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By Flip Kobler and Cindy Marcus

© Copyright 2012, Pioneer Drama Service, Inc.

Professionals and amateurs are hereby warned that a royalty must be paid for every

performance, whether or not admission is charged.All inquiries regarding rights shouldbe addressed to Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., PO Box 4267, Englewood, CO 80155.

All rights to this play—including but not limited to amateur, professional, radio broadcast,

television, motion picture, public reading and translation into foreign languages—are

controlled by Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., without whose permission no performance,

reading or presentation of any kind in whole or in part may be given.

These rights are fully protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America

and of all countries covered by the Universal Copyright Convention or with which the

United States has reciprocal copyright relations, including Canada, Mexico, Australia

and all nations of the United Kingdom.



On all programs, printing and advertising, the following information must appear:

1. The full name of the play

2. The full name of the playwrights

3. The following notice: “Produced by special arrangement with

Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., Englewood, Colorado”

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CAST OF CHARACTERS(In Order of Appearance)

# of lines

MOTHER GOOSE ................... kind, cuddly narrator with a sharp 45


BIG BAD WOLF ...................... Scrooge; mean, old, greedy 262

and just plain humbuggy

PHILIP CHARMING ................. our Bob Cratchit; all around good 70

guy and former prince who lost hiskingdom and now works for Scrooge

BALE .................................... charity rep; little pig who thought 29

straw was darn good building


TWIG .................................... another charity rep; little pig 27

who build his house out of sticks

BRICK .................................. another charity rep; smartest 26

of the three little pigsJACK .................................... Scrooge’s nephew; former 49

beanstalk owner and giant slayer

who’s fallen on hard times, but

loves his uncle

CINDERELLA CHARMING ........ as Mrs. Cratchit; spunky heroine 39

who loves her husband and children

GRETEL CHARMING ............... a Crachit child; her brother’s 26

keeperHANSEL CHARMING .............. a Crachit child; has serious 23

directional issues

TABITHA CHARMING .............. reminds us of Tiny Tim; poor little 25

match girl with sunny optimism

JACOB MIDAS ....................... Marley’s ghost; loves his bling; 25

had the golden touch as Scrooge’s

business partner

MERIWETHER ........................ the Ghost of Christmas Past; 53she’s Cinderella’s bibbity-bobbity

fairy godmother

LITTLE BO PEEP .................... Scrooge’s schoolmate in the past 2

HUMPTY DUMPTY .................. another past schoolmate 2

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LITTLE WOLF ......................... young Scrooge; think of him 8

as a ten year old cub

FAN ...................................... Scrooge’s sister; kind duckling 7

who’s sensitive about her looks

FEZZIWIG .............................. young Scrooge’s boss; happy, 9

kind, charitable shoemaker

ELF ...................................... employee of Fezziwig’s; works 3

nights a lot

MEDIUM WOLF ...................... young adult Scrooge, twenty or 19

so; a dashing young cub before he

morphed into the mangy old dog

GOLDILOCKS ........................ Medium Wolf’s true love and a 17

girl who likes things just right

OLD KING COLE .................... the Ghost of Christmas Present; 44

a merry old soul and a merry old

soul is he

SNOW WHITE ........................ party guest; friend of Jack 7

and Mary

RUMPELSTILTSKIN ................ another 10

MISS MUFFET ....................... another 9

PETER PIPER ......................... another 8

MARY ................................... Jack’s wife; the contrary one who 19

loves Scrooge… not!

QUEEN OF HEARTS ................ the Ghost of Christmas Future; 26

shrill and mean; don’t cross her

or it’s off with your head

BLACK SHEEP ....................... passerby on Christmas morning; 12

recently shorn and freezing in thecold

EXTRAS ................................ as Londoners, students, elves, n/a

Cat, Little Boy Blue, other partiers

NOTE: See PRODUCTION NOTES about flexible casting options.

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TIME: Christmas Eve.

PLACE: Fairy tale, Dickensian London.

The set is a bare stage with the exception of a stool for MOTHERGOOSE which remains in place for the entire play off to one side near

the edge of the stage. To create the scenes, the CREW will bring on

the few required tables, chairs, etc. as specified in the script. The

CREW works in full view of the audience, so it might be fun to have

them dressed as fairy tale characters, Dickens’s characters or a

combination of the two. (See PRODUCTION NOTES.)

Scene breaks are designated for rehearsal purposes only. The goal is

to move smoothly between scenes with continuous action.


Scene One: Day of Christmas Eve.

Scene Two: Night of Christmas Eve.

Scene Three: Christmas past.

Scene Four: Christmas present.

Scene Five: Christmas future.Scene Six: Christmas Day.

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Scene One

AT RISE: A stool sits near the edge of the stage. Apart from that, thestage is bare. MOTHER GOOSE ENTERS and steps forward to talk to


MOTHER GOOSE: Goooood evening, me lovelies! I am Mother Goose.

And I am here to tell you a tale, a wonderful, glorious tale of

Christmastime. Now, you may have heard the story before, but I

promise you, you’ve never heard it like this. For this is a fairy tale.

Are you ready? Once upon a time—

BIG BAD WOLF: (ENTERS. He is in fact a big bad wolf, but dressed like

Dickens’s Scrooge.)Humbug!

MOTHER GOOSE: Excuse me.

BIG BAD WOLF: Once upon a time? Is that all you’ve got?

MOTHER GOOSE: That’s how the story begins.

BIG BAD WOLF: That’s how every story begins. You haven’t got

something better?

MOTHER GOOSE: My, what a foul temper you have!

BIG BAD WOLF: The better to do business with.MOTHER GOOSE: And my, what a small heart you have!

BIG BAD WOLF: The better to make money with.

MOTHER GOOSE: And my, what bad breath you have!

BIG BAD WOLF: The better to— Oh, that was the baba ganoush I had

for lunch. And it was overpriced!

MOTHER GOOSE: (To the AUDIENCE.) As you can see, Ebenezer

Scrooge is nothing but a big bad wolf. This is his story.

BIG BAD WOLF: Humbug, I don’t want you telling my story. (To the

AUDIENCE.) No story. Go home. (Looks at his pocket watch. To

MOTHER GOOSE.) Ah, now you’ve made me late. Don’t tell my

story. (CREW brings on two tables with stools, ledgers and quills

to set up Scrooge’s office. BIG BAD WOLF sits at one of the tables.)

MOTHER GOOSE: (To the AUDIENCE.) Now, Scrooge’s business partner

Midas was dead at the beginning of our tale. Dead as a doornail.

That point must be made very, very clear or else nothing that

follows will be wondrous. (Sits on the stool.)

PHILIP: (ENTERS and sits at the other table and scribbles furiously with

a quill.)Good afternoon, Mr. Scrooge.

BIG BAD WOLF: Humbug, Bob!

PHILIP: Excuse me sir, but my name is Philip, sir. As you well know

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BIG BAD WOLF: My first accountant’s name was Bob, Bob. I don’t

have time to learn every new kid’s name.

PHILIP: I’ve worked for you for twelve years.

BIG BAD WOLF: If you want to keep your job, Bob, you’ll be Bob. So

what is it…?

PHILIP: (Sigh.) Bob. It’s very cold in here. The ink is freezing in the


BIG BAD WOLF: Feels warm to me.

PHILIP: You’re a wolf, you’re covered in fur. Can I throw more coal on

the fire?

BIG BAD WOLF: You know where it’s warm? The unemployment office.

PHILIP: (Sigh.)Yes, sir.BIG BAD WOLF: Is that all, Bob? (The THREE LITTLE PIGS poke their

heads ON from OFFSTAGE. PHILIP notices them.)

PHILIP: No, sir. There are some people here to see you. (BIG BAD

WOLF grunts. PHILIP takes that for a yes. To PIGS.)He’ll see you

now. (The PIGS APPEAR in full, but remain outside Scrooge’s office

area. They are a little nervous around BIG BAD WOLF, who works

on his books while he talks, a very busy man. PHILIP also works

diligently through the following exchange, not daring to look up.)

BALE: (To TWIG.)You go first.

TWIG: I’m not going in. Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin.

BRICK: What does that even mean?

TWIG: It’s an expression.

BALE: It’s stupid.

TWIG: Oh, did I build a house out of straw?

BALE: Don’t start.

BIG BAD WOLF: I am a busy man. State your business or get out.

BRICK: (Steps forward into Scrooge’s office, hat in hand.)Good morning,

Mr. Scrooge.

BIG BAD WOLF: How did you know I wasn’t Mr. Midas? His name is

still on the door.

TWIG: (To the OTHER PIGS.)He doesn’t recognize us. (BALE and TWIG

cross to BRICK. BALE carries a donation bucket with the words

“Order of Victoria” on it.)

BRICK: I told you he wouldn’t.

BALE: How can he not recognize us?

TWIG: After what he did?

BIG BAD WOLF: And what did I do?

BALE: You blew down my house.

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BALE: Yes! You destroyed my life. (BIG BAD WOLF ignores BALE which

just infuriates the little pig.) Well, it was a beautiful little house. I

made it myself out of straw, which isn’t easy when you don’t have

opposable thumbs. You huffed and you puffed, and you blew myhouse down.

BIG BAD WOLF: Ah, yes. Now, I remember. It was an insurance

nightmare, house made of straw, could’ve gone up in flames. I did

the city of London a favor.

TWIG: My house wasn’t an insurance risk. Not by the hair of my chinny

chin chin.


TWIG: It’s an expression.

BRICK: We don’t get it either.

BIG BAD WOLF: (To TWIG.)Ah, yes. Made of sticks, wasn’t it?

TWIG: Yes.

BIG BAD WOLF: You were behind on your mortgage.

TWIG: So you just blew down my house?

BIG BAD WOLF: Pay your bills, slacker. (To BRICK.)And what about

you? Did I blow down your house, too?BRICK: No. My house was made of bricks like all houses should be.

BALE: Oh, not again.

TWIG: Don’t start. Seriously.

BRICK: He can’t blow down bricks.

BALE: Mom said to stop rubbing it in. He got your house, too.

BRICK: (To BIG BAD WOLF.)You bullied and oppressed me and just

repossessed me.

BIG BAD WOLF: Ah, yes. Brick house. It was in the way of a new

shopping development. I wanted to put up a pumpkin shell.

BRICK: And now all of us are homeless.

BALE: But that’s not why we’re here.

TWIG: We are from the Order of Victoria charity foundation.

BALE: And we’d like to speak to you about a donation.

BIG BAD WOLF: Donation?

BRICK: At this festive season of the year, many of us feel moved totake care of the needy.

BALE: And homeless!

TWIG: Especially the homeless!

BRICK: What can we put you down for?









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BIG BAD WOLF: Nothing.

TWIG: You wish to remain anonymous?

BIG BAD WOLF: I wish to be left alone. I do not make merry myself at

Christmas, nor can I afford to make some useless slackers merry.

BALE: But sir, it’s Christmas. A little charity?

BIG BAD WOLF: Are there no orphanages for the children? No old


TWIG: Yes, sir. But the old woman there already has so many children

she doesn’t know what to do.

BIG BAD WOLF: Are there no chain gangs? Railroads where the

inmates can work all the live long day?

BRICK: Plenty, sir.BIG BAD WOLF: Then, the poor and homeless should go there.

BALE: Many would rather die.

BIG BAD WOLF: Then they’d better get on with it and decrease the

surplus population!

TWIG: But—

BALE: But—

BIG BAD WOLF: Get out or I’ll huff and I’ll puff, and I’ll scream and I’ll

shout! (The PIGS squeal in terror and start for the door. They run

into JACK as he ENTERS.)

JACK: Ah, good day to you, gentlepigs.

BALE: Good day, sir.

JACK: (Notices the charity bucket.) The Order of Victoria. Well, here

is my holiday donation. (Hands over some coins.) A very merry

Christmas to you all!

BALE: Bless you, sir!

TWIG: Merry Christmas, sir!

BRICK: Good day. (The PIGS EXIT. JACK tips his hat to PHILIP, still

scribbling away at his table.)

JACK: Good morning, Philip.

PHILIP: (Looks up briefly.)Good morning, Mr. Jack.

JACK: Uncle! (Walks over to BIG BAD WOLF’S desk.)Merry Christmas!


JACK: Christmas a humbug, Uncle? You don’t mean that.

BIG BAD WOLF: What right have you to be merry? You’re poor enough.

JACK: What right have you to be miserable? You’re rich enough.

BIG BAD WOLF: Of course you wouldn’t understand. You have no

head for business, Jack.









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JACK: Now, Uncle.

BIG BAD WOLF: You traded your cow. That’s nearly a quarter ton of

prime cut steaks for three lousy beans.

JACK: They were magic.

BIG BAD WOLF: Yes. A beanstalk which you climbed and got a goose

that laid golden eggs.

JACK: Which wasn’t easy.

BIG BAD WOLF: But then you chopped down the beanstalk.

JACK: I had to.

BIG BAD WOLF: You could’ve turned it into a tourist attraction, sold

tickets, made a fortune! But you chopped it down.

JACK: I saved the village from a giant.BIG BAD WOLF: And then what? You let the goose that laid golden

eggs roam free.

JACK: Mary was very adamant about free range poultry.

BIG BAD WOLF: But you lost the goose. Now, you have nothing.

JACK: Money isn’t everything.

BIG BAD WOLF: Liar! That is a lie.

JACK: Money hasn’t made you merry.

BIG BAD WOLF: Humbug. If it were up to me, every idiot that went

around with “Merry Christmas” on his lips would be baked in a pie.

JACK: Oh, Uncle.

BIG BAD WOLF: You keep Christmas your way. Let me keep it mine.

JACK: But you don’t keep it.

BIG BAD WOLF: Let me leave it alone then.

JACK: Christmas is a wondrous, generous, loving time of year. And

while it’s never put a scrap of food on my table or a coin in mypocket, I believe it’s done me good and will continue to do so. So I

say “God Bless it” and I shall keep the spirit all year.

PHILIP: Here-here.

BIG BAD WOLF: And how do you plan to keep Christmas on the

unemployment line, Bob?

JACK: Uncle, please. Come have Christmas dinner with Mary and me.

BIG BAD WOLF: What are you having?

JACK: Beans. (BIG BAD WOLF snarls.)Mary canned enough beans tolast a lifetime.

BIG BAD WOLF: Why did you ever marry that Mary girl? She can be

so contrary!

JACK: No, she’s a real lamb.I fell in love.

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BIG BAD WOLF: Love? Humbug. Love is the only thing worse than a

merry Christmas.

JACK: It’s no use, Uncle. I shall keep my Christmas spirit to the end.

We’ll save you some beans. Merry Christmas, Philip!

PHILIP: Merry Christmas, Mr. Jack!

JACK: My best to your lovely wife and family.

PHILIP: Bless you, sir.

JACK: Good bye, Uncle. (EXITS. BIG BAD WOLF snarls and returns to his

work. PHILIP stands and crosses meekly to BIG BAD WOLF.)

PHILIP: Excuse me, Mr. Scrooge.

BIG BAD WOLF: Now what?

PHILIP: It’s closing time. Sir.BIG BAD WOLF: So it is. I’ll see you in the morning.

PHILIP: Tomorrow is Christmas, sir. (BIG BAD WOLF stares at PHILIP.)

And I was hoping to have the day off, sir.

BIG BAD WOLF: You want the entire day?

PHILIP: It’s only one day a year, sir.

BIG BAD WOLF: Poor excuse for picking a man’s pocket every

December the 25th. Fine. Take the day, but be here all the earlier

the next day.

PHILIP: Thank you, sir. Bless you, sir. (Runs OFF.)

BIG BAD WOLF: I’m too soft. That’s what it is. (Stands and crosses the

stage as the CREW strikes Scrooge’s office.)

MOTHER GOOSE: (To the AUDIENCE.)And so Bob Cratchit—

PHILIP: (Steps ON.)My name is Philip. (He’s OFF again.)

MOTHER GOOSE: Philip stepped outside into the brisk London air.

(PHILIP and EXTRAS ENTER and cross to and fro, creating the lookof a busy London street. After the scene is established, CINDERELLA

ENTERS.) Where he met his wife.


PHILIP: Cindy! (CINDERELLA runs into his arms, and he spins her


CINDERELLA: Good evening, Mr. Charming.

PHILIP: Good evening, Mrs. Charming.

CINDERELLA: And how was your day?PHILIP: My day was wondrous, and— (Notices her hands.) Look at your

hands! They’re covered in blisters.

CINDERELLA: I had to sweep the stairs in Rapunzel’s tower today.

That girl sheds like a Labrador!

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PHILIP: I hate that you have to work.

CINDERELLA: It’s okay. I’m used to it. I did it for my stepmother and

stepsisters before I met you, remember?

PHILIP: Yes. But this isn’t the life I promised you.

CINDERELLA: Don’t torture yourself.

PHILIP: I should never have—

CINDERELLA: Philip. It’s Christmas Eve. Let’s count our blessings.

PHILIP: (Looks around.)So far I count zero. Where are they?

CINDERELLA: (Calls OFF.)Hansel! Gretel!

HANSEL: (Rushes ON with GRETEL.)Here we are, Mother.

GRETEL: Wrong Way Hans here got lost again.

HANSEL: Oh, like every street in London doesn’t look the same.

GRETEL: I told him to drop bread crumbs.

HANSEL: I got hungry.

PHILIP: And where is your sister?

HANSEL: I’ll go find her.

GRETEL: No. You’ll never make it back.

TABITHA: Here I am, Daddy. (Hobbles in on two crutches. She is, of

course, our Tiny Tim character, although she’s an awful lot like aLittle Match Girl.)

PHILIP: There she is. (Runs to her and picks her up.)Who’s my little

match girl?


PHILIP: And did we sell any matches today?

TABITHA: I sold every one we had.

PHILIP: Every one?

TABITHA: Every one. (Hands over a few coins.)

PHILIP: We’re rich.

CINDERELLA: Maybe we have just enough for plum pudding after all.

KIDS: Yay!

CINDERELLA: Who’s ready to go home and make a Christmas feast?

KIDS: I am.

PHILIP: (Puts TABITHA up on his shoulders.)Shall we make it a race?

GRETEL: On your mark.HANSEL: Get set.

TABITHA: Go! (The happy FAMILY races OFF, laughing. HANSEL, of

course, runs OFF in the opposite direction of everyone else.)









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GRETEL: (From OFF.)Hansel! (HANSEL RE-ENTERS and runs OFF again

in the direction of his family. BIG BAD WOLF ENTERS, stomping

through the streets.)

MOTHER GOOSE: And while the Cratchits went home—

PHILIP: (Steps ON.)It’s Charming. Our name is Charming. (He’s OFF


MOTHER GOOSE: Right. Sorry. (To the AUDIENCE.)Ebenezer Scrooge

walked through the streets of London.

BIG BAD WOLF: What did I tell you about narrating?

MOTHER GOOSE: I’m telling them the story.

BIG BAD WOLF: Mypersonal story. This is copyright infringement.

MOTHER GOOSE: It’s public domain.BIG BAD WOLF: We’ll see about that.

MOTHER GOOSE: Scrooge went home to his lonely, cold house.


End of Scene One

Scene Two

The CREW brings on a bed made up with sheets and a blanket, a chair

and a small night table to create Scrooge’s bedroom. A nightshirt lieson the chair; a bowl, spoon and candle are on the nightstand. BIG BAD

WOLF sits on the bed and eats from the bowl.

MOTHER GOOSE: He sat in a corner, eating his curds and whey. When

along came a spider and sat down beside—

BIG BAD WOLF: (Stomps his foot, squashing that spider flat. He looks

at the bottom of his shoe.) You don’t pay rent. You can’t stay.

MOTHER GOOSE: The night was cold and dark. But darkness was

cheap, and Scrooge liked it.BIG BAD WOLF: (To MOTHER GOOSE.)Biographies are supposed to

be flattering.

MOTHER GOOSE: It’s unauthorized.

BIG BAD WOLF: You’ll be hearing from my lawyer.

MOTHER GOOSE: (Ignores him.)The wind howled. (SOUND EFFECT:

HOWLING WIND.)The old house creaked. (SOUND EFFECT: CREAKY

BOARDS.)And for some reason, Scrooge was very, very afraid.

BIG BAD WOLF: (Scared.)I’m not afraid.

MOTHER GOOSE: Candles flickered. (LIGHTS FLICKER.) Bells rang for

the dead. (SOUND EFFECT: RINGING BELLS.) A draft blew as cold

as the grave. (SOUND EFFECT: HOWLING WIND.) And then Scrooge

had a visitor. (SOUND EFFECT: SCARY MUSIC. Suddenly, JACOB









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MIDAS ENTERS. He’s covered in bling. Gold chains everywhere. And

some very real chains, too. Everything about him is gold and spooky.)

JACOB MIDAS: Boom, baby!


JACOB MIDAS: Oh, snap! I am back, baby. Who da’ man?

BIG BAD WOLF: How did you get in here?

JACOB MIDAS: Came in through the wall. (Looks at the room.) Oh,

snap, dawg. What a dump!

BIG BAD WOLF: Who are you?

JACOB MIDAS: In life, I was your partner, Jacob Midas.

BIG BAD WOLF: Jacob Midas?

JACOB MIDAS: In the flesh baby.


JACOB MIDAS: Nah, dawg. I’m dead. Baa-zing!

BIG BAD WOLF: Yeah. Right.

JACOB MIDAS: You don’t believe me.

BIG BAD WOLF: No. You died seven years ago this very night. You

can’t be here.

JACOB MIDAS: You don’t believe your own eyes. Why?

BIG BAD WOLF: Because anything can affect them. I could’ve eaten

something rotten. You could be a crumb of cheese or some nasty

French fries. There’s more gravy than grave about you.

JACOB MIDAS: Dude, seriously. Don’t do comedy. Oh, and by the way,

ahhhhhh! (Screams, ghostly and scary.)

BIG BAD WOLF: (Cowers.) All right. Okay. I believe. I believe in you.

Why do you wear those chains?

JACOB MIDAS: Oh, dawg, chicks dig a little bling. (Catches himself.)Oh, you mean these chains. I wear the chains I forged in life. I

made them link by link and yard by yard.

BIG BAD WOLF: You made them? Did you take a class or something?

JACOB MIDAS: Every cruel deed forged a new link. Every missed

chance to help my fellow man added another pound of cold iron.

You are making one just like it. Yours was as heavy and long as

this seven years ago. And, dawg, you been adding a little sumthin’

to it every day.BIG BAD WOLF: No, I’m not very crafty. I tried scrapbooking once


JACOB MIDAS: Every time you do something nasty, you add another


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BIG BAD WOLF: Oh, like it’s my fault. They call me Big Bad Wolf. I have

a brand to uphold.


BIG BAD WOLF: Oh, Jacob, relax. You’re freaking me out. Say

something nice.

JACOB MIDAS: I got nothin’, bro. Truth is hard. When I was alive, all I

cared about was the bling.

BIG BAD WOLF: You did have the golden touch.

JACOB MIDAS: I know. Everything I touched… Boom! Gold. Blazing

gold. And what good did it do me?

BIG BAD WOLF: You were a good man of business.

JACOB MIDAS: Business?! Mankind should’ve been my business.Charity. Tolerance.

BIG BAD WOLF: What do you want?

JACOB MIDAS: I came to warn youYour fate is worse than mine if you

don’t change your ways.

BIG BAD WOLF: I don’t understand.

JACOB MIDAS: You need compassion, love and kindness.

BIG BAD WOLF: Yeah. Right. But you know, they’re not really me.

JACOB MIDAS: That is why you need help.You’re gonna be visited bythree spirits.


JACOB MIDAS: Expect the first tonight when the clock strikes one.

BIG BAD WOLF: Hey, just spit-balling here. What if they all came at

once and got it over with?

JACOB MIDAS: The second will show up when the clock strikes two.

The third—

BIG BAD WOLF: —when the clock strikes three. I get it.

JACOB MIDAS: No, dawg. Don’t mess with the third. She’s wicked

cruel. She’ll show up when she feels like it.

BIG BAD WOLF: I don’t think I want this.

JACOB MIDAS: I am doin’ you a favor, dawg. Don’t screw this up.

BIG BAD WOLF: Will I see you again?

JACOB MIDAS: Not in this life. Make it a good one. Oh, and Ebenezer?


MIDAS is gone, and the room is just like it was.)

BIG BAD WOLF: (Looks around. Sees nothing.) Hah. Ghosts. Humbug.

(Takes off his jacket and puts on the nightshirt. Blows out the


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MOTHER GOOSE: And so Ebenezer Scrooge blew out his candle to

save the wax.

BIG BAD WOLF: Stop telling my story.

MOTHER GOOSE: And got into bed.

BIG BAD WOLF: This is my private room. You can’t be telling what

happens in here. (Climbs into bed.)

MOTHER GOOSE: He pulled the sheets over his head.

BIG BAD WOLF: You’re fired! (Pulls the sheets over his head.)

MOTHER GOOSE: I don’t work for you.


MOTHER GOOSE: Convinced that Jacob Midas was just a figment

of his imagination, Scrooge fell into a cold and dreamless sleep.Until…

End of Scene Two

Scene Three


BIG BAD WOLF: (Throws the sheets back and looks around.) One

o’clock. And all’s well. Hah! Ghosts. Spirits. Humbug! (There’s a

CRASH OFFSTAGE and IN comes MERIWETHER. She’s the perfectpicture of a fairy godmother right down to the flowing gown and

star-tipped wand. She also has an overloaded clipboard. She’s just

a little frazzled.)

MERIWETHER: Oh, higgelty piggelty! Am I late?


MERIWETHER: Oh, goodness no. Let’s see, let’s see… (Flips through

page after page on the clipboard.) …where am I tonight? Ah.

Ebenezer Scrooge?BIG BAD WOLF: Yes.

MERIWETHER: Well, hurrah. I’m in the right place.

BIG BAD WOLF: Are you the spirit who’s coming was foretold to me?

MERIWETHER: You’re expecting me? Well, giggle-lee-bip! That makes

things so much simpler. I don’t have to go through all the tedious

explanations and fine print. Let’s see, according to this purchase

order here you are a big bad wolf.

BIG BAD WOLF: (Climbs out of bed.)Yes.

MERIWETHER: My, what big hands you have!

BIG BAD WOLF: The better to make money with.

MERIWETHER: And what big eyes you have!

BIG BAD WOLF: The better to see money-making opportunities with.

End of script preview.

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Scene One: Stool, Scrooge’s office consisting of two tables, twostools, ledgers, quills

Scene Two: Stool, Scrooge’s bedroom consisting of bed with sheets

and blanket, chair, nightstand table. There’s a nightshirt on the

chair and a bowl, spoon and candle on the table

Scene Three: Stool, Scrooge’s bedroom, classroom consisting of a

freestanding blackboard and a few chairs, Fezziwig’s shoe shop

consisting of a podium and two worktables, and a park denoted

by a park bench

Scene Four: Stool, Scrooge’s bedroom, Jack and Mary’s house

consisting of some chairs, the Charming house consisting of a

table set with a meager meal, five chairs

Scene Five: Stool, Scrooge’s bedroom, gravestone

Scene Six: Stool, Scrooge’s bedroom


Scene One:Donation bucket with the words “Order of Victoria” (PIGS)

Coins (JACK)

Pair of crutches, coins (TABITHA)

Scene Three:

Star-tipped wand, clipboard with several pages (MERIWETHER)Bags (LITTLE BO PEEP, HUMPTY DUMPTY, EXTRA STUDENTS)


Hand fan (FAN)Shoeboxes (ELVES)


Fiddle (CAT)


Scene Four:Donation bucket with the words “Order of Victoria” (PIGS)


One crutch (TABITHA)Scene Five:

Scythe (QUEEN OF HEARTS)Blanket, sheets, bucket with jewelry including pocket watch (PIGS)


Bag of marbles (HANSEL)

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Scene Six:Donation bucket (PIGS)

Pocket watch, large bag of coins, slip of paper, golden egg, envelope

with train ticket (BIG BAD WOLF)

Wagon with turkey shaped bag (BLACK SHEEP)Baskets, food (EXTRA LONDONERS)


Howling wind, creaking boards, ringing bells, scary music, clock chimes,

fast dance music, slow dance music, thunder, cheerful music.


For a cast as large as 30 or more, include all 29 speaking parts plusseveral extras as indicated. Actors with very few lines can fill out other

scenes as extras.

For a smaller cast, significant doubling and even tripling is possible.

The cast can be as small as 16, though this would require several

significant costume changes.

Many of the fairy tale characters who only appear in one scene, such

as Little Bo Peep and Humpty Dumpty, can easily be changed to

another character, if desired. Figure out what works for you in terms ofcostumes and have fun!


Have a ball with this! Since this is a blending of the fairy tale world

and 19th century Victorian London, let’s blend the costumes as well.

The fun here is to mash-up the worlds. Again, it’s all representative, so

it’s whatever your budget will allow. Think big, bright colors for the fairy

tale clothes; earth tones for the Victorian clothing.For instance, BIG BAD WOLF can be dressed in full Scrooge wear, but

with wolf ears poking out of his top hat and a tail from his pants. He

can have furry gloves for his hands and a wolf’s nose with whiskers.

The THREE LITTLE PIGS can be costumed in baggy wool trousers, white

shirts with rolled-up sleeves and newsboy caps. They have pig ears,

noses and curly tails, too.

There are many characters that don’t need to blend into Dickens’

world. MERIWETHER, OLD KING COLE and QUEEN OF HEARTS canbe standard fairy tale costumes. There are no rules and this is your

playground, so go have fun!

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We hope you’ve enjoyed thisscript sample.

Please feel free to save it permanently

for future reference.If you wish to read the entire script online,

we invite you to create an account at


start your E-view subSCRIPTion today!

To place an order, visit our catalogat www.pioneerdrama.com or

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.