The Columbus Republican from Columbus, Indiana (2024)

PAG2 ZZYZ11 THE COLUMBUS EEPUBLICA1T, THURSDAY, ITOVEMBEE 29, 1917. realised. 4 This -fa the Doition of the some time ago and this recollection RACE WARFARE MORE HASTE F0R; CHANGES HERE has caused strong local feeling against County Agent C. M. Job estimates that the seed corn growers of Bartholomew county have at this time on hand nearly seven thousand bushels the pickets.

INDIANA WOMAN RAPSflCKETING whole nation, a is best evidenced by recent declarations in! the Austrian Parliament by a recent manifesto of Czech authors and artists, and by re GREATEST EVIL CAUSINGTALK RED CROSS WORK of seed corn, while fanners who do not make a specialty of raisins and stor-J TINTS OF AUTUMN LEAF peated declarations of Czech working lAen. Permanent peace is possible only when nations Are satisfied in GAVE DYE SUGGESTION ing seed corn have on hands possibly as much more, making approximately 1 14.000 bushels of seed corn in the conn- MfS. LQUTa D. FIX SayS Knit Numerous People Ready to Ar Is At the Bottom of Many Most their legitimate desires." Mrs. Chas.

V. Barnes, Indianapolis, Denounces Tactics of Woman Observed Color Left on Pave ty available for home use and sale, fpp- ChfttlM RrmMTlhf Trttt gue Pro and Con On Public Utility Questions. Sanguinary Battles of History. to the farmers of other parts of the state. ment by Leaves and Went to Work on Invention.

Soldiers Are Cold. Militant Suffragists. AMERICAN BOY ESCAPES FROM A GERMAN PRISON i Preparations for the corn show are: progressing rapidly and every indlca NEW ADMINISTRATION Portland, November 26. The WAS TWICE A PICKET tion points to the event being the THREE WEEKS LIMIT IS AUSTRIA-HUNGARY IS A STRIKING EXAMPLE glorious' tints of are pre Hs is a Member of thi British Royal IDEA GETS 'INTEREST most u88l in the history of the BEFORE WHITE HOUSE PLACED ON WORK HERE served for the garments of women be Air Corps and Mother Resides at Lowell, Ind. cuumy.

me uuj in iur wtu contest are especially active and practically all-of their corn is now shuck cause one woman with an inquiring mind was struck with the fact that af COUNTRY HA8 BEEN SCENE OF SOME WOMEN KNIT AS PASTIME WAS ARRESTED AND SPENT FOUR E. M. CARR, FORMERLY WITH IN DIANA LIGHTING COMPANY, IS APPLICANT FOR PLACE AS GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT HERE. ter a wind and rainstorm the leaves that had stuck to the cement sidewalk ed and ready for the exhibit. There will be classes for the men growers as well as the boys, and for the best yield, per acre, as well as the best WARFARE AND BITTERNESS BETWEEN PROVINCES FOR MANY YEARS IS NOT A UNITED COUNTRY.

DAYS IN FEDERAL PRISON-SAYS FULL SUFFRAGE WILL ONLY COME THROUGH FEDERAL AMENDMENT. Lowell, Nov. 26. Alva Ofrien has escaped from a German prison and is once more an aviatoirwlth the British forces', soon tojbe transferred to the United States service, and Lowell, in front of her home left prints in col or on the stone. It happened at a for tunate time, wnea tne country was profit showing.

Cash prizes amounting to $600 will be given In the different classes. rmL, rejoices. To Mrs. Maggie O'Bri seeking relief from the dye shortage, Washington, Nov. 26.

Twice a pick en, a "Widow, Kie bas alternately Nnr York, Nov. 26. -In central and southeastern Europe warfare of a peculiar character has raged for dec- and the discoverer went systematical et before the White House gates and sunshine and shadow for more thran a ly to work. four days a prisoner in the, federal AND THEY ARE. BEING URGED TO DO THEIR WORK ON SCHEDULE AS NEEDS' ARE MORE.

PRESSING. iWT3 The need of greater haMe In doing Red Cross knitting for American soldiers in Europe, and particularly for the Bartholomew county boys who are In the service, is emphasised by Mrs. Laura D. Fix. who has charce of this work for the, local Red Cross chapter.

Mrs. Fix announces that all finished work "should be turned In, at the Red Cross Shop, either Tuesday or Friday Announcement, 'made by Mayor-elect Frank. S. Jones and the newly elected councilmen, that radical changes are to Te made in the management of the municipality owned public utilities, lias coused a great MINNEAPOLIS FACING Her otrly dn enlisted in the In fh RfllVana I nrcntrinnaHV 1 7' workhouse, Mrs. Charles W.

Barnes iA hfrwrfaw- ihh narfieti- BrJtWh Air Corps prior to the First, according to her own story, she made a study of dyeing and textile chemistry. Under the direction of A STREET CAR STRIKE nas returnea to Indianapolis as an larfv AMMt. it udmmMi thm form pntraUce of this eonntry into the -war, opponent of picketing and hunger striking. Ot a- bitter parliamentary slruggl. fd WOTd he received was of TWrf fact is called to the attention wttioa, for bravery during the Trouble May Come Over Discharging Equal suffrage, she Is nmly con- beal of comment in Aside from the talk that may "be traced to the political "beliefs of those who have expressed opinions, there is plenty of a tutor, she mastered the use of She learned all there was to know about fixation of colors' and the requirements of different fabrics.

Then London, air Then official in- of tire American public by Charles 2 through federal torstfam esam. hl: 1... hA Awr' wl toc will cotte Men Because Thty Belong to -Carmen's Union. rergier. vice preaiuenv or we cone-1; but her introduction to Mi nmi i nwit at rv vinm nvnr ras i tolan National Alliance of America, in she returned to her autumn leaves.

the methods of the militant leaders; Channels Later Alva wrote he was to aa address recently delivered in Oma- other opinion expressed toy those who care' nothing about the foiitical iphase, but who are interested in the proper management of the water works, the Presently she bad finished a demonstration which embraced every possi a London, hospital. through her Washington experience causes to believe that it will not to an assembly of 10,000 Slavs. In Ajugost. Mrs. O'Brien was notified (By United Press.) i Minneapolis, Minn, Nov.

26. A general streetcar strike on all twin The Bohemian National Alliance of again of her son'a disappearance. be the picketing of the President which will bring suffrage to women. 51ter and the electric lighting p-lanL America is the representative organi-tatlon el our fellow citizens of Czech While snaking a flight over the dines ble shade from glistening gold to the darkest seal brown, and including grays and taupes. She made tests with silk, wool, cotton, feathers and paper.

afternoon of this week. All work Is expected to be finished within three weeks of the lime the yarn is taken from the Red Cross Shop. While many women are making knitting a part of their regular day's routine, others are doing the army work for pastime and are only knitting at odd These pinions both favor and pro- city lines became imminent agin to- On her return home she expects to near VerdUn "British airmen were tneit day following the discharge of 1.000 test against the proposed change. origin and is known for its loyalty to America in the present crisis. It is by the Hons, and O'Brien did not re- resign from the Woman's party, whicl turn.5 On the 'farm at Lowell Mrs through its national leaders here, has and she has a patent to show for her work, i Numerous people who have had experience In city affairs are declaring also the authorized spokesman of the carmen because they weTe menrbers of the recently organised carmen's union.

The men were organised during the Movement fof Czechoslovak Indepen -'Briett refuStt 10 hereon as promoted the picketing, hunger strik- that the contemplated changes will bring about greater efficiency and far times. This causes considerable delay and the need for haste Just now Is NEGLECT H00SIER CORN deneev It ttay safely be I aewl Tn' ntonmn ater wa reraaraea i ing, aenance or conns ana general thAt it ronraHfmtuivpM eorrectlv 4n- 1 hopeful news, He had "been located 1 ugliness, and hereafter what work she greater economy than can be prec- summer. This fall their demands were more imperative than ever. TO WORK IN ILLINOIS ticed now. Otihers, who have had ex-1 mot under an order from the Mlnne- tctpret Bohemian public opinion.

la wrman ptbob tnrougn a note does lor sunrage win do argument iha AAA attinA nktn I smuggled out toy a Tommy (who escap-1 rather than resort to militancy. She perience twith the utilities' here, areiapolic puWic safety committee, a war the Pope's, peace note and the quer I1' raa yesieroay -coax rao-cacre i aaa-oeen ine state memoerwup, cnr- insisting that the changes will "be a board, following a short strike. It was a complete victory for ae men. Many Corn Huikers Flock to Neigh Inn of hrtArtnc shniit nermimrit 1 carriea reporo tne inaiana town man Tor me woman pany oi uiaiana, move in the wrong diection. In or CT i I 1 1 I As rapidly as the'' work can be finished, the local Red Cross chapter is fitting out Bartholomew county boys who are overseas.

To most of these boys sweaters, socks and mitts have been forwarded. In come Instances the families of the boys paid for the materials, but the work has been done peace. Mr Pergler said: iw-wib ycot escape mm reium io dui Because or ino nauonat jeauvisuip boring State Where High Wages Prevail. The oischarge of the 1,000 union men der to make the situation clearer to Columbus citizens, it ts probable that tn am in fnt(a Ufa nHfi iitiAi oi the organization, sne wui noi aaK. came after their refusal to abide toy it i ml iV.

another woman to join. axlbi itue Tvtti my vuf 'win vuuk for untold ftiillioaa and to insure per the order the public safety com a further statement will 'be made by "I never dreamed that a 57 years manent peace, that artificial entity back to me," Mrs. O'Brien told her friends today. "I am thankful he Kas mission, not to iwear buttons or any (From Ind. State Council of Defense.) Indianapolis, Nov.

26. Indiana corn the Incoming administration, detailing where savings can be made and Of age I could learn so much in such called Austria-Hungary mut go, even Insignia showing mat they are mem- by the Red Crosg and forwarded by been spared to fight with our coun a short time," said Mrs. Barnes yes jhuskers'are being drawn to Illinois to I outlining the various changes In pol-Jbers 'of the union, officers of the the chapter, try." terday. as the last remfiant Af Tttrkieh misrule tn Europe most be destroyed fo that tery reason. The famous allied Ihusk Illinois corn- Unusually large icy that are company assert.

'AH car men in the While here Mrs. Barnes was twice -pay is offered as a special induce 1 c-rr fr. mTwi ihv twin cities are not members of the xi i 1J I- I note to President Wilson, declaring! HELL FIRE BATTALION arresieu, iwiue reports irom amerent parts oi th fWml Indian t.iUt rvm. In, favor of the liberation of Czechos WILL FIGHT WITH FIRE wagn WW1t a Joked.tne 8tate Indicate many Indiana menLny and now -working at Newcastle. Those to whom Red Cross knitted outfits have been sent are: Valford Welthoff, France; Herbert Adams.

Camp Shelby; Joseph Earl Calvin, France; Ernst Hoeltke, France; Lloyd TI. Huffer, France: William Bonn Burnett, France; Orville Q. Moyer, lovaks, among others. presupposes on, twice taken into court on charges, are leaving the Indiana corn crop be- this. The President's repeated dec of obstructing traffic and then com- hind in order to help solve the prob- is known to an applicant for the position of general superintendent of all the, city owned utilities.

The new IN CIRCUIT COURT. After being out for 24 hours, the lurv disagreed in the case of the diversity mltted to the federal workhouse at Oc-f lems of corn producers in another Soldier at Washington fafations' treat no people shduld be foreed tw Hveander alien rule, mean Learning" toGiv Hun Warm coquan, va, about 26 mnea out trom. state. 4- th4 fame" thing. It if not to be be- council and mayor-elect have not de- state of Infliana aalmt Claude Rlne- FranCe' Robert Pther.

California; elded to a-ppoint him (but he has been unr H'im Prather. Andrew J. hart, of Hope. He was tried Satur rccpituo vrnvrr i nvy uo uvcr. Washington.

On one of her picketing From Greensburg comes the story expeditions her suffrage banner" was-; of a party of five expert corn huskers Met ear for a moment thai 'the Presi- day "on a charge of emfezzlemenL 'Cdest reference in his note to- the i 'Aft jEorn from her nands by a crowd which' from Forest Hill, Decatur county, who resented such" annoyance to the Presi-j have gone to Champaign, 111., to work Press.) The jury retired Saturday morning Pope, that dismemberment of empires Wright, France; Kenneth L. Marlia, England; Wilbur W. Jones, France; Charles Fowler, France: John Moran. France; William J. Garrison, France; and deliberated all night.

Judge Don- eta riot' furnish a- proper basis for a 1 WashingtonNov! r26rThev Thlr here and in conference with the members of the new administration and there Is a strong feeling, among some of the new officials -that ihe4 is the man for the Mr. Carr at. one time had charge Sent of the United States in" times 'fcfr Illinois farmers during the corn husking time. aker discharged the jut Sunday i peace 6f any kind to AUstriaj tleth i Gas and. Flame, Ernest Gill, France; Charles lUUer i Ifttagaxy.

This can not be It would I known emu the VjHeJl Fire Battalion" I morning. I Her experience was not a pleasant! Edward Hamink of. Brazil, on a re- .4 bet an absolute denial of the orlnclnles i arei leaxnlne to" fizht fire, with fire. The case of the state against Rcfb- Graham, France: Frank BearswUt, U. S- Navy; Karl W.

Keuert, U. S. nut she has no regret for hayingt cent visit at Hindsboro, -111, spent his had it. In fact, she la giad she came, vacation cutting broom corn, and In Of democracy and popular rule Wood-1 Under the direction of English mjlt- of all the puWk; utility plants owned art AulL. charging him with' fcwulag five days earned $50.

1 i row'wuson na so irequenuy enun" wry iexpextsmponanti oe- gjad the picket Hne and. Navy; Carl E. Stlllabower, France; Ernest Lackland, France; and Wilford R. -Mason, France." -it wntld mean ttott only thatlinxaade atme'HeU-re, tattaUon'slad jjhA gered time In Ocqoauan. be-l.

The State Council or Defense of by the Central Indiana! Lighting Com- a fraudulent check, has ibeen dis- pany in this section of Indiana, At missed. V' anoaer time he mas' located, In Co- Thirty-three cases against he Big lumlbue. When the City was tmpor- Vnnr mllrmut fllt (hv Uia invn a( 1 tue czeehostovaks must remain under I camp at tne American, university. Asnia thA oTnoricwo MVft hfir liprsonnl Indiana ha Vippn'SLRVfwt I tn trot tn felleA 'domination, that1 'the' ftdut-1 While nature of their train-1, 1 li i luuviurauuu y. I 1 1 I camana oi'nsyrvanis ana- tjuxe- mg necessaruy i.

aepi. aecrei. uiere; is muitant leaders and opened her eyes i throngh countr defense councils with Ju" UK- 01 wenirai NewpolnL Decatur county, have ween to the true situation. She made sacrl- the Idea of preventing Indiana work-1 vuww. dismissed nere.

in tnese cases ine 'iiMdr-J no-denial the fact that, the men are the unspeakable cruelties of th Iag-1 learning tricks of the fighters' trade ficeB in absenting herself fron. rs from deserting the HAosier crop mreu tn ciiy railroad company was charged with The Red Cross workers point out that there is not so much need to bo knitting for the local boys now stationed In this country as there is for the work to be done for soldiers In France. A large portion of tne local army men are stationed In the- South, where the weather is warm. AH 1 the members 'of the old Company but In view of what she has learned to help out producers In niinois. It Vf wiair vtoiaung a town ordinance wnich she Considers that her time has' been is hoped that adjustments may be ia i06 Carr sought to regulate the speed of trains than it could yar that Poland' can not be; whichi-will -enable them to beat Hun Italians Of flame-projectors at their own Trfrntlfio Joined ttf IthIr Promise of immediate service in "brethren of' Italy that the question Europe has attracted to the outfit men well, jmaae so as to hold Indiana workers They were venued here several years ago.

One of them was tried. The road was found guilty and a fine of "The few leaders absolutely domln- ror the proper and of Alsace and Lorraine must remain 'of all callings, but particularly those ated the rest of us." said Mrs. Barnes. Prompt -handling of the Indiana corn "After we had picketed the first timei oP- i made a aeries of tests for his company. These tests showed that the city was maaing electric current cheaper than the Central Indiana Lighting Ckxmrpany cow imaKe it, Mr.

Carr fWas called back here when W. B. Page, former superintendent of the traction com with training: ia chemical and, me were fitted out with socks before they went South. The Red Cross Chapter here had chanical engineering, explosive- and and received suspended sentences, gaa manufacture, plumbing and most of us felt that wehad done our, KHAKI FOR UNIFORMS pen try. Because of the need for specialized material, all recruiting has sent a knitted outnt to Orville O.

Ifoyer In France, but It Is likely that he never received it. He was killed In $5 was assessed. An appeal was taken and the Supreme Court sent the casee iback here for The present dismissal, acts as a bar to any further -prosecutiona. Judge Donaker has annulled the marriage of Earl W. THkins to Ruth El kins.

IN USE MANY YEARS on suspended sentence would be an been put on a volunteer basis. act of contempt to the court. It was action early In November. Maj. E.

J. Atkisson, a West Point and Cornell graduate, and engineer- held and a vote takenVn the question' 1848 and Flr Used ng eipert, heads the "Hell Fire Bat in British India-Meaning of ot further picketing. The conference, talion." pany, took personal charge of the Central Indiana Lighting Company's plant. Mr. Oarr at that time assisted Mr.

Page in the local plant In ehape where it would give proper service. He Is then said to have left the company of his own choice. Some of tue opposition the new plan is based on the theory that well enough whould be left alone. Other opposition comes from the fact that UNSOLD BREAD IS NOT RETURNED BAKERS Word is "Dusty." Lewis Carpenter has fbeen granted a divorce from Lottie Carpenter. He also has been given the custody of their -child.

however, never held and the leaders simply caused us to believe we were slackers if we didn't follow tniolved. Furthermore -such jcon' strtrctlon would make the reply td the Pope Belf-contradlctbry and Inconsistent, for. In anoth'er part thereof the President maintains that the Americas people "believe tnat peoce should rest upon the rights of not the rights of governments the rights of peoples, great or email, "weak or powerful their equal right to freedom and security and self-govern-neat. And to A participation upon fair terms In the economic oportunitles of the world, the German people. Of course, included.

If they will- accept equality and not keek What President unquestionably wanted to do was- to assure the German people that their national state would be left Intact; that there would be no attempt to disrupt Germany, as a national state. Austria is not a na- tlonal state; it ia'not a nation even UNITED STATES AIRMEN (Popular Science Monthly.) What is the origin of the khaki? To them. The result was that second and LOST 60 HOURS, SAVED Plan to Prevent This Disposal ef third arrests were forced and there, whom are we indebted for it? BIANCA DE SAULLES IS ON THE WITNESS STAND Bread Has Been Meeting With Great Success. was nothing left for the court to dol It was first adonted in RritUh in- friends of the present heads of de- Wees Picked Up Off the French Coast but inflict sentences. This was exact-tdia, in 1848.

by Sir Harry Burnett partments are anxious to assist them 'Had Been Chasing Submarines 4 Disappeared. a oesirea Dy our leaders. Lumsden, who has been asked to in fceepjng tehir places. Stilt other The Readers had been in jail before equip a corps of guides to collect in- opposition comes from men -who hon- (From Indiana State Council of Da Woman Who Murdered Husband to ui iilu i leuicence ana 10 conauct an rally biiwt It vnM Bk miotoJro fense.) Indianapolis, Nov. 26.

Announce Get Child Takes Stand to Tell Jury Why She Did It. At Occuquan we stubbornly sat in force on the northwestern frontier of to ehan A French Port, Nov 25. Suffering from coM, exhaustion and hunger, ment is made by the Indiana State Council 'of Defense of the complete success of the campaign to prevent the three American naval airmen were (By. Hugh Baillie. U.

P. Staff Cor.) the matrons room for three hours, India. The cloth used was a light cot- aging the lighting plant and wate- though a hot supper was waiting for ton drill as suited the climate of Hin- works. However, members of the new H. Whittaker.

the super-. dustan, and took Its name from a na- administration insiat that they have Intendent, came from Washington. tive term, "khaki" which means in the facts at their disposal that mill an- where he had been attending a language "dusty," being deriv- swer all these arguments. They -point picked up thy a French patrol iboat Sat Mineola, N. Y- Nov.

26. Bianca Del return of unsold bread to bakers, by orday night after having been lost at la the political sense of the term; It ha become a wholly artificial entity, without a solid foundation in the facts of international life. Nor could Saul lea faced the prime ordeal of her I retailers. The administration of this sea for nearly sixty hours life today when she went on the wlU and similar activities now rightly falls ing, so mat Mrs. Lewis, onejf our.ed from "khaki" or dust Thus the out that anv kind of en W-.

The three men tn a huge Jtriplane eaders, could demand for us the term applied to the color of the cloth brinz. nnrtsiHY hf hydroalrpJane, left a French, base -w-. w. mm ivi.i au ness stand to bare her soul; to tell within the Jurisdiction of the fiod ad-the jury why and how she killed her ministration, and Harry E. Bar-divorced husband John I DeSaulIes, nard, Indiana food administrator, will the President Intend to guarantee to Germany the booty gained in previous wars, such aa Alsace-Lorraine change is made and the wisdom of it Thursday in search of four enemy sotanarines which were report ngnis oi pouncai prisoners tne prm- rather than to the material.

Though lege to write, to receive mail, to exer- the dictionary tells us it "is pronounc-cise 4n the open air, to receive visl-' ed "kavkee" bv the natives, the Ene- a A neanny ciuoman, ana iaie atniete. thereafter bv excuUte order enforce and Posen. ed operating off the coast. Mrs. De Saulles told the Jury In her the heretofore voluntary arrangement tors and to wear our own clothes.

Mr. lish have riven it to us as "kha-kee" When the men failed to return with- "But In any event the signing, of a Whittaker. of course, was infuriated, and this is the correct pronunciation. the usual thne fears were felt' for peace protocol does not necessarily murder trial that John D. De Saulles, her divorced husband, whom she kill proved, tien the people will agree that the step taken was in the rrght direction.

SEED CORN, WILL GET ATTENTION AT EXHIBIT mean peace in the real sense of -the their safety, and other were sent out to search for them. The ed, wanted' her fortune and boasted of term- A state of war may elist with out an actual clash of arms and with his affairs with other women. She especially since he remembered bis Having been approved, the use of former experiences with -some or our the cloth spread from the guides to leaders, and he quickly caused guards others In the Indian army and it was to remove most of the women to cells, worn in the Sepoy mutiny of 1857 by Some of the women fought the guards the English troops. In the Boer war. which Is believed to have saved many thousands of dollars' worth of bread.

The food administrator is gratified with the voluntary compliance of the bakers with the suggestions originally promulgated. The rf-tatlers and public entered understand ingly Into th re searching machines, Jiowever, returu- ed after several hours and reported out bloodshed. Austria-Hungary has described him as a gay rounder, who drank, insulted and neglected her and consorted with the Duke of Manches been the ecene of what in its effects that they, had seen no trace of the like tigers, even breaking chairs. khaki was adopted In the! Many Farmers Coming From Neighbor- missing plane or its crew. ter on the tatter's steam -yacht, with The naval authorities ttoen sent out wnen I get Home, i intend to tell British service for an active service ing Counties to Investigate Seed Was real warfare ever since the rise of the spirit of nationality.

Because of -this warfare parliamentary life in a number of Broadway girls. our members just, what is going on uniform, and so worn by all English a general warning to all allied (boats Corn Market Here. The little Chilean woman planned to off the coast and the search for the adjustment and the economies effected necessarily will work to the advantage of all concerned. Because of the energetic co-opera- linn nf rntintv rmmtla tt Aafenm. reveal evervthinsr.

from the dav she here and give them an insight to the and colonial troops in Africa. But, as methods of our national leaders. I cotton was not -warm enough for the think that most of our Woman's party African hiehlanders. uniforms of the Americana iwas. oontirraed throughout Austria was Impossible and the state brought to impotency and the verge of bankruptcy, Indeed, this warfare without (bloodshed led to the One of theiblg thlng3 of more than mot thi dashinr vounr American at Thursday night, ail day and night Fri day and Ithjoughout Saturday, with na memoers in Indiana are not In sym- same kind were made of serge, and the ordinary interest during the coming the corn show will be seed corn, and the she 5 Vina del Mar Chile, until bakers' organizations.

Individuals, both shot him at his country home. at 1 patny with the picketing as it is con- term khaki thus included woolen as present bloody struggle as one, of val air tnachJnes to the search during ite proximate Therefore, It the daylight hours. ducted by our national leaders. We weil as cotton fabrics. Because it was) 1 there is to be really permanent peace About dusk: Friday a' French patrol simpiy nave oeen misiea Dy our na- well fitted for the climate of Cuba and tlonal leaders.

I want it understood the Philippines, the United States thie- bloCKlIesa warfare must be boat saw the missing machine drifting seed corn growers of Bartholomew Roalyn, Long Island, when he refused county will at the corn show have the to give up their little boy. opportunity to meet the farmers rom District Attorney Weeks was ready other counties who will be here in for a bitter fight against some of this large numbers to investigate the prob- testimony. ability of their being able to secure "I will not spare Mrs. De Saulles," seed corn for next year's crop. In said Weeks.

that it was not the workhouse Sen- rhnsB khaVI fri-r Ilia inldlnrs' ifnifnrma stopped, and At can, only be stopped helplessly several utiles' out at sea. by complying with the demands of A boat's crew1 rescued the three men State Council of Defense had no great di tUculty in establishing the principle of the non-return of unsold, otherwise "stale There are still serious problems to be sol red by the food administrator, however. In a few Isolated there are obs-Jnate dealers and delinquen- tence which caused me to see the during the Spanish-American war. light, except that the, sentence gave. the Roumanians.

Italians," Czechos who incioded Ensign Kenneth Smith, a former Yale student, who was the lovaks and Jugoslavs, all of whom arc me me opportunity io learn wnaiourt mintnr 'rwnt -mr iv. pilot, Frank J. Brady, of Newark, N. national leaders are to a kcal woiaA today abont sell-i some- tne c0011 of the northern Before coming to court today Mrs ahti-Austrian. Only a of Austrian peoples, the' Germans and Magyars; care for the preservation of part or tne state It is stated that there De Saulles put in her orders xor a observer and gunner, and I.

F. WTil some or ine muuani sunragists wno irsr sniM aa a. a Is not at this lime enough seed corn full Thanksgiving dinner for every one Quencies naturally follow Prosecutions kerson, mechanician. Austria, and even then only if ahey The three men were virtually ex can maintain their hegemony. hausted when picked up.

They were to plant more than half the acreage, of the. 75 prisoners In Nascauycounty may be necessary and examples made even if that much, and the farmers of JaiL before the plan is lod per cent sue- that part of the state must necessarily i A big crowd was in court, many of cessful. Cases wherein there is vol-look to other parts of the state for the men behind the spectators' railing untary disregard of the directions of their seed corn. Already the seed being in khaki soldiers from Camp the food administration will be re- given first aid treatment on the boat, which rushed them to this port. Where "Speaking lor the Czechoslovaks I hope this will not be considered presumptuousthey will never again receuuy nave compieiea jau sen- know What he would be able to do tences.

have returned to the Cameron -about his foecaase he understood House headquarters of the Woman's government had made a rule that party boasting how they broke electric no couM batehered. There light globes how they broke the Jail is no no gucn in windows by hurling their shoes at the force food administration has glass and how they yelled until hoarse ked not lo eat and broke every possible rule, it is so badly needed abroad but there Messages borne on suffrage banners 5t5 v5, the men were transferred to a relief voluntarily submit to" Austrian sove hospital reignty and Hapsburg rule, i The AH the men have now recovered, and corn growers of this counts are receiving inquiries as to seed corn, and many farmers from other counties have indicated their intention to at MIHs and Mineola aviation camp, ported promptly to the department of nearby. Justice and arrests and prosecution JMrs. De Saulles epest Sunday in bed, will follow in United States courts; resting for today's nerve-wracking Heavy penalties are provided for vlo Czechoslovak: people demand com Is expected that they will be able to plete and absolute independence and soon restrme their dTrties. in the recent picket lines have been In- btcheTing his hogs or to prevent him from selling the meat.

tend the corn show here for the test. Her physician declared she wasjlations of the executive orders of the will not cease their warfare upon the house Of Hapsburg Austria until seed very weak and that she might collapse' food administrator, under the Lever The boat's crew were unable to save offensive, but the public ha3 not forth hydro-airplane, which was sunk Rtten 016 "Kaiser Wilson- banners i hurled before the White House gates purpose of arranging for Iheir ttsij iJeal, ahgoluts lodependeace, is corn. the stand. Uw, -juh, 'fg Tl For quick results, try a classified ad..

The Columbus Republican from Columbus, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.