic look. Cutler suggests combining molding with art. "Use a picture rail to hang the art just off the wall on wires or ribbons to add another layer of depth and detail, and make the whole space look more intentional," he says.

Is painting your brick house a good idea? ›

Painting over brick is essentially a death sentence for brick because you're stripping it of its natural ability to breathe and release any moisture that becomes trapped. Because of this, any moisture trapped inside the wall will begin to erode the brick, wearing it down over time.

What are the cons of black brick? ›

CON – Potential Fading, Depending on Paver Material

Black is particularly prone to sun fading, so black concrete pavers may appear grey over time. Clay brick pavers, by comparison, are colored through and through. Surface fading will not affect the appearance of the bricks because the color runs deep into the bricks.

Is black brick more expensive? ›

Yes, some manufacturers produce black brick. These bricks are usually either made with a dark pigment and fired at higher temperatures or finished with a dark clay coating or with a black glaze. Due to the extra steps in manufacturing, these bricks are more expensive than classic red or brown brick.

Why are house bricks black? ›

Black stains on bricks can be caused by natural discolouration like algae and lichen growth or the stains can be linked to human-prompted discolouration like carbon staining, vehicle pollution or unwanted paint staining.

What color paint looks good next to brick? ›

Gray is versatile and goes well next to a red brick accent wall or above a fireplace. This tone can range from cool to warm and comes in many shades such as earthy taupe, bluish-gray, and other gray hues. Using a gray wall color can put more focus on the texture and warmth of your interior red brick.

What house color goes with black? ›

Lighter hues for a soothing effect: Muted neutrals like whites, beiges, or earth tones help balance out black for a calmer, cozier space. Brighter colors for extra emphasis: On the other hand, black allows bold, vibrant palettes or jewel tones to pop even more.

What color door goes with dark red brick? ›

Classic Elegance: Black, White, Ruby Red, Blue, Green

The quintessential black front door exudes sophistication and pairs seamlessly with the rich tones of red brick. White, on the other hand, offers a clean and crisp look that contrasts beautifully against the warmth of the bricks.


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.