"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the theme of the poem famous by Naomi Shihab Nye?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Famous By Naomi Shihab Nye Summary

The poem “Famous” by Naomi Shihab Nye is a short but very impactful passage. Through repetition this poem suggests that fame is not necessarily what we think it is. Rather than it being a widespread reputation it is formulated by perspective. This poem is a perfect example of imagery."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Who originally sang You Are My Sunshine?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"This song 'You are my Sunshine' was first recorded in 1939 by Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Who said you are my moon and stars?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"\"You are my sun, my moon, and all my stars.\" - e. e. cummings | Funny quotes, Inspirational quotes, Quotes."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Who else sings the whole of the moon?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"\"The Whole of the Moon\" was covered by Jennifer Warnes on her 1992 album The Hunter, by Mandy Moore on her 2003 album Coverage, by Human Drama on the compilation New Wave Goes to Hell, by folk singer-songwriter Peter Mulvey on his 1995 album Rapture, by Terry Reid on his album The Driver and by Susan McFadden on the ..."}}]}}

my sun, you are my poetry - tae_bun00 (2024)

Welton Academy, the year 1959.

˚ ೀ⋆。˚ • ♪

"Gentlemen, what are the four pillars?"

Donghyuck Lee slightly rolled his eyes as the Principal preached the same monotonous speech at the first day back, but quickly stood up with the rest of the students.

"Tradition, honour, discipline, excellence"

The four words echoed throughout the church, Donghyuck taking a deep breathe before sitting down again. He let his leg bounce up and down in slight boredom, but stopped as his father elbowed his arm.
The Principal continued his speech, Donghyuck zoning out a bit.

"You will have the opportunity later to meet his replacement, Mr. Taeil Moon"
Donghyuck immediately focused on the noticeably younger teacher standing up behind the Principal, smiling slightly at the students, before taking a seat again.

Applause erupted, Donghyucks friend Chenle Zhong glancing back at him from his place in between his parents.
Donghyuck shrugged, but still applauded the new teacher.

On the other side of the big hall in the church sat Mark Lee, quietly in between his parents with his eyes focused on his hands.

They were clammy and trembling, but not enough for his parents to notice.
He couldn't understand why his parents all of the sudden thought it would've been a good idea to have him change schools - especially with the fact that he wasn't comfortable meeting new people and had trouble making new friends.
He had learned that it wasn't because of his personality, but more about the fact that he never really dared to show it.

The seventeen year old did not notice the students standing up to applaud one last time, but hastily did it after his mother softly pinched his hand.
He let out a sigh of relief as the teachers and the Principal walked out first - the students and their parents following after.

Mark saw his father walk up to the Principal, shaking his hand and exchanging words - before his mother shook the same hand and turned slightly towards her son.

"Hello Dr. Song," she had a bright smile on her face,
"This is our youngest, Mark".

The Principal looked at the teenager besides the woman, reaching out his hand.
"Mr. Lee. You have some big shoes to fill, young man." Mark shook his hand,
"Your brother was one of our finest".

Mark slightly nodded, not knowing what to say and blurted out a small "Thank you" before lightly pushing his mother to get away from the Principals stern gaze.

A couple of families down were the other Lees, Donghyuck following closely after his father as the older man greeted the Principal.

"Dr. Song!" Donghyucks father politely said, shaking the mans hand,
"Good to see you again!"
The Principal smiled,
"Mr. Lee," he exclaimed, before averting his gaze to the boy beside the father, "Donghyuck, I am expecting great things from you this year".

Donghyuck politely shook his hand, "Thank you, sir." he said with a smile, letting go of the Principals hand and looking at his father.
"Well, he won't disappoint, right Donghyuck?" his father asked, smiling to his son.
The boy nodded, before answering "I'll do my best, sir".

Donghyuck walks past the younger boys outside of the school entrance, having their Goodbye-Moments with their parents.
One young boy mutters to his mother "I don't want to go here", making Donghyuck chuckle.

'Imagine being hom*osexual and going here' he thinks, rolling his eyes as he walk into the hall outside the dormitories - 'Not that it has been a problem, though' he adds to the thought, before skimming through the names and read who would be his roommate.

'Mark Lee' was written besides his name, he had heard rumours that there would be a new student that left his previous school - but he hadn't received the memo that he would be his new roommate.

He rolled his eyes as he could see that his friends got pared up with people they already hung out with.
Donghyuck looks through the crowd - he recognises every one and doesn't see any newbies.

"Hey, Jacob!" Donghyuck utters, waving his hand to gain the said boys attention,
"Do you know or seen a Mark Lee?" he asks as Jacob locks eyes with him.
Jacob nods - pointing over to a boy who's walking out the door.
Donghyuck thanks him and walks after the black haired boy.

He sees through the window of the door that his new roommate stops and scratches the back of his head, looking at a piece of paper in his hands.

As 'Mark' turns slightly to the side, Donghyuck gets a peek of his face.
'Whoops, that might be a problem' he thinks, scanning the boys body once before opening the door.

"Hey!" Donghyuck greets with a smile, trying to gain the targets attention,
"I hear we're gonna be roommates!"

Mark looks up from his papers as the bright voice enters his ears.
He quickly sees a boy his age walking up to him - black hair longer than his and skin tanner.

Mark does a double take, ears faintly growing hot as the boy smiles at him and reaches out his hand.
"I'm Donghyuck Lee" the boy introduces himself, Mark shaking his hand back as they walk towards the actual dorms.
"Oh, I'm Mark Lee" Mark pipes back, Donghyuck smile growing bigger.

As they let go, Mark looks down at his hand - the warmth of the handshake lingering.

"They say you left your past school, why?" Donghyuck asks as they continue to walk.
"My brother, Taeyong, went here" he answers, eyeing Donghyuck who never lets his smile disappear.

Donghyuck hums, "Oh, so you're THAT Lee-family" he exclaims, smiling turning into a cheeky grin, Mark letting out a breathy laugh as he nods.

Mark takes a peek into the dorm - now filled with frantic students his and Donghyucks age, accompanied with their parents.

"It is always like this when a new semester starts" Donghyuck mumbles,
"Did you place your stuff in the storage room before the welcome ceremony?".
Mark shook his head,
"My belongings are still in the car" he says, pointing behind him.

The boy smiles again, making Mark widen his eyes slightly.
"I think it's good if you go and get them, the parents are about to leave" the slightly shorter suggests, Mark nodding and hastily walking off without another word.

Donghyuck furrow his eyebrows as he watches Mark hurriedly walk away, shaking his head as he walks over to the storage-unit and pulls his suitcases out.
He lets out a whine at the weight - but decides that he rather would get a quick muscle work out and carry it all at once instead of going back and forth.

As the sun-kissed boy walks past the students and into his room, he hears people greet him from the hall.
Donghyuck loudly greets them all with a "HELLO", before placing his stuff on one of the desks.

"Hyuck, study group tonight?"

Donghyuck turns around and locks eyes with fellow student, Jisung Park.

"Sung," Donghyuck voiced, small smile on his face,
"Yeah, sure".
Jisung nods, about to leave but then lets out a small chuckle, leaning his arm on the door,
"Hey, I heard you got the new kid," he laughs before continuing, "Looks like a STIFF" he utters, about to continue his laughter but stopped - as the said 'stiff' appears beside him.

Jisung widen his eyes slightly, blurts out a 'Whoops' as Mark walks past him in to the room.
Donghyuck holds back a chuckle as Jisung retreats to his own room without another word.
He notices Marks blank facial expression and shakes his head.

"Listen, don't mind Jisung" he says, gaining Marks attention,
"He's born with his foot in his mouth," Donghyuck lightly slaps Marks back before he pulls one of his heavy bags onto his bed,
"If you know what I mean".

Mark glances at him, a quiet hum leaving his mouth.
The two of them begin to organise their stuff, but almost immediately were interrupted by three boys appearing by their bedroom door.

"Rumour has it,"

Donghyuck rolls his eyes as he recognised the voice.
He averted his gaze to the three boys standing in the door-frame with coy smiles on their faces.

"You did summer school" the blonde boy, also known as the 'Social-Butterfly' Chenle, finishes off - a smug smile on his face as he points at Donghyuck.

The black haired boy lets out a chuckle as he walks up to the trio,
"Yup," he counters, "Chemistry, the almighty father Lee thought I should get ahead". Donghyuck shakes his hand with Chenles, a challenging smile forming on his lips,
"How was your summer, Slick?"

Chenle rolls his eyes as he squeezes Donghyucks hand a little too tightly.
"Keen." he simply answers the question, a scoff leaving the tallest of the trio.
"Every letter you sent me were filled with the word 'Boring' written all over the paper." Jaemin Na noted, making Chenle glare at him as he walked in to the room.

The two other followed him,
"Huang, door, closed" Chenle instructed, t
he smallest of the three letting out a small chuckle before saying "Yes, sir".

Mark stiffened the slightest at the now closed room filled with himself and four boys he did not know, Donghyuck standing closest to him as the blonde took a seat on the bed on the other side of his.

"Gentlemen," Donghyuck spoke, "What are the four pillars?" he asked, the other three groaning.
In unison, they all recited - "Travesty, horror, decadence, excrement".

The group erupted in laughters after, making Mark slightly smile.

The new student had his eyes focused on his bag, trying to make himself as unnoticeable as possible while the four others continued their chat.

"Okay, so" Chenle said as he laid down on Donghyucks bed,
"Huang aced Latin and Math, I didn't fully flunk English and Na can kind of read I guess," Jaemin flipped the blonde off, causing Chenle to chuckle.
"So if you're in, we have a stable study-group".

Donghyuck nodded, glancing at Mark, who had his lips pressed in to a thin line.
"Sure, Jisung asked me as well,"
Renjun groaned as he heard the name,
"Anyone mind including him?" Donghyuck asked, teasingly smiling towards the annoyed boy sitting by his desk.

"What is his specialty? Annoying the bejesus out of everyone?" Chenle jokes, eyes averting to Jaemin who laughed.
"He is YOUR roommate" Donghyuck notes, making Chenle raise his hands in defence,
"Dude, that is not my fault".

Donghyuck glances at Mark again, the boy he noticed was taller than him, still looked tense.

"Speaking of roommates," Donghyuck gently grabs Marks shoulders, turning him around so that he is facing his group of friends,
"This is Mark Lee" he introduces the tense boy, a big smile on his lips.

Renjun immediately smiles, "Oh, I am so sorry for not introducing myself, I'm Renjun Huang" the brunette says, shaking hands with Mark that mumbles a small 'hello'.
"I'm Jaemin Na" a boy with lighter brown hair introduces himself, a bright smile on his lips as he shakes Marks nervous hand.

"Chenle Zhong"

Mark turns around and looks at the blonde laying on Donghyucks bed, a smirk on his lips which makes Mark blink twice before looking back at his suitcase.
Donghyuck glares at his friend, mouthing 'Don't make him nervous, dipsh*t'.
Chenle shrugs, eyeing the newbie.

"Marks brother is Taeyong Lee" Donghyuck continues, making the boys let out impressed hums.
"Valedictorian and National Merit scholar" Renjun exclaims, bright smile on his face.
"Oh, well," Jaemin chimes in, "Welcome to Hell-ton" he jokes, Mark slightly smiling at him.

"It is just as tough as they say," Chenle adds, "Of course unless you're a genius, like Huang".
Renjun rolls his eyes, "He only flatters me because I help him with Latin".

A knock interrupts them, and as the door opens the three boys sitting quickly stands up.
"Mr. Lee" they all greet, looking at Donghyucks father.
Donghyuck widens his eyes, "Father, I thought you already left".

Mr. Lee gestures for the boys to take a seat again.

"Donghyuck, me and the Principal spoke and we came to the conclusion that you are taking too many extracurricular activities this semester - and we've decided that you will drop the Choir".
The boy parts his lips, eyebrows drawn together,
"B-but, I auditioned and they are counting on-"

"Fellas," Mr. Lee declares, "Excuse us for a moment".

Donghyuck squeezes his eyes shut as his father leaves the bedroom first, he sighs and glances at Chenle before walking out of the room.

Mr. Lee stands in the hallway of the dormitory, jaw clenched as his son walks out.
"Don't you ever dispute me in public" he hisses, Donghyuck leaning against the wall,
"I-I didn't-"
"Until you are finished with medical school - I make the decisions, is that clear?"

Donghyucks father asks him, making his son take a deep breathe.
"Yes, sir, I'm sorry." Donghyuck breathes out.

Mr. Lee nods, "You know how much this means to your mother".
Donghyuck nods, smiling slightly "Yes, but you know me - always taking on too much".
His father lets out a small laugh,
"Well, that's my boy" he simply says, taking a hold of his sons hand and shakes it.
"Let us know if you need anything" he utters, before giving Donghyuck a slap to the arm and leaves.

Donghyuck watches as his father walks away, leaning his head back and lets out a sigh.

Chenle walks out of the room - as always accompanied by Jaemin.

"He really doesn't let you do what you want to?" Chenle asks, making Donghyuck roll his eyes.
"Just tell him off, Hyuck" Jaemin adds, making Donghyuck raise an eyebrow.
"Like the two of you talk back to your parents, rich coming from Mr. Future-Lawyer and Mr. Future-Banker" he spits back, Chenle chuckling.

"Okay, so we don't like it more than you do, Mr. Future-Doctor" the blonde says, trying to joke it off but Donghyuck just bit his inner cheek.
"Just," he let out a frustrated breathe as Renjun joins them,
"Don't tell me what to do, especially not when all of you are just like me" he mutters.

"Fine, sorry," Jaemin says, "So what? You're dropping the Choir? You looked so excited about it last ye-"
"Yes I am, and I don't care, it's worthless anyways" Donghyuck interrupts, pushing past his friends and back into his room.

His three friends looks at him, trying to give him comforting smiles.
"So, my room after dinner - Latin perhaps?" Renjun suggests, Donghyuck nodding in response.

"Mark," the boy that now sat by his desk looked up from his book in confusion,
"You are welcome to join us" Jaemin added, Mark nodding hesitantly.
"Yeah, thanks" he says, and the trio left.

Donghyuck sighed as he looked out of the window, stretching his neck.

Mark let his eyes look away from the door-frame where the trio just had been standing in - his gaze falling on the back of his roommate.
He silently breathed out a deep breathe, not wanting to be too curious and noisy, but at the same time wish he could help out the seemingly stressed boy.

The boy in front of the window was somewhat mesmerising, the way he spoke and acted in front of his friends showed that he was sure of himself, knew that his friends liked him and had an established friendship group - but watching his whole demeanour falter when his father walked in was truly interesting.

Mark couldn't deny either that there was something.. celestial about his roommate.

The way his hair was longer than the others, his skin tanner like he had been kissed by the sun and, lips pinker - not that Mark had been looking.
He was a boy that was serious about his academic studies, but still had that playful glint in his eyes.
His frame was smaller, compared to Marks, both because of his size but also because of the way he was slouching.
And that smile.. Mark couldn't even hide the way the other boys smile made him freeze just the slightest.

"Mark," Donghyuck uttered, making the said boy widen his eyes,
"I can see you staring, in the reflection of the window".

Mark parts his lips and feels his cheeks grow red, "S-sorry, I just-".
"I am fine, just had to get my head straight again - needed a reality check," Donghyuck says, looking back at his roommate with a small smile.

Mark simply nodded, looking at his watch with cheeks still red in embarrassment, one if his hands travelling to his chest - rubbing it softly to ease the sudden flood of anxiety.

Donghyuck let out a sigh once again, pulling off his knitted sweater.
Mark quickly looked at the movement, but looked back at his watch when he noticed that the younger was only dressed in his slacks and a t-shirt.

"I am taking a quick shower, before Latin class," Donghyuck simply said before taking a towel and a fresh set of clothes.
Mark nodded as a response, eyes following Donghyucks body as his roommate walked out.

˚ ೀ⋆。˚ • ♪

Mark did in fact not take Jaemins up on his offer to study Latin after dinner.

He had been sitting behind the friendgroup during the two afternoon classes, also being formally introduced to Jisung and another boy named Jeno.
The quiet boy had sat at the edge of their table at dinner - but did not feel comfortable to engage in the conversations they were having.

Instead, Mark now found himself sitting by his desk - alone in the shared bedroom.
He had his books in front of him, but there was no attempt to open either one of them.

The seventeen year old tapped his pen on the table, leaning his head back.
Their bedroom was quite gloomy looking.
One big closet by the door, two beds on either side of a window, desks at the end of the beds.
But it didn't bother Mark, he didn't except much anyways.

He once again looked at his wristwatch, noticing the clock had passed eight already.
Mark wondered when Donghyuck was getting back, the rule said that every boy had to be in their bedroom with the light turned off at nine.
The boy glanced at the door, and like magic it opened.

"Hi Mark, you're still awake?" Donghyuck asked with a smile, hands holding books.
Mark nodded, looking at his pen that now laid on the table.

Donghyuck smiled at Marks back, placing his books down on his desk.
The sun-kissed male let out a yawn.
"Damn, I am totally bushed" he said, making Mark smile to himself.

Donghyuck glanced at his roommate.
"How are you, Mark? Tired?" he asked, sensing that the new student was feeling uncomfortable in the new school.
Mark turned slightly in his chair, looking at the smaller boy leaning on his desk.

He nodded at his roommates question,
"Yeah, sorry that I skipped on the study-group" he said, making Donghyuck chuckle.
"No worries, I get that it can be intense the first day - and spending the evening with Chenle on top of that" the celestial boy joked, eyes looking for contact with Marks, but the said boy let his eyes dart around the room instead.

Donghyuck bit his inner cheek, the boy who have a winsome energy around him had not slipped out of Donghyucks mind all evening.
The boy that was now looking out of the dark window, hair damp from a previous shower and specs resting on the bridge of his nose, fascinated Donghyuck.

He had heard so many stories about the almighty Taeyong Lee, the valedictorian that was just as smart as he was kindhearted.
Taeyong had been involved in most of the school activities, took care of his same-age friends just as much as he took care of the younger students.
The older Lee was seen as the optimal student, and it was like him you should strive to be like.

But now, looking at his younger brother that was nervously fiddling with his hands against his chest under Donghyucks fixated gaze, the sun-kissed boy couldn't help but grow curious.
How could they be so different?

"I am going to get ready for bed" Donghyuck suddenly says,
"We have English Literature with that new teacher at eight tomorrow".
Mark nods, clearing his throat as the boy grabs his pyjamas from the closet.

˚ ೀ⋆。˚ • ♪

"So, does anyone know anything about this new teacher?"

Donghyuck looks up from his book, as Chenle slams down his own book on the desk beside him.
The black haired boy shrugs as Jaemin takes a seat in front of the blonde,
"I heard that he has a different way of teaching than Mr. Smith" the light-brunette says, making Chenle chuckle,
"I sure hope he f*cking does, Mr. Smiths classes were always a snooze-fest".

Donghyuck smiled at his two friends, Renjun taking a seat in front of him and Jeno to the left of him.
"Hyuck, how's the roomie?" he asks in a whisper, glancing at Mark sitting a few desks in front of them.

Donghyuck looks over, tilting his head slightly as he noticed Mark sitting in his usual tensed-filled posture.
"I don't know, he's cute," Donghyuck blurted out, but quickly cleared his throat,
"Like, he seems very shy, and has a sweet demeanour, like he kind of reminds of Flower from the movie Bambi".

Renjun tilts his head, glances at Mark, and looks back at Donghyuck.
"Sure, whatever you say" he chuckles, Donghyuck snorts.

'f*cking hell, I have to remember not to say everything I think out loud', Donghyuck scolds himself.

His thoughts were interrupted as an adult stepped in to the room, a cheeky smile on his lips.
"Hello students," he exclaims,
"My name is Taeil Moon, and I will be your English Literature teacher this year".

The students all mumbles small 'Hello' and 'Welcome' to the adult.
"I hope we can all work well together this year - I personally know how good old Mr. Smith ran his classroom,"
Donghyuck furrowed his eyebrows, Chenle tilted his head.

Mr. Moon chuckled, "I hoped that it wouldn't have shocked you this much to know that I, in fact, also had Mr. Smith as my teacher when I studied here".
The teacher suddenly clicked his tongue, before walking out of the classroom.

Donghyuck let his eyes follow Mr. Moon in curiosity, the man disappearing before suddenly looking back in to the classroom.
"Well? Come on, lazy-bones, you are in your prime-time for moving" he instructs, gesturing with his hands to follow him.

Chenle immediately jumps out of his seat, an intrigued smile on his lips.
The rest of the students follows the jumpy blonde, and are met by Mr. Moon standing by the glassed wall outside of the classroom.

"You all have walked past these pictures hundreds of times, but you have probably never taken a minute of your time to actually look at these boys who were here before you,"
Mr. Moon says, hand waving in front of the pictures of precious students.
"And," he gestures for the boys to come closer,
"Who do you think this handsome fella is?" he cheekily asks - pointing at a picture of a student with a bright smile and a guitar in his lap.

"Do we get plus points if we compliment this handsome fella?" Chenle asks, a coy smile on his lips as Mr. Moon chuckles,
"I am not one to turn down flattery," the teacher jokes, the boys to starting to laugh.
"It is a picture of me, during my last year here at Welton, or Hell-ton as it's infamously called," the teacher continues.

Donghyuck is stunned by the teachers way of talking with his student.
"Mr...?" The teacher looks at Jisung,
"Mr. Park" Jisung introduces himself with a small smile.
Mr. Moon smiles, "Great, Mr. Park - can you be so kind and read what is written under my picture?"
Jisung nods and squints his eyes,
"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may".

"Great, Mr. Park, 'Gather ye rosebuds while ye may', the Latin term for that sentiment is 'Carpe Diem' - now who knows what that means?" the teacher continues.

Renjun raises his hand, Mr. Moon pointing at him with a smile,
"Carpe Diem, that's 'seize the day', if I am no totally off" the brunette answers.

Mr. Moon nods approvingly, "Very good, Mr..?"
"Huang." Renjun says, small smile on his face.
"Fantastic - 'Seize the day', 'Gather ye rosebuds while ye may' - now why would I use the the second version?" Mr. Moon asks.

"Because you're in to gardening?" Chenle asks, a slight smug smile on his lips.
Mr. Moon makes a loud ding-noice,
"Wrong, thank you for playing Mr..?"
"Mr. Na" Chenle says, making Jaemin elbow him.

The students, together with the teacher, chuckles - "You must be Mr. Zhong, the Principal did warn me that I would have the pleasure of having you in my class".

Chenle shrugs slyly, winking at Jaemin who rolled his eyes.

"Because we are food for worms, lads," Mr. Moon declares,
"And believe or not - one day each and everyone of us will stop breathing, turn cold and die, and if we don't seize the day," Mr. Moon takes a deep breathe,
"If we don't try to do what we want, follow our dreams and test our limits - we have wasted a day, and we have missed an opportunity that might've been our last".

Donghyuck presses his lips into a thin line as he watches the teacher stand with such authority, but still has a welcoming body language.

"Carpe diem, boys - seize the day, every day, and make your lives extraordinary".

˚ ೀ⋆。˚ • ♪

"Wasn't English Lit. today like, the weirdest class we've ever had?"
Jaemin asked as the boys were in the locker room after the last class of the day - Physical Education.

Renjun hummed, drying his hair, "It was.. special".
"I thought it was different, but in like a good way." Donghyuck admits, pulling back the shower curtain that had hidden his naked body, now only wearing a towel around his waist.

Donghyuck, even though he knew he was gay, had never really had a problem being in a locker room with his fellow friends and classmates - even though he would see them bare.

It had never really been a big deal, which he was extremely thankful for.

The sun-kissed male walked up to his bag that had his clean set of clothes in it, turning around to say something to Chenle - but was met by Marks face and bare upper-body.
"O-oh, sh*t, sorry" Mark whispers, eyes glancing at the tan chest, before quickly stepping to the side.

Donghyuck chuckles, biting his inner cheek as he gets a glimpse of his roommates broad and bare shoulders and toned chest - before the male pulls a t-shirt over his head.
He takes a silent breathe in, before getting interrupted again, this time by Jisung.

"Chemistry study-group tonight?" the boy asks,
"Yes, please" Jaemin agrees, making Chenle cackle at the slight eye roll from the taller,
"I'm in too" Donghyuck says, Renjun humming in agreement.


Chenle dramatically gasps as the P.E-teacher calls him out, rolling his eyes at the un-called for attention he suddenly had.

Donghyuck dries his hair with a smaller towel, glancing at Mark that was now seated on the bench - eyes glues to the floor.
He snaps his fingers in front of his roommates face,
"How about you, Mark? Coming to the study-group tonight?" he asks,
Mark looks up from the floor, letting his eyes flick from the boys face to his chest before he slightly shakes his head,
"Uh- N-no, I have some history I need to work on" Mark blurts out, once again looking at the boys chest.

Donghyuck notices it, but pushes any thoughts away and simply says,
"Suit yourself" with a small smile, walking up to one of the mirrors.

Mark lets his eyes linger on the small back of his roommate, the tan skin that has small moles delicately placed on it.

He doesn't understand what makes his eyes so attached to the physique of the sun-kissed, but whenever Mark looks at him - it is like he gets enchanted and has to force himself with all his strength to look away.

He doesn't understand how this could happen to him, when Donghyuck is a boy.

"Now, I know that English Literature can be.. a snooze fest, if you work with it in the wrong way."

Chenle slapped Jaemins back as Mr. Moon said this,
Jaemin glaring back at him as Chenle mouthed 'That's what I said'.

"And you all are seventeen, going to this well established school - and I can imagine you have at least read some of the classics," Mr. Moon stands behind his desk, hands resting on the back of his chair,
"Our first few weeks in this class we will be focusing on Poetry, and yes - OF COURSE we can read through this dusty old book that we've been assigned to follow, but do you all want to know how I learned to love poetry and literature?"
Everyone nodded, making Mr. Moon smile.

"Songwriting" he simply says, making the students chuckle.

Mr. Moon raises an eyebrow, causing the classroom to fall silent again.
"Now, you all probably thought that 'Oh, but what has songwriting, and poetry, and all of this to do with my future goals', am I right Mr. Future-Lawyer?"
The teacher averts his eyes to Jaemin, who parts his lips and tries to come up with an excuse.

Mr. Moon raises his hands,
"I understand - but we don't write songs or poetry because it is cute, we do it because of the PASSION" the teacher states,
"For the passion brings people together, now matter who you are or what you work with - music, songwriting and poetry is for everyone and anyone who dares to try it out".

Donghyuck lets a smile form on his lips as he watches his teacher talk so passionately about the subject.

"Yes, being a banker, a lawyer, a doctor or a teacher - it is novel pursuits and necessary to sustain life," Mr. Moon agrees, walking to the front of his desk and leaning on it.
"But music, writing, poetry, beauty, love - these are what we stay alive for".

Donghyuck lets out a sigh, pressing his lips into a thin line - getting lost in thoughts as Mr. Moon continues his lecture.

"He is so weird" Chenle whispers to him, smile so big that it almost broke his face in two.
Donghyuck lets out a silent chuckle, nodding in agreement.
"We should look in the library for the senior annual, to see if we can find any more information about him - since he went here?" Donghyuck whispered back, Chenle nodding in agreement.

The black haired boy looks to the front, seeing Mark doodling on his paper,
"I'll go get it, take Mark with you to our table, okay?" he whispers, Chenle nodding slightly - eyes flicking from his friend to his friends roommate.

Donghyuck quickly ran off to the library as Mr. Moon dismissed them, while Mark now was trapped between the way too talkative Chenle and the hangry Jaemin.

"Hyuck told us to bring you to our table, so that you don't eat by yourself" Chenle says to Mark, making Jaemin send him a glare,
"What this DUMBASS means is, we would like for you to eat lunch with us" Jaemin says, making Mark slightly chuckle.
"Thanks" he mumbles, following the boys into the dining hall.

The quiet boy sat between Jeno and Jisung, biting on his bottom lip as his eyes stayed glued on the empty seat in front of him, holding back his hand from raising up to his chest.
He took a bite of the mashed potatoes on his table, relief washing over him as a giddy Donghyuck appeared.

"Guys!" he exclaims in a hushed tone,
"I found it, with Mr. Moon!".
He gives Renjun the book as he looks around, making sure that no teacher saw him.
"Hi, Mark!" he smiles as he notices his roommate looking at him, the said boy blinking hastily before giving him a small nod, looking down at his food.

Renjun flips through the book, his finger sliding over a page with the letter M on it.
"Oh my God," he chuckles, "Look at our teacher".

He shows a picture of Taeil Moon - the black and white picture shows that he had dark hair and thick glasses - as well as some pimples on his face.

"Taeil Moon," Renjun begins to read,
"Known at school by his nickname 'Taeil-Time' because he always made sure to have time to do everything he wanted, the church pianist his two last years,
voted 'The Man Everyone Adored' and part of," Renjun stops reading as he narrows his eyes,
"The NCT?" he reads, making the rest of the boys tilt their heads in confusion.

Mark widen his eyes,
"Wait, NCT?" he asked, Renjun nodding.
"My brother was part of something like that as well - he never told me much except that it stood for 'NeoClassical-Twerps', if I remember correctly" Mark mumbles, looking flipping the pages towards the letter L - pointing at the picture of his brother.

"Neoclassical?" Chenle asks, mouth full of food.
"Probably from the word 'Neoclassicism' - the main movement was during the 18th century though, focusing on art, music, theatre and more" Renjun answers, after giving Chenle a disgusted look.
"Let's find Mr. Moon after history, just to ask him a little about it?" Donghyuck suggest, the rest of the boys nodding in agreement.

Mark followed the friend group out on the field, Donghyuck having his eyes set on the teacher walking in front of them.

"Mr. Moon!" he shouted after him, but the said man continued his stroll.
Donghyuck shouted his name again, but then decided to try something bold,
"Mr. Taeil-Time?"

Their teacher turned around with a bright smile on his face.
"Now, THAT name," he points at Donghyuck, "Was a long time since I last heard it".

The students chuckle, Renjun giving their teacher the book.
Mr. Moon looks at the page, a smile appearing on his lips.
"Wow, would you look at that" he mutters, shaking his head slightly.

Donghyuck clears his throat, "Would you mind telling us what the 'NCT' was?".
Taeil smiles brightly, "NCT.. Wow, yeah - well, it was a small club me and my friends made, we would write different lyrics, poetry, stories - anything, really, usually to help us gather the courage to talk to women on our breaks" he begins,

"We would usually sit in the basem*nt of the school, you probably already know about the empty storage room that only the cleaning ladies use between seven and eight in the evening - otherwise it is completely empty" the boys raises their eyebrows, making Mr. Moon chuckle,
"Well, now you know" he says, then looks at the picture of himself again,
"It was me, my roommate Doyoung and my friends Johnny, Yuta, Taeyong and Kun,
plus that little rascal Ten" he chuckles at the memories.

"Taeyong is Marks older brother," Chenle suddenly says, making Mark let out a sigh.

Taeil Moon looks at the quiet black haired boy,
"I know, Taeyong called me before this school-year and told me that you would also be new to the school" he says, smiling at Mark who faintly smiles back.
"Now, gentlemen - burn this book, we wouldn't want anyone else to see this picture of me" Mr. Moon jokes, handing the book back to Donghyuck, before continuing his stroll.

The students stay still, Donghyuck forming a smile on his lips,
"Then, I know what we'll be doing tonight" he cheekily smiles at the group.
Chenle nodded in agreement, slapping Donghyucks arm.

Jisung lets his jaw drop, "What? Do you know how much trouble we might get in to?".
"Then don't come, Jesus" Chenle whines, Jisung glaring at him.
Donghyuck starts walking back to the school - "Imagine how cool it would be, it is our last year, come ON" he exclaims,
"Jeno?" he asks the one boy that starts walking ahead of him.

The said boy sighs, "I don't know Hyuck, I already have trouble with some classes"
"Well," Donghyuck looks around, "Renjun will help you, right? Renjun you're in?"
Renjun nodded, "I'll try everything once".
"Except for sex" Chenle mumbles, making Renjun flip him off.

As the boys enter the school, Chenle immediately darts off to the library to find a map of the school, knowing that it usually was one in the History of Welton Academy.

The rest of the group make their way to the common room by their dormitories, five of them walking up to a table a little further away from the teacher in charge of silence in the room - but Mark made the decision to take a seat at another table.

This was Marks main problem - he always felt like was intruding, especially since it was noticeable that the group already had an established dynamic.
He let out a sigh as he pulled a random book from one of the shelfs, watching the group of boys whisper between themselves - then waving over Chenle who just entered.
He nibbled on his bottom lip as we watched Donghyuck perk up, eyes filled with excitement.

Donghyuck traced the map of the school with his finger, pointing at a room in the basem*nt.
"This must be it" he whispers, Renjun nodding in agreement.
Jisung sighed, "We are going to get in so much trouble if we run around the school in the middle of the night".
Chenle groans, "Then why don't you just stay in our room?" he asks annoyed, Jisung rolls his eyes as an answer.

The longhaired boy chuckles at the two of them, then notices Mark sitting a few tables down, the other black haired looking down in his book - hand doing that one particular chest-movement.

He quietly walks over, slides down the bench and makes his shoulder hit his roommates.
"Mark, are you joining us tonight?" he asks in a whisper, a smile on his face.

The said boy looks around, eyes falling on to the sun-kissed boys before looking down in his book again.
"N-no," he whispers back, licking his lips as Donghyuck leans his head closer to his.
"Why not?" Donghyuck asks, "You heard Mr. Moon, your brother was in it - wouldn't be cool to share that with him? Be the next generation?".

Mark lets out a deep sigh, "I don't," he scrunches his nose, "I don't think I could bring anything, to the group, you know?".
Donghyuck tilts his head, Mark following the way his slightly wavy hair falling to the side. "Why not?" he asks.
"B-because, I don't like.. talking or reading or having people hear me.." Mark squeezes his eyes shut, "I don't like attention, on me - in case I embarrass myself".

Donghyuck watches Marks lips form the words, slightly stuttering.
The boy noticeably regretting the sentences leaving him.
He places his hand on his roommates arm.

"I am sorry, Mark, I didn't know you really felt like that" he whispered, squeezing the arm in the slightest.
Mark had his eyes glued on the tan hand on his jacket, a warm feeling fuelling his body - but swallowed it down, trying to ignore it.

"I'm sorry, Donghyuck - I just, I don't want to do it" he whispers back, eyes looking back at the book.
Donghyuck nodded, pulling his hand away.
He was about to let it go, then an idea popped up in his head,
"Wait," he whispers, "What if you just sat with us, you could hang out and just listen - no pressure, no need to do anything?".

Mark blinks, face confused, "B-but, that isn't how it seemed to be during my brother ti-"
"Forget that" Donghyuck whispers with a smile, "I'll talk to them, you should be there with us, you're one of us now".
Mark looks Donghyuck in the eyes for a short second, feeling his ears turn red.
"You sure, you would," he clears his throat,
"You would do that for me?" he asks, hesitantly.

Donghyuck nodded, giving his roommates hand a quick squeeze,
"I am not afraid of using my charms" he says with a wink.
Marks big eyes blinked, eyes flicking between the pretty smile and the bright eyes,
"Thank you, Donghyuck" he whispered, looking down at his book again.
Donghyuck giggled, earning a loud cough from Mr. Owens, patting Marks broad shoulder before leaving his roommate.

Their hearts beating just above their normal pace.

Donghyuck sat on his bed, dressed in his pyjamas as he listened to the teacher in charge of keeping night guard this night walk his last round.

He let his eyes fall on Mark, the boy half asleep on his bed with his history book open and resting on his hoodie-clothed chest.
The sun-kissed took a moment to observe his roommates features.
He had a well sculpted face, high and prominent cheekbones.
His eyes were big, and kind of trippy to look in to.. the few times Donghyuck had gotten the opportunity to.

Mark had pretty lips, Donghyuck unfortunately noticed - and the one or two times he had seen an actual smile on them, he had really liked it.
And his cheeks seemed to always be slightly flushed, making the same-age boy seem cute.

The problem was that he had a more toned body - that didn't really fit his face.
Donghyuck could handle cute guys, all of his friends were cute - even Jeno and Jaemin who were more muscular than the other four.
But what Donghyuck COULDN'T handle were cute, hot AND shy guys.

And unfortunately.. Mark fell in to that category.

'What the f*ck am I doing, I can't be thinking of my straight and probably hom*ophobic roommate like this' Donghyuck thinks to himself, rubbing his face harshly, before a light knock could be heard from the door.

Donghyuck stood up, shaking Mark slightly to wake him up.
"Oh, an angel" Mark blurts out in a mumble as he sleepily looks at Donghyuck.
The roommate tilts his head, Mark rubbing his eyes and widens them as he notice Donghyuck look at him.

The taller of the two clears his throat, taking his book away from his chest and places it on the floor.
Donghyuck bites back a small smile, walking up to the door instead of dwelling on whatever Mark had meant.. if he even had meant anything.

Chenle, Jaemin, Jisung, Renjun and Jeno stood on the other side of the door - holding a light switch each.

"Were you sucking each other off or something? Why did it take so long to open the door?" Chenle asks with an eyebrow raised.
Donghyuck felt his heart drop, before hastily laughing,
"N-no," he chuckled, "Mark fell asleep and I was waking him up and-"
"Hyuck, take it easy, Lele was only joking - we know you wouldn't do anything like that" Renjun calms the noticeable stressed out boy.

Chenle laugh, "Yes, Hyuckie - take a joke" he whispers before gesturing with his head towards the hall.

Donghyuck presses his lips into a thin line, nodding his head with a plastered smile on his lips.
"Mark, you ready?" he asks as he turns around, the said boy still looking tired bit nodding nonetheless.
The two roommates wears their black robes, quietly tiptoeing through the dark corridors towards the basem*nt.

"WOW, I can't believe this actually exists"

"Lele, shut the f*ck up"

"Make me Ja- OUCH"

Mark yawns again, walks last in after Donghyuck.
Even though he was tired, he noticed the boy not being his usually cheery self - especially compared how he had been a couple of hours before when they planed this whole thing out.
He decided to ask later, because it might be difficult for him to talk with so much people around.

"Gentlemen," Donghyuck cleared his throat,
"Lets take our seats and start our first NCT-meeting" he declares, the boys sitting in circles.
Donghyuck scratched his head, "I just realised that I have no clue what were supposed to do," he chuckles, making Mark unconsciously smile as he looked up at the boy that still stood on his feet.

"Does anyone have anything to read.. or sing?" Donghyuck asks, Chenle clearing his throat,
"I got this darling-dove, take a seat".
Donghyuck rolled his eyes, taking a seat besides Mark - their knees touching.

The sun-kissed quickly glances at Mark, his roommate already looking at him but averting his gaze quickly - a small smile could faintly be seen on his lips.
Donghyuck bit back a smile and looked at Chenle, that now stood on his feet.

"Dear men," he starts, Donghyuck already getting a bad feeling,
"I present to you," he unravels a paper he's holding.
"The woman".

The rest of the boys whistles as the blonde holds a poster of a very naked lady.
Donghyuck averts his gaze, rolling his eyes the slightest.
"And my short little lyrics is from our dear Elvis Presleys song 'Mean Woman Blues',"
Chenle cleared his throat, giving the poster to Donghyuck who gladly took it - holding it so that he didn't have to see it.

"She kiss so hard, she bruise my lips
Hurts so good, my heart just flips.
Oh, I got a woman.
Mean as she can be,
Sometimes I
think she's almost as mean as me"

Chenle does a deep bow after his small lyrics part, the boys applauding him.
Donghyuck throws the poster back at him,
"Yup, you're dying a virgin" he teases, making Chenle gasp.
"Now we're just being mean" the blonde says with a pout - making Jaemin let out a fake-gagging sound.

"Okay, I think it's time to go - Chenle is obviously out of it" Donghyuck notes, leg bouncing on the floor, glancing at Marks wristwatch that showed that they had been down in the basem*nt for about two hours, only laughing and blurting out lyrics from different new songs.

Chenle was at the moment showing off how he could do a split, whining slightly as Jaemin pulled him up.
The seven boys tiptoed back up the stairs, Jeno walking first but freezing as he heard walking down the hall.

"f*ck, someone is there - hurry" he whisper-shouted, pointing at the door to a smaller janitors-closet Donghyuck and Mark stood the closest to.

Donghyuck opened it, rushing in with the rest of the boys closely after, before Jeno quietly shut the door.

"Jaemin, get off my foot"

"It is not me you dingus"

"Chenle did you forget to brush your teeth?"

Donghyuck rolled his eyes in the dark, his friends whisper-yelling at each other while he was pressed up against the back of the closet.

"Sorry that I am standing so close to you" he heard Mark whisper right by his ear, the scent of the mint-toothpaste entering the sun-kissed's nose.
He could also feel the warmth from his roommates
body that was lightly pressing up against his.
Donghyuck thanked the lord that it was pitch black in the closet, otherwise his friends would've been suspicious of the way his cheeks were burning up at the proximity.

"It's okay" Donghyuck whispered back, tensing slightly.
He could here Mark let out a small chuckle, before Jeno whispered,
"I think he went back in to his room - let's go".

Donghyuck lets out a breathe as Mark walks out, shaking his head slightly before following him and hastily getting into their room, forgetting to wave goodbye to his friends.

"Wow," Mark mumbles, "That was kind of nice" he whispers to himself with a small smile. Donghyuck picking it up and nodding.
"Yeah, that basem*nt was not as scary as I thought" he agrees, making Mark tilt his head before widening his eyes.
"Oh, yeah - exactly" he nods, pulling up the covers on his bed before laying down.

Donghyuck sighs silently as he rubs his arms, opening the wardrobe closet to find a sweatshirt or anything to not be cold.
He could feel something thick growing in his throat, brain all of the sudden zoning out - the seventeen year old blinking slowly, sight slightly blurring.

"You okay?" Mark pipes from the darkness, noticing his roommates sudden halt of movements.
"Mhm, just cold" Donghyuck simply answers, voice just above a whisper.

Mark cleared his throat, "N-no, I meant like... you seemed a bit sad or.. gloomy when we walked down there".

"Where is my f*cking hoodie?" Donghyuck groans, not really paying attention to Mark.
He pulls out his clothes, for some reason feeling thick feeling in his throat growing to the size of a tennis-ball.
"Where the f*ck," he whines, dragging out everything from the closet.
"Donghyuck? You okay?" Mark asks again, sitting up on his bed.

Donghyuck doesn't answer, he only continues to throw around the clothes on the floor, hands slightly trembling as he can't find the hoodie.
He doesn't notice Mark standing up and walking over - until he feels a hesitant hand on his shoulder.

"Donghyuck, get up from the floor, what are you doing?" he hears Marks soft voice, but Donghyuck just shakes his head.
"I need the hoodie" he mumbles, about to continue digging through the big pile of clothes, but Mark softly grabbed his wrist.

He pulled the smaller up from the floor,
"You are tired, sleep, okay?" he whispers, helping Donghyuck to his bed.
Donghyuck shakes his head, "I need the hoodie" he mumbles, trying to get out of Marks hold - body trembling.

Mark lets out a nervous breathe, not really knowing what to do, before swiftly pulls off his own hoodie,
"Here" he holds it out, Donghyuck shakes his head.

Mark feels his own sleepiness take over,
"Donghyuck, wear it - come on, we will find your hoodie tomorrow."

Donghyuck lets out a deep sigh, Mark can see the silhouettes of his arms raising up.
He chuckles lightly, helping his roommate wear the hoodie.

"Now, where is that independent and sure-of-himself Donghyuck?" Mark tries to lightheartedly joke, not really knowing how to handle the situation.
Donghyuck pulls the hood over his head, laying down on the bed, placing the comforter over his body,
"He disappears when my throat thickens up, I'm sorry Mark" he mumbles, making Mark bite his inner cheek.

"It's okay, Donghyuck - I am sorry, please sleep well" Mark whispers, feeling guilt wash over him.

He, if anyone, should know that joking about someones anxiety is simply not right.

Mark backs towards his bed, eyes locked on the same-age boy, bottom lip in-between his teeth as he laid down.
He hears the slightly hyperventilating breathes slow down, Donghyuck snuggling into the mattress.

˚ ೀ⋆。˚ • ♪

Mark and Donghyuck didn't talk about the sun-kissed's anxiety-attack the morning after, or any time weeks after it happened.

The quieter male had, however, woken up earlier the morning after - quietly looking for the hoodie, finding the grey hoodie with a sunflower on the sleeve he had seen the younger wear a couple days earlier.
Donghyuck had smiled brightly, about to hug his roommate - but had quickly changed directions and awkwardly fist-bumped the tallers shoulder.

As the weeks past, Mark grew closer to the six boys - still not that talkative, but engaged in conversations more.
He got to know the groups dynamic and the so called 'lore'.
Chenle and Jaemin had apparently grown up with each other, their mothers being childhood-best friends - which caused the two of them to act more like family than friends.
The six boys had met their first year at Welton, they became close friends because of their loved share of music.
And Mark is very thankful that they took him in with open arms.

He got to know Chenles bratty and loud attitude, Jaemins sudden outburst of energy, Jisungs worrying and annoyance towards his roommate, Jenos calm and sweet nature, Renjuns parental-nagging, and Donghyuck.


Mark had gotten close to his roommate, and most of it was thanks to Donghyucks social-butterfly personality.
The sun-kissed seemed to take Mark under his wing, including his roommate in conversations and activities - sometimes dragging the taller out of their room so that he would join their studygroup.

They had the type of friendship that they could sit in silence in their shared room, without it becoming awkward.
Donghyuck had seemingly also become more comfortable around Mark, to the point that the tan male now even dressed and undressed in the bedroom.

The others eyes had almost bulged out the first time Donghyuck had pulled his oversized hoodie over his head, in the safety of their room for no one to intrude - expect for Marks curious eyes. And it didn't help that he had already seen him in the locker room.

Donghyucks tan skin, Donghyucks small waist, Donghyucks soft stomach, Donghyucks moles, Donghyucks lean arms, Donghyuck arching his back as he stretched his body after a long day, Donghyucks long legs, Donghyucks-

"f*ck," Mark muttered to himself, hitting his face with his notebook,
"What the f*ck am I thinking?".

He continued doodling in his notebook.
In English Lit. they had gotten an assignment to write a poem or song lyrics - it was a very open assignment, up for interpretation, as long as you had something original to read for the class.

For the class.
Mark shuddered at the thought.
He did enjoy English Literature. Taeil Moon was a fun and easy-going teacher, especially compared to the older teachers.
But the whole.. 'speaking and vocally participate in class'-ordeal wasn't something Mark was too keen on.

Mark groaned, hitting his head against the wall he was resting against.
He had written some short sentences, but his head was buffing.

'Your smile, a ray of sunshine bold,
Melts my fears, and makes my heart unfold.
In your presence, I feel astray,
Lost in the depths of your sun-kissed way.'

He felt embarrassed, it didn't make sense in his head - and he almost doesn't remember writing it down.

The black-haired flinched as the bedroom door slammed open, a giddy Donghyuck skipping in.

"Look, Mark" he exclaimed, placing a piece of paper on his roommates lap as he took a seat on the end of the bed.

Mark carefully grabbed the paper, which looked like it was advertising something.

"What is this?" he asked, looking up from the paper to Donghyucks sparkling eyes.

Donghyuck tapped his finger against the text on top of the paper, a bright smile on his lips,
"They are making a show in the town nearby, it is an 'All 50s-Music show' - open tryouts, OPEN TRYOUTS, MARK," the boy exclaimed with excitement.

"Okay, so.." Mark hummed, confusion over his face.
Donghyuck rolled his eyes, "Okay, so" he mimicked - smiled as he jumped up from the bed,
"I am going to sing, I love to sing and since this hasn't anything to do with school," Donghyuck gestured around him with his hand, eyes wide and smile bright,
"I can do it without alerting someone I don't want to, you know - CARPE DIEM!"

Mark smiled as Donghyuck yelled out loud, "But what about your father, won't he get mad?".
Donghyuck smile faded just the slightest, scratching his neck before shrugging, "I am going to leave that problem to future-me, I'll see if I get a part in the show first" he answers, walking up to the window in-between their beds.

"B-but," Mark cleared his throat, "Would it not be better to just - ask him? If you can do it?".
Donghyuck scoffed, "That's a laugh," he replied, "No, he won't know about anything".
Mark furrowed his eyebrows, "Are you sure, I mean.. it seems kind of risk-"

"Who's side are you on, Mark?" Donghyuck suddenly snapped, looking at his roommate.
Mark looked like a deer in headlights, averting his gaze from Donghyucks saddened ones.

Donghyuck grabbed the paper, holding it tightly with his fists as he walked over to the window.

The silence in the room was heavy, Mark biting the inside of his cheek and rubbing his chest, as Donghyuck stretched his neck.

"I mean," Donghyucks voice was low and gentle, "I haven't even been accepted yet".

Mark parted his lips, wanting to say something - anything - to Donghyuck, but his brain left him unable to speak.

"Are you joining us tonight? Down in the basem*nt for the NCT-meeting?" Donghyuck asked instead, glancing back at the silent boy.
Mark blinked, "I don't know, I- uh, I don't-".

Donghyuck let out a sigh, "You know, Mark - you're in the friendgroup now, you don't have to hang out with us all of the time - but being in a friendgroup also means that you are willing to participate in some of the things we do, and not only because I drag you with me," this was the first time Mark had heard a slight annoyance in the latters voice, at least when the annoyance was directed towards him.

"So what? You want me out of the group?" Mark asked, voice and expression perplexed.
Donghyuck immediately shook his head, "No, I want you in," he groaned, "But being in the group also means taht you have to do something, or participate".

Mark sighed, "Listen, Donghyuck - I appreciate you trying to help me out, but I am not like you," he said, voice now between the line of stressed and annoyed.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Donghyuck asks, eyes widen, shoulders tensing.
The other looked off to the side, "I mean, you say things and people listen - a-and I'm not like that" he stuttered.

Donghyucks body relaxed, a tilt to his head, "Don't you think you could be?" he asked, voice softer.
"NO," Mark exclaimed, the took a breath, "I-I don't know, but that is not the point," he took another deep breath
"But that is not the point, the point is that theres nothing you can do about it - so you can just butt out" he concluded, before adding,
"I can take care of myself just fine, alright?"

The room got silent again, Mark looking back at his short sentences in his notebook, feeling Donghyucks gaze practically burn through him.


Mark furrowed his eyebrows, looking up at the sun-kissed.

"What do you mean 'no'?" he asked, pressing his lips together as he eyed his roommates features.

Donghyucks lips slowly formed a smile, which turned into a heart-fluttering grin, shrugging coyly.
"No." he said, before snatching the notebook out of the others hands.

Mark widened his eyes, immediately dashing up from his bed - his roommate holding the notebook in a tight grip, standing on his own bed.

"What is this?" he exclaimed, a shriek leaving him as Mark reach for the notebook.
The sun-kissed jumped up on his chair, laughing loudly as the taller chased him around, jumping over to the other bed as Mark got close.

"POETRY?" he exclaimed, not reading the words as he was occupied by laughing.

Mark felt his cheeks heat up, reaching out for the notebook again.

"AM I BEING CHASED BY FRANK O'HARA?" Donghyuck joked, about to jump back to his bed - but felt two arms around his waist halt his movements.

Instead he felt his back lean against the wall by Marks bed, the slightly bigger boy towering over him.

"Okay, okay" Donghyuck chuckled, holding up the book over his head, Mark rolling his eyes.
"I am taller than you," he noted, grabbing the book, one arm still wrapped around the small waist.

Donghyuck chuckled, but then froze as he noticed how close they were.

He could feel the palm of Marks hand on the back of his hoodie, Marks knees against his, the warmth of his breathe hitting his face.

"You're only a few inches taller" Donghyuck whispered, eyes gazing at Mark - enchanted by the way the prominent Adams Apple moved as Mark gulped.

Mark had already grabbed his notebook, holding it safely.

"Still a few inches" he whispers back, his eyes daring to look into the other's.

Donghyuck parted his lips, frozen as he noticed Marks gaze flick down to the lower part of his face for a mere millisecond, before looking back.

"So," Donghyuck cleared his throat, "NCT-meeting tonight?" he whispered, a small smile on his lips.

Mark licked his lips, looking off to the side, "Yeah, NCT-meeting ton-"


Donghyuck pushed Mark to the side, just a second before Chenle opened the door and continued his sentence,

"SAID, he said that 'apparently'," Chenle did quotation-marks with his fingers, annoyed expression on his face,
"We will have flying cars in fifty years, which I personally think is pure bullsh*t - wait, why are you two standing on Marks bed?".

Donghyuck looked back at Mark, the boy had red cheeks and wide eyes.

"We, uh-" Donghyuck looked back at his friend, "Just, jumping on our beds - trying to figure out which one is the most," he paused,
"Bounce-able (?)".

Chenle narrowed his eyes, gaze flicking between Donghyuck and Mark.

"Right," he hummed, but then shook his head, "Anyways, it is time for dinner, lets go".

Mark jumped down from the bed, rubbing his chest as he closed his notebook and put it in his desk.

"You," he sighed, "You didn't read what was written, right?" he asked, glancing back at Donghyuck who walked over to their closet.

"No," Donghyuck said, closing their bedroom door, before pulling off his hoodie - Marks eyes once again falling onto the tan torso.
"I wouldn't read without your permission, Mark".

The other fell silent, eyes fixated on the way Donghyucks chest rising up and down with each breath.
Donghyuck, noticing his roommates silence, looked back at the male - Mark immediately turning around.

"Sorry," he mumbled in embarrassment, before scratching his neck and waiting for Donghyuck to finish getting dressed according to the dress-code.

Donghyuck chuckled, kicking Marks leg with his foot, "Lets go and eat dinner, it is meatloaf tonight".

"Okay, then would Mr. Zhong be so kind and read his poem?"

Two weeks had gone since the tense interaction between the two roommates, but they had chosen to ignore it.
They continued being friendly, Mark joining more of the friendgroup's 'activities' - which consisted of listening to music from the home-made radio Jeno and Renjun had been working on, reciting random poems and music lyrics in the basem*nt of the school, as well as listening to Chenle arguing with either Jaemin or Jisung.

Two weeks had passed, and today was the day - the day Mark had dreaded for a long time.

"Absolutely, Mr. Moon" Chenle exclaimed, standing up from his desk and walking to the front of the classroom, clearing his throat.

"Bouncing ball in hand,
Heart races on the court's floor,
Basketball my love."

The boy took a deep bow, not coming back up until applauds echoed in the room.

Mr. Moon chuckled, applauding as well, "Short and sweet, just like you Mr. Zhong" he joked, Jaemins loud laugh drowned out the cheers.
Chenle pressed his lips together, bowing at his teacher, before smacking Jaemins shoulder.

Taeil Moon then looked at Mark, raising an eyebrow as the student avoided eye-contact,
"How about you, Mr. Lee - the other two Lee's have already presented their assignments - lets put you out of your misery?".

Mark gulped, palm covering his notebook, "I didn't do it" he mumbled, Mr. Moon tilting his head.
"I think you did, come on - no one will laugh or judge, okay?" the teacher encouraged, Mark sighing.

He glanced at Donghyuck, the male sitting beside him - receiving a bright smile, his roommate gesturing with his head to the front of the classroom.

Mark took a deep breathe, standing up with his notebook in his hands.

As he stood in front of the classroom, he froze - the other twenty students looking at him, some more attentive than others.
He swallowed thickly, hand wanting to find the comfort on his chest - but instead he tightened his hold on the notebook.

"Uh, this - I, uh" he stuttered, glancing at the teacher.
"Go on, Mark - this is English Literature-class, not your wedding vows" the teacher eased the nervousness.

Mark nodded, licking his dry lips - eyes focused on the text written on the paper.
He clears his throat, glancing at his roommate before looking back down,

"Golden sunrise, radiant beam,
Dancing across the morning's dream,
With warmth and light, you banish night,
And bring to life, the world's delight.

Your fiery rays, upon my skin,
Awaken senses, locked within,
The world's vibrant hues, in shades of gold,
As morning's beauty, stories unfold,"

Mark takes a breathe, before continuing,

"In splendour, you ascend the sky,
A burning crown, that catches the eye,
Your gentle touch, on earth below,
Brings life and hope, as all things grow.

Oh, sun of beauty, shining bright,
You light the way, through day and night,
Your radiance, a wondrous sight,
Fills hearts with joy, and banishes the night."

Donghyuck parts his lips as Mark finishes his poem, eyes fixated on the flustered cheeks and bottom lip pressed between his teeth.
The sun-kissed could feel his heart beat in heavy thumps, a small smile on his lips.
For some reason, he felt like all the air in his lungs had been yanked out - leaving him in a breathless haze.

"Wow," Mr. Moons voice broke the shocked silence, "That was one of the best poems I have ever heard from a students, very well done, Mark!" he exclaims, before Jeno started to applaud - the rest of the class following.
Mark smiled shyly, walking back to his seat, "Thank you." he mumbled, closing his notebook.

Donghyuck had his gaze and smile frozen on his face, Mark glancing over at immediately looking back at his desk - ears red as strawberries.

"That was really good," Donghyuck whispered, his foot hitting Marks to gain the boys attention,
"Where did you get inspiration from?".

Mark glances towards Mr. Moon, the teacher talking to another student.

"Just," Mark met Donghyucks eyes, a faint smile forming on his lips,
"Just my surroundings."

His roommate nodded, looking behind Marks head - the October afternoon-sun peaking behind the tree tops.

"I GOT IT," Donghyuck skipped down the hallway, hand clutching the 'Congratulations'-note, "Chenle, I got it!"

Donghyuck headed towards the blondes room, finding the door open - Jisung sitting by his desk with a frustrated Jeno looking over his shoulder, Chenle cuddled against Jaemins chest on the blondes bed - Renjun and Mark discussing something about their History-Book.

"I GOT THE PART, I AM GOING TO PERFORM IN THE 'ALL 50'S MUSIC SHOW" Donghyuck exclaimed, the other six boys cheering.

Jeno walked up and hugged Donghyuck, squeezing his bones,
"I knew you'd do it, you talented bastard!" the ravenette beamed, ruffling Donghyucks long hair.

Mark smiled brightly, eyes locked with Donghyuck.

"Why the f*ck are you shouting?"

Donghyuck turned around, met face to face by another student the same age as him (and the rest of the group).
Before Donghyuck could answer the question, the student looked at Jaemin and Chenle - a disgusted expression forming on his face.

"And why are the two of you cuddled up like two freaks? Are you hom*os or something?" he asked, Chenle rolling his eyes.

"No, we're not hom*os - we're cold BRUCE, now get the f*ck out of my room" the blonde cursed, earning a huff from the student called Bruce.
"Good, we can't have any hom*os running around here, their going to try to touch us and sh*t - so don't act like hom*os or I might beat the f*ck out of you" Bruce continued, Renjun biting back a snort.

Donghyuck stiffened, eyes falling to the floor.

Chenle grimaced, "You are just jealous, because I bet you want to cuddle up to Jaemins firm and warm chest," Donghyuck recognised the blondes expression - he wanted to push Bruce's buttons, that was one of his personality traits.
The blonde cuddled closer, "So warm and firm, and he smells so good - oh, how I KNOW you'd take my place if you were allowed-"

"f*ck you, Zhong" Bruce cursed, Chenle laughing loudly.
"Bet you want to - you know, considering the amount of times you've said 'f*ck You' to someone, I'm starting to think that maybe you would want it up the ass-"

Jaemin placed a hand over the blondes mouth, "Thats enough, he is going to kill you" he muttered, Chenle rolling his eyes.
"Get out of our room" Jisung said, eyes still looking at the Chemistry-assignment, hand waving the other student away.

Bruce gave up, flipping the grinning Chenle off as he left.

"You have got to stop triggering people into fights" Renjun scolds, Chenle shrugging him off.
"He called me a 'hom*o', he got what he deserved" the blonde says, head falling to the pillow below him.

Donghyuck bit the inside of his cheek, the grip of his note tightening as he swallowed down the thick feeling building up in his throat, hands slightly trembling as he stared at the floor.

Mark seemed to notice the sudden change in demeanour, standing up from where he had sat on the edge of Chenles bed.
He walked the short distance, hand gently grabbing the note in Donghyucks trembling hand.

"Lets go to our room, I need my glasses if I have to read your acceptance note" Mark suggested in a low voice, Donghyuck nodding - eyes still glued to the floor.
Mark turned around, "We'll be at our room" he said, voice calm and soft, the other boys just simply nodded in response.

The two roommates walked the hallway down, basically just two doors down and on the other side of the hallway.

Donghyuck got rid of his raincoat, hanging it up on the hook behind the door, brushing his fingers through his hair.

Mark silently watched him, hand still holding the note.

"Are you okay?" he asked, Donghyuck nodding - faced away from Mark as he rubbed his sweatshirt covered hands over his eyes.

The taller gently patted Donghyucks shoulder, "The few times I have heard Bruce speak, I start questioning humanity more and more - ignore whatever he said, he for sure wouldn't be accepted to something as cool as this" Marks voice was soft, gentle but still sure of what he said - no sign of the usual shyness or uncertainty.

Donghyuck smiled at himself, turning around to face Mark.

"Yeah," he muttered, "He is a meathead."
Mark chuckled, nodding in agreement.

The taller roommate looked at the note, smiling as he read.

"So you'll be the seventh performer, have you chosen which song?".

Donghyuck smiled, walking over to his desk - pulling out his notebook.
He flipped some pages, before giving it to the other, eyebrows drawn together.

"I can't decide between these two" he says, Mark reading the titles of the songs - smiling towards the paper.
"Paul Anka, great taste," Mark complimented, making Donghyuck smile.

Mark read through the lyrics, "So either 'Puppy Love' or 'Put Your Head On My Shoulder'?" he hummed, Donghyuck nodding as the taller looked up.
"They are both really good - but I thought since 'Puppy Love' is about being in love when you are seventeen, I thought that it would go to waste if I didn't take the opportunity to sing it now".

"You're in love?" Mark practically spat out the words, almost like they had burned his tongue.
Donghyuck widen his eyes, noticing Marks eyes equally wide.
"N-no, I- Uh, I just, you know- I'm seventeen NOW, so," Donghyuck stuttered, avoiding Marks piercing gaze.
Mark hummed, looking down at the notebook again, "I, uh," he scratched his nape,
"I know the chords on the guitar, for both of these songs".

Donghyuck previous nerves disappeared, excitement replacing it.

"Really?" he asked, voice bubbly, "Do you have a guitar?".
Mark shook his head, "It's home, unfortunately."

Donghyuck hummed, then snapped his fingers,
"Should we ask Mr. Moon? I mean, he seems to love music - and he plays the guitar!".
Mark nodded, Donghyuck grabbing his wrist and pulling him out of their room.

As they reached the said teachers room, Donghyuck let go off Marks wrist.
Mark looked down, frowning at the sudden loneliness.

Donghyuck knocked on the door, seconds later it was opened by the smiley teacher.

"Mr. Lee and Mr. Lee, what can I do for the two of you on this fine Saturday evening?" he asked.
Donghyuck smiled, "Good evening, Mr. Moon, I am sorry for disturbing - but do you have a guitar we could borrow?".

Taeil Moon nodded immediately, waving the two boys into his room.
Mark and Donghyuck glanced at each other, before following the teacher.

Room was narrow - but still bigger than theirs.
It had a bed, a desk by a window, a closet and two book-shelves.

Taeil Moon walked over to his bed, squatting down and pulling out a guitar from underneath the bed.

Mark widened his eyes, "A Gibson J-45?" he asked, stunned and in awe.
Mr. Moon slyly smiled, handing it to Mark - the seventeen year old holding it delicately, like he was holding a newborn.
"Are you sure that I am allowed to play it and borrow it?" Mark asked, voice slow as he started at the guitar in his hands.

Taeil chuckled, "As long as you are careful with it, I trust you".

Mark nodded, carefully tracing it with his fingers, smiling at Donghyuck who shyly looked away.

"Can I ask what you are borrowing it for?" Taeil asked, Donghyuck cleared his throat with a coy smile on his lips.
"I am going to be a part of 'All 50s Music Show' in town, so I have to decide between two Paul Anka songs" he explained.

The teacher nodded, "Is one of them 'Puppy Love'?" he asked, Donghyuck widened his eyes.
"How did you figure?" he asked, Mr. Moon shrugged - eyes flicking towards Mark, the boy still in awe over the guitar.

"Just had a feeling."

˚ ೀ⋆。˚ • ♪

The two roommates grew even closer.

They had practiced both songs the same night they borrowed the guitar.
And Mark had, embarrassingly enough, stopped playing as Donghyuck started singing - his heart stopped as well, the soft and smooth voice making his brain collapse for a moment.
Donghyuck, however, thought that Mark had disliked his voice - but after a few minutes of Mark stuttering and coming up with a good way to explain the way the sun-kissed's voice made him feel (without making it totally weird), they continued practicing.

After about a week of practicing, they had come to the mutual decision that Donghyuck would sing 'Put Your Head On My Shoulder' at the show.
Mark liked the way Donghyuck mimicked the way Paul Anka sang the word 'Baby', sometimes overdoing it to gain a laugh out of the other.

The show would take place the tenth of November - so they had about another week worth of practicing.
And they treasured that time, not feeling weird for excusing themselves and retreating to their own room.

It was another Wednesday-night, Mark was sitting by his desk and working on a math-assignment, Donghyuck was reading through his Latin-book - both boys sniffling and rubbing their arms.

"I hope you don't feel pressured to help me."

Mark looked up from his papers, tilting his head as his eyes met Donghyucks.

"I just realised that I kind of," Donghyuck paused, pulling his blanket closer to his face, "I never asked you if you could help."

The other chuckled, "Oh, because I resisted so much," Mark teases, Donghyuck playfully rolled his eyes.
"Don't worry, Donghyuck - I enjoy helping you, and spending time with you" Mark reassured, his roommate smiling in response.
"I enjoy spending time with you, as well".

Mark smiled and nodded, eyes still fixated on the younger.

"Your hair is getting longer," Mark noted, Donghyuck immediately pulling a strand behind his ear.
"Yeah, I know that its kind of-"
"I like it, you look pretty like that," the black-haired interrupted, Donghyuck blinking - his sun-kissed cheeks heating up - both thanking and cursing his body for getting warmer in the cold room.

"Oh," he whispered, shyly smiling, "Thank you, Mark".

Mark simply shrugged, before pulling his sleeves further down his hands.

Donghyuck noticed it, looking over at the radiator in-between their beds.
He furrowed his eyebrows as he placed a hand on it, "It's cold." he mumbled.

His roommate looked at him, standing up and walking over before also placing his hand on the ice-cold radiator.
"What?" he hummed, "Why is it cold?" he asked.

Donghyuck shrugged, "I have been freezing since we got back from our walk, I thought I was catching a cold - but apparently not."

The taller hummed again, walking over to the door.
He looked out into the hallway, noticing that Renjuns and Jenos door was open.

"Huang," Mark exclaimed, waiting a few seconds, before Jenos face peaked out behind the corner.
"Jeno - is your radiator broken as well?" he asked, Jeno immediately nodding.
"Apparently the heating system is down due to the sudden cold-winds, I don't really know - they told us about three hours ago" Jeno answered, Mark clicking his tongue.

"Look in the storage-room if they have any more blankets, but don't have to high hopes - I heard that Hendery raided it" Jeno added, smiling at Mark who only nodded and smiled back.

The black-haired walked over to the said room, a sigh leaving him as only one grey blanket laid on the shelf.
Mark grabbed it, walking back to his and Donghyucks room.

"I found one blanket, apparently the whole building is out of heat" Mark said, closing the door and throwing the blanket at his roommate.
Donghyuck let out a whine, "And our room is by the lake - the winds make the rooms on this side colder."

The other chuckled, "Well, hopefully this is only for tonight" Mark tried to see it more positively.

Donghyuck nodded, them yawned, "What time is it?" he asked, Mark glancing at his wristwatch,
"It is almost eight-thirty, we should get some sleep - we have P.E tomorrow morning".

Mark nuzzled closer to the mattress, body in a fetal-position.
He was dressed in socks, sweatpants and a hoodie - the hood over his head.

On the other side of the room he could hear Donghyuck shuffle around, annoyed whines leaving his mouth - small curses leaving when the occasional winds blew against the stonewalls.

"Donghyuck," Mark whispered, "Are you awake?".

A hum came from the other, and Mark rolled to his other side - looking at Donghyucks neutral face, his roommate opening his eyes.

"It-it so f*cking cold" Donghyuck whispered, pulling the blanket up to his nose.
Mark nodded, noticing the sun-kissed trembling underneath his regular blanket and the extra grey one.
"Should we steal some blankets from Hendery?" he added, Mark chuckled.

They fell in silence, until another wind could be heard and the sudden lowered temperature made Donghyuck curse again.

Mark shivered, pressing his lips together.
"What if we die of hypothermia?" he asked, Donghyuck giggled in response.

The room fell silent again.

"Y-you know," Donghyuck paused, licked his lips,
"We could, no- nevermind."

Mark pushed himself up, "No, what were you going to say?".

Donghyuck pulled the blanket over his face.
"Wecouldsleepinthesamebed" he blurted out, Mark tilting his head.

"What did you say?" he asked with a chuckle.
Donghyuck sighed, blanket still covering his face, "We could sleep in the same bed," he mumbled, before pushing down the blanket to be able to see Mark.

"You know, to share warmth and not die of hypothermia."

Mark blinked, a shy smile forming on his lips.

Donghyuck rubbed his face, "Y-you know, Chenle and Jaemin cuddle a lot, and it is not weir-"

The smaller paused as Mark got up from his own bed, grabbing his blanket and pillow.
Donghyuck shuffled closer to the wall, making some place on the one-person bed for his roommate.

Mark placed his pillow beside Donghyucks, before carefully laying down.
Donghyuck pressed himself against the cold wall, trying to leave as much space between him and Mark as possible.

The broader boy pulled his blanket over himself, gaze falling on his roommate - the boy shyly looking back at him.

"You," Mark cleared his throat, "You can, you know- come closer, the wall must be cold."

Donghyuck nodded, inching closer to the other.
"You can," Donghyuck pointed at Marks arm that laid stiffly by his side, "If you want, you know," he gestured to himself.

Mark chuckled, "Yeah, and you c-can," he pointed at Donghyucks arm.
Donghyuck nodded, feeling his heart beat faster as Marks arm sneaked around his waist - pulling him closer.

The smaller placed his arm around the others shoulder, their chests almost touching.

"I, uh," Mark paused, "I am not as, firm (?), as Jaemin, but-"
Donghyuck chuckled, "Na's father forces him to workout and bulk up - they are a military-family, all of his older brothers are either Marines or in the Navy".
Mark blinked, a little confused, "But, Jaemin is studying to become a Lawyer?".

Donghyuck nodded, "His mothers decision, he is their youngest so she is protective over him, but his father still wants him to look like his brothers - he actually wants to be a teacher, but isn't allowed, it is not as fancy apparently."

Mark processed the information, nodding slowly,
"And you?" he asked.

The smaller locked eyes with the others big black orbs,
"What about me?" he countered.

"What do you really want to be?" Mark gently asked, fingers delicately caressing the smallers waist.
Donghyuck tensed a little at the new feeling, clearing his throat.

"I want to be a singer, or like - teach singing, I don't know, maybe musical theatre or something," he blurted out, then scoffed to himself, "But instead I am set to become a doctor before I get to choose what I want to do".

Mark puckered his lips, a sad smile forming.
"Well, after hearing your beautiful voice - I consider it a crime to keep it a secret".

Donghyuck parted his lips, doe-eyes wide, "Uh," he bit the inside of his cheek,
"That's very sweet of you" he whispered.
"What do you want to do?" Donghyuck then asked, averting the attention away from himself.

Mark smiled, shrugging lightly, "I want to write, be an author or something, but my father wants me to be to be aa Real-estate Agent, apparently it is getting more important".

"Wow," Donghyuck hummed, "I never heard anyone wanting to work with Real Estate."
Mark chuckled, "That's the keyword, 'Wanting', I don't want it."
Donghyuck parted his lips, smiling softly, "I am sorry".

The other just smiled back, fingers gently drawing circles on the clothed waist of the smaller.

"So, author - you did amaze me in English Lit. do you have any other poems?".

Mark held eye contact with his roommate, his heart skipping a beat as Donghyuck nuzzled his face closer to his pillow.

"Sun-kissed boy with a voice of honey,
So sweet and warm, like a day so sunny.
His laughter rings like music in the air,
A melody that lingers everywhere.

His presence is a gift, a gentle breeze,
A calming force that puts my mind at ease.
Oh sun-kissed boy with a voice of honey,
You're the light that shines on days so rainy."

Donghyuck blinked, pressing his lips into a line, "That was," he clears his throat,
"Beautiful, that was really good- really- uh- nice."

Mark smiled, Donghyuck closing his eyes as the blush blossomed on his cheeks.

"Where do you get your inspiration?" he asked, Marks fingers running up the sweatshirt covered spine.
"My surroundings, people close to me - I guess, I really enjoy writing."

Donghyuck nodded, looking up again at Mark.

His brain froze as he locked eyes with the others, he could not comprehend the intense gaze his roommate had - the faintest of blush on the high cheekbones, a warm smile on his lips and an almost analysing look in his eyes.

The smaller took a deep breath, his hand that had been holding onto the hood of the hoodie gently ran up to the pale neck.
He could feel Marks hand pull on the hoodie, head not backing away as Donghyuck inched a little closer.

In a swift moment, Donghyuck blamed his fuzzy and frozen brain, he leaned up and pecked Marks lips.

He immediately pulled back as he felt Marks hand lose its grip of the sweatshirt.

Donghyuck backed away, head hitting the wall behind him as his heart started beating at an unnatural pace.

"F-f*ck, I'm sorry, f*ck" Donghyuck stuttered, sitting up and backing towards the end of his bed.

He could feel the tears build up behind his eyes, throat thickening as Mark laid still on the bed - fingers touching his lips and eyes staring up at the ceiling.

"M-Mark, I-" Donghyuck rubbed his face, breathe speeding up.
"I don't know what got over me, I am so f*cking sorry, I didn't mean it, I am disgusting, please do-don't tell anyone, Ma-Mark I am so f*cki-"

Mark sat up, placing a hand on the youngers calf,
"Hey, Donghyuck" he whispered, shuffling closer to the frantic boy,
"It is okay, don't worry, it is okay."

Donghyuck shook his head, trying to get out of Marks grip, but the taller was physically stronger and held him back.

"I am so disgusting, I am so sorry Mark - please forget that I did that" he continued blurting out, tears now running down his cheeks.

Mark parted his lips, shook his head as he said,
"It is okay, Donghyuck - we were having a fragile moment and you kissed me, mistakes happens, it really isn't anything to worry about" he reassured.

Donghyuck shook his head, a small sob leaving his lips as he dried his tears with his sleeves.

"I'm gay, Mark" he whispered, hiding his face in his hands.

Mark let his jaw drop as he looked at the trembling boy in front of him.
He wrapped his head around what the smaller just had said, and at the same time feeling his heart break at the small sobs leaving his roommate.

"That's cool," Mark said, hand rubbing the youngers leg ina gentle manner.

Donghyuck pulled his face out of his hands, a frown on his face as he dried his nose,
before crossing his arms over his chest.

"That's cool?" he asked, voice broken and cheeks tearstained,
"Mark - I am gay, and not gay as in 'I am happy', gay as in 'I like men', that is not cool".

His roommate blinked, expression still a bit dazed and taken aback.

"Well," Mark scratched the back of his neck, "That is cool".

Donghyuck felt Marks hand grab his, "It is okay," he repeated.

The still trembling boy shook his head, "It isn't, it isn't natural - but you can't tell anyone-"
"Donghyuck, I would never tell anyone, I promise - but don't feel ashamed, if that is how you feel then it is natural, you aren't hurting anyone by being gay" Mark whispered, pulling his roommate closer.

The sun-kissed let himself get pulled into Marks embrace, rubbing his back in comfort - Donghyuck hesitantly let his face rest in the crook of his roommates neck, arms still crossed over his chest.

"So," Donghyuck whispered, "You're not disgusted by me?".

Mark chuckled, leaning his head against Donghyucks.

"You're talking to a boy that writes poetry about his sun-kissed roommate, who am I to judge?" he admitted, Donghyuck froze and leaned back.

"Y-you, you write poetry about me?" he asked, watching as Marks cheeks flushed in red and pink.
Mark raised his hand, scratching the back of his neck and looked to the side,
"Was it not obvious?" he asked, Donghyuck licking his lips - not knowing what to say.

"You don't have to say that just bec-"

Mark stood up, walking over to his desk and pulling out his notebook.
He flipped some pages, handing it over to Donghyuck.

"I wrote this the day you showed told me about the try-outs," he explained, Donghyuck looking at the text.

'Boy with skin of golden hue,
Sun-kissed and radiant, my heart anew.
Weird feelings stir, like whispers low,
A flutter in my heart, I don't know how.

Your smile, a ray of sunshine bold,
Melts my fears, and makes my heart unfold.
In your presence, I feel astray,
Lost in depths of your sun-kissed way'.

Donghyuck pressed his lips together, scrunching his nose as drew his eyebrows together.

"So," Mark breathed out, "I don't know what I am feeling, or what I am - but I know that you're the cause of it".

He sat down next to his roommate again.

"Sorry," Donghyuck whispered, "Do you want me to make you hate me?".
Mark chuckled, "No, it is fine - I like the feeling you cause" he mumbled, making his roommate look over at him.

Donghyuck nibbled on his lips, Marks face so close - nose almost touching.

"This almost feels like a dream, why does it feel so easy?" Mark asks, making Donghyuck roll his eyes.
"Believe me, it isn't - the world is against everyone who is just a tad bit different" he whispered, about to look back at the notebook - but was stopped by Mark gently grabbing his jaw.

Both of them looked at each other, eyes flicking uncoordinatedly and out of sync from the others gaze to the their lips.

Like planets gravitating towards each other, they slowly closed the small gap between the anticipating lips.

Donghyuck blushed even more as he felt Marks lips move against his, noticing that the other had more experience of kissing than him.
He tried to follow Marks movements, lips messily locked together and noses hitting each other.
Donghyuck could feel his whole body heat up, the scent of his roommates shaving-cream and the soft feeling of the others lips on top of his made his head spin.

The smaller felt Marks hands fall from his jaw, grabbing his own arms and all of the sudden Donghyuck had his arms wrapped around the broad shoulders.
Their lips stayed locked as Mark delicately held the narrow waist, his tongue swiping over the plush bottom lip.

Donghyuck pulled back, panting silently with warm cheeks- his pupils dilated as Mark licked his lips, enjoying the flavour of Donghyucks Jasmin-Mint toothpaste (which Mark had admit he had been curious about).

"You're an experienced kisser" Donghyuck whispered, eyes looking at the lips wet with spit.
Mark chuckled, "You're not." he teased, Donghyuck punching his shoulder.
The other continued chuckling, "I was teasing, it is cute."

Donghyuck rolled his eyes, "It is not like I know boys who would kiss me, the last time I kissed someone was a girl when I was fourteen - but her boobs scared me" he admitted, making Mark coo - the smaller groaned.

"I had a girlfriend when I was sixteen," Mark said, the smaller lowering his head,
"But I didn't write about her pretty skin and shining aura" he added.

Donghyuck looked up, eyes falling on thinner lips.

"We should sleep, I don't want to continue and get my hopes up if you want to forget about this when we wake up" Donghyuck whispered, letting go of Mark and shuffling back towards his pillow.

Mark ruffled his hair, watching Donghyuck slide under the blankets.

"I, I won't want to forget it tomorrow" Mark whispered, making Donghyuck chuckle.
"We'll see about that" his roommate replied, earning a kick to the knee by his roommate - before Mark crawled under the blanket as well.

Before Donghyuck could back away, Mark confidently wrapped his arms around the pretty waist and held him close to his chest.

"Thank you for trusting me with your secret" Mark whispered, Donghyuck smiling against his neck.

"Don't make me regret it," the smaller muttered back.

And Mark did not regret it the morning after.

They had simply smiled as they woke up, a light blush on both of their cheeks.

But they didn't talk about it either, they simply acknowledged the fact that they kissed - which followed by stolen glances and shy smiles, as well as sitting cuddled up together on one of their beds when they were alone.

The night before the performance, Chenle and Donghyuck had 'Cleaning-The-Locker-Room'-duty, and the long-haired got for the first time confronted by his sudden closeness to his new roommate.

"You and Mark," Chenle started, Donghyuck widened his eyes - thankful that they were sitting back to back,
"You seem to have been getting close."

Donghyuck hummed, "I mean, we are roommates - we don't want to be weird".
Chenle clicked his tongue, "Yeah, that is good - he seems sweet".

The blonde fell silent, and Donghyuck knew he was preparing to ask him something.

"Is there," he paused, "Like anything you want to get off your chest?" he asked.

Donghyuck looked back, Chenle already looking at him.

"N-no," Donghyuck stuttered, "Nothing, why would I have anything to get off my chest?".

Chenle blinked, placing down his cleaning towel on the floor.

"I, uh," the blonde chuckled, "I saw his hand on your thigh yesterday, and you were blushing, and when I walked into your room a few days ago - his pillow and blanket were in your bed".

Donghyuck licked his lips, feeling his throat dry up,
"It," he cleared his throat and looked down on the floor, "It is not like tha-".

"Hyuck," Chenles voice was gentle, "The two of you look at each other a little too long, to be 'just friends'" he whispered.

Donghyuck frowned, shaking his head, "Chenle, please-".

He stopped as the blonde placed a soft hand on top of his.

"It's okay, Hyuck, I don't care" he whispered, and smiled as Donghyuck raised his head,
"If the two of you like each other, it isn't any of my business - it is your thing".

The dark-haired parted his lips, not believing what he was hearing.

"B-but, you- you know, when Bruce called you-"
Chenle let go of the others hand, rubbing his face, "Yeah, f*ck - I'm sorry, he just-" he sighed, "Bruce is just a dick and I didn't think of what I was saying".

Donghyuck slowly nodded, "Don't worry too much, majority of the people have worse things to say about gays than you have," he humourlessly chuckled, Chenle gave him a sad smile.

The locker room fell silent.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Chenle asked, voice low.

Donghyuck nodded, and Chenle stretched his neck - a cheeky grin on his lips.

"Last summer, at Jaemins sixteenth birthday - we had been drinking out of our parents whisky, and were sharing a room, and," Chenle paused, an embarrassed groan leaving him,
"And Jaemin had just broken up with Angeline - so he was feeling a little somber, and we might've.." Chenle trailed off, Donghyuck widened his eyes.

"You," Donghyuck narrowed his eyes, "You kissed?" he asked, words coming slowly out of his mouth.
Chenle puckered his lips together, "We made out, in bed," he scratched his neck,
"And Jaemin was shirtless.."

Donghyuck let his jaw drop as he raised his eyebrows, an unsure smile forming on his lips.

"I was not," he paused, overwhelmed by the information,
"I was not expecting that."

Chenle laughed, his usual high and loud laugh,
"Yeah, we were both a little weird around each other the morning after - but we just decided that it was a fun thing, I mean," he shrugged, "We have known each other since I was born and are very entwined in each others lives - can be good to know how the other person kisses."

Donghyuck giggled at the reasoning, but didn't comment on it.

"Thank you for telling me, makes me feel a tiny bit less like an Alien," Donghyuck mumbled, making Chenle smile a warm smile.
"Do you like him? Mark?" he asked, Donghyucks cheeks heating up.

"I don't know, but I like the way he makes me feel."

Mark banged on Jeno and Renjuns bedroom-door, styled hair and warm coat.

"Come on guys, we are going to miss Hyucks performance - Mr. Moon is waiting on us downstairs" Chenle yelled, kicking the door as well.

A moment later the door flew open, an annoyed Renjun stepping out.

"Jeno spilled coffee on my shirt, so I have to wear his" the small male whined, an exceptionally bigger button up hanging on his small shoulders.
Jeno rolled his eyes, "It was a mistake, stop whining like a girl".

Renjun flipped him off, pushing through the four boys that stood by their door.

The other five followed the annoyed one, skipping down the stairs and met by their English Lit. teacher smiling at them.

"Are we ready to go?" he asked, the five boys nodding.

They walked out to the car, a cold breeze making their scarfs fly up.

"Now," Mr. Moon said, a cheeky grin on his lips,
"Two of you will have to sit on someones lap, and I know that it might be difficult to dec-"

"Na, sit your ass down in the car and hold my waist - if I loose a tooth because our teacher hits a tree, I'll kill you" Chenle said, pushing Jaemin towards the backseat.

Jaemin rolled his eyes, but obediently did as told.

Renjun looked at Jeno, as Jisung took a seat in the middle of the backseat.
"Don't make it weird" Jeno groaned, about to take a seat but was stopped by Renjun.

"I am not sitting on your lap, if anyone is sitting on someones lap - it'll be you on mine" the smaller said.
"Huang, I'll squish you as a bug - just sit on my lap, it isn't that long of a ride" Jeno groaned, taking a seat before Renjun could.

The smaller roommate whined, but sat down on his roommates lap before they got there too late.

Mark sat in the front beside Taeil, the teacher laughing at the boys interactions.

"You boys are exactly like me and my friends were when we studied here," Taeil said, looking over at Mark.
"Taeyong is proud over you, you know that right?" he said softly, Mark smiling shyly.
"I hope," he whispered, Taeil starting the car, "I hope that's true."

The teacher chuckled, "With the way you've been helping Donghyuck, he couldn't be anything other than proud".

Mark looked out of the window, a small blush creeping on his lips as he watched the school become smaller.

"Have you boys continued with the NCT-meetings?" Taeil continued conversing, as he drove towards the town.
"Sometimes," Jisung answered, "But it usually starts with us reading random lyrics from Elvis and Ray Charles, and ends with Chenle trying to show off some random skill".

Chenle slapped his roommate, "Playing the saxophone while doing a split is NOT usless, you f*ckhead" he cursed, making their teacher snort.

"Well, it makes me happy that you somewhat enjoy it - it is up to you to do whatever you want with it, things and people are supposed to change, break through old and dusty patterns" the teacher said, the six boys nodding at the simple yet wise words.

The six boys and their teacher sat excitedly in the crowd, waiting for Donghyucks turn to walk up on stage and perform.

Mark was probably the most nervous of them, but also the most excited - he was bouncing his leg up and down - knowing that after the girl who was singing at the moment, Donghyuck would walk out.

As the girl finished her high-note and bowed, a male voice could be heard from the speakers.

"Thank you, Dorothy, next out we have - Donghyuck Lee, who will sing 'Put Your Head On My Shoulder' by Paul Anka".

Chenle flew up from his chair, applauding and cheering, before getting pulled down by Renjun and Jaemin (who sat on opposite sides of the hyperactive male).

Mark felt his heart beat faster as his roommate stepped up on stage - long hair styled and dressed in a chocolate-brown suit with a white button-up.

The boy was smiling brightly, looking in the crowd after his friends - sending a wink to Mark as he locked eyes with the said male.

In a few seconds, the melody of the song 'Put Your Head On My Shoulder' erupted in the venue - and then Donghyucks smooth voice filled the room.

All five boys, who have only heard Donghyuck sing in a choir, dropped their jaws - staring in awe as their friend so effortlessly let the lyrics out of his mouth.

Mark mouthed the words along with Donghyuck, fingers unconsciously moving the way they had when he played the song on the guitar.

He suddenly felt a nudge against his arm, and as he looked at the side - Taeil was smiling knowingly to him.
Mark felt his cheeks heat up, a shy smile forming on his lips - eyes looking back at the celestial male standing on the stage.
Donghyuck looked so at home, so at ease - like he hadn't done anything else beside singing on a stage.

Chenle leaned over Jaemin, "He's good, he is really good" he whispered, Mark and Taeil nodding in response.

The song, unfortunately, finished - Donghyuck bowing deeply, applauds echoing in the filled room, the six boys standing up - Jeno even whistling.

Mark suppressed a cheeky smile, watching Donghyucks flushed facial expression - but then noticed his eyes widen slightly, looking over the crowd.

Donghyuck walked backstage, heart beating fast after he had locked eyes with his father - the man standing by the exit.

"f*ck," Donghyuck whispered, rubbing his face.
"What the f*ck is he doing here?" he asked himself, rushing towards the male bathroom, hiding in one of the stalls.

He licked his lips, squeezing his eyes shut.

Donghyuck could hear performance after performance, applauds reaching the bathroom as well - and he prayed that the second the show was over, his father would be gone.

When the male-voice announced that the show was over, Donghyuck gathered all his strength to walk out.

His hands were slightly trembling, drying off his sweat against his slacks - eyes looking for his friends.


Chenles loud voice could be heard through the crowd of people, and Donghyuck turned around - smiled as he saw his friends, Mark and Taeil.

"YOU WERE AMAZING" Jisung exclaimed as Jeno and Jaemin picked up the sun-kissed, spinning him around.

Donghyuck shyly smiled, locking eyes with Mark - his roommate smiling warmly.

"Thank you all for coming here to support me" he said, voice slightly shaky - but smile soft as he looked at the others.

"Yes, you were good."

Donghyuck froze as he heard the well-known voice, swallowing thickly before turning around, meeting his father neutral expression.

"F-father," Donghyuck cleared his throat, "I am sorry, for not telli-"

His father raised his hand, signalling for him to stop talking.

"I saw your name on the flyers, they send them to my office as well," he said, tone as neutral as his expression.
Donghyuck nodded, pressing his lips into a thin line.

His father sighed, "I am upset that you went over my head," he said, voice more stern,
"But," he continued, Donghyuck furrowing his eyebrows,
"If you can keep your grades up, and promise me to go to medical school - we can probably get you back into the school-choir".

Donghyuck blinked, trying to figure out if what he just had heard was just his own imagination protecting himself - or if he actually heard that right.
He glanced over at Chenle, his friend smiling brightly.

"Uh, y-yes," Donghyuck stammered, "I'd like that, thank you," he looked back at his father.

Sir. Lee nodded, "Good, you know how much your mother love your voice - so I'm doing this mostly for her."

Donghyuck nodded, his father holding out his hand for a handshake.
He shook his fathers hand, a small smile on his lips.

"Gentlemen, Mr. Moon" his father said, before leaving the venue.

Donghyuck watched his father walk away, still confidence and pride in his steps.

He turned around, an astonished look on his face.
His friends chuckled, everyone relaxing from the tension of the interaction.

"Lets get back," Taeil said, clasping his hands.

Mark scratched his nape, "Is it okay if me and Donghyuck walk back?" he asked, Taeil looking at him with a smile.

"Of course, just get back safely and no side-quests, okay?"

Both Mark and Donghyuck nodded, and watched as their friends and teacher walked out.

"Mr. Moon - can I drive?" Jisung asked, and a mocking laugh left Chenle,
"When pigs can fly," his roommate exclaimed, dashing away as the taller started chasing after him.

Donghyuck shook his head, walking over to the coat-rack, grabbing his coat and putting it on - Mark patiently waiting by the exit.

They started walking towards the school, it was about a forty minute walk - but they enjoyed the empty streets of the town, as well as the dimly lit up paths across a field.

"You were amazing, Donghyuck" Mark complimented, Donghyuck smiling shyly.

"Thank you, Mark - it was amazing, I felt so alive and at home" he responded, looking up at the night-sky, not being able to see any stars due to the layer of clouds.

Mark looked at the slightly shorters side-profile, smiling to himself,
"You looked at home."

Donghyuck locked eyes with his roommate, a breathy chuckle leaving him.

They walked in silence, getting out of the town and onto a more secluded field - now flowers and the grass withered due to the cold temperatures.

The smaller looked around, noticing that they were all by themselves.

He took a deep breathe, "Would you be mad if I held your hand?".

Mark looked at him, a heart-fluttering smile forming on his lips.

"Absolutely not," he whispered, hand leaving the pocket of his jacket as finding Donghyucks - the smaller intertwining their fingers.

Both blushed at the warmth that started by their hands and traveled through their veins further into their bodies - making their hearts beat faster.

"Can't believe my father is letting me join the choir" Donghyuck mumbled, Mark squeezing his hand.
"I'm happy," he said, pulling their intertwined hands up to his mouth - leaving a soft peck on the sun-kissed hand.

Donghyuck bit the inside of his cheek, suppressing a bright smile on his lips.

"But after this year, it's medical school - then they are expecting me to find a wife, and-"

Mark stopped, making Donghyuck stop as well.

"Don't think too much about that, okay?" the taller said, eyes soft as he looked into Donghyucks.
"But- it's true, and you will go to some other school and find a wife-".

Mark pulled Donghyuck closer, his other hand gently placing itself on the soft jaw.

"We have now, okay? Let's not dwell on the future - because we don't know whats going to happen, okay?" Mark whispered, voice so gentle.
Donghyuck nodded, scrunching his nose.
"If we can't have each other in the future, lets have each other now." he added, Donghyuck widening his eyes.

"I like you, Mark - I just need you to know" Donghyuck suddenly blurted out, Marks lips forming a bigger and brighter smile than the other had ever seen before.

"Thank God, I would've hated my feelings to be unrequited" Mark whispered, Donghyuck lowering his head with a shy smile.

Mark immediately pulled his head back up, caressing the soft cheek with his thumb.

"I kind of want to-" he flinched as something wet hit his nose.

The two roommates looked up, noticing small snowflakes falling from the clouds that covered the night-sky.
It fell slowly, Mark following it down on the ground, before looking at Donghyuck - the snowflakes attaching to his dark hair and melting on his warm cheeks.

Donghyuck smiled up to the sky, before looking back at the sky.

Mark tugged a strand of the long and soft hair behind the sun-kissed's ear.

"Can I kiss you?" Mark asked, making Donghyuck look around.

"It is kind of risky, even though we are alone" the smaller whispered, but still took a step closer.

Mark smiled, tilting Donghyucks face up,
"It is a risk we have to take," he whispered, before gently placing his lips on the redder ones.

Donghyuck smiled into the kiss, letting go of Marks hand and wrapping his arms around the tallers neck.
Mark let his arms wrap around the pretty waist, tilting his head to deepen the kiss - ignoring the snowflakes trying to join them.

The kiss was oh-so soft and gentle, almost like an exchange of words without verbalising them.
Donghyuck sighed as Mark pulled him closer, once again adjusting himself to the others pace - enjoying the warmth from Marks body fuelling him.

A smile formed on Marks lips as Donghyuck hesitantly pushed his fingers into the, now snow-dampen, hair - gently combing his finger through the strands.

"We should," Mark whispered, pulling slightly away - lips hovering over Donghyucks,
"We should continue this in our room," he suggested, pecking the pouting lips before detaching himself from the delicate body.

Donghyuck nodded, licking his lips and grabbing Marks hand.

"Sorry that I don't know how to make out," Donghyuck whispered, embarrassment washing over him.

Mark chuckled, "Don't worry, I'll teach you" he whispered back, before dashing off - Donghyuck pulled with him as they ran across the dark field, a thin layer of snow covering it.

˚ ೀ⋆。˚ • ♪

In the quiet of the night, they meet
Two hearts, entwined in love so sweet
Whispers shared in the moonlit air
Their love a secret, precious and rare

They dance in shadows, hand in hand
Two souls united, against the world they stand
Their love a symphony, a secret song
In each other's arms, where they belong

Their love, forbidden, yet so pure
In their hidden world, they endure
Two boys falling, holding on in secret
Their love, a melody, forever to keep it

my sun, you are my poetry - tae_bun00 (2024)


What is the meaning of the poem you are my sun my moon and all my stars? ›

It expresses an unparalleled connection between individuals, where one person occupies the entirety of another's universe, embodying all that is cherished, essential, and luminous in their life.

Who said you are my sun, my moon, and all my stars? ›

Quote by E E Cummings: “You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars.”

What does Naomi Shihab Nye say about poetry? ›

Known for poetry that lends a fresh perspective to ordinary events, people, and objects, Nye has said that, for her, “the primary source of poetry has always been local life, random characters met on the streets, our own ancestry sifting down to us through small essential daily tasks.” In her work, according to Jane ...

Who wrote "You are my sun, my moon, and all my stars"? ›

The quote, from E.E. Cummings reads, “You are my sun, my moon, and all my stars.” Edward Estlin “E.E” Cummings was an American poet, painter, playwright, and author with 2,900 poems, four plays, multiple essays, and two autobiographical novels in his repertoire.

What is the meaning of you are my sun and I am your moon? ›

We are part of each other, born to live and work together.

We chase each other across the sky in a neverending cycle, because despite our differences, we need one another to fulfill our life's purpose.

What is the overall message of poem moon? ›

The summary for the poem, 'moon 'by Robert Louis Stevenson: The poet is paying tribute to the moon who is constant and is witnessing the father and the child roaming around a cove. They admire the presence of the moon and feel the moonlit night and are welcomed by the mother when they come back from their journey.

What does khaleesi say to drogo my sun and stars? ›

Spoken By Daenerys and Khal Drogo

As you are the Moon of his life, he shall be your Sun and Stars. Your love shall be as ever present as those two celestial bodies…even though they are sometimes hidden from one another's sight.

What is a famous quote about the moon and stars? ›

Cummings' swoon-worthy composition, "Yours is the light by which my spirit's born: — you are my sun, my moon, and all my stars."

What was the famous moon saying? ›

Best Moon Quotes
  • " Shoot for the Moon - even if you miss it, you will land among the stars." — Les Brown.
  • " Everyone is a Moon and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody." — Mark Twain.
  • " Don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the Moon." — Paul Brandt.
  • " ...
  • " ...
  • " ...
  • " ...
  • "
Aug 1, 2023

What inspired Naomi Shihab Nye to write? ›

A family trip to Chicago inspired internationally acclaimed poet Naomi Shihab Nye to write down what she was feeling for the very first time. The skyscrapers huddled around then 6-year-old Naomi, compelling her to express feelings about being overwhelmed by a big city.

Where does Naomi Shihab Nye live now? ›

What is the theme of the poem famous by Naomi Shihab Nye? ›

Famous By Naomi Shihab Nye Summary

The poem “Famous” by Naomi Shihab Nye is a short but very impactful passage. Through repetition this poem suggests that fame is not necessarily what we think it is. Rather than it being a widespread reputation it is formulated by perspective. This poem is a perfect example of imagery.

Who originally sang You Are My Sunshine? ›

This song 'You are my Sunshine' was first recorded in 1939 by Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell.

Who said you are my moon and stars? ›

"You are my sun, my moon, and all my stars." - e. e. cummings | Funny quotes, Inspirational quotes, Quotes.

Who else sings the whole of the moon? ›

"The Whole of the Moon" was covered by Jennifer Warnes on her 1992 album The Hunter, by Mandy Moore on her 2003 album Coverage, by Human Drama on the compilation New Wave Goes to Hell, by folk singer-songwriter Peter Mulvey on his 1995 album Rapture, by Terry Reid on his album The Driver and by Susan McFadden on the ...

What does the poem tell you about the sun and the moon? ›

Explanation: The story of The Sun and The Moon, is used to show kids the high expectations, and actions play an important role of who you become and how people see you.

What is the meaning of my sun and moon? ›

The sun sign represents our ego and motivations; the moon governs our emotional natures, and the ascendant or rising sign speaks to the energy that we put into the world. Put together, these signs offer up a brief blueprint of your personality, according to astrology.

What is the message of the poem everyone sang? ›

This well-known poem is all about freedom and release from war. The first stanza highlights the immediacy of the release in a sudden outburst of joy. But there is a hint of the transient nature of this emotion with the disappearance of the birds in the last line of the stanza on – and out of sight.

What is the meaning of the poem Ah moon and Star? ›

'Ah, Moon–and Star! ' compares the distance between the speaker and a moon and star to the distance between her and her lover. The latter is much greater. If it wasn't, she might be able to cross the “firmament” or sky/heavens, to reach him.


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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.