Two Worlds of Family, Friends, and Foes - Annonnie (2024)

Chapter 1: so I bid my goodbye and never knew


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Huginn and Muninn flew into Splinter’s room calling for the family to come quickly. The goyles were talking quickly and over top of one another but the family could make out Leo’s name. Donnie turned on his heel and was running heading in the direction the goyles had come from, Mikey and the others following behind him.

Donnie rounded the corner into their living room and froze. There stood Draxum with someone in his arms. They wore a blue yukata with red, purple, and orange flowers around the bottom and sleeves. He knew this because one of the persons arms was dangling down beside them. He slowly approached and as he did, he got a look at their face which Draxum had resting up against his shoulder. It was Leo. He was wearing a flower crown on his head and his mask was tied up in a bow but it was Leo. He was here he was back.

Donnie froze as soon as he saw Leo’s face unable to process what he was seeing. He heard footsteps race up behind him and he heard a gasp. Mikey ran up to his side but stopped as soon as he was next to Donnie. He too was just staring at Leo’s face.

“Barry what happened? How - how is he here?” Mikey couldn’t believe it. Leo was back! He had asked the questions to try and get his brain around what was happening but he didn’t really care for the answers. Leo was back. That’s all that mattered.

Draxum started to open his mouth when Raph ran into the room. As soon as he spotted Leo he screamed, “Leo!!” He ran forward right up to Draxum and held his arms out. Without a word Draxum transferred his precious cargo over to Raph’s shaking arms. He kept his arms out ready to catch Leo if Raph was shaking to bad but he needn’t worry.

As soon as Raph had a hold of Leo he pulled him close, burying his face into his brothers neck and chest. “I’ve got you. Raph’s got you. You’re safe now. I’ve got you. Raph’s got you.” He kept up his mantra as his knees slowly gave out and his slipped to the floor kneeing down. He bent himself forewards shielding Leo from the world. He had his little brother back and nothing was taking him away again.

Mikey came around, placing a hand in Raph’s shoulder. Raph moved just enough so Mikey could slip on top of Leo. He pulled into his shell so he didn’t take up that much room, but rested his heart on top of Leo’s feeling his brother’s beating chest and moving up and down with each of his breaths.

Donnie moved so he was in front of Raph keeling down and throwing his arms around Leo’s neck placing himself as close to his twin as he could.

Casey came up to Donnie’s side directly in front of Raph. He scooped up Leo’s hand and pulled it close. He moved his hold to Leo’s wrist and quickly found his pulse, letting out a guttural sob when he did. Cassandra came over and wrapped herself around Casey shielding both him and the brothers from the world the best she could with her small frame.

April drapes herself over Raph allowing herself to see Leo while also proving support to Raph. All of her brothers were safe now and she would keep it that way.

Splinter moved besides the Caseys placing a hand on Leo’s knee and wrapping his arm over Raph’s shoulder. He looked up and saw Draxum standing over them. He was still awkward with familia displays of affection. Splinter used his tail to hit the back of his knees bring the goatman down.

Draxum glared at the rat but April cut in. “You’re part of family moments to Barry.” She said with a knowing smirk. Barry grumbled but quickly wrapped his arms around Cassandra and Raph blocking Lou in close to their sons. He shot a look at the hovering Huggin and Muninn and jerked his head towards the family. The two goyles gasped and shared an excited look before high-fiving and flying in to join the cuddle pile. Huggin landed onto of Mikey’s shell hugging him as best as his tiny arms could. Muninn flew up to April’s shoulder and cuddled into her, both watch over Leo.

They would move him to his room eventually. Once he woke up, they could ask all their questions but for now they held each other relishing in the relief and joy of their family being reunited.

The Tenshu was in absolute chaos. After the portal closed people were running around in a panic Lord Mifune and had run over to collect his now sobbing son. Thank the gods he was unharmed. Whatever had just happened, it had attacked Leo and Leo alone.

Lord Mifune looked up from comforting his son. Tomoe Ame was by his side keeping a watchful eye on the crowd, making sure no one got to close to her Lords in the panic. Lord Mifune looked over at his oldest friend Katsuichi who was trying his hardest to shield Usagi from the eyes of the panic crowd. Even without being able to hear them over the crowd he could tell the boy was sobbing by the shaking of his shoulders. Katsuichi was surrounded by Kitsune and Gen who were just as panicked and upset as everyone else, but trying their hardest to keep it together and shield their brother from the crowd.

He locked eyes with his friend and motioned his head to the Tenshu a subtle way to tell his friend to get his son way from the chaos. Usagi might not officially be Katsuichi’s boy but he was in every way that truly mattered. And Usagi just watched his lover be ripped away, Mifune knew that pain personally. The boy deserved some privacy right now. Lord Mifune would handle the crowd and the panic, his friend sacrificed so much for the Tenshu, he had the right to take care of his son right now.

Katsuichi nodded back, grateful to his friend. He scooped Usagi up. “Kitsune-kun can you help Gen-kun back into the Tenshu I’m getting Usagi out of here.”

“We’ll be fine don’t worry about us just take care of him.” Kitsune said and she moved to support Gen on his bad side.

Katsuichi moved as quickly as he could. The whole time he kept Usagi’s face turned into his neck not wanting those who would make him feel weak to see him crying. His boy deserved to be able to express his emotions without fear. He made it into the Tenshu without being stopped and made a be-line for Usagi’s room. Once inside he laid the boy down on his bed.

Usagi’s tears had yet to stop and Katsuichi doubted they would any time soon. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around his boy. He didn’t know what to say. This was not ‘alright’ or ‘okay’, and he had no clue what their next step should be. So, for now he held his son tightly as he sobbed, silent in his support but constant with his presence.


Leo slowly opened his eyes, he felt groggy and wasn’t exactly sure what had occurred. The last thing he remembered was watching Usagi defeating Kenichi in the tournament. After that it was an absolute blank. He heard a gasp come from beside him. He turned his head and his eyes widened and welled up with tears. There sitting right next to his bed was Raph.

Raph moved fast pulling Leo into a tight hug which Leo eagerly returned. Raph raised his head and hollered “Guys, come quickly Leo’s awake!” Before burying his head into Leo’s neck and shoulders. His baby brother was back. He could hear and feel Leo crying into his plastron but he couldn’t judge as he too had tears streaming out of his eyes. “You’re here. You’re really here.” He whispered over and over again into Leo’s ear.

“I’m here Raph. I’m okay.” He reassured holding Raph close.

“Leo!!” Mikey screamed as he jumped into the hug. Leo and Raph adjusted so Mikey could squeeze himself right up to Leo. He nuzzled their cheeks together. “I’ve missed you so much.” He cried tears leaking from his eyes.

Leo moved his arm to be around Mikey and nuzzled his brother back. “I missed you to Mikey.”

“‘Nardo!” Donnie came in and Raph moved over a little more allowing Donnie into the middle of the hug. “Don’t you ever do something like that again. You are not allowed to leave this dimension alone ever again.”

Leo chucked pulling his brothers closer. “I missed you to Dontron.” He’s was crying but he had never been so happy. He was home. He was home with his brothers.

“Sensei!” Leo looked up to see Casey run into the room. The boy stopped right before joining the group. He was unsure if he was welcome in this moment.

Leo quickly wiped away those insecurities. “Get in here Casey.” Casey launched himself forward and Raph moved around so the kid could grab a hold of Leo.

There were more footsteps and soon more weight was added to the outside of the hug. “Finally, all my boys back together.” April proclaimed from her spot next to Donnie. “It hasn’t been the same without Leo.” The two shared a tearful smile.

“Good to have you back little boy blue.” Cassie called from her place hanging off of Raph’s shoulder. Though she had a sarcastic tone Leo could see on her face she was being genuine.

“Nice to see you to recruit.” He teased back.

“I told you before I WAS A GENERAL!” She yelled back at him. There good-natured teasing going back and forth.

“Actually, you were an Captain in the resistance mom.” Casey joined in. He was enjoying watching his younger parent interact.

“Wait hold on. MOM?” Leo turned to him in shock before rapidly turning his head back and forth between the two.

“Yep this is my spawn.” Cassie said reached a hand out and ruffling Casey’s hair. She looked at Leo shocked face. “Try and keep up shell head.”

Leo started to respond when there was a noise at the door. “Blue?” The group pulled back from Leo allowing him and his father to actually be able to see each other.

“Hi dad.” Splinter rushed to his son and pulled him into a tight hug.

“Oh my son. My baby Blue. I thought you lost forever.” Leo wrapped his arms around his father.

“I’m here dad I’m alright.” He sobbed out holding his dad close. The rest of the family moved in going for another family hug.

Draxum had arrived with Lou but chose to hang back and let his family have their moment. He was just happy to have his family back together.

After a little bit they all slowly pulled out of the hug. Raph sat close to Leo’s bed on the left side, Cassie stood behind him leaning on his shoulders. Casey sat next to Leo on the bed on his right side. Mikey sat next to Casey. April sat at the end of the bed; her legs folded beneath her. Splinter stood beside the bed, next to April. Donnie sat on the right side of the bed close to Leo’s legs. Once everyone was settled Donnie started the questioning.

“Oh, tell us everything about where you’ve been. Was it a parallel dimension. Was their technology more or less advanced than ours. And please do not leave out the details of where you got the nice robe and did you remember that when it comes to sizes, I am a medium.” April leans over and gave Donnie a gentle whack on the back of the head. “What?”

“Maybe we should focus on if he’s okay first.” April stressed the okay part of her sentence. She knew Donnie cared about Leo’s wellbeing but he also got very excited at the idea of inter dimensional travel. “Though he is right Leo you do have to tell us where the outfit came from.”

Leo just laughed. “I’ve missed you guys. I’ll start right after Usagi-chan and the others get in here. Where are they by the way?” He looked at the others but they were just giving him confused looks.

“Barry did anyone else come through the portal?” Mikey turned to Darxum wanting answers.

Draxum shook his head. “No, I heard screaming and I pulled Leo out and closed the portal.”

Leo froze. The memories of what happened after Usagi’s victory came flooding back. The flashback to the Krang and the feeling of being pulled backwards. It wasn’t just a flash back Draxum had pulled him out of Usagi’s world. Leo’s breathing was picking up and he was starting to shake.

“L - o - eo - Leo!” Leo’s head snapped up and he had Raph’s face right in front of his. “Breath Leo. It’s okay. Whatever this is we will figure it out. I promise. You’re not alone anymore. We’ve got you.” Leo sucked a breath of air in and tried his best to steady his breathing. “Great work Leo.” Raph encouraged as he leaned back from Leo giving him space to calm down on his own.

April waited until Leo’s breathing was closer to normal before asking. “Who’s Usagi-chan?”

Leo felt his world go off kilter again. “Who’s Usagi-chan? Did you guys not get my letter?” Leo felt his heart sink. Had he failed to get his katana here. Had they thought him dead this whole time?

“What letter?” Donnie asked, he was starting to get frustrated not knowing what was going on.

“I - when I called my katana to me, I saw all the fabrics your guys wrapped around it and I was worried you thought I was dead. So, I tied a letter to my katana and tried to send it back to you. Did it not make it back?” Leo couldn’t believe he had failed them again. He wasn’t even able to get a letter back to them. Splinters face hand gone slack and starch white.

“No, we didn’t get it because SOMEONE decided to play hide and seek with your trowel!” Donnie yelled standing up and turning to face Splinter.

“Donnie calm down, Dad didn’t know.” Mikey called out trying to keep the peace.

“Oh no, he hid our last connection to Leo, and because of him we spent the last month thinking Leo was dead when we could have known that he was okay the whole time. He sent us a letter and-“ Donnie cut off his own ranting. “Wait- wait you,” he turned to face Leo. “You sent us a letter; you had the ability to transport things between dimensions and you didn’t come home. Did you not want to come home? Did you even try?” Donnie was yelling by the end of his speech. He had been through so much. Even when everyone else gave up in the beginning he never stopped looking for Leo. Did Leo even want to come back to them?

“Donnie!” Raph yell out at him trying to cut off his ranting but Leo was already moving. He swung his legs to the side and force himself up to his feet. As soon as he stood up Donnie stopped talk but glared at him waiting for his response. Leo closed the distance between them. As soon as Leo took a step Donnie’s face dropped in shook. Leo was limping. Leo was limping bad. Leo covered the space between them and pulled Donnie into a tight hug.

“I never stopped looking for a way home.” He said it loud enough for the room to hear but he intended it for Donnie. He tightened his arms around Donnie as he felt his twin slowly raise his arms up to hold him back. “I was stuck in the equivalent of feudal Japan. There was no tech and no magic. And yet I still never stopped looking for a way back to you. I promise.” Leo slowly pulled back looking at Donnie. “I wasn’t able to make a portal between the worlds. It was the first thing I tried to do,” Leo looked down still disappointed that he was to weak to make a portal home. “But I made friends there who helped me. They found a way to get me home. It was just going to take time to get all the materials but they were doing everything they could to help me. I’d never willingly stay away from you. You’re my family.” Donnie nodded and gave Leo another hug.

“I’m sorry Leo, I shouldn’t have said those things. I know you never would have made me celebrate our birthday alone on purpose.” As soon as the words left Donnie’s mouth Leo froze. His eyes flew open.

“Pizza supreme,” he whispered in horror. He pulled back from the hug and grabbed Donnie by his biceps. “I missed our birthday!” he yelled with hysteria in his voice.

“You didn’t notice your own birthday pass!” April called out from her place on the bed.

“No!” Leo yelled back. “I mean I knew time was passing. But its not like they had calendars and to be honest my birthday wasn’t at the front of my mind.”
“That’s fair.” Cassie said drawling all the shocked faces to her. “What? You get busy sometimes and you forget your birthday happens to the best of us.” Seeing as this did not appease the family she rolled her eyes. “Look it just means we get to celebrate the twin’s belated-birthday together. Softy gets to have his twin on their special day, shell-head gets to celebrate, and we get extra cake. Sounds like an all-around win.” The family started arguing with Cassie about her definition of an ‘all-around win.’ Leo pulled Donnie into another hug.

“I am sorry I missed it Dontron.” Leo whispered to his twin. Donnie held him tightly. At the moment he was just happy to have him back.

After a moment Donnie helped Leo back to the bed. He helped Leo sit back down but remained standing himself. “What’s wrong with your leg? Is it from the Krang?” Raph asked once they got Leo situated again.

“Yes and no. It was broken by the Krang originally but when it was still healing, I re-broke it.” Leo explained.

“How did you re-break your leg?” Mikey asked worries about what his brother had been doing. “You said your friends were taking care of you.”

“They were,” Leo was quick to defend the people of the Tenshu. “But we got attacked, that’s when I summoned my katana to me. Broke my leg in the same fight. The bone was still healing and was fragile from the previous break and I made it a lot worse.” Leo gave them the short versions of the story, he’d expand on everything later.

“So that’s why your katana disappeared.” Casey realized, “How long until you sent it back to us?” He was curious how long they would have waited for Leo’s katana to return.

Leo paused to think, “probably about mid-day the day after I called it to me.” That was it. Just a few hours. 12 maybe 14 hours after it was gone and they would have had it back. They just need to keep it visible and they didn’t do that. Splinter had hidden it away. “I would have tried to get it back sooner if Usagi hadn’t made me wait.”

“He made you wait!” Donnie was enraged. If they had gotten Leo’s sword back sooner maybe they would have seen it before Splinter hide it. It would have saved them all so much pain. And this dumb dumb had stopped Leo. What right did he have to tell Leo what to do. To stop him from communicating with them.

“He didn’t make me do anything!” Leo knew Donnie. He could see his twin was angry but he was also only hearing what he wanted to. It was easier to vilify a stranger then it was to place blame on their own shoulders or just admit that mistakes happen. Leo still wasn’t clear how they hadn’t seen his katana but it wasn’t Usagi’s fault and he wasn’t going to let Donnie blame him for it. “He suggested I rest before sending it back. We had been up for over 24 hours and-“

“And our first encounter with the Shredder was three days of non-stop fighting. You handled it then why was this time different.” Donnie’s fists were clenched and he was shaking. He and his family had thought Leo was dead for a month. He had to live thinking his twin was dead for a month. All because some dumb dumb didn’t think Leo was strong enough.

“Donnie.” Leo whispered his name. He was hurt. Donnie still thought he hadn’t tried. “I-He was right. I was exhausted. We just fought off and entire clan. I permanent damaged my leg in that fight-“

“You what?” Raph cut in moving closer to Leo. Leo had said he broke his leg not permanently damaged it! What did ‘permanent damage’ entail? What did that mean for them in the future? For Leo in the future?

Leo could see Raph starting to spiral into his over protective nature, but he needed to finish this conversation with Donnie before he could handle Raph. He reached out a hand and rested it on top of Raph’s.

“It’s ok big guy. I’ll be okay. I’ll tell you about it in a second I promise.” He then redirected himself back to Donnie. “As soon as the fight was over, I was in the infirmary doing CPR to bring a man back to life. And then-“ he paused for a second. How does he explain the conversation with Usagi to Donnie right now. Donnie who was already set on hating Usagi.

“And then what Leo?” April rested a hand on his ankle to encourage him. She wanted to know everything she could about Leo’s time away from them. She was defiantly going to poke him for all the details about this Usagi once they were alone.

Leo’s cheeks warmed but he pushed on. “Usagi helped take care of my leg and we were talking and he told me he loved me.”

“He what!?” Was the cry that rang around the room. Though the intonations were very different. Donnie, Draxum and Cassie with anger, though Cassie’s might just be the way she talks. Mikey April, and the goyles with joy. Raph, Casey, and Splinter with shock.

“Wait!” April called out, her and Mickey getting right in Leo’s face.

“How did you respond?” Mikey questioned. They were glaring into his eyes and were very much in his space he had to lean back to have any room to operate.

“I kissed him and told him that I loved him to.” Leo wasn’t going to hide. He loved Usagi and he wanted everyone to know that.

April leaned back and raised her hands to her face and let out a little cheer shaking her head back and forth. Mikey threw his arms up in celebration and threw his arms around Leo’s neck, always happy for his big brother.

Leo smiled down at him resting his spare hand on the back of Mikey shell. He turned himself back to Donnie and pushed on before the rest of the family could ask questions. He would be more than happy to answer them after he got through to Donnie.

“After that HE was the one that noticed your fabrics tied to my katana. I’d been so busy I didn’t notice until he said something. When I saw them, I broke down.” He paused taking in a deep breath. The family was looking at him with such hurt but also understanding. Even Donnie’s face softened. “It was the first true piece of home I had. Sure, I had the picture future me gave Casey but it wasn’t mine, it wasn’t us.” Casey looked away. He understood what Leo was saying but the reminder of Master Leonardo still hurt. “I had my own mask and gear but even then it wasn’t the same as having something that belonged to you guys.”

Mikey hugged Leo a little tighter and Raph squeezed his hand. “We understand.” Raph reassured. “Pretty sure we all raided you room at some point or other just to have a piece of you.” Leo squeezed his hand back raising his eyes to meet Raph’s. The two shared a warm smile before Leo plowed on.

“I tried to untie them from my katana but my hands were shaking to bad. Usagi offered to help me. He got every piece of fabric off for me and then comforted me as I thought you guys believed me dead.” Leo recounted the event quickly wanting to get the point acrossed to his family.

“He sounds nice.” Casey had seen many people grieve lost loved ones in his life and he knew not everyone was the best a providing support and comfort in those times. He was happy Leo had someone who cared about him helping him through that.

“He is.” Leo agreed. He thought Usagi was more than nice but it was a starting point he could build off of. “It was his idea to send my katana back with a letter attached.” He turned to look at Donnie. He could tell that while his twin still held on to some indignant anger, he was less angry then when his story had started. “And yes, he told me to wait.” Donnie started to open his mouth but Leo kept going. “Because my hands were shaking so bad, I could barely hold my sword. He made me a deal. I’d get a little rest and he’d go get everything I needed to write you a letter. He sacrificed his own time and rest just to make things easier on me. That’s why he asked me to delay. Not because he didn’t think I could but because he didn’t want me running myself into the ground.”

Donnie stood there processing his brother’s words. He still was upset but he wasn’t sure at what now. Was he mad that they hadn’t seen the katana earlier. Of course. Was he mad at Leo for not sending it back sooner. No, he couldn’t be mad at his brother. Not when he had needed the katana to defend himself and then tried so hard to send it back to them with reassurance. Was he mad at this Usagi. Yes. He had no idea why but just the idea of him was making him furious.

“Why don’t we go get the letter and we can read though it together?” April asked. “Once we’re done you can answer any questions we have.” She directed her statement to Leo before turning to the others. “How does that sound?”

“Great idea April.” Raph wanted to know everything his brother had been though and the letter will probably help him organize his thoughts.

Splinter nodded, “I’ll go grab it.” Splinter moved quickly wanting to redeem himself for leaving it so long in the trunk. If he had known this was a possibility, he never would have hidden it away. When he returned Mikey must have decided to fill the space by telling Leo about a recent encounter, they had with Meat Sweats. He paused at the door listening to Blue’s laughter at his brothers tale. How he had missed this, his boys all together.

Once the story was done, he made his presence known by clearing his throat. He untied the letter from the hilt and was about to toss the fabric away when Leo interrupted.

“Actually, Dad can I have that?” he asked holding his hands out for the blue fabric. “It’s really special to me.” Splinter could see a little bit of desperation in his son’s eyes so he quickly handed the fabric over. He didn’t know how the fabric was special. It just looked like a scrap of blue fabric to him. But judging by the way Leo cradled it to his chest it was something precious.

“Leo,” April called his attention back to her. She pointed to the blue cloth that was in his hands. “You said that was important to you. Is it because Usagi got it?” It was logical to her as he said Usagi got everything Leo needed to send his letter to them.

Leo looked down at the fabric in his hand and smiled. “Ya, he wanted me to have something with my color to tie the letter to my katana. Wanted it to be instantly recognizable as something from me.” He turned his head up to look at her his smile still so warm. “It was his courting gift to me.”

“Courting?!” Splinter shouted causing all head to look at him. “No, no you are not allowed to have a boyfriend.” There was no way his baby blue started courting someone. Little silly I love you are one thing, his boys were too young to know what love was, but courting? That’s dating right? Or was it engagement!?!? His baby Blue was to young for that, for any of that.

“Dad.” Leo looked so hurt and his voice was so small. He was so confused to, as he had already told his Dad that he and Usagi had kissed and confessed to loving one another and his Father hadn’t reacted this way. He had never told his Father his sexuality but he never thought he need to. To him it had always been obvious and it’s not like he had many prospects or reasons to bring it up beforehand. He thought they were good when his Father hadn’t pitched a fit earlier when he said he kissed Usagi. Was he wrong?

April and Cassie were both starting to puff up unsure of where Splinter was coming from but ready to step in if need be. Mikey curled closer to Leo to provide some comfort. Raph moved slightly in front of Leo ready to protect, from what he wasn’t sure yet but Leo looked so hurt.

“No, you are too young to have a boyfriend.” The tension in the room seemed to ease instantly. “We can talk about you having a boyfriend when you are thirty but for now no boyfriends.” He just got his baby blue back; he wasn’t about to let a stranger take him away again.

“Daaaaaad.” This time Leo calling his name was undeniably fond.

April raised her brow. “I think you’re a little too late Splints that’s ship has sailed.”

“Yes, I agree with April the ship has sailed.” Mikey said nodding his head before turning to Leo.

“Then the ship will return to harbor.” Donnie cried out.

Leo turned to him looking so hurt, “Donnie.” But Donnie had already pivoted and walked out of the room saying something about needing to get S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.

“Let him go Leon.” Mikey calmed. “Donnie’s processing a lot of feelings right now. Give him time he’ll come around. And if he doesn’t Dr. Feelings will have a talk with him. For now, let’s discuss the most important thing.” He paused before getting really close to Leo’s face. “When do we get to meet Usagi?”

“Yes, I’d also like to meet this Usagi.” Raph said. He wasn’t sure about this whole situation. On one hand Leo was well taken care off and he could never be mad about that. On the other Leo was in love with someone they had never met. What if they were someone who was using Leo? Or trying to hurt him? Raph trusted Leo’s judgment but he was still his little brother. Raph wasn’t going to be okay with this Usagi until he knew more about him.

Leo’s expression fell. “I don’t know. How did you guys even get me back? Usagi and some of our friends had a plan to get here and they were going to come with me, but now.” Leo paused looking down thinking about the friends he left behind. “How did you get me? Can we open the door again?” He looked at the room a mixture of hopeful and desperation.

Draxum cleared his throat drawling their attention to him. “Donatello built a machine to search for you. He never gave up hope for your return until your katana disappeared.” He gave Leo a meaningful look. The boy understood now. That’s why Donnie was so stuck on the katana’s return being delayed. He would need to talk to Donnie in private. “He built it originally to look for specific chemical signals but that led to the wrong place.” Mikey, Casey and Raph seemed to shudder at that.

Leo knew what ever had happened was bad. He moved his arm to wrap around Casey pulling the boy closer to his side. Casey’s eyes widened before he curled closer to Leo. Leo reached for Raph and used their now connected hands to pull Raph closer. Mikey tightened his hold on Leo and Raph placed his free hand on Mikey’s shell.

“After that he started look for you by your DNA. That’s how I found you.” Draxum continued after letting the boys resettle themselves. “As far as I know though the machine wasn’t built to remember the dimensions we opened doors to.”

Leo looked at him with confusion. “What does that mean?”

“It means that unless you have the DNA of one of your friends in that dimension, we can’t find them with the way the machine is now.” Draxum hated the answer. While he wasn’t thrilled about Leo apparently finding a partner in this other dimension, he also felt bad. He accidentally gave Leo a panic attack with the way he had pulled Leo out. And for what. Leo had been safe where he was. He could have waited to open the second portal. Then Leo’s friends could have joined them. Or they could have come up with a way to keep the portal opened or at least locked on that universe. Now they were starting from scratch again but this time they had no guide. No DNA to work with. Nothing.

Leo looked crushed. “But it can look for materials to, right? I have things from that world.” Leo had the fabric from the letter, his yukata, flower crown, and ōdachi. Surly one of those could work.

“It depends what they are made out of. If they are made out of common materials then no it wouldn’t work.” Draxum could see the boy wilting at the thought of them being unable to open the gate again. “I’ll check them though. And I’m sure we can come up with something else to scan for. It will be easier since you know what that worlds was like.” Draxum tried to reassure the boy.

Leo was lost in thought for a second. Trying to think of anything that would be unique enough to guarantee a lock on Usagi’s world. Then he lit up. “I made Usagi a tanto using my nimpo.”

“You did what?!” Splinter couldn’t believe his son’s foolishness to leave such a powerful weapon and a direct tether to himself in the hands of a stranger.

Leo ignored him though and kept pushing. “Since it was made out of my nimpo would you be able to find it that way?”

Draxum hummed thinking it over. He hadn’t suggested looking for Leo via his nimpo before since as they were unsure if the second katana was with Leo or in the prison dimension. He didn’t want a repeat of the first portal. But now Leo and all of his katanas were in one place. Only his tanto would be out of place. It could work.

“As long as it stays in that world, I should be able to find it that way.” Leo and his siblings were starting to celebrate. “However, this means you can’t call the tanto to you. If you do and we haven’t locked on to their dimension yet I fear we will never find it. I don’t want to bank on you being able to send it back to the right place. Not because I don’t believe in your skill but more because I want to be sure we find them.” Leo nodded his head along. That made sense. He didn’t want to jeopardize his ability to find Usagi again either.

“Then we have a plan. Get some rest. Tomorrow, we are discussing this permanent injury of yours.” He glared at Leo here who had the decency to look sheepish. “And from there we will start look for your nimpo in other worlds.” Draxum turned to walk out of the room when he heard Leo call after him.

“Thank you. Draxum. I really appreciate this.” Draxum turned to look at the boy and for once he looked genuine when thanking Draxum. He smiled and nodded his head. Maybe when they were working on this project he could finally making it up to Leo for throwing him off of a roof.

Splinter chased after Darxum, five different reasons why it was a bad idea for Leo to have a boyfriend on his tongue and how it was unfair of Draxum to support this.

“So, are we just going to sit here or are we going to read this ridiculously long letter aloud and embarrass Leo as we do?” Cassie asked holding up Leo’s letter. The group cheered while Leo put up a weak protest to the embarrassing part. In all honesty he was more than excited to share his life at the Tenshu with his family. He couldn’t wait to tell them all about Gen, Kitsune, Katsuichi, Tomoe Ame, Lord Mifune, young Lord Noriyuki, and the other kids. But mostly he couldn’t wait to tell them everything about Usagi.


Shingen entered the clearing. He saw his sister, Chizu standing to the left side and he saw Lord Hebi coiled up on the right. He kneeled before Lord Hikiji. The man stood with his back facing the boy.

“It would appear that you have failed me again, Shingen. Unless you have the Hamato boy stored someplace else.” Lord Hikiji did not turn to face him. He kept his back to him as he gave the boy one last chance to succeed.

“No, my Lord I do not have the Hamato boy.” Shingen admitted. He kept his eyes low to the ground and his fist clenched. He was so afraid of what could come next.

“So, you have failed me.” Lord Hikiji said as he turned to face the boy.

“It wasn’t my fault my Lord. A portal opened up and took the boy away.” Shingen looked up fear in his eyes he had to convince this man he was not at fault. He did not fail because the task was now impossible.

Lord Hikiji’s eyes widened. “He’s gone.” He hissed out. “You let him get away!” Lord Hikiji let some of his rage slip as he took a step towards Shingen. The boy flinched; his Lord was not one to display emotions. This was not good. What could he say to get this rage off of him? What information did he have that could turn the tides in his favor again?

“The Miyamoto boy!” Shingen cried landing on the one piece of information that could save him.

Lord Hikiji stilled and raised an unimpressed eyebrow at the cowering boy in front of him. “What does he have to do with this?” Maybe this could be useful to him.

“He and the Hamato boy were in love I’ve seen them together.” Shingen started to rush the information out. Please, please let this be enough to spare him.

But Lord Hikiji cut him off. “That doesn’t matter. Hamato’s only care for their clan. Outside lovers are easily discarded.” If Shingen hadn’t been as terrified as he was he might have picked up on the bitterness in his Lords voice.

“No, you don’t understand. I saw them together. The Hamato boy started to glow and he created a new weapon for the Miyamoto boy.” Shingen tried to push this angle. He was helpful. Look how helpful he was.

Lord Hikiji stilled before rushing forward. He was right up in Shingen’s face. Their noses inches apart. “He created a weapon for Miyamoto? Using his powers?” If this was true then it changed everything.

“Yes, yes I saw it with my own two eyes. Miyamoto even tried to follow him into the portal. I know Miyamoto he won’t stop till he finds a way back to the boy.” The final part was a lie. Shingen did not know Miyamoto well. They had crossed blades enough for him to know the boy was stubborn and tenacious. He could assume based on the interactions he had witnessed, that Miyamoto and the Hamato boy were in love and that Miyamoto would want him back. But he more said it to turn Lord Hikiji’s attention elsewhere. Anywhere but him.

Lord Hikiji thought for a moment. If the Hamato boy was stupid enough to leave a weapon tied to his nimpo here in this world then all was not lost. If he could get his hands on that weapon he could drain at least some of the boy’s powers away via his connection to it. If he could drain enough then maybe he’d be able to open his own portals, or the family would be worried enough they’d come back for the weapon itself. He disregarded the idea of them returning for Miyamoto, the Hamato clan cared for their own and their own only. No matter how ‘in love’ Shingen believed they were it wouldn’t matter to the Hamato’s. But maybe the boy could use the weapon’s nimpo abilities as he had seen other lovers do before. Hmm something to think about.

Speaking of Shingen.

Lord Hikiji reached up and rested his hand on Shingen’s face. The boy flinched but quickly put on a brave face. “You have done well to tell me this.” He saw the boy’s face light up with relief. “Unfortunately, you have failed me for the last time.”

His hand started to glow a sickly pale yellow. It festered and bubbled as it spread from his hand and across Shingen’s face. The boy’s eyes turned to horror he tried to make a noise but all that came out were chocked off gasps and gurgles. The sickly yellow glow continued to bubbly and ooze down until his whole boy was enveloped in the light. Then his skin started to shrink, his body becoming gaunt until his flesh was stretched taunt over his bones. His completion seemed to grey and his fur fell out in clumps. His eyes had tears streaming down them and he let out one last guttural sound and his eyes went dull.

The glow slowly flowed back up Shingen’s corpse until it returned to Lord Hikiji’s hand. As soon as the glow left the body it collapsed into a heap as there was nothing left to hold it up.

Lord Hikiji let out a pleased sigh. He seemed younger as any sign or wrinkles or aging had been removed from his skin.

He looked down at the body in front of him and gave it a hard kick sending it rolling to Chizu’s feet. Her eyes had never left her brother during the whole horrific event and now his corpse rested at her feet. She just stood there staring down at the emaciated corpse that had once been her brother.

Lord Hikiji approached her. He grabbed her chin and lifted her head up, forcing her gaze away from her brother and onto him. “Now my dear Chizu I hope you won’t fail me as your brother did.” He let go of her chin and turned away from her. As he walked away, he ordered to her. “Bring me the Miyamoto boy.” And then he looked over his shoulder, “and don’t fail me.”


And we are off on our adventure.

To everyone who guess Donnie would not accept the Leosagi relationship, you win. He is a soft-shell turtle which means he is very territorial. I also see him as very protective over his people, especially his brothers. Leo is his twin, his person, the one who always understands him. and now Leo has someone else who can do all those things and more. Donnie's a little threatened. He also doesn't want Leo to leave. they just got him back.

writing Cassie is super fun.

also you have no clue how long I agonized over what color to make Lord HIkiji's powers.

Hope you like it!

next time: we get to see how Usagi is doing.

Chapter 2: No word appears before me in the aftermath


Let us see how the Tenshu group are dealing with the loss of Leonardo


Thank you all so much for the support this has gotten!!! I am so excited to share it with you. I finally finished responding to almost all of the comments on A World of Samurais and Ninjas so I should respond to this chapter much faster. I really hope you guys like it!!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Usagi laid in his bed. He held the tanto Leo gave him close to his heart and he curled himself around it. Leo’s cane was next to his bed and his wraps were still around Usagi’s arms. Leo had told him not to leave them on overnight but after yesterday Usagi couldn’t take them off. He figured one night wouldn’t hurt.

He moved the tanto from his chest to in front of him. He unsheathed the blade and moved it so he could read the inscription on it.

‘Aish*teru.’ I love you.

His eyes welled up with tears. Leo loved him. He loved him and he trusted him to watch his back and Usagi failed him. He knew Leo could take care of himself but they were partners, they were supposed to take care of each other. And he failed. Leo needed him, his scream would haunt Usagi to the day he died. Leo really truly needed him and he didn’t get there in time. Leo was gone. The person he loved most in the world was gone because he wasn’t fast enough.

He could have jumped, maybe then he would have gone through the portal with Leo. At least then Leo wouldn’t be alone facing something that terrified him.

Usagi blinked hard tears escaping his eyes and running across his face. He turned the blade to the other side. He couldn’t look at the reminder of Leo’s love for him. A love he didn’t deserve because he wasn’t there when Leo needed him most. When he turned the blade over, he saw the other inscription.

‘Anata wa hitori ja nai.’

Leo’s family’s saying. Leo wanted him to be part of his family. More tears streamed down his face. How did this happen? Why now? Why Leo?

Usagi stared at the blade for another moment until his brain made a connection. He thought back to a conversation he had had with Leo.

It was one of the nights they had passed in Leo’s room with Gen and Kitsune. He had been telling them about New York and what it was like there, trying to prepare them for the day they would travel there. But the conversation had derailed at some point and he was now telling them about one of his and his brother’s fights against Meat Sweats. Kitsune perked up as he mentioned something about Raph using his nimpo.

“Hey Leo-chan?” She asked cutting into Leo’s story. He turned to her giving her his attention. “How exactly do your powers work?” She had been curious since she had first seen Leo’s abilities, and judging by the way both Usagi and Gen’s heads snapped to Leo they were just as curious as she was.

“Oh,” Leo wasn’t surprised that they were asking, honestly, he was shocked it had taken this long for someone to ask. But he wasn’t sure where to start. “It’s our Hanato nimpo. It’s a power my ancestor created. Through my connection with my family, I am able to tap into it giving me my abilities.” He explained it as best he could. There were still things he and his brothers were learning about their nimpos.

“So, your ancestor discovered how to make portals and now you can to?” Gen asked in his gruff tone. He wanted to be sure he understood what was being said.

“It’s not just making portals. That’s how my nimpo manifest my brothers all have different abilities. For example, Raph can make a giant version of himself out of his energy.” Leo expanded upon his previous answer. Before he could go more in depth Kitsune spoke up again.

“So, is it only blood relatives that get powers? What if someone is adopted into the family?” She was curious what Leo meant by his ‘connection with his family.’ What did that intel?

Leo didn’t need to think before he answered. “April has used nimpo before.” He answered with confidence before pausing. “Well, she did against the Shredder but that might have been Gram-gram’s power flowing through her.” He hummed in thought raising a hand to his chin to think. “Our nimpo comes from our connection to each other. Our love and trust in one another.” Leo looked up at them with a bright smile. “I have no doubt that any member of the family could use it. Blood relations or not as long as their family they should be able to use Hamato nimpo.”

Usagi smiled at him, missing a look that was exchanged between Gen and Kitsune. “I have a question Leonardo-chan.”

Leo turned his attention to him. “Ask me anything you want Usagi-chan.”

“Your katanas, I know you can call them to you and send them away but how do they work?” Usagi had been so curious about Leo’s katanas since he first laid eyes on them. They seemed well made and taken care of. He was curious to know if they were linked to Leo’s powers of if he just channeled his own abilities through them.

Leo smiled brightly at him. “Oh, I created my katanas with my nimpo. They are a part of me. I can call them to me because they are an extension of me.”

Usagi had many more questions he wanted to ask but Gen stood up. “Welp I’m bushed. We should all head to bed soon, we got training in the morning. Later Strips.” Gen waved as he walked out.

“Goodnight Leo-chan.” Kitsune waved as she followed Gen out the door. “Come on Usagi-chan.”

“I’ll be there in a minute.” Usagi called out to his sibling he waited till they were gone before leaning forward and placing a gentle kiss to Leo’s lips. “Goodnight Leonardo-chan. Thank you for answering our questions.”

Leo had smiled at him and placed a hand on his cheek. “It wasn’t a problem Usa-chan. I love talking to you and our friends. Goodnight Usa-chan” Leo placed another kiss to Usagi’s lips. They pulled back and smiled at each other.

“I’ll see you in the morning before training.” Usagi promised as he stood up.

“You don’t have to we were up late tonight I get it if you want to sleep in.” Leo wanted to see Usagi in the morning but he also felt bad keeping him up late and then making him get up early.

“You’re right I don’t have to.” Usagi said moving back to where Leo sat on his bed. He leaned down and placed a kiss on Leo’s cheek before whispering into his ear. “But then I don’t get any good morning kiss from you and that’s well worth getting up early for.” Usagi smiled at Leo’s blushing face. “I love you.”

Leo smiled back at him, “I love you to.” Usagi stood and made his way out of the room, giving Leo a wave before closing the door.

As soon as the door was closed Gen grabbed him and pulled him close, Kitsune sliding up to his other side. “So, bunny butt here’s the plan.” Gen whispered to them as they walked down the hallway. “When you marry Stripes, because we all know you are going to marry Stripes.” Gen’s comment caused Usagi’s fur to fluff up and a blush to dust his cheeks. It was true that he wanted to marry Leonardo one day but they haven’t even been dating for a month could people stop making plans for their future. What if that’s not a future Leo wants? Usagi just wanted to make him happy.

“You become part of his clan.” Kitsune takes over the conspiring. “That makes us part of his clan. And then we all get magic powers.” The two gave him devious smiles.

Usagi quickly pulled away from the two of them. “Now stop that both of you. The reason I’m with Leonardo-chan isn’t because I want something out of him but because I love him and if you-“

“Calm down bunny butt. We know that.” Gen waved his friend’s fury off.

“Just like we aren’t your friends just because we want to live in the Tenshu. Or like how we’re not just Leo’s friends because he’s a cool magic kame.” Kitsune picked up again. “We know as well as you do that none of us are here just to get things out of each other.” She got a teasing smile on her face. “But you got to admit. Magic powers would be cool.”

Usagi shook his head at both of them. “You two are going to turn my fur gray one day.”

“How can we, you already skipped gray and gone straight to white.” Gen teased causing them all to laugh.

Usagi sat up quickly holding the tanto out in front of his face. Leo made this blade with his own powers. It was quite literally part of his soul. And the tanto was still here. The tanto, a physical manifestation of Leo’s soul was still here.

Leo was alive.

It was the only logical conclusion. Leo said himself that the blades he maked are physical manifestation of his soul. He was alive Usagi was sure of it. And if he was alive then Usagi would find him. No matter what it took Usagi would find a way back to Leonardo.

Usagi rested his forehead against the tanto. Now that he was looking for it he could feel it, the low buzz of energy that the blade carried with in it. “I’ll find you, my love. I promise.” He meant that oath as much as he would if he were swearing the bushido to his Lord. He would find Leo even if it took the rest of his life to do it.


Usagi left his bed for the first time since Katsuichi placed him in it the day before. He grabbed his katanas and quickly got ready to leave. When he threw open the door, he found Gen and Kitsune siting outside of it. Gen had his sword sitting in his lap and Kitsune her fans.

Kitsune jumped to her feet as soon as Usagi opened the door. “Usagi-chan we didn’t expect you to come out yet.” Kitsune wanted to curl up and cry herself but it was more important to her to keep people away from Usagi so he could grieve in peace. If the person she loved was just ripped away from her like that she would have been inconsolable for weeks.

“I need to speak with Sensei.” Usagi need to ask him what was missing from the ritual to travel between worlds. He would go and find the missing items himself. He didn’t care how far or how dangerous it was, he needed to get that portal open as soon as possible. Leo was alive right now. That didn’t mean he would be forever.

“He out at the festival keeping people from bothering you bunny butt.” Gen informed from his place on the floor. With his leg injury he wasn’t able to get up very easily so he was waiting to see where this was going before getting up.

“Keeping people away from me?” Usagi was confused. Why would people be bothering him. Leo was well like, especially after the Neko clan attack but Usagi couldn’t imagine people would come to pay their respects to him. They had kept their relationship semi-private, or so he thought.

“Usagi-chan you won the tournament. You’re supposed to lead the ceremony tonight. The Dogora jerks are kicking up a stink about you not ‘fulfilling your duties.’” They were also saying some wild and ridiculous things about Leo but Kitsune didn’t want Usagi to hear those things if she could help it.

Usagi closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. He needed to get started on searching for Leo but he still had his duty to Katsuichi to up hold. As his student, his lack of attendance would shame Katsuichi. He thought of Leo pleading with him to keep his honor throughout the tournament. He would keep his promise to Leo and make him proud.

Usagi started to walk down the hallway causing his to friends to scramble to follow after him.

“Slow down bunny butt not all of us have two working legs at the moment.” Gen huffed out after his friend. Usagi froze, the comment not only reminded him of Gen’s injury but also of Leo’s. Leo’s cane was in his room right now. How was he getting around?

“Usagi-chan?” Kitsune called his name worry in her voice. She gently took ahold of his hand snapping him out of his thoughts. “You don’t have to go down there. Katsuichi-sama doesn’t want you to force yourself. We-“ her voice shuddered here but she pressed on. “We just lost Leo-chan. No one expects you out there.”

“I know Kitsune-chan!” There was anger in Usagi’s voice but he quickly took a deep breath to calm himself. This wasn’t Kitsune’s fault and she was hurting to. “I know.” He said much gentler, turning to face her. “No one expects me to but I’m going to. It’s the last night of the festival. A time to ask the gods for their blessings, to put our hopes in front of them. And I’m going to need all the help I can get, ‘cause I’m going to find Leonardo-chan”

“Usagi-chan.” Kitsune had a sad look on her face before she grew determined. “Do you really think we can get him back.” If Usagi was serious she was going to help.

“I know we can.” Usagi held up his tanto. “Leo made this for me the first night of the festival with his nimpo powers. It’s tied to his soul.” Usagi paused to make sure he had both of his friend’s attention. “It’s still here. Leo’s alive and I’m not going to stop till I find him.”

Gen limped forward placing a hand on Usagi shoulder. “Well, we better get moving. If we don’t find Strips, I never get to try pizza.”

“Gen-chan!” Kitsune yelled at him. “This is serious.”

“I’m being serious. He made it sound really good.” Gen defended himself. Usagi looked at his two friends bickering and chuckled. Even now, at suck a heartbreaking and dire time, his family was still here supporting him and making him smile.

“Come on guys let’s get this over with so we can start looking for Leonardo-chan.” Usagi turned and started making their way out again his friends following behind him.


When they got outside it was just before sundown. The lantern ceremony was set to start as soon as the last rays of light left the sky. They moved as quickly as Gen was able to through the crowd. People were moving about holding their paper lanterns getting ready for the event to start. Usagi could hear whispers when people saw him but elected to ignore them.

He quickly found Katsuichi. As soon as he saw them his eyes widened and he moved quickly to meet them “My boy, what are you doing here?” He was worried that someone had gone and forced Usagi to come down. He didn’t care about the prestige of the event; he didn’t want his boy facing this crowd unless he was ready. Usagi didn’t deserve to have hundreds of eyes on him, waiting for him to break down.

“It’s alright Sensei.” Usagi reassured. He looked down as he started to speak “One of the last things Leonardo-chan asked of me was to keep my honor intact, no matter what happened. Leonardo-chan wouldn’t want to be the reason I failed to complete my duties.” He raised his head to meet Katsuichi’s eyes. “I’m finishing my duties here and then tomorrow I’m looking to him.”

Katsuichi took in a deep breath and looked to the sky gathering his thoughts. On one hand he was so proud of his boy. Usagi was here before him ready to complete his duties not because he had to but because he wanted to honor his promise to a loved one. On the other hand, his heart aches for the boy. He thought of Leo’s last moments with them. Leo had been vague with his description of the Krang, but one thing that he did talk about were their pink tentacles like arms. Was the thing that grabbed Leo the Krang trying to finish the boy off.? Or could it have been something else that they were unaware of. Was Leo even alive at this moment? And if he was, is finding him even possible? He realized he didn’t care. They would find Leo. Even if Katsuichi had to rewrite fate itself, they would find him. His boys deserved to be happy.

“Alright my boy. Let’s go find Lord Mifune.” He turned to walk allowing Usagi to fall in line besides him. “You must know my boy that since Leo-kun’s disappearance there have been some rumors that have started.” The Geishu clan loved to gossip and this was no different.

“What kind of rumors?” Usagi questioned. He had a feeling they were bad if Katsuichi was bringing them up to him.

“There are people who believed Leo-kun to either be a kami or blessed by one.” Usagi nodded he had heard these rumors before. The first time he saw Leo’s powers he thought the same thing, and he knew Leo came from a different world. “There are those who believe that he was pulled back to heaven.” Okay, Usagi thought, that’s not too bad. It’s a nicer thought then Usagi’s, believing his lover was pulled to his doom. “There are others who believe that since Leo was a ninja, he made a deal with an oni or an akuma and they have taken him as payment.” Katsuichi didn’t want to tell Usagi these rumors, but he didn’t want him hearing them for the first time from the crowd.

“What?!” Usagi was furious. People thought Leo, his sweet, compassionate, loving Leo, who permanently damaged his leg protecting them, made a deal with an orc or a devil. “Are they out of their minds! After everything Leonardo-chan did for us!”

Katsuichi placed his hand on Usagi’s shoulder. “Calm yourself my boy. It is not our people who are saying that. They know of Leo-kun’s character. Our people know he would not do that.”

“Then who-“ Usagi cut off his own question when he saw Kenichi and several other Dogora student pointing at them and whispering. He knew who would be stupid enough to believe that. And as angry as it made him, he tried to let it go. Their opinion of Leo shouldn’t matter, and he promise Leo he wouldn’t sink to their level. But gods, if they came over here and said something like that about Leo to him, he was going to lose it. He wasn’t afraid to fight for Leo’s honor.

Thankfully Katsuichi saw where Usagi’s eyes were and placed his hand on the boy’s shoulder to lead him away from the group.

“Don’t worry about them my boy. Anyone who actually knows Leo-kun knows those lies about him are not true.” Katsuichi reassured his student. He truly hoped after the deplorable behavior of the Dogora students that no one would bother to believe their lies.

The group made their way over the Lord Mifune. The whole time Usagi could hear snippets of the conversations around him. All whispering about Leo and what HE had done to be pulled from their world. As if Leo was at fault. Usagi had heard the terror in his voice seen the fear in his eyes. Leo had just been ripped away from them, he had done nothing wrong.

“Usagi-kun I did not expect to see you out.” Lord Mifune and Tomoe Ame turned to greet them. He had young Lord Noriyuki in his arms. The boy had been clingy today and considering what he had witnessed yesterday and how it reminded him of the loss of his parents Lord Mifune had no problem indulging the boy today.

“I would never fail in my duties. Leonardo-chan wouldn’t want that.” Usagi was firm in his decision. But as soon and Leo’s name left his lips young Lord Noriyuki’s eyes welled up with tears and he buried his head into his father’s shoulder. Lord Mifune sighed and rubbed the boy’s back.

“The ceremony will start soon. The paper lanterns are this way. We can go prepare ours so we are ready when it is time to start.” Lord Mifune instructed as he led the way to where the ceremony would take place.

As they arrived at the center of the front square of the Tenshu they saw a stage built up. The stage was surrounded by torches lighting up the square. There was a table on it where a light blue paper lantern and several candle sticks rested.

“I wasn’t sure if you were going to make it but I had a lantern set out for you any way.” Lord Mifune explained. As they approached, the Lord waved over a servant and requested they garb six more lanterns for the group. Usagi moved towards the stage with Katsuichi and the two Lords. Kitsune, Gen and Tomoe Ame found a spot close to the stage. The servant came back quickly handing the three their lanterns; Kitsune was handed a teal one, Gen a lilac one, and Tomoe Ame was handed a pink one, before running up to his Lord with the remaining three. Both Lords had a deep royal purple with gold detailing while Katsuichi was a deep blue.

Usagi’s looked at his light blue lantern. As champion he got to start the ceremony. He had been planning to share this moment with Leo. He had known what his wish for the next year had been for a while. ‘To remain by Leo’s side, and find a way between their worlds.’ That was his original wish. He wanted to find a way between their worlds so that they could visit Katsuichi and the people of the Tenshu after they moved to Leo’s world. But most importantly he wanted to be with Leo. He just wanted Leo to be happy because Leo made him happy.

Now. Now things were different. Leo was taken from him and he didn’t know where he was. His wish had changed.

Carefully he wrote down his new wish. ‘My wish is to reunite with Leonardo-chan and never separate from him again.” He didn’t care where their reunion was. If it was in his world or Leo’s or some unknown realm, he did not care. He just wanted Leo back. Being forced apart hurt more then he thought possible and he knew once he found Leo, he never wanted to part from him again.

He tied his wish to the lantern and got ready. He could see Lord Mifune helping Lord Noriyuki tie his own wish to his lantern before Lord Mifune picked his own back up, not once had he put down his son. He could see Katsuichi gently tie his wish to his own lantern. In the crowd he could see his friends getting ready.

For a moment he let himself dream of what it would be like if Leo was still here. He would have pulled Leo up on stage with him. It wasn’t tradition but Usagi didn’t care, as long as he released his lantern first it didn’t truly matter. Besides he had fought the whole tournament in Leo’s honor, he belonged up there to. Usagi would release his lantern first followed by Leo’s. He would have pulled his beloved close and watched as their lanterns dance around the sky together as they were joined by the hundreds of lanterns the crowd released. After they couldn’t see their lanterns any more, they would have snuck away to spend some time alone together as many lovers do at the end of the festival.

But that wasn’t the reality Usagi was facing. Leo wasn’t here.

He was drawn out of his thoughts by Lord Mifune clearing his throat as he raised his voice to gain the crowds attention. A hush fell over the crowd as he spoke. “My friends it had been a glorious festival as we celebrate the return of light to our world. I know that we will continue to prosper in the year to come. Now is the time to lift our hopes to the gods so they might bless us in the coming year. Our tournament champion, Miyamoto Usagi, will release the first lantern.”

He held his arm out towards Usagi, this was Usagi’s cue to start the ceremony. He picked up one of the candle sticks and held it out to one of the torches. Once the candle was lit, he used it to light the core of his lantern. Then he handed the candle to Lord Mifune who used it to light both his and young Lord Noriyuki’s lanterns that they boy was holding. He passed it to Katsuichi to light his own. One they were done Usagi’s was ready to fly. He raised the lantern up above us head where he released it and watched as it floats towards the heavens. It was quickly joined by Lord Mifune’s and young Lord Noriyuki’s and Katsuichi. As soon as Usagi had lit his lantern the crowd had begun lighting their own passing candles back from the stage. Their own lanterns were soon released and the sky was alight with colorful paper lanterns floating though the sky.

It was beautiful, absolutely breath taking to see all the lights floating in the night sky. Yet Usagi heart was filled with sadness. Leo should be here. He should be seeing this. He had been so entranced with the idea and now he was missing it.

Usagi harden his resolve. He was going to find Leo again. Then he was going to find a way to link their two worlds. Leo deserved to see this next year. Leo and his whole family would be here celebrating with them. And if he couldn’t make a gate between there worlds, then they would celebrate it in Leo’s world together, he’d find a way. But he swore to himself that by this time next year they would be together again.

Usagi turned to leave the stage. He was no longer need and in all honest he didn’t want to look at the lanterns any more. Was it possible to feel alone in a crowd of people? His friends quickly meet him and followed him as they maneuvered through the crowd. As they got out of the square the crowd thinned out. There were small groups of friends around and lovers milling about as well looked for a spot to be alone. It hurt Usagi to see them.

The three moved along until they heard a voice. “Hey Mimi!” Usagi stilled. No, not him. Not now. He didn’t have the energy for this. “I never thought you’d be that desperate to beat me.”

Usagi froze. “What?” Usagi knew better that to engage but the statement caught him off guard. He turned to face Kenichi and his group of friends.

“What are you on about now? And I thought you couldn’t call Usagi-chan that any more. On ‘your honor as a samurai.’” Kitsune questioned and mocked Kenichi.

Kenichi sneered at her. “Festivals over so I can do what I want.” Usagi could see Gen and Kitsune getting ready to argue with Kenichi but he was too tired for all of this. He could see Gunichi moving through the crowd towards them. This would be over soon. “And what I mean is that I can’t believe Mimi made a deal with an akuma to beat me. And to use that disgusting ninja as payment. Got to say I didn’t think you had it in you.”

Wait. What? Usagi’s couldn’t comprehend what he just heard. This idiot really believed that Usagi was so afraid of him that he made a deal with a literal devil to beat him. And he was ignorant enough to think that Usagi would use Leo, the love of his life, as payment! Usagi was shaking with rage.

Usagi tried so hard to calm himself. He thought of Leo by their tree. How he had held Leo in his arms as Leo made him promise he wouldn’t stoop to Kenichi’s level. How Leo told him how much he loves him.

“That’s it I’m done with you.” Gen called from beside Usagi and he took a threatening step towards Kenichi.

“No.” Usagi called stopping Gen from his approach. He turned to look at Usagi who had not moved a muscle since Kenichi started talking. Everyone was shocked by Usagi’s call, even Kenichi.

“But Usagi-chan.” Gen was mad, rightfully so, that comment was over the line and it was about time someone taught this bunny a lesson.

“No, Gen-chan. Leonardo-chan made me promise I wouldn’t stoop to his level and I’m going to keep it.” He never moved his eyes from Kenichi. “Besides I‘ve already won. In every competition we’ve had. This whole festival I have watched you disrespect and harm my loved ones and the only reason I haven’t gone after you is because Leonardo-chan has stilled my hand. And now you are not only calling my character into question but are implying that I would willingly sacrifice my love just to defeat an enemy. I am done with you.”

Here Usagi took a step forward. “So what, now that your precious cowardly ninja’s not here, you’re gonna fight me?” Kenichi took a step forward to as he tried to mock Usagi but there was an undeniable tremor to his voice. He had never seen Usagi like this.

“No, you’re not worth that. No, I think I’m going to send word to my father about your deplorable and dishonorable conduct here. I know he has you lined up to be his successor as magistrate to our village and I’m sure he would love to know the sort of man he is leaving our village to.”

Kenichi paled. This would ruin his whole future. “He’d never believe you.” Kenichi knew Usagi’s relationship with his father was shaky but he also knew that if his father was given the choice, he would always pick Usagi to be his successor. If Usagi wrote a letter about his behavior it would hopefully be seen as part of their childhood rivalry and nothing more. But if he wrote saying he wanted the position it was his. “He knows we don’t get along and he’d see this as you sabotaging me.” Kenichi didn’t want Usagi to believe for a moment that he had that sort of power over Kenichi’s life.

“Then it’s a good thing the letter won’t be coming from Usagi-kun.” The group turned to see Katsuichi and Gunichi had both arrived. Katsuichi laid a hand on Usagi’s shoulder as he continued to speak. “It will be coming from Lord Mifune as he was quite disgusted with your behavior, along with witness statements from myself, Gunichi-San, Tomoe Ame-kun, and most importantly young Lord Noriyuki. They all saw your behavior, not just your treatment of Leo-kun but also your actions through the tournament. It was unbefitting that of a samurai and we will be letting your magistrate know.” Katsuichi could tell that the color had drained completely from the boy’s face. “Furthermore it is my great pleasure to tell you that by decree of Lord Mifune you will not be welcome back for next year’s tournament or any other future celebrations.” Katsuichi used his hand to guide Usagi away. The others following them. Gunichi stayed behind to deal with the Dogora students though Katsuichi doubted that they would be a problem now.

Once they were a good distance away Kitsune cackled. “Oh my gosh! Did you see his face. I didn’t know someone could go that pale!” Her and Gen started howling with laughter.

“Thank you, Sensei.” Usagi quickly thanked him as they walked back to the Tenshu.

“I must say, using his own actions to destroy his life doesn’t seem like a move you would pull. It seems more like something Leo-kun would plot.” Katsuichi raised an eyebrow at his boy waiting to see how he’d respond.

Usagi raised a hand to the back of his neck. “Leonardo-chan might have made a comment about how upset his dad would have been if he ever acted the way Kenichi-san was. I just took the idea and ran with it.” He looked up at his master. “Thank you for going along with it.”

“My boy I’m going to do it. Lord Mifune already decided to throw the boy out of any future events I’m sure he’d love to take it further as young Lord Noriyuki was quite upset at how Leo-kun was being treated.” Katsuichi saddened at the thought of the young Lord.

The boy had been inconsolable since Leo’s disappearance. He refused to let go of his father. The boy had stopped talking to anyone but his father and Tomoe Ame. He would tearfully ask for was his ‘Nii-san.’ The boy had been right next to Leo when he had been taken and Katsuichi knew it would be a long time before the young Lord recovered.

Now that they were away from the crowed Katsuichi looked at Usagi. “My boy,” he called getting Usagi’s attention. “Earlier you said something about looking for Leo-kun.” Usagi nodded his head.

“That’s right Sensei. I wanted to ask you what we are missing for the ritual. I’ll go get them myself and then follow after Leo.” Usagi explained his plan, but Katsuichi didn’t look impressed, no he looked sad.

“I was afraid you’d say that.” Katsuichi stopped and used his hand on Usagi’s shoulder to turn him so they were facing each other. “The ritual only works if you have something from the world you are trying to go to. Before when we had Leo-kun with us traveling to his world would be easy. But know that he is gone we have nothing to connect us to his world. I’m sorry my boy.” Katsuichi’s heart broke for his boy again. He hated having to be the one to tell Usagi this.

Usagi shook his head side to side in shock. “No, no that’s not true.” He then took a breath to steady himself and collect his thoughts. Did he have anything from Leo’s world. He had Leo’s tanto which was connected to his soul, that should work. but he also had the arm wraps Leo had given him as a token to represent him by. Those were from Leo’s world. “I have two items from Leo.” He pulled back his sleeve to show the arm wraps.” He gave me these for the tournament. They belong to him and are from his world.” Usagi explained.

Katsuichi looked the arm wraps over. “That could work.” He took a second to think before sighing again. “But there is no guarantee that Leo was returned to his world.” Katsuichi didn’t want to bring up the idea of the Krang. He had no proof and it would only hurt Usagi to think about. But if Leo was with them, he wouldn’t survive for long, not if the injuries he had when he arrived were anything to go by. The Krang were dangerous and they would kill him.

“I know.” Usagi said drawling him out of his thoughts. “I’ve thought about that to.” Usagi looked down. If Katsuichi didn’t know the boy as well as he did he would have missed the fear that flashed over the boy’s face. Of course, his bright boy had already thought of that possibility. Leo had probably told Usagi more about the Krang than anyone else, as the two had spent the most time together. “But I’m prepared for that to.” Usagi drew his tanto out to show Katsuichi. “Leo made this for me with his nimpo. Do you think we can use this as a way to locate him? Not a specific world but Leonardo-chan himself?”

Katsuichi looked at the tanto in surprise. “That- that might work.” He wasn’t sure but he hoped it would. Hopefully Leo could stay alive long enough for them to find out.

Seeing that his master was agreeing with him, Usagi pushed on. “So will you tell me where the last two items we need for the ritual are?” Usagi need to know this before he set out. He would find a way to Leo, and if Leo wasn’t safe then he would find a way to bring them home.

Katsuichi focused back on Usagi. “I’ll talk to Lord Mifune tonight, after the festivities. Gather provisions, we leave tomorrow.” He then turned and started to make his way back towards the crowd.

“Wait we?” Usagi was surprised he knew Kitsune and Gen were coming, as they have not sworn loyalty to anyone, they were free to come and go as they pleased. Katsuichi, however, had sworn the bushido to Lord Mifune, he would need permission to leave for an undetermined amount of time.

“Don’t act so surprised my boy. Leo-kun has endeared himself to all of us. And I’m not about to let you three go off on a dangerous mission alone. Lord Mifune won’t mind, matter a fact he’ll be thrilled to know we have a way to find Leo-kun. As will young Lord Noriyuki.” That was putting it lightly. The young Lord would be ecstatic to know Leo was alive. Katsuichi turned and smiled at his kids. Go get ready we will meet first thing tomorrow morning so you better get some rest.”

Usagi bowed to his master, “thank you, Sensei.” He was so grateful for the support of the people around him.

Usagi and the others left to pack and turn in for the evening. As Usagi laid down in his bed that night he could only think of Leo. Was he safe? Leo’s terrified scream had not left his mind. He tried to remember Leo from other times. His thought turned to their tree. Though the memory of his ‘victory kisses,’ as Leo called them, was tainted by Kenichi’s harassment there were plenty of other memories there. From all the time spent with the kids, to the flower crowns when Leo first stole his breath with his beauty. But the memory he decided on was the first night of the festival. When they were surrounded by candle light and he held Leo close. The night Leo created the tanto for him, the very thing that would reunite them. Anata wa hitori ja nai, he was not alone. He and Leo would be together again.

“Goodnight Leonardo-chan.” He whispered to himself. “Aish*teru.”


Usagi learned to listen to Leo when he spoke, and because of that he was able to realize that the Tanto's existence means Leo is alive! He's a smart bunny.

Kenichi is getting what's coming to him.

poor Lord Noriyuki crying for his big brother Leonardo. its okay baby you'll see him again.

Now both teams have a plan!

Next time: We are back with the Turtle fam. They finally read the letter and learn what the heck Leo's been up to.

Chapter 3: Breath in, Breath Through, Breath Deep, Breath Out


It is here!!! They are finally reading the letter!!!


Hey Guys.
I really tried my best to not just make this a summary of the first fic. while they are discussing the events of that story there are a lot of character interactions and reactions that set up other plot points of the story.

I hope I did a good job.

It might be a little sloppy as this chapter got deleted right after I cleaned it the first time.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Cassie held the letter out in front of her. She cleared her throat and straightened her back composing herself. “TO MY DEARLY BELOVED FAMILY-“ April’s hand hit Cassie in the center of her face while grabbing the letter with the other hand.

“Ya, no. We are not listening to the whole letter like this.” She gave Cassie a gentle shove backwards and pulled the letter to herself. Cassie flailed her arms to regain her balance. Once she had it, she made to jump at April but Raph caught her around her waist. She knew better then to fight against Raph so she just hung there like a dejected cat while Raph shot April a thumbs-up.

April held the letter up. “To my Dearly Beloved family, I am writing you to inform you, I live.” She paused and sent Leo a dry look. “Really Leo.”

“What, you know I make jokes to cope.” Leo said with a shrug. The group let out a small groan, but it was more for show. They had missed Leo’s jovial nature.

April, once again, set out reading the letter aloud. She didn’t get very far before their first interruption.

“Wait you were in the infirmary when you woke up. How hurt were you?” Raph asked worrying his hands together in front of him.

“Easy big guy. It wasn’t that bad.” Leo tried to play down his injuries.

“Leo. Donnie, Mikey, and I were in recover for at least a month from that fight.” Raph started to lecture but was cut off by Leo.

“Wait are you guys okay?” Leo started to panic. He was the family medic and he wasn’t here to help his brothers. Were they okay? He started to sit up but Mikey placed his hand over Leo’s.

“We were fine Leo. Most of it was scrapes and bruises. The worst was my concussion and Raph’s eye.” Mikey calmed before looking down at his hands. “That and my hands but they are doing better now.”

Leo sat back again with a sigh. “Okay, but I still want to check over everything.” Leo said point at each of them in turn.

“And you can.” April said before sending him a devious smirk. “After you tell us about your injuries and we get through this letter.” Leo started to open his mouth only to get cut off. “And don’t start with any of that “I’m fine’ crap we all saw your limp when you went to hug Donnie.”

“And you said something about a permanent injury.” Raph picked up where she left off glaring at Leo daring him to try and lie to them.

Leo blew out a breath. “Okay I’ll tell you but you’re not allowed to freak out. Okay. It’s all healed by now.” Leo leveled them all with a look before telling them. “I had a head injury, my arm was broken, my left leg had three different breaks in it.” And this was the one he really didn’t want to tell them. “And my shell was cracked.”

“Your shell was cracked?!” They all called out around him. They all had a different level of panic in their voices.

“Yes, but as I said it’s all better now.” Leo tried to reassure them quickly.

“Let me see.” Raph was immediately in his space.

“Raph!” Leo said placing his hands on his brother and trying to push him away.

“No Leo, I need to see. This is serious Leo.” Raph argued back. He reached out and grabbed a fistful of Leo’s yukata attempting to pull it off.

Leo panicked when he felt Raph pull on the yukata terrified that it would rip. “Raph! Raph stop!” Leo screamed. “I’ll show you just please let it go!”

Raph let go like it burned. He had no idea Leo would react like that. “Leo I’m sorry I-“ Raph didn’t know what he was apologizing for but he knew he messed up somehow.

“It’s okay Raph.” Leo tried to say but there was a minuet shake in his voice. Raph knew it wasn’t okay. But Leo was already untying the belt and dropping the yukata off of his shoulders. He turned so that they could see the scars running over his shell. He could hear their gasps. He quickly turned back around and pulled the yukata up. “See, told you it’s all healed now.”

“Leo.” Mikey whispered out. He looked so sad. Leo took his hand in his.

“I’m okay now. Promise.” Leo reassured. He wanted to move on, please.

Mikey seem to be able to tell what his brother wanted. He squeezed Leo’s hand before letting go. Leo smiled at him and then went to tie his yukata back into place. Mikey noticed what he was tucking in along the tie. “Are those our bandanas?” He asked partly because he was curious and partly because he wanted to give Leo an out. Leo smiled at him a before touching the bandanas.

“Ya. After I got them I keep them with me at all time. Yours Raph’s and Donnie’s I kept on my person.” He explained looking at Mikey before turning to looked between April and the two Casey’s. “The rest I had tied to my cane. I wanted to keep you all with me at all time.” They all had a warm smile on their faces touched that Leo wanted to carry them all with him. Then what he said truly processed in their brains.

“Your cane?” Casey asked worry coloring his voice. Leo turned and looked at him before sighing, he could see the concern on all of their faces.

“Ya. I need a cane now. Considering the shock, I’m guessing that it didn’t make it through either.” They shook their head no. “Figures.” He could see Raph starting to get antsy again by his side. “I’ll tell you how that happened when we get there in the story. But for now, April would you mind reading again?” April startled remembering the letter in her hand.

“Ya, sure, no problem, Leo.” She started reading again. As she read Leo felt a big hand descend on his shoulder. Raph was looking at him worry in his eyes. A mixture of worrying about Leo’s injuries but also because he knew he upset Leo earlier and wanted to make sure they were okay. Leo reached up and gave his hand a squeezed. They were okay. He’d explain how important the yukata was to him when they were done with the letter.

As April continued to read they got the first ,of many, long sections where Leo talked about Usagi. “So Usagi was the one responsible for your care?” Casey was a little confused on why someone who was not a healer was in charge of Leo’s care.”

“He was the one who found me and insisted they bring me to the Tenshu for treatment.” Leo looked down trying to decide how to best share this with them. “Ninjas aren’t viewed kindly in their world. A lot of people in the Tenshu had lost loved ones to ninja attacks. For Usagi to insist on bring me in was a security risk. If I turned out to be their enemy someone had to be responsible for the decision to bring me in. Usagi took that risk.”

“What would have happened to you if Usagi didn’t insist on bring you to the Tenshu?” Raph’s voice was hard. He didn’t like the conclusion he had in his mind and hoped that he was wrong.

Leo didn’t need to think about it. He knew the truth. “I would have died. The crack shell would have killed me if nothing else did.” Leo was well aware that Usagi’s decision that day saved his life.

Raph was afraid of that answer. Before he could say anything April cut in.

“Wait hold up. They were going to leave you out there to die just because you were a ninja.” She paused make sure she was right. When Leo didn’t raise any objections, she hurried on. “And you want to go back there?” She looked at him like he was crazy. There was no way she was letting her little brothers go somewhere they knew they were going to be discriminated against just because of their life style. She didn’t care who this Usagi was, if his people were that prejudice against Leo then they weren’t going back.

“Not everyone was like that!” Leo quickly defended his friends. “And they had good reason to be wary of me.”

“How you were dying what kind of a threat were you?” April argued back. Their voices were raising and probably would have continued to do so if not for Casey stepping in.

“I get it.” His statement pulled everyone else to a halt. He was looking down not wanting to meet anyone’s eyes. “In the resistance there were times when people would return after we thought we lost them to the Krang. Their families would want to bring them in but Master Leonardo never let them into the main base. It was always a safe house with guards, just in case they were possessed by the Krang. Better to put a small out post at risk then the main base.” Casey looked up pulling himself out of the past and into the present. “They were just being cautious. They wanted to protect their people while also helping Master Leonardo. Right Sensei?” Casey turned to Leo waiting for his reaction

Leo smiled at him. “Your absolutely right Casey.”

Raph folded his arms “I still don’t like it.”

Leo turned to him and placed a hand on his arm. “It got better. The longer I was there the more people realized I wasn’t there to hurt them.”

“Ok.” April gave, “but I want to know more before I make any decisions.” And with that she started reading again. She didn’t get very far before she was stopped again by Mikey.

“So, you two started hanging out when he broke his arm?” Mikey wanted to know everything about Usagi and Leo’s relationship. He while he was so happy to have Leo back, he was also extremely sad that he had lost so much time with Leo. He had missed him meeting and falling for his first boyfriend! He should have been there, helping Leo through his emotions and supporting his brother. He had to know everything.

“Ya, up until that point I saw him when he checked in on me and when I told them how I got there. After he broke his arm, we spent a lot of time hanging out and getting to know each other. That’s when he started helping me find a way home.” Leo explained how he and Usagi became friends.

“Well at least he sounds like he has his head on right.” April commented. It seemed Usagi never held Leo’s culture against him. “After all who wouldn’t want to be friends with you.” April started to tease Leo. She saw him puff up and getting ready to make a joke but she beat him there. “But I have to ask, did you write this letter before or after you two got together?”

Leo paused and looked at her a blush rising on his cheeks. “Umm I wrote it right after we got together. Why?”

April look back down at the letter she had been skimming the whole conversation. “Because it looked like you wrote almost two pages about how nice Usagi was to you in the beginning.” She looked up and raised an eyebrow at him.

Leo let out a nervous chuckle his getting redder. “Ya, I umm might have done that several times in the letter.” He admitted as he scratched the bottom of his chin

“How many times is several?” Cassie asked in suspicion.

Leo hesitated before answering. “I think in total there are about ten pages just about Usagi.”

Mikey gasped before pulling his brother into a hug. “You’re in love!” He screeched at a high volume. He was happy for his brother. He was sad he missed so much but still so happy Leo found someone. And so far it sounded like Usagi was a good person. If he wasn’t well, Dr. Delicate touch exists for a reason.

April chuckled. “Had you down bad hu?” She smiled at Leo even as she teased him.

But instead of Leo denying it and getting riled up the way he would have in the past, he had this dopey smile on his face. “Even more so now. I love him more now than I did then.” Mikey squealed squeezing his brother tighter. April, and Casey awed as well.

“THAT IS ADORABLE!” Cassie cheered from the side. Leo smiled at her, had missed her aggressive love.

Raph didn’t move. He was starting to understand just how serious this was for Leo. He had missed Leo’s first relationship. He doesn’t know this guy. What if he’s the worst. What if he hurts Leo? What if he already had? His brother was the best with people out of the four of them but that doesn’t mean he can’t get tricked. That doesn’t mean people won’t hurt him.

‘Calm down Raph’ he thought, ‘you’re starting to spiral’ taking a deep breath he re-centered himself. Leo had said nothing but good things about this Usagi. And, besides Leo’s injuries from the Krang and the general prejudice he faced, Leo hadn’t mentioned anything that made Raph suspicious. He wasn’t happy his brother had to deal with people who disrespected him just because of their family’s culture and tradition but Leo said that it got better and not everyone was like that. He needed to let Leo finish his story. Then he could decide how he felt about Usagi and the Tenshu as a whole.

They continued on learning how Leo had spent his time healing. How he started helping out around the infirmary. Till they got to the first time Leo got outside.

“THEY HAVE A CONTINUOUSLY BLOSSOMING SAKURA TREE!!” Cassie cried throwing herself right into Leo’s face. She turned to address the group as a whole. “I MUST SEE THIS WITH MY OWN EYES! WE WILL TAVEL THERE IMMEDIATELY!”

Muninn and Huginn flew over and landed on her shoulders. “No can-do Junior Boss.” Huginn told her.

“Ya, Boss is currently trying to fix the portal machine for Clever Boss.” Muninn said before turning to Leo and waving at him from his perch. “He sent us to check in on you and let you know that it might take him some time to flip the scanner over.”

Leo got a sad look on his face. How much time was that? Usagi was probably worried sick right now. “Thank you, tell him I appreciate it, but does he have any idea how long?” Leo looked up at the two goyles hoping they had an answer for him.

“Sorry Clever boss it took a month for Funny boss to get the thing switched from looking for elements to looking for DNA.” Muninn was sad he had to give Leo that news. He could tell the boy was eager to return.

Mikey saw how his brother deflated at the news. He remembered how they all felt when Leo was taken from them. How he felt when his portal failed. He would have given anything for Leo’s letter to arrive earlier. Leo had done everything he could to let them know he was alive. Mikey didn’t blame Leo. But he wished they had this letter a month ago when it arrived. Sure, it was fun asking Leo questions as they read it, but they should have been able to read this beforehand. If they had Leo and his boyfriend would be here. They’d get to meet him and ask both of them all of their questions.

“Hey Leo.” Mikey called gaining the rooms attention. “If you were able to send us a letter using your katana why not send Usagi one?” Leo stopped and thought about it.

“I would if I could, but the scalpel I used to make my katana is the same scalpel I used to create his tanto. I was able to send my katana back here because I had a base already in mind but my base there is already in the shape of the tanto.” Leo explained. “You heard Draxum. If I call it to me and fail to send it back then we will lose our connection to Usagi’s world forever!” Leo looked down at his lap. “I can’t risk that.”

April rested a hand on top of his. “Hey, don’t worry Leo. We’ll find a way back I’m sure of it.”

Leo looked up and smiled at her. “Thanks April. Let’s keep going.” He nodded to the letter in her other hand and she agreed to continue.

They read about the kids to the awes of the group at large. Raph instantly wanted to meet the children especially young Lord Noriyuki. His big brother senses were tingling the whole time Leo talked about them.

They continued to the point where Leo’s leg was better and they went to the market.

“Wait if your leg was healed how is it now permanently damaged?” Casey asked wondering how his Dad’s leg went from getting better to a permanent injury. One Leo still had yet to fully explain.

“I would like to know that to.” Raph said folding his arms. He had to fold them or else he would begin ringing his hands together anxiously once again.

Leo reached up and rubbed the back of his neck. “Actually, we were just about to get to that.” They continued to read the letter. They cheered when Leo knocked out the Neko ninja out with a fish. Leo breezed over the suspicion he faced as a ninja in his letter and didn’t go into it too much when questioned either, he didn’t want to worry them over something so far in the past. As the letter only told them that Leo had come up with a plan but only Usagi and their friends listened to him.

“And what was your plan?” Raph asked curious about what his brother thought up in that moment. Leo’s plans were often amazing but only when he was truly focused on the task at hand.

Leo explained his plan and the thought process that went into it. He talked about the way the Tenshu was set up and the suspicions he had about the Neko clan’s tactics when compared to their own.

“Wow Leo, that’s actually a really good plan.” Raph was impressed with his little brother’s strategy. Leo preened under his older brother’s praise. Raph compliments meant more to him then their father’s did. Before he could respond or continue Casey replied himself.

“Of course, it was. Sensei was the best strategist in the resistance. He always had the best plans.” Casey complimented his old master. “It’s good to see that hasn’t changed.” He turned the compliment towards the current Leo as well. Though the Krang attack hadn’t been the best example of Leo’s leadership he knew more about the background now and couldn’t be mad at the teen next to him. Leo was still the great strategist and leader his Master was. Leo just hadn’t been given the space or support he needed to grow into the role, nor had he wanted the role in the first place. He could have acted better but his actions were understandable to Casey now without the stress of the world coming down around them.

Leo looked down. Also remembering his actions with the Krang. He wasn’t always a great leader or strategist. He was a failure when his family really needed him. The Tenshu had been a fluke, just luck that he had been right. “Thanks guys but it really wasn’t that impressive.” Leo missed the looks sent around over his head. “Anyways, later that night the attack occurred and -“

“Were you right?” Raph pushed. He wanted to know. If Leo had predicted the movements of an unknown enemy than that was incredible.

Leo looked up at him in surprise. “What?”

“Were you right about where the attack would come from?” Raph clarified his question but still held his ground. He could see Leo starting to squirm.

“I - ya I was” he could see Raph starting to open his mouth so he quickly continued. “It’s not that big of a deal Raph. So, they came from the south and we had our hands full pretty quickly.”

Leo continued his summary of the fight but it was difficult for Raph to focus. Did Leo not see how incredible what he did was? Raph wanted to tell him. He was so impressed. He never could have predicted that sort of movement from an enemy. This was why Pops picked Leo to be the leader. Raph could see and acknowledge that. Leo was incredible with strategies. But how does he tell Leo that. It seemed like Leo didn’t even realize what he had done was impressive. How many of these moments had Raph missed in the past? How many times had they all just glazed over what Leo could do? Normally Leo hypes himself up so it didn’t feel like they need to give him compliments, or if they did, they feared it would make his ego worse. Had they been wrong in this? Raph knew he need to get to the bottom of this but right now he needed to listen to his little brother.

Leo was describing how three ninjas got by them and he had gone after them on his own. He told them how he found them attacking Tomoe Ame and young Lord Noriyuki.

“They we’re trying to kill the kid!” April cried out.

“Did you stop them?” Mikey followed up. He really hoped the kid didn’t get hurt his head was half pulled into his shell with his nerves. Raph was leaning forward as was Casey and Cassie all invested in what was about to happen.

“I teleported over and I kicked the Neko ninja in the face, breaking his hold. He dropped young Lord Noriyuki and I was able to catch him.” Leo was still quite proud of that rescue and he could tell his family was impressed. Now to tell them the bad part. Leo raised his hand to the back of his head and blew out a breath. “But his hold wasn’t the only thing that broke.”

“That’s when you re-broke your leg.” Raph said with dawning horror on his face.

“Yep, my leg had just healed but it was still pretty weak. Apparently, the blow was enough to re-break my leg.” Leo started his explanation.

“I don’t get it, you said it was a permanent injury?” Mikey asked. “But this just sounds like a bad break. It will heal and you’ll be fine right?” Mikey knew Leo said he had a permanent injury but he didn’t truly want to believe it.

Leo sighed. “Unfortunately breaking my leg so many times with little time to heal has weakened the bone. It’s going to be weak for the rest of my life even after the break itself heals.”

The family sobered at this news. “What- what do you need?” April asked drawling their attention. “How can we support you?”

Leo’s face softened. He had missed April and her instant acceptance. How she accepted them as they were. “I’ll need a cane. I told you I had one back at the Tenshu and while I was stil figuring it out it really helped me get around.” Leo paused to think, “a leg brace will also be helpful. Right now, it’s wrapped as the break is still healing but after it does a brace for extra support would probably help.”

April nodded along with his list. “Alright we’ll make sure to find those things for you.” She was sure Barry and Donnie could help with such things.

“Thanks April. Anyway, I just saved young Lord Noriyuki and Tomoe Ame-chan,” Leo continued to tell them about the fight. They oooand awed at all the right spots. Leo finally finished his tale of the fight. “I’ve already told you everything that happened after. I saved Gunichi-san’s life and me and Usagi-chan got together.”

“What happened next?” Mikey asked he placed his hands under his chin making little fists on the side of his face. “Where did you get that fancy outfit from and the flower crown? Is it for the Yoake festival?” He was so excited.

Leo smiled at him. “The yukata is for the - the” Leo let out a big yawn. He didn’t realize how tiered he was until that moment. Getting home. Sharing his story. Realizing he was separated from Usagi. It was a lot to deal with. “the Yoake festival. Both the yukata and flower crown were a gift from Usagi-chan. Part of their courting traditions is to give each other gifts.” He finished his explanation with another yawn.

Raphs eyes widened. “The yukata was a gift from Usagi-chan?” he questioned. Leo turned to him and nodded his head. “Leo I am so sorry I – I almost ripped it and-“ Leo gently rested a hand over Raph’s.

“Its okay Big Guy. You didn’t rip it. I freaked out because it’s a gift from Usagi-chan and it means a lot to me.” Leo paused thinking about the meaning of the flowers that rested on his head and were stitched upon his yukata. How they symbolized Usagi’s love for him. “I would be destroyed if anything happened to them.” He raised his head to look back at Raph. “You didn’t mean to hurt me or destroy my yukata. You were worried about me. Just next time listen to me when I tell you to stop the first time.”

Raph nodded along with everything Leo said. Now that he knew what the yukata was, he understood why Leo freaked out earlier. He would never purposely hurt Leo or something precious to him, and he should have listened to Leo. “I’m sorry Leo.” He started to apologize again. But Leo squeezed his hand to stop him.
“I know and I forgive you.” Leo said with a smile. All at once Raph was struck with how mature Leo was acting. Leo had been away from them for five months. Leo had grown up without them there. For five months Leo had grown and matured with out them. Raph was going to have to relearn his little brother. He then watched as Leo yawned again. His eyes closing, his nose scrunching up and his hand raising to cover his mouth and once again it was his kid brother, the second youngest, sitting in front of him once again.

Raph looked around the room and was greeted with little yawns, tired eyes, and sleepy faces. “Well, I think that’s enough for now we should all get some rest.” Raph called. He could see the day was weighing on Leo and the others but he wasn’t sure how to help. Leo normally like having so space to think through things but Raph really didn’t want to leave him.

And it seemed no one else was eager to leave either. Not a soul got up to leave at Raph’s call. But slowly Casey started to sit up. He looked so sad to do so but he didn’t want to get in the way of Leo’s rest.

Leo had other plans though as he reached up and grabbed Casey’s shoulder tugging him back down. He put his arm around the boy and pulled him into his side. “Actually, Raph I don’t mind having you all in here. If you guys want to stay your more than welcome to.”

That was all they needed to hear. “Scoot over.” Raph said climbing in next to Leo and curling around them. Mikey laid on top of Leo and April found a place between Leo and Raph. Cassie moved to the other side and rested her back to Casey letting him be placed between both of his parents.

“Should I go see if Donnie wants to join us?” April asked the group at large.

“Please.” Leo responded with a mix is sadness and desperation in his voice. He wanted his twin near. April nodded and climbed out of the group. On her way out she picked up Leo’s letter.

“Thank you, Sensei.” Casey whispered to Leo.

Leo turned his head to look at the kid. “It’s no problem I’ve missed you guys to.” Leo reassured the kid that this was not a bother to him at all.

Casey curled closer to Leo as the rest of the group started to doze off. He turned his head and could see that Leo was still awake to. “Sensei?” He whispered getting Leo’s attention. “This Usagi-chan, you really like him?”

Leo got this dreamy look on his face. “I do. I love him.” He turned and smiled at Casey.

Casey nodded his head in understanding and smiled. “I’m glad. Dad never had a chance to find someone so I’m glad you did.”

Leo’s brain stopped work. “Wait Dad?”

Casey froze. This is not how he meant for that to come out. He wanted to spend time with this Leo first, figure out their new relationship before dropping the baggage of the old one on it. “I-“ he didn’t know what to say.

“Was future me your Dad Casey?” Leo was also in a panic but tried to keep his voice down, not wanting to wake the other members of the family.

“Yes.” Casey breathed the response out. He was so afraid of what his response would be.

Leo stopped and thought it over for a moment before tightening his arm around Casey. “I’m so sorry Casey.” For a moment Casey’s heart stopped. “I made you close the portal on me. That had to be really hard for you and I’m so sorry it had to be you.” Leo looked at him so earnestly, Casey felt himself start to relax Leo didn’t seem to be mad or upset about this. “I want you to know that I’m so proud of you and I know future me is to. I don’t think there could ever be a version of me who met you and wasn’t proud of the person you are.” Casey’s eyes welled up with tears as he wrapped his arms around Leo’s neck and pulled him close.

“Thank you.” That meant everything to Casey. Leo smiled and nuzzled into the boy’s hair.

“Casey, I want you to know that I’m here for you. Whatever you need me to be, I’m here. A dad, an uncle, a brother, a friend, whatever you need. And if what you need me to be changes that’s okay. I’m here for you.” Leo whispered to the boy.

Casey sobbed. Leo had no way of knowing but that was exactly what Master Leonardo told him when his Mom died. Anytime Casey struggled with his place in the future Master Leonardo would tell him that. And here Leo was saying it again. “Dad.”

Leo tightened his arm around Casey and placed a kiss to the side of his head. “I got you.” He saw Cassie roll over and smile at him. A rare genuine smile.

“Welcome to co-parenting.” Casey pulled his head away from Leo to look at her in disbelief.

“Mom you’ve been up the whole time.” He whispered yelled at her. Cassie just shrugged.

“Seemed like a talk you need to have on your own.” She then turned her attention to Leo. “As your co-parent it is my job to inform you that if this boyfriend of yours hurts you in any way, I WILL DESTROY HIM.”

Leo was more impressed she could do her crazy yell in a whisper and still capture the energy of her screaming at the top of her lungs. He them chuckled and smiled at her. “Usagi-chan would never hurt me.” He knew it to be true.

He missed Cassie meeting Casey’s eyes as a look passed between them. If Usagi hurt Leo no one would find the body.

April made her way over to Donnie’s lab. She had a feeling he would be in there rather than his room. She had Leo’s letter in her hand. She knew Donnie was upset right now, but he really should read this, it would put a lot of his fears to rest. At least it had for her. Knowing that Leo had been well cared for during his time away from them was comforting. She was eager to meet the people he spoke so highly of. After all she had to make sure this ‘Usagi-chan’ lived up to the hype. If he didn’t well, she would be more than willing to help Donnie run him off.

As she arrived, she knocked on the wall as she entered. It was less to ask permission and more to announce her presence. She didn’t want to startle Donnie in the middle of a project. She walked in and saw him sitting at his work bench. Just siting, no projects or gadgets, just sitting. He had his elbows on the table, his fingers interlocked but his hands flat out and even with his mouth as he leaned forward. It was obvious from his pose that he was deep in thought.

“Donnie are you alright?” She asked softly. Donnie heaved a heavy sigh; he placed his head in his hands and rubbed his eyes.

“Ya, I’m just fine April. Nothing going on here.” He said not convincingly at all.

She walked over to stand next to him. “Do you want to talk about it?” He looked up at her before turning away and blowing out a puff of air.

“Ah yes, I want to talk about how my twin, who just returned, can only think about is how to leave us again.” Donnie said slumping into his chair and placing his hands over his face.

“Donnie.” April stressed his name. “You know that’s not true.”

That was the wrong thing to say as Donnie sat up fast. He turned to face her his hand flying to his chest. “Oh, I’m sorry did you not hear him?” Before Donnie could go off April pushed.

“Yes I did. I,” she stressed the sound placing her hand in her own chest leaning forward towards Donnie and placing the hand holding the letter in her hip. “Stayed and listened to the whole story. I heard him tell us all about his time in the Tenshu and how he wants all of us to go visit it. Draxum is already working on it so you might want to-“ Donnie cut her off

“Draxum! He is making plans with Draxum of all people! He hates Draxum! But he’s will to work with him because of a boy he’s trying to abandon us for!”

April shoved Leo’s letter into his chest. “Read that.” She said as Donnie scrambled to keep a hold of all of the papers. “It might help you gain some perspective.” She turned and walked away. She wasn’t going to argue with Donnie when he was like this. There wasn’t a point. Not until he was willing to listen. “When you’re done, we’re having a cuddle pile with Leo if you want to join. Maybe instead of being mad at someone you’ve never met; you can come enjoy time with the brother we just got back.” She called out as she left the room.

Donnie sat there with the letter held against his chest. He let out a deep sigh. He knew that he wasn’t being fair. To April. To his family. And most of all to Leo.

He felt like he had been on the worst emotional rollercoaster since the Krang invaded. Losing Leo had hurt more than anything. He had felt like he hadn’t had a breath of fresh air until he saw Leo again. He had been so overwhelmed with joy at his twins return. Then he heard him talk about his new friends and boyfriend and it felt like Leo was worlds away again. His twin was back but his heart was somewhere else and that had never happened before. Donnie hadn’t thought it could ever happen.

He looked down at the letter April had pushed into his chest. She was right. He needed to gain some perspective on all of this. He settled into his chair and started reading.


I really hope you like it so far.

I have the group calling Usagi-chan not because they are close to him like Leo but that is what they hear Leo calling him, so they all think it's part of his name or that it's the correct honorific to use. Splinter will have to finally explain Honorifics to his sons.

Raph is starting to notice that Leo might not be the confident person he thinks he is. Casey has both of his parents it is truly his best timeline. Donnie is slowly starting to lower his walls.

I've said it before but I will say it again I love writing Cassie.

From here we have some growing for the rise characters to do and the Usagi gang has an adventure to have.

Next time:
you actually get to help me decide. I got two options. my Original plan was to trade off every chapter but I also kind want to continue with the rise fam so I made a google form (I love data)
go vote and tell me if you want a Usagi gang chapter next or a Disaster twin chapter next

Chapter 4: you'll be in my heart


Donnie and Leo try to spend some time together. on the surface everything seems fine but theirs a storm brewing underneath.


Thank you for all of the support this is getting!!!
Well from the 204 responses 153 people voted for a disaster twin chapter.
Here we go!!!

Remember that Leo came back on Dec 22 and woke up / shared his story Dec 23 the same day as the lantern ceremony.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Christmas had come and passed. Leo had felt bad about having nothing to give his family especially since they all had presents for him. Mikey had insisted that everyone get Leo a present to in the hopes that he would be back in time for Christmas. Even if he was still missing Mikey wanted him to know that they were thinking of him. When they all thought he was dead, they had squirreled away the presents until Mikey insisted that they could put them at Leo’s shrine. He just wanted to celebrate the holiday with his brother.

Leo was unable to comprehend how much his family had suffered in his absence. If Leo had believed any of them dead, he would have lost his mind. Let alone to have to grieve them twice. Or thrice in Casey’s case. He would make it up to them.

He had apologized multiple times for not having anything to gift them but his family all assured him that it wasn’t necessary. Him being home was the only thing they had wanted for five months; he couldn’t have gotten them a better present.

Donnie had surprised him though. His twin hadn’t talked to him since he first woke up. On Christmas he had been dragged from his lab to join in the festivities. Donnie had shoved a box into Leo’s hands. “It’s still in beta so be gentle with it.” Was all he said.

Leo opened it to find a new cane. He looked at Donnie in shock.

“The others told me that you needed one of those now. So, I took it upon myself to make you the best. It’s made from a high-grade titanium. It has a tracker function which you will not be removing. It will also have built in weapons but as I said it’s still in beta so I will be revealing new functions as they come. As for now if you grab beneath the handle and twist you can pull out a dagger that is attached to the handle.” Donnie explained in detail. When he stopped, he saw that Leo had tears in his eyes. “What just because I’m upset doesn’t mean I’m not going to take care of you.”

“Thank you, Donnie. This means a lot to me.” Leo thanked his brother sincerely. Donnie’s face softened before he shook it off.

“I’m still upset.” He said as he moved away from Leo.

“I know.” Leo wanted to talk to his twin but he knew Donnie needed some time right now to process his own feelings.

A few days had passed since and Leo was getting tired of his twin ignoring him, so he came up with a plan. He slowly walked into Donnie’s lab, his new cane clicking along the ground as he walked giving away his presence. Donnie didn’t look up as he came in willfully ignoring his twin.

“Hey Donnie I know your upset but I was thinking. Since I missed our birthday, I got three options for you.” Leo leaned on his cane and raised his spare hand starting to count the options off on his fingers. “1) we go celebrate it right now, 2) we could celebrate it on our half birthday that way we can plan something elaborate. Or option 3) and I think this one will be your favorite, we do both. We go out just the two of us and spend time together now and then on our half birthday we have a big party. What do you say Dontron?”

Donnie hummed before lifting up his goggles and spinning to face Leo. “Let me get this straight. You have to spend the whole day with me doing things we both want to do and we can force the rest of the family into a second birthday party.” He put his hands together steeping his fingers and he glared up at Leo.

“Yep.” Leo said popping the p.

“Well I’m in.” Donnie said jumping out of his chair. It was the first time Leo had seen his twin excited since he stormed out of the room during their reunion.

“Awesome let’s get going.” Leo turned and started walking out of the lab with Donnie. “So, what do you want to do.”

“Well how about we start with food then we can-“ Donnie got cut off by Raph.

“Are you guys going out? Awesome just give me a second to get the others and-“ Leo reached out and caught Raph before he could get to far.

“Whoa hold up there Raph. I was thinking just Donnie and I could go out. A little twin time since we missed our birthday.” Leo explained. He could see Raph get visibly upset as he started to worry his hands in front of him.

“Just-just the two of you. Are you sure? I mean it’s just-“ Leo reached out again and gentle rested his hand on top of Raph’s gaining his attention. Donnie watched on with wide eyes. He felt a little guilty about how excited he was to get alone time with Leo.

“Hey Raph. I promise we’ll be careful. I’ll text a check in every hour if you want. And maybe,” Leo looked over to Donnie to gage his twin’s reaction. “We can have everyone meet up for pizza at Run of the Mills for dinner?” Donnie gave him a small head nod letting him know it was okay. He knew letting Leo out would be hard on everyone.
“Does that sound fair?”

Raph took a moment to think about it before nodding. “Check ins every half an hour and you have to call if anything seems weird or out of the ordinary.” Leo was a little annoyed but understood where his brother’s worry was coming from so he let it go.

“Great I will set a timer on my phone for every thirty minutes.” Donnie said as he pulled out his phone. “And there we go. Now let us depart. I want to do some upgrades on your cane and I need to get some parts.” Donnie continued as he put his phone away. Before Leo could agree another voice interrupted.

“Can I help?” There walked in Casey Jones. He had been looking for Leo. The boy had hardly left Leo’s side since his return. Leo turned to face him with a warm smile.

“Not this time Jr. me and Uncle Donnie are going out for some twin time.” Leo told the boy gently. While their time together was short, he already loved Casey dearly.

“Oh.” The boy looked like a kicked puppy but they could tell he was trying to put on a braver face. “Okay have fun.”

“Actually, why don’t you join us.” Donnie called out. Leo, Raph, and Casey looked at him in surprise. “We’ll make it a twin, and son/nephew adventure.” Donnie had not only grown very fond of Casey but also quite protective of him.

“Really?” Casey looked so hopeful.

“Really?” Leo voice sounded surprised but pleased.

“Ya might as well come along. And we’ll meet up with everyone for dinner afterwards.” Donnie reassured. “Now come on we need to get moving.” Leo smiled at his brother before drawling his katana.

“Alright let’s go.” He said as he created a portal to their first location.

Raph called after them, “remember every 30 minutes.” Leo gave a wave of acknowledgment and the three were gone.


They’re plan was to spent the day galivanting around New York going to different place Donnie or Leo enjoyed and showing them to Casey.

After grabbing a quick brunch at a bakery in the Hidden City. The first place Donnie dragged them to was the library. He and Leo (along with the rest of their brothers) were banned from the mystic library for life. But that didn’t mean they couldn’t go to the regular library. He wanted to show Casey where the mystic library was, so he could send him in there to steal books for him later. He also wanted to find some information about canes. The best type, what could help with Leo’s leg, exercises to do, anything like that.

He figured it be helpful to all of them. Leo being the medic, Casey, as they had found out in Leo’s absence, had been trained by his master as a medic as well, and Donnie was building/upgrading Leo’s cane.

At first it was alright. Besides the regularly scheduled complaint from Leo about the library in general, it was going well. Actually, better then well as Leo had complained far less then Donnie was expecting. Had his brother finally come realized that books were a great resource of knowledge? Apparently yes, in the most annoying way possible.

“I wish Usagi-chan was here. He was great at finding books that actually mattered.” Leo commented off handedly as he looked for books they could use.

“What do you mean?” Casey was genuinely curious. He liked hearing stories of Leo’s friends from a faraway world. Their world sounded so different from the one he grew up in it was fascinating to think about its existence. Also, they were good to his Dad and that’s all that truly mattered to him.

“He found all these books about people traveling between worlds for us to read through when we were looking for a way to get me home.” Leo explained. “It was really hard because they were all myths and legends but he was really good at pulling ones that were practical rather than pure fiction. He’s great at picking out useful information.” Leo praised his boyfriend and Casey nodded along. That would be helpful to have right now.

Donnie was annoyed. Of course, Leo’s boyfriend was useful in a library. Leo didn’t care about libraries when Donnie did but this stranger was good at it and suddenly libraries are interesting.

“That’s funny I didn’t think you cared about books.” Donnie couldn’t help but comment. His tone was cold and Leo picked up on it.

“I didn’t but it was the only way to find a way home. After we found one, I was used to reading every night. There wasn’t a lot to do at the Tenshu when people weren’t around and I couldn’t move to well on my own. It became a good distraction. Plus, I was learning. Itachi-sama gave me medical books to learn from once we found a way home.” Leo tried to explain the situation.

Donnie wasn’t mad that Leo now liked to read. On the contrary he was thrilled that his brother was expanding his mind. He was annoyed that he wasn’t there with Leo. He could have helped with all that stuff.

He could feel himself getting more annoyed the more Leo talked about the Tenshu. He didn’t want to spend their twin day mad at Leo for something that wasn’t his fault. So, he decided to change locations.

“Whelp I think we found everything we needed.” Donnie started.

“Are you sure?” Leo cut in. “You said you wanted to look as exercises as well and we haven’t found any books about that yet?”

Why did Leo care about books now of all times? Past Donnie would have been thrilled. “Well, that’s what the internet is for.” Donnie brushed off. “Where do you want to go for your first pick ‘Nardo?”

Leo smirked at him knowing full well where they were going next. Back down to the Hidden City they went.

“After our first trip to the Hidden City,” Leo started as he led the way.

“You mean the one where we all ended up in jail through no fault of our own?” Donnie questioned denying any part they had played in the cause of their arrests.

“Wait what?” Casey had never heard about that’s story.

“Exactly.” Leo did not plan on elaborating today. “After that fancy spa wouldn’t let me in, for lack of hair of all things, and the other spa possessed me to rob the first spa. I talked to Señor Hueso and found this.” Leo gestured in front of them. It was a lovely little spa place.

“Are we just going to jump over the part where you got possessed?” Casey asked still so confused.

“Oohhhh I love the way you think let’s go.” Donnie cheered running in, Leo grab Casey hand and they followed.

They spent some time getting pampered. Leo loved it, but what he loved more was seeing his twin relax and his son, still wild to think that, enjoying himself. He knew Casey had never had this experience before and he was happy to be able to share it with him. He did have to get his phone out every half hour to send Raph a check-in. He decided to be cheeky and send him some group selfies of them all relaxing. Raph responded that he was happy for them but expected to be invited next time. Leo reassured him that they would absolutely sneak out just the two of them. Maybe some pampering and then go watch wrestling as it was Raph’s favorite.

After they were done Donnie lead the way out. He put his arms over his head and stretched. “Oh, that felt amazing. Great idea ‘Nardo.” He turned to his brother to compliment him.

“Thank you, my good sir.” Leo said with a little bow.

“Can we go again sometime? I’d love to bring Mom here.” Casey asked with hope in his eyes. It was great spending time with his Dad and Uncle Donnie but it be nice to have the whole family here. Especially when doing such a relaxing activity.

“Absolutely! I want to share this place to Usagi-chan and the others when they get here to.” Leo reassured Casey that they would be going again. But Donnie’s mood seemed too sourer again.

“Well, we don’t need to share it with everyone.” He mutters to himself.

“What was that, Donnie?” Leo called as he truly didn’t catch what his twin said.

“Oh, nothing to worry about, but segway it’s my turn to pick the activity.” Donnie deflected the questions and started leading the way.

The third place they went was the junk yard as Donnie wanted to look for some stuff for Leo’s cane. While they were looking, they were having a great time laughing and joking around. It was just like old times to Leo.

Until Donnie found what he wanted behind Repo Mantis. It was a small portable generator, he could easily reuse its parts to add on to Leo’s cane. They were discussing how to go about snagging the piece when it happened.

“Man, this would be a lot easier if Kitsune-chan was here.” Leo remarked off handed. He didn’t notice Donnie tense up as he was crouched down scooping the object out with his googles.

“Why’s that?” Casey asked also oblivious to Donnie.

“She used to be a thief before she lived at the Tenshu. I’m sure she would know how to get it for us.” Leo explained as he looked over at the object again, he wasn’t exactly sure what it was.

“Who needs an ex-criminal when we have science on our side.” Donnie tried to hide his irritation with his regular enthusiasm. It only partially worked. “I will just release my battle shell to gain his attention. Once he’s gone, we can go grab the generator and Leo can portal us out of here.”

Leo instantly grew worried. He was still getting used to moving around with his cane, let alone fighting with it. He already made them vulnerable; he didn’t want Donnie’s soft shell exposed as well. “Donnie, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He whispered in a panic but Donnie had already released his shell and Leo now had other thoughts on his mind.

Donnie’s soft shell was covered in scars. “Donnie.” His tone held nothing but horror drawling Donnie’s attention to him immediately. “What happened to your shell?”

Donnie paled. That’s right Leo hadn’t seen the damage yet. “I-“ he didn’t know what to say.

“It’s from the Krang ship.” Casey explained for him. “When he took over the ship it had to interface with him somehow.” Leo’s face still looked horrified. “It’s all healed up now. I treated it myself and I learned from the best.” Casey was prepared to keep going. To reassure his Dad that it was okay. He would never let their family hurt when he could help them. He did exactly what his Dad trained him to do.

But Leo stopped him with a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Okay Casey. If you say it’s okay, I trust you.” Leo and Casey locked eyes and Casey instantly relaxed at his Dad’s reassurance and warm eyes.

The moment was ruined by a cry of, “Hey turtles!”

They all looked over to see a car being hurled at them. “Oh no.” Donnie said just as Casey pulled him to the side and out of the way.

The dust settles, Leo started to push himself back up using his cane to support him when Mantis landed near him. “Well, looky here. I thought you were dead with the way the others were acting.” Repo said as he peered down at Leo.

Leo smirked at him quickly sweeping his cane out and knocking Repo off of his feet. “Nah just took an unscheduled trip.” Leo used the momentum from the swing to turn himself around getting his right leg under him and positioning his cane to stand up. He spun around and drew his katana with his spare hand readying himself for a fight.

Repo climbed back to his feet and raised one of his arms to swing at Leo but Casey caught his arm with his chain saw. He had sung his chainsaw up from below so that Repo sickle like arm hit against the chainsaw locking them together. He then forced the chainsaw upward sending Repo flying over their heads.

When Repo landed, he spotted Donnie going for the portable generator. “Hey are you stealing from me again!” He cried out rushing Donnie. Donnie pulled out his staff and spun it to activate his nimpo, but nothing happened. His nimpo didn’t activate. Donnie’s eyes widened as he watched in slow motion as Repo swung his arm down on him while he had nothing but a wooden bō to protect himself with. He held up his bō knowing that Repo would cut right through it.

But before he could be hit a blue portal opened between them and Leo jumped out catching Repo’s arm with his katana. He forced Repo back but when he landed, he fell to his left knee. His leg wasn’t ready to support his weight on a jump like that, and he had dropped his cane in his hurry to get to Donnie.

“Leo!” He heard Donnie call out for him. He could hear Donnie’s footsteps run towards him as Repo charged at him again. Leo readied his katana to defend himself, but he didn’t have to.

“Don’t touch him!” Yelled Casey Jones as he slid between Leo and Repo. He planted his feet and raised his chainsaw ready to block the hit. At that moment a forest green light illuminated from Casey. From him a bubble for crystal like energy spread surrounding him and Leo. When Repo hit it, he bounced right off of it. He was sent flying into one of the trash piles behind him and he didn’t get back up.

“Whoa.” Leo breathed. “Casey that was amazing!” He cried pushing himself up. Casey turned to him with shock on his face.

“I - I’ve never been able to do that before.” His eyes started to well up with tears. “Why? Why can I do it now? I could have helped so much more in the rebellion if I could do this then.” He looked at Leo desperate for answers. Leo limped forward and wrapped his arms around Casey.

“I don’t know why you only unlocked it now Casey. Maybe it’s an age thing. Maybe we finally trust you as much as you trust us. I know future me was proud of you but he probably didn’t want to put that kind of weight on your shoulders. We had the same problem with Raph when we were trying to unlock our nimpos.” He pulled back looking Casey in the eyes. “What I do know is that I am so proud of you.” Casey smiled at him and pulled him back into a tight hug.

Donnie walked over to them. His battle shell reattached. He had both the portable generator and Leo’s cane in hands. “Well, now that we have this we should probably be moving on.”

Leo turned to look at him in shock. “That’s all. Donnie your nimpo didn’t work! We need to talk about this. You were in real trouble there.” Leo was worried. The only time their nimpos had given out was when Raph and him were arguing with each other while fighting the Krang. Why was Donnie’s nimpo out now?

“No, we don’t. I have everything under control. I’ll just make a new tech bō when we get back to the lair. No big deal.” Donnie was trying so hard to act like nothing was wrong, but on the inside, he was losing his mind. What just happened? His nimpo had never failed before. He needed to upgrade his weapon again. He was foolish to rely on his wooden bō for so long.

“Donnie talk to me.” Leo pleaded. “What’s going on? Our nimpos work because of our connection to each other. Don’t shut me out let me help you.” Leo needed to help him. As his twin, as his friend, and as his leader Leo had a duty here to help his brother. He reached out to Donnie hoping his brother would talk to him. He loved Donnie and he just wanted him to be okay and he obviously wasn’t right now.

Donnie glared at him, “Everything’s under control I said.” He yelled at Leo. Then he activated his battle shell and flew into the air. “I’ll meet you guys back home.”

“Donnie wait!” Leo yelled but it was too late Donnie was already gone. Leo stood there staining up at the sky watching as his brother flew further away, his hand still raised reaching out for him.

Casey placed a hand on his shoulder in comfort. “It‘ll be okay Dad. We can talk to Donnie at home once we all calm down.” Leo lowered his arm and took in a deep breath.

“You’re right Jr. Let’s get back home. We need to let the others know what’s happening.” Leo watched as Casey gave a solemn nod to his statement. He reached his hand out and ruffled Casey’s hair startling the boy. “We got to tell them who just unlocked their nimpo power!” Leo didn’t want his and Donnie’s argument to steal this moment from Casey. Yes they need to talk to Donnie and figure out what was happening, but Casey also just had a major success and he didn’t want another important moment in Casey’s life to pass him by without celebration. Growing up in the Apocalypse must have been hard, he doubted they could truly celebrate things like they can now, without the weight of the world in their shoulder.

Casey beamed at him, that was all Leo need to see to know he was right. Leo pulled his katana out and opened a portal home. “Come on, let’s see if we can convince the others to go for pizza early.”

As they stepped through the portal, Leo’s thoughts turned back to Donnie. Once they were home, he sent his twin a text letting him know that they might go out for pizza soon. He would keep him updated on the plan so that once his twin cooled down he could join them if he wanted. Leo wanted Donnie there, but he also knew that Donnie needed space right now and pushing wasn’t going to get them anywhere good.
Back at the layer Raph was in the beginning stages of losing his mind. Leo hadn’t sent his half hour check in, he had been so good about it today. He hadn’t missed one, even when they were at the spa. But he hadn’t sent one yet. Raph was trying to stay calm and not jump to conclusions. Sure, Leo hadn’t missed one yet but that was no reason to think they were in trouble. Maybe they got distracted? And missed Donnie’s timer, ya no way. Time to panic.

Right as Raph was about to spiral a blue portal opened up in the living room with Leo and Casey walking out of it. “Leo.” Raph yelled as he picked his little brother up in a hug. “You missed your last check in and I thought you were in trouble.”

Leo reached up and patted Raph’s arm, both in comfort and a subtle plea to be released. “Sorry Raph we got held up.”

“Doing what and wait a second.” Raph cut off his own questions whipping himself, and Leo, from side to side. “Where’s Donnie?”

Leo sighed and pushed himself out of Raph’s arms. “He decided to go home on his own.”

“He left you?” Raph was shocked. Donnie wouldn’t leave Leo alone, granted he had Casey with him but still, they just got Leo back. Donnie wouldn’t abandon him for no reason. “What happened?”

“Let’s get everyone and we’ll tell you what happened.” Leo placed a calming hand on Raph shoulder.

“Right, okay, I’ll go grab Mikey. Can you text April and Cassie?” Raph asked as he moved towards Mikey’s room. Leo pulled out his phone and waved it at Raph as he left letting him know he was texting the two girls.

It didn’t take long. Mikey and Raph joined them in the living room, April had called Leo to have him open a portal for her, and Cassie was already on her way over. Splinter joined them as well as Leo had sent Casey to get him and he had Draxum and the goyles on FaceTime. Leo and Casey explained what happened in the junk yard.

“What do you mean Donnie nimpo didn’t work!” Raph cried worried for his brother.

“I don’t know!” Leo responded he took a deep breath; he didn’t want to start a screaming match with Raph. They weren’t mad at each other they were both worried about Donnie and they need to keep their heads. “When he went to activate it, nothing happened. Repo would have hit him if I didn’t intervene.” Leo explained much calmer this time.

“Leo has Donald spoken to you since Christmas, besides today?” Draxum asked from Splinters phone.

“What?” Leo turned to look at the FaceTime call.

“Michael said the two of you haven’t been talking.” Draxum clarified his question.

“No, he’s been avoiding me.” Leo admitted. “I thought spending the day together would help but obviously something is wrong and I don’t know what it is.” Frustration was entering Leo’s voice. He wanted to know what they need to do to help Donnie.

“You need to find out why he’s avoiding you.” Draxum explained, Leo and the others looked at the phone giving him their full attention. “Your nimpo draws its power from your connection and trust in one another. For some reason he doesn’t trust you right now.”

That statement felt like a shot to the heart for Leo. He could understand why Donnie didn’t trust him. He had messed up so badly. He lost the key. He got Raph captured. He almost got Donnie and Mikey crushed. It was his plan that led to Donnie interfacing with the Krang tech. It was his fault that Donnie’s shell was all scared. No wonder Donnie didn’t trust him. He had failed them all.

“I-I don’t know how to get his trust back.” Leo’s voice was shaking. Did he even deserve Donnie’s trust again? Did he deserve any of their trust?

Suddenly there was a hand on his shoulder. “Leo what’s going on? Talk to us.” It was his big sister April come to his aid once more.

He could see everyone’s eyes were on him. Their eyes were wide and they looked a weird mixture of worried and freaked out. Why would they - oh, oh he was crying. That explained it. He didn’t normally cry in front of them.

He quickly wiped his eyes. “I- I failed. I failed all of you. In so many ways. It’s no wonder Donnie doesn’t trust me.” He admitted to them.

“Leo-“ Raph started to speak up but was cut off.

“You might have made some poor decisions my son.” Splinter started. Leo’s head dropped ready for the cold truth. “But so did the rest of us.” Leo slowly raised his head to meet his eyes. “We were faced with impossible decisions, you most of all, but at the end of the day you kept all of us and all of New York safe.” Splinter let out a sigh. He handed his phone to Mikey so that Draxum still had a perch as me moved to take Leo’s hand. “I only wish we could have kept you as safe.”

Leo pulled his dad into a tight hug and cried. The rest of the family quickly joined into the hug as well.

“Rest assured my son, whatever is going on with purple it has nothing to do with the invasion. He never gave up faith in you. Never stopped looking.” Splinter reassured Leo more.

“Then what’s wrong with him?” Leo desperately needed a starting point. Somewhere to go from when he went to talk to Donnie.

“I don’t know but we’ll talk to him together.” Raph reassured. Two of his little brothers were hurting and he wouldn’t stand for that. He’d help Leo get to the bottom of his.

“Ya, we’ll sit him down for a chat with Dr. Feelings.” Mikey reassured. He was going to get Donnie straightened out one way or another. Donnie was hurting Leo. Mikey could see it. Leo hated being avoided and missed his twin dearly, and he knew Donnie missed Leo to. So why was he putting this distance between them? Mikey had a few suspicions but they would get to the bottom of this together.

“Thanks guys.” Leo smiled and wiped his eyes again. “It’s not all bad news though. We didn’t get to finish yelling you what happened.” He looked over at Casey with a proud smile.

Cassie caught the look and got excited. “Did our boy do something violent.” She was always very proud of Casey’s fighting skills.

“He did something awesome that’s for sure.” Leo wasn’t sure if Casey ability would be described as violent or not. “Tell ‘em kiddo.”

Casey smiled and started to describe what had happened. “So, Dad had just blocked Repo’s hit but he was coming back fast. So, I moved between him and Dad and Uncle Donnie. All I could think about was blocking the hit and then boom there was this green shield around us.”

The group gasped and oohed over him. Leo let out a laugh.

“You should have seen the way Repo flew when he hit it. Launched clear across the yard.” Leo snicked at the end of his statement, likely remembering the way Repo crashed.

“You have a nimpo ability.” April asked in awe. She hadn’t been able to use the abilities Karai gave her since the Shredder was defeated. She had thought that Karai had loaned her powers. That after the battle she had lost them as she wasn’t a blood member of the family. But was that not true. Karai had said she had always been one of them, one of the Hamato’s. Was the reason she didn’t have powers because she didn’t believe she should?

“Yep, he used his nimpo.” Leo cheered unaware of the turmoil happening in April.

“Fascinating.” Draxum called from the phone. “Can you do it again?” He questioned wanting to see the power for himself.

“I-I don’t know?” Casey stuttered out unsure if he could replicate what he had done on command. Leo reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder.

“It’s okay Case. We had to train with ours, you’ll get the hang of it. Just give it a try.” Leo encouraged him. Casey’s eyes widened before he nodded his head at Leo as his face grew determined.

“Alright.” He said as he pushed himself up. He then paused unsure of what to do. “Um, what do you guys do to activate your nimpos?” He asked the group at large.

“That’s easy.” Mikey called. “Our nimpo comes from our connection to each other. Think about your connections to us and try to create what you did before.”

“Okay.” Casey said as he took a deep breath. He thought about Raph, Mikey, and Donnie, how they had taken him into their lives. He thought about April and her gentle guidance. He thought about Splinter and his warmth. Draxum and his cold attitude which disguised his open affection. He thought of his Mom’s and her aggressive love and support. And he thought of his Dad’s open acceptance and love.

He started to glow again. A deep forest green. The Hamato clan symbol appearing over his heart before a pulse of energy flew from him. It passed over the family without harm before solidifying into a crystallized shield surrounding them all.

“Whoa!” Mikey called out in excitement.

“Casey this is awesome!” Raph cheered.

The others oohed at the shield in awe. Until Cassie decided she wanted to test it. With a shout she ran at the shield. Leo’s eyes widened as he realized what was about to happen. “Cassie stop!” But it was too late she had already crashed into the wall. It launched her backwards. Everyone stepped out of the way and she crashed into the shield on the other side launching her back the way she came. They stood their following her motions with their heads, gob smacked at what was occurring. As she slammed into the side of the shield again and flew forward once more, Raph stepped in between her and her trajectory. She crashed into him knocking them both over but not into the shield again.

She shakily raised her hand giving the family a thumbs up. “Worth it.” Left her lips in a wheeze.

“Mom!” Casey cried dropping the shield and running toward the two, just as Leo, April, and Mikey started howling with laughter.

“Enough!” Draxum called from the phone. He startled them enough to get them to stop laughing at Cassie as Casey helped her up. Now that the room had calmed Draxum calmed his own tone. ‘It seems you have definitely have unlocked a nimpo ability.” He started to explain but was interrupted by April.

“Ya, but how? I thought that only blood members of the Hamato clan could use nimpo.” April was confused. If Casey could unlock one, why hadn’t she. It was Karai’s power she had used to fight the Shredder.

“Really?” Leo questioned. “I always though any member of the clan could use it as long as the family excepted them as clan?” Leo had never thought it was only blood relatives that could use it. That was silly to him as his family was so much more then blood.

“Surprisingly, Leo is correct.” Draxum continued only to be cut off again by multiple voices.

“And why is that surprising?” Leo asked his hand on his hip.

“Oooh” Mikey cried throwing his hand up to drawl everyone’s attention, he also flipped the phone to look at Draxum. “Is that why Casey unlocked his? Because Leo adopted him and we all see him as our nephew?” Mikey thought his idea was pretty smart. Draxum was about to answer him when Splinter butted in this time.

“But I see April and Cassie as my daughters and you all treat them as your sisters. Why have they not unlocked their nimpos?” Splinter was just trying to see all sides of the problem.

“Splints.” He turned at the wobbly sound of April’s voice. She was looking at him like he just said something special, and she was not the only one as Cassie’s eyes welled up with tears. The ex-foot recruit rush forward to hug him tightly.

“I will not let you down. I WILL UNLOCK MY NIMPO!” She cried that last part clenching one hand to her chest in a fist pump like movement, while the other was wrapped around his neck in a choke hold. It was getting hard to breath so he started frantically patting her arm.

“Cassie maybe, you know, just a suggestion, you should let Dad go. You know, so he can breathe.” Leo critiqued from the side. Cassie let Splinter go quickly.

“As I was saying.” Draxum cut through before any more shenanigans could occur. “The blue one is right. Your nimpos are based off of your relationship to the clan and their trust and acceptance of you and vise-versa. Given the right training and circ*mstances you should all be able to unlock a nimpo ability.” He spoke referring to the humans before addressing them all again. “And you should all be able to grow those abilities.”

“What do you mean?” Raph asked curious what growing their powers meant.

“As you practice and grow, your powers will expand. They will also expand the closer you are to one another. You should be able to not only master your own abilities but learn others as well.” Draxum explained.

“So, you mean I could learn to make my portals cross dimensions?” Leo asked hopeful that one day he might be able to make a connection between his and Usagi’s world all on his own.

“You could.” Draxum said with a thoughtful tone. “But you should be able to do more. Take Mikey for example. His powers have to do with creating chains that allow him to lift and maneuver objects far above his weight class. And yet he created a portal between our world, the portal dimensions, and Usagi’s world.”

“Portal buddies!” Mikey called as Leo high-fives him.

“Granted he didn’t do it with proper training or a conductor.” Draxum shot Mikey a look through the phone that had the boy looking away and rubbing the back of his neck. It was a familiar argument between the two. “You should be able to expand your powers beyond portals on day Leo. With training and guidance.” He tacked on quickly at the end. “However, to much mystic energy without training or a conductor can be bad for you. It could destroy you, so make sure if you want to try to expand your power to come to me to learn.” Draxum was trying to warn the kids while also being supportive of them. There was still so much they could do and he wanted to help them reach their full potential.

Leo nodded. There was a lot for them all to think about.

“Well, we can start training another day. Today we are celebrating Casey’s first nimpo at Run of the Mill.” Leo said getting all of their attention. Amongst the cheering, the moving to grab wallets, and Leo opening a portal, not one of them stopped to question. Had anyone told Señor Hueso Leo was back?

Señor Hueso was cleaning up Run of the Mill getting ready for the dinner rush. As he was his eyes caught the portal to his restaurant opening. He saw a flash of green and red and had to look away. It would seem the brothers had come for pizza once again.

He needed to take a moment to compose himself as he needed to every time the turtles came in now. Ever since the invasion it was difficult to serve them.

He remembered the early days after the invasion. At first, he had waited for Pepino to come in the way he always did after a big fight. He waited for his boy to walk through the portal and tell him all about his heroic escapades. But Pepino never came.

After three days he was losing his mind. He knew the boys got hurt some times and it took them a while to get back out, and he never wanted to be overbearing as Pepino wasn’t truly his kid, but it had been three days. Three days and no order for celebratory pizza from any of the turtles. It was terrifying.

So, he called Pepino. He went straight to voicemail. He called again and he got the same result. He tried to put the worry out of his mind. But he just knew something terrible had happened to the turtles. They were children and yet they kept ending up in the worst kind of danger.

Finally on the fifth day April had come to pick up some pizza for the group. He had tried to keep his calm and uncaring attitude but he could tell that he hadn’t fooled her when he asked.

“How are Pepino and the others it is unlike them to go so many days without stopping by.” He watched as the girl stared at him in shock before her eyes welled up with tears.

“You don’t know.” She had whispered so lowly he had barely heard it. If he had a heart, it would have been in his stomach. “They - he,” her head dropped and her shoulders shook. She then launched herself forward wrapping her arms around his waist. “He’s gone, Leo’s gone.”

His world had stopped.

How would he tell Jr. that his favorite babysitter, practically his older brother, was gone? How does he tell Piel that one of his nephews was gone? How do they move forward?

Somehow time moved on. A month later they had come out for pizza saying Leo was alive and just somewhere else. He had offered his help. Anything they need. He could get almost any material, between his service to underground patrons and Piel’s pirate past they could get their hands on just about anything. For a moment there was hope of their boy coming back.

And then he was gone again and he felt so foolish for the hope he had held. The Hamato’s hadn’t been back since. He didn’t know if he could handle seeing them all at a table without Pepino now that he knew the boy was never returning.

“Hey Boneman long time no see!” No, it couldn’t be. Señor Hueso whipped around, and there. There he stood. Pepino. He was leaning on a cane and his left leg was covered in bandages but overall the boy looked fine.

“You okay Señor Hueso?” Leo was getting worried, Señor Hueso hadn’t moved since he turned to look at them. Suddenly Señor Hueso had covered the distance between them and pulled Leo into a tight hug.

“I missed you Mijo.” Señor Hueso said. Leo wrapped his arms around the skeleton.

“I missed you to Tío Hueso.” Señor Hueso held the boy tight for a moment longer before letting go. He saw that Leo’s whole family was with him. Well almost. Donnie was missing from the group, but his other two brothers were present as well as April and both of the Jones, even his father and Draxum were present.

“I think I’ve missed something’s.” Señor Hueso stated looking Leo and the group over. Some members of the family grew sheepish and a few apologized for not telling him of Leo’s return. “No matter you can fill me in over a meal.” Señor Hueso lead the group into the restaurant and Leo gave him a quick recap of where he had been and what he had been doing with a promise to swing by again and tell him the whole story. But tonight, they were celebrating Casey.

Casey sat next to Leo. He was excited. The last thing Master Leonardo had asked him to do was ‘grab a slice,’ but he hadn’t done so yet. Not for lack of opportunity as the family had had pizza plenty of times since. He just couldn’t bring himself to try it. At first it was the guilt that he was here and Leo was not. Then when they found out Leo was alive it was because he wanted to have that experience with Leo. And then it was grief over the lost opportunity to save his Dad.

Now though? Now his Dad was here. And he was going to be here for a long time, Casey would make sure of that. Now they were all together and it was time to keep his last promise to his Sensei.

Well, they were almost all together. Donnie still had yet to arrive. The family waited for a bit but they finally had to start without him. Leo had checked his location on his phone and he was back home so at least they knew he was safe. Yet he was still sad to be celebrating this moment without his twin there with them.

Señor Hueso returned with several pizzas for the family. Casey’s eyes were wide as he looked over all the different options. Leo started to reach for Hawaii, as it was his favorite, but he saw Casey watching him out of the corner of his eye. The kid was probably going to go for whatever he grabbed, and as much as he called Donnie a weirdo for not liking pineapple on pizza, he knew it wasn’t for everyone.

He reached instead for a classic, pepperoni. The kid should start with the basics and then work his way up to superior flavors. Just as he guessed Casey grab the slice next to the one he had taken. He watched as the boy stared as his pizza before placing it hesitantly into his mouth. The boy’s eyes widened before closing with a soft little hum. This was well worth the wait.

Leo smiled at the kid as April asked him a question. The family pasted the evening talking and celebrating Casey victory. It was the most peaceful night in a while.

Donnie had been working in his lab since he returned from the junk yard. He had so much to do and he didn’t want any distractions. It was going great until he heard the voice of his twin at his door.

“Donnie.” He didn’t want to but he turned to the door way of his lab to see his three brothers standing there.

“I’m a little busy right now.” He told them turning back to his work. He needed to remake his tech bō. If his nimpo wasn’t going to be reliable then at least his tech would.

“Donnie, we need to talk.” Raph tried to call him on, but Donnie ignored him. He heard the sound of his brothers moving toward him. He could distinctly hear the sound of Leo’s cane clacking against the ground.

“You’re mad at me.” Leo stated, he wasn’t asking he knew Donnie was mad. But he was wrong at what Donnie was mad at.

“I’m not.” Donnie argued back while still not revealing what was wrong.

“Then can you tell us what you are mad at ‘cause it seems to me like you get mad anytime I talk.” Leo pushed on. This needed to end. Whatever Donnie was upset about was putting him at risk in missions and Leo would not let that stand.

“I’m not mad every time you talk.” Donnie deflected again still looking at his work instead of his brothers. He didn’t want to have this conversation.

“Okay let’s get more specific.” Mikey suggested obviously in his Dr. Feeling persona judging by the sweater he was wearing. “What topic specifically makes you upset?” Mikey already knew the answer but he was hoping to get Donnie to participate in the conversation.

When Donnie refused to answer Leo stepped in. “You get mad anytime I talk about the Tenshu or Usagi-chan.” Here Donnie slammed his tools down before whipping his head up to look at Leo.

“You want to do this fine we’ll do this. Yes, I hate listening to you talk about your dumb-dumb boyfriend. Is that what you wanted to hear?” He looked at Leo waiting for his twin to get angry back, but Leo surprised him.

“Why?” Leo didn’t get angry and snap back the way they normally argued and bickered. No, this time he just looked sad and tired. “Why do you hate him so much? You never even met him.”

“Exactly! We’ve never met him. You just kept on living your life like nothing happened when we were going through the worst experience ever.” Donnie wanted desperately to stop talk but his mouth had opened and it wasn’t going to stop. “I lost you. I went out of my mind trying to find you.” Donnie grabbed Leo’s letter shaking it at him while he talked. “And when I do I find out that you just replaced us all with your new big brother Gen and your crafty sister Kitsune and adorable baby brother Noriyuki plus your perfect boyfriend.” He threw the letter at Leo the papers flying everywhere. “We mourned you and you moved on without us! I celebrated our birthday alone and you didn’t even notice it passed! And you want to go back? You want to leave us again? Do we even matter to you?” Donnie finished his rant and stared Leo down.

His twin looked absolutely broken at what he had just told him. “Donnie!” Raph started to cut in but Leo laid a gentle hand on his shoulder. He took a deep breath before facing Donnie himself.

“Okay let’s talk about all of that. First, I never replaced you. There is no one in the world like you Donnie. Like any of you and even if they were I wouldn’t want a cheap knock off when I could have you.” Leo did his best to lay that accusation to rest first. Never once in his time at the Tenshu had he tried to replace his family members. He gained some new ones along the way but he never replaced his family.

“Secondly, our situations were very different for one reason and one reason only.” Leo made sure he had Donnie’s attention before continuing. “I knew you were safe. You didn’t know I was safe. If you had gotten my letter earlier telling you I was safe and well take care of, would it have been easier?”

“Of course, it would have been easier I wouldn’t have thought you were dead.” Donnie thought the question was stupid. Of course, knowing Leo was alive and well would have made his search easier.

“That’s the knowledge I was living with.” Leo explained. “I knew that the sacrifice I made to defeat the Krang was enough to keep you all safe. I knew and trusted that whatever you had to face in this world you could handle until I came back. The Krang were trapped, Shredder was long gone, anything else you guys could handle until I found a way back to you. I had that peace of mind, which allowed me to make new friendships and keep moving forward with life.” Leo could see understanding starting to cross Donnie’s face. “If I thought for one second you were all still in danger I would have been out of my mind with worry. But I knew you were safe.”

“But you still want to go back?” Donnie’s voice was smaller more vulnerable. His anger was starting to fade away revealing the underlining emotion. Fear.

“Yes, I want to go back,” Leo could see Donnie starting to bristle so he quickly soothed him. “But I don’t want to leave you and I’m not going to stay, just visit.” He could see Donnie easing again so he pushed on. “I told you all that we had found a way for me to return home.” He waited for all three of his brothers to nod before he continued. “What I didn’t tell you was that it was a one-way trip.”

“What do you mean?” Mikey asked concern coloring his voice.

“I mean that that ritual they were going to use to send me home had very rare ingredients that need to be used. Katsuichi-sama believed he would have enough to get me home but not enough to bring me back. I would never see the Tenshu again unless we found another way to open the door.” Leo explained patiently.

“Wait but what about your friends there?” Raph questioned.

“What about Usagi-chan?” Mikey added distressed at the idea.

“Katsuichi-sama told us this before Usagi-chan and I were together.” Leo smiled remembering his conversations with Usagi about this topic. “At the time Usagi-chan had been planning on confessing to me soon but he decided against it.”

“Why?” Donnie was generally curious about what had occurred.

Leo smiled at him. “He knew it was going to be hard on me, saying goodbye to everyone at the Tenshu and he didn’t want to make it harder on me. He also never wanted to put me in a position where I would have to pick between him and you guys.”

“And why was that?” Leo could hear the protectiveness in Raph’s voice and he smirked. They were going to love this answer.

“’Cause he knew he’d lose.” His brothers seemed surprised by the answer which made Leo chuckle. “He didn’t mind. He said my love and dedication to my family was something he adores about me. He loves that I put my family first.” He could tell that response really threw Donnie for a loop.

“Then what changed his mind?” Mikey asked. He knew Leo and Usagi got together and it was Usagi who confessed to Leo. What had happened to change Usagi’s mind?

“A lot happened.” Leo didn’t summarize the entire fight with the neko clan and the chaos that followed as they already heard that story. “But he told me it was because he came to the realization that if he let me go without even trying, he would regret it for the rest of his life. So, he told me he loves me and then asked me something he considered selfish.”

“He asked you to stay didn’t he.” Donnie’s metaphorically hacks were rising again.

“No.” Leo could see the tension drain out of Donnie and surprisingly Raph as well. “He asked to come to New York with me.”

“What?” Donnie breathed the question. It couldn’t be that would mean Usagi would-

“Yep.” Leo popped the p before continuing. “He was willing to give up his life at the Tenshu, everything he had worked for, because he wanted to be with me. He knew I would never truly be happy without all of you. He just wanted to be with me and for me to be happy. Later on, Gen and Kitsune decided they want to come to. They didn’t want their brother here alone. Personally, I think they also wanted to see which one of you would dislike Usagi the longest.” Leo joked at the end trying to lighten the mood a bit.

“Was the bet on Donnie cause if not you did a horrible job representing us.” Mikey joked along.

“I think it was a tie between Donnie and Draxum.” Leo confirmed. Mikey nodded his head along.

“You represented us well.” He agreed with this bet whole heartedly.

“Wait hold up.” Donnie called the conversation back. “He wanted to give up his life there so that you could be with us here?” Donnie couldn’t wrap his head around it. He thought Leo’s boyfriend was going to take Leo away from them. Away from him. but he had not only been trying to get Leo home but was also will to sacrifice staying in his world so Leo could be with them in theirs.

“That’s correct.” Leo confirmed as he watched his brother’s brain try to wrap around the new information. “I’m not trying to leave you guys. But I would like to see my boyfriend again. A permanent gate between our worlds would be awesome. I think you’d guys would love to visit the Tenshu.”
There was a small pause between them all where Leo allowed them a moment to process everything that had been said. Then he reached out and rested his hand on Donnie’s shoulder. The look on his twin’s face was the most vulnerable he had seen in a long time. “I’m not leaving you Donnie. Trust me. I love you guys too much to abandon you.” Donnie’s face softened with emotion that he so rarely showed before pulling his twin close. Raph and Mikey quickly joined the hug, the brothers basking in the moment. They were all back together.

As they pulled a part Leo leaned around Donnie and grabbed his bō. He held it out for Donnie to grab with a warm smile on his face. Donnie was hesitant but he reached out and grasped his bō. He pulled it from Leo’s grasp and held it in front of him. With a deep breath he focused. Leo wasn’t going anywhere. He trusted his brother; he would never replace them. Donnie felt his nimpo building under his skin as a purple light started to fill the room.

His powers were back as was his faith and trust in his brother.


Donnie and Leo have had their Heart to Heart. Does this mean Donnie will be okay with Usagi? no. he's still going to be overprotective of his twin. but he's no longer worried about Leo abandoning them for the tenshu.

Casey has powers!!! I thought really hard about the abilities I wanted to give different characters in this story. I think giving Casey the ability to protect and shield his loved ones is fantastic as he wasn't able to protect them the first time around. I really wrestled with which color to give him. someone suggested Navy as it is a mixture of Leo's blue and Cassie's black, and I loved the idea as it tied him to his parents. I ultimately went with a forest green, it ties him to all of the turtles, and it also matches his outfit best when I did color trials.

Next time is an Usagi chapter and oh boy have I got some surprises for you.

Chapter 5: I've got a lot to pine about


Usagi and friends start their journey but there are more dangers than they realize


Hey guys thank you for the love that this is getting!!!!
I promise to respond to all of your comments soon. they mean so much to me.

kachimamori- Success Talisman
Otosan - father
Jōkamachi – the town surrounding a castle
wakizashi - short sword

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After Shingen’s dea- after that night Chizu had been sent to the Geishu clan’s Tenshu. Her mission had been to follow Miyamoto Usagi, to find a way to deliver him and the tanto to Lord Hikiji.

She had been there on the final day of the Yoake festival. She had looked for the Miyamoto boy but had been unable to find him. She walked around the whole festive keeping a look out for the bunny or his friends, but they were nowhere to be found. She figured the boy had locked himself away to mourn his loss like the weakling he was. She had just lost someone to, yet she was out here doing her job.

As she was getting ready to leave, to try again the next day she saw that people were starting to gather for the lantern ceremony. Chizu looked at all the happy families around her with their lanterns. She could remember celebrating this with Shingen. It had always been her favorite holiday. As ninjas they couldn’t give their clans location away by celebrating, but when they were young Shingen would sneak her out and away from the clan. They would go to the nearest village and join in the festivities. He knew how much she loved the lanterns and it was their tradition for many years.

And now he was gone.

Chizu moved to a stall that was selling lanterns and quickly purchased a grey colored lantern. Her brother had always favored the color. She could justify this, she needed to blend in after all. Then she moved to where the ceremony would take place. She looked at the wish slip attached to the lantern and wondered what she should write. She knew her two greatest wishes but it was far too dangerous to write either down. So, she wrote the safest thing she could think of. She wished her brother was at peace.

As she and the crowd were waiting for the ceremony to start, she saw movement by the stage. The Miyamoto boy had arrived just in time to lead the ceremony.

Chizu watched as he and his Sensei along with their Lords climb on to the stage. She barley listened to the Lord’s speech as she watched the bunny’s body language. He was putting on a good show but she could tell that he was hiding his emotions. He let them slip though. Right after he released his lantern, she saw the way his body curled in on itself. He was obviously missing the Hamato boy.

Good. He’s distracted and that will make him an easy target.

Chizu released her lantern and quickly moved to follow the bunny as he left the stage. But he was almost immediately surrounded by his two moronic friends. Chizu fell back a bit and observed. She had hoped that his friends would leave but they never did. She wasn’t close enough to hear any of their conversation but she could tell that he and the other bunny they ran into were not friends. After his Sensei and another samurai arrived, she started to slink closer. She could tell that the conversation Miyamoto and his Sensei were having was important.

That’s when she heard it. “I’ll talk to Lord Mifune tonight, after the festivities. Gather provisions, we leave tomorrow.” The lion told his student.

They were leaving tomorrow? To go where? It didn’t matter she would follow them. It would be easy to separate them and overwhelm them outside of the Tenshu. This decision had doomed them.

She snuck away from the crowd to go make plans for tomorrow. There was a lot of work to be done.
It was barley dawn when Katsuichi came to collect Usagi and the others. They were meeting with Lord Mifune before setting out. The meeting was supposed to be private which is why it surprised Usagi to see Tomoe Ame, Gunichi and a few other vassals there.

“Welcome my friends.” Lord Mifune started as soon as the last person walked through the door. “As you are aware two days ago a portal opened up and pulled one of our own away from us. We have reason to believe that Hamato Leonardo is still alive.” There was a small amount of murmurs at this announcement but for the most part the crowd remained calm. As Usagi looked around the room he recognized most of the samurai as those Leo either saved during the Neko clan attack or had treated in the infirmary at one time or another. They were the vassals who cared for Leo.

“We are looking for a way to bring him back. Thankfully we have almost all of the items need to perform the ritual. We are only missing two. Rhodonite which can be found in the sea caverns to the far south and Moonlight Magnolia found in the north.” Katsuichi picked up where his friend left off.

“I thought those flowers only bloomed in the spring time. It’s the beginning of winter.” Gunichi pointed out.

“They do but there is one tree that blooms year-round. It is found at the top of a mountain near a spring. I found it once in my youth. I know the way.” Katsuichi reassured the room that he knew what to do.

“We need to make two teams. One will go to the north and the other to the south.” Lord Mifune picked up again looking around the room.

“Since Katsuichi-san knows the way to the moonlight magnolias he and his student should head north. I grew up in the south I’ll lead that team.” Gunichi took charge. He looked to Katsuichi and Lord Mifune waiting for them to agree.

“That sounds good to me. Is there anyone who disagrees?” Lord Mifune looked around the room to see if anyone disagreed with the plan. When no hands were raised, he nodded his head and continued on. “Alright, prepare yourselves. As soon as your group is ready head to the stables in the Jōkamachi. I’ll have a cart and supplies prepared for you.” He gave a small bow to the room. “Thank you for your courage.”

The vassals returned the bow before moving. Some left the room immediately other went to Gunichi to discuss the plan.

Katsuichi turned to Lord Mifune and asked. “If my students and I are ready, can we depart right away?” Usagi and the others moved close so they could hear the answer. They had brought their packs down with them eager to depart.

Lord Mifune let out a sigh. He placed his hand on his old friend’s shoulder. “As long as you promise me you will be careful. Leo-kun’s departure has caused many of our people to feel uneasy. I don’t think they could handle another loss so suddenly.” His eyes passed over the group. “Keep each other safe. Please.” Lord Mifune did not want to lose anyone else either but he also knew that there was no way to stop them from looking for Leo. His own son would try to join them if he let him.

“We will my friend.” Katsuichi reassured. “We will return soon and hopefully we will find a way to reunite our lost one with us.” The two men shared a smile before Katsuichi moved away leading the teens out of the room.

As they were walking away Usagi heard the door open behind him. “Usagi-san.” He turned to see Tomoe Ame standing outside of the room they had just departed from. “Might I delay you for just a moment?”

Usagi paused as he truly wanted to get moving but Kitsune rested a hand on his shoulder and Gen grab his bag from his hand.

“We’ll walk ahead and get things set up. Join us when you’re done.” Kitsune assured him as the two moved to continue following Katsuichi.

Usagi turned to her and waited for her to walk over. Tomoe Ame quickly approached him and as she did Usagi could see she carried something in her hand. “What is it Tomoe Ame-san?” He asked as politely as he could. He knew she wouldn’t delay him without reason but he really wanted to get started on his journey.

She held out her hand for him and wait until he placed his hand on top of hers. She then took her other hand, the one holding the object, and placed it on top of Usagi’s, sliding the object into his grasp.

“I would join you if I could but young Lord Noriyuki needs me here. This, however, is from young Lord Noriyuki.” She moved her hand to reveal a kachimamori. It was woven and was a royal purple with golden thread detailing. It was obviously made for someone of wealth and stature. “It was his Otosan’s.”

Usagi’s head snapped up away from the now extremely precious object in his hands. Tomoe Ame knew she had his full attention as she continued. “He said his Otosan gave it to him the night before the attack. The one where his parents died.” Tomoe Ame paused allowing the words to sink in while also gathering herself. She had not known the boy at the time but had come to love him very much in his time under her care. She could not imagine the pain and terror he felt that night. “It is meant to bring success and good fortune. The young Lord believes it is what kept him safe that night.”

Usagi moved to hand it back to her. “Tomoe Ame-San I can’t take something this precious. If we don’t return-“ before he could finish I his sentence she continued on.

“He wants to make sure you have it. Figured you’d need all the good luck you can get to find Leo-chan.” She paused smiling at him as she continued. “He also wants you to give it to Leo-chan when you find him. That way Leo-chan has to come back to return it to him.”

Usagi pulled the charm close to his chest. “There’s no way I can’t accept this is there.” It wasn’t a question as he knew the answer.

“Not at all.” Tomoe Ame responded. “And if you lose that you will be answering to me.” She knew he wouldn’t but it was a good reminder none the less. She then smiled and pulled him into a hug. “You’ll find him Usagi-san. I know it.”

He hugged her back tightly. “Thank you, Tomoe Ame-san.” They pulled away from one another and Tomoe Ame gave him a little shove in the direction he would have to head.

“When you do tell him hello from us and make sure you find your way back here. Young Lord Noriyuki is expecting both of you to be present for his eight birthday, and I will not have him disappointed.” She called as he walked away.

Usagi smiled back at her. “I’ll try my best.” That gave him ruffly seven months to find Leo and return. He would find away. Once he found his way back to Leo everything else would come together, or so he hoped.

He left the Tenshu and started making his way down to the Jōkamachi. As he made his way through the shops, he could hear the murmurs of the town people who were just starting to move about. As he walked by, he could see them pointing and whispering. He heard some taking about the shrine they were making at the temple.

Apparently, some believed Leo had been sent to them as a test from the gods. To see if they were good and true, the type of people who would take care of a child even if he was the enemy. They believed they had passed the test as Leo had used his ‘godly’ powers to protect them from their true enemy. But he had made the mistake of falling in love with a mortal and when his time with them had run out he did not want to leave. He had to be forcibly taken back up to heaven forever separated from his lover.

It was a good story Usagi had to give them that. Though he could do without the looks of pity and reverence. He had heard whispers of their story’s the prior day and throughout the evening as he prepared what he needed to leave. But in the end, it didn’t matter, he knew the truth, Leo was from another world, just not the other world the villagers were thinking of, and he was going to reunite with Leo. He didn’t really care if the villagers told these tales or if they believed them. What mattered to him was reuniting with Leo.

Though he did wonder what Leo would think of the tales. Or perhaps more humorous what the villagers would think when he returned with not just Leo but his brothers as well. He wondered if they would think the whole family was from heaven, if they would all be treated with reverence every time they visited. If nothing else it would give Leo a good laugh.

He made his way through the village quickly meeting up with his family in the Jōkamachi Lord Mifune had provided them with a cart and supplies as well as four horses, two to pull the cart and two to ride. Kitsune and Gen had taken positions on the cart with Gen driving. Usagi assumed he had played the older sibling card to get that position. Katsuichi held the reigns of the last two. A charcoal mare and a chestnut mare. Katsuichi handed Usagi the reigns to the chestnut mare before climbing onto his own horse.

“Is everyone ready? For we will not be able to turn around.” Katsuichi asked the group at large. After a round of nods and Usagi had climbed up on his horse, Katsuichi nodded his agreement. “Alright we’ll set off to the north try to stay together.”

“Yes Sensei” Usagi responded

“You got it Master Katsuichi-sama.” Kitsune called

“We’ll do our best to not pass you.” Gen teased as he moved his reigns and got the horses moving.

They were off. Usagi was thrilled. Finally, they were on their way to Leonardo.

‘I’ll be with you soon Leonardo-chan.’ Usagi thought to himself as they left the outer walls of the Jōkamachi.

The journey would take about a month to arrive at the northern mountains were the mystic Moonlight Magnolia tree was located. He prayed Leo would be safe until them.
They had been traveling for a few days. Chizu had kept the shadows as she followed them. She kept them just barely in her sight during the day as she did not want them to see her following them. But during the nights she would slink closer to the group, training her ears on their conversations.

She heard tales of past victories and failures that the group apparently found humor in. She didn’t understand them. If her past failures were mentioned in front of her people, she would be shamed for them not laugh along. Yet here they were, talking about a time when the big one, she thinks she heard them call him Gen, got nailed in the face with rotten fruit by someone named ‘Leo.’ From what she had overheard it was a training exercise but she just didn’t understand. Why were they laughing at this. She would have planned her revenge against this Leo character for embarrassing her in front of everyone. Yet this ‘Gen’ seemed to miss the boy.

No, not just Gen all of them seemed to miss the one they called ‘Leo.’

She saw how the Miyamoto boy smiled at the memories before seemingly growing sad. He then pulled out the tanto. It was the first time she had seen it for herself. It looked beautiful. The blacksmith who made it put in a lot of care and hard work as she could tell the blade was perfect even from her distance.

Chizu watched as the boy continued to look down at his tanto. The Lion, Katsuichi, placed his hand on Miyamoto’s shoulder. “At ease my boy. You will be reunited with Leo-kun soon. I just know it.” The bunny seemed to relax as his shoulders dropped from their tense position. He turned to look up at his mentor and smiled with a soft thank you leaving his lips.

So, this ‘Leo’ must be the Hamato boy that her master wanted. Why did Katsuichi say they would be together again soon? Isn’t the whole reason her master wanted her to capture Miyamoto because there was no way to get to where the Hamato boy was?

Unless they had found a way back to him? Chizu snuck back deep into the woods. She let out a bird call to let the other members of her clan know she needed them to join her. Her back up was a ways back as she knew the group would notice multiple people following them. She had taken point and would call when she needed assistance.

As she waited, she revised her plan in her head. She needed to know more about the group. Where they were headed? Why they were traveling? Was there a way directly to the Hamato boy? There were to many questions and no way for her to find the answers and maintain her distance. She was going to have to get close to them.
It had been a long few days of traveling. Usagi knew everyone was tired but no one was complaining. They were all used to long travels and were doing a good job at keeping their spirits up.

Leo was a common topic that they spoke about. Sharing memories of him or bringing up what he would think about the trip so far. Usagi knew what they were doing. They were trying to keep his spirit up.

They were trying to keep Leo with them. It was a common practice after a family member or close friend passed on to tell stories of them. To keep their memory fresh and carry on their legacy. This was different. Leo wasn’t spoken of in past tense. No, they spoke commonly of what he could be doing now or what they would do once reunited.

A favorite past time was guessing where Leo was and what he was doing. Gen and Kitsune took turns coming up with wild ideas. Ranging from a the hopefully mundane of him being in his home world with his family, to the fantastical. Kitsune was winning right now with the craziest theory. That Leo had been yanked backwards in time and was befriending ancient animals.

Usagi didn’t know where they got their ideas from, but it was much better than his own fears of what was happening. He feared that the Krang had found Leo and pulled him back, desperate to finish what they started. He had a feeling the Katsuichi feared the same thing though his master didn’t discuss his own ideas of where Leo was.

Usagi kept Leonardo’s tanto close wearing it on the opposite side of his belt from his blades. Whenever Leo came ups in conversation his right hand would drift to rest upon the tanto. He believed that as long as the tanto existed then so did Leo. It was his greatest comfort. It was the first thing he looked at when he awoke and the last thing he looked at before he slept. He read the inscriptions over and over desperate to remember what the words sounded like coming from Leo’s lips.

They had gotten an early start that morning. Usagi and Katsuichi were in the front with Gen and Kitsune following them on the cart. They had been traveling through lowlands so far but they were approaching their first troubling spot. They had been following the river north. The terrain was going to become more mountainous as they traveled leaving them with two options. Stay with the river and travel along the bank of the upcoming cannon or navigate the rocky paths through the mountains.

Both routes were narrow and came with their own challenges. The mountain pass could have loose rocks that could give way under their feet. The higher altitude would also drop the temperature. It had been a mild winter so far but it was getting colder. Going up the mountain pass would mean colder travels.

The cannon pass was just as bad. If the river got too high then it covered the path. The river was fast in the cannon and even had rapids in some places. At this time of year there was less water as the mountains weren’t pouring off so much melt water, but it wasn’t a guarantee. Getting wet would be bad in this weather. They wouldn’t survive a dip in the freezing river.

This was not the time of year to travel.

“Sensei which path are we taking?” Usagi would follow Katsuichi anywhere. He knew his master had traveled to the Moonlight Magnolia tree before and he trusted the man to see them there safely.

Katsuichi took a moment before he answers his student. He knew Gen and Kitsune were listening as well. “I know it will be tricky to maneuver but I think our best bet is to travel up the mountains. I don’t trust the cannon pass to be dry enough to travel.”

“I don’t know how much help I’ll be if we get stuck up there.” Gen called out to them. If the cart got stuck it would normally be up to Gen and Katsuichi’s strengths to get it out. But with Gen’s injuries leg he wasn’t confident he could help his family.

“It will be alright Gen-kun.” Katsuichi reassured. “We will find our way through together.” And with that they set their course. All three of the teens trusted Katsuichi to lead them though safely. Katsuichi prayed he wouldn’t let them down.

As they made their way towards the mountain pass there was a commotion on the road in front of them. There off to the side of the path was a girl. She was running straight into the road, and was too busy looking behind her to see the approaching horses. If they had been traveling fast they probably would have run the girl over.

The reason she was looking behind her became abundantly clean just a few moments later. Three ninjas left the woods to follow her. One grabbed her hair to pull her back towards them and she screamed.

Usagi kicked his horse into a run and charged the ninjas, the man holding her hair was forced to let the girl go to avoid Usagi running him over. Usagi positioned his horse in between the girl and her attackers just as he jumped of, drawling his katana and clashing blades the first ninja.

He pushed the ninja back while keeping their blades locked. He raised his foot up and kicked the ninja in the stomach forcing him to stubble backwards. Usagi advanced on him swing his wakizashi in from the side. The ninja was just barely able to block his attack.

Katsuichi had been right behind him coming down on the second ninja before they had time to react to Usagi’s attack. He jumped off of his horse swiping his sword down as he did so. The second ninja had to pull his own blade quickly to block the strike yet the force of Katsuichi’s blade meeting his forced him to the ground anyway. The third ninja tried to help by rushing Katsuichi.

Katsuichi never lifted his blade from where it was locked with the second ninja’s blade, instead he pivoted and caught the incoming ninja’s arm as he rushed him. He swung the ninja to the side before throwing him back the way he came. The ninja went flying back into the woods with a yowl.

He turned back to the ninja below him who was struggling under the force of his blade. He could tell that they were Neko clan but he could also tell this one was young. At one point that wouldn’t have mattered, he would have cut the boy down without hesitation. But now, after practically raising Usagi and his friends, after seeing the type of person Leo, a ninja, was. He wanted to give this kid a chance.

He bent down, bearing just a little more weight on his blade that the child was already struggling with. He reached down and grabbed ahold of the arm the child was using to hold the hilt of their sword. He could see fear enter the boy’s eyes. If he yanked the boy’s arm to the side then his blade would come straight down on the boy. It was a dirty trick, and one far beneath him.

Katsuichi stopped pushing down with his blade at the same time he pulled to boy’s arm. He pulled not just to move the boy’s blade but to move the boy. With a quick spin he got the momentum he needed. He released the boy as he came back around sending back into the woods where he sent his companion.

Usagi’s opponent realized he was alone now. He pushed his blade against Usagi’s and jumped back retreating into the woods after his companion. Usagi moved to follow when Katsuichi called out to him.

“Leave them my boy. They are obviously young and inexperienced. They know they’re out matched. They won’t be back.” He said as he’s sheathed his katana. Usagi followed his lead as Katsuichi turned to the girl they just rescued. Gen and Kitsune pulled the cart up to a stop. They hadn’t been able to rush up as Usagi and Katsuichi could because of the weight of the cart.

“Are you alright?” Katsuichi asked the girl. She was a young grey cat. She had long black hair falling around her lower back. It was tied off at the bottom of her hair allowing most of it to fan around her face. Her bangs framed her sharp features well. She was tall almost the same height as Usagi and appeared to be close to his age. She had a thin frame and wore a rosey red kimono with a grey apron wrapped around her waist.

“I- I think so.” She said as she straightened herself out. “Thank you so much, they would have killed me if you had not come along.” She looked up at him with wide golden eyes.

Something seemed off, Katsuichi wasn’t sure what it was. She seemed like a perfect example of a scared villager, but it was almost to perfect.

“Sure, mind tell us why they were after ya? The Neko clan might be full of idiots but they don’t tend to go after someone without reason?” Gen called from the cart as he looked down at the girl. His words were as blunt as ever but his mind was sharp. He too had picked up on the oddity of what was occurring.

The girl seemed to realize that they were on to her as she grew timid. “I- well you see-“

“Please,” Usagi stepped forward. “Tell us what has occurred so we can assist you. We are on a very important journey and we cannot help you if we do not know what is wrong.” Usagi didn’t want to leave anyone who was in trouble, as this girl obviously was, without aid. Yet he could tell she was hiding something from them and it was putting her and now them at risk. He also didn’t want to delay their journey. Leo needed him. But it wasn’t in Usagi’s nature to turn away from someone in need.

The girl turned to look at him, and let out a sad sigh. “My brother was a member of their clan. They killed him. And now they want to kill me.” She looked so sad when she spoke of her brother’s death there was no way she could fake it.

“I am sorry for your lost.” Katsuichi comforted. “Is there anywhere you can go to be safe?” Katsuichi knew that turning back to the Geishu clan’s Tenshu would severely push them back, yet he didn’t want to abandon this girl if she had nowhere else to go.

“I-I do but I can’t trouble you for that.” The girl rushed to reassure them. “You have done more than enough. I don’t want to take away from your journey.” Usagi felt bad as he was the one to insist that their journey was important. His Leonardo, no matter how much Usagi wished he would at times, would never put himself above another. He would have been upset with Usagi if this girl died because of Usagi’s haste to get to him.

“We are traveling north.” He blurted out. The girl turned to look at him with wide eyes. He continued this time much calmer. “We are heading to the far north mountains. The ones behind these.” He said nodding his head towards the mountain path they were heading towards. The girl’s eyes widened.

“The far northern mountains?” She asked in shock. “My Lord’s Tenshu is in that region.” She exclaimed in excitement clasping her hands together in front of her. The more she talked the more genuine she seemed. She had probably been worried as to their reaction to her deceased brother being a ninja.

Little did she know how fond of ninjas this group had become.

“Well then, I see no point in us traveling separately.” Katsuichi explained. “Why don’t you join us? We can drop you off at your Lord’s Tenshu when we arrive in the area.” He offered her graciously.

“Oh that is too much I couldn’t possibly-“ the girl started to deny only for Kitsune to grab her hand and start dragging her towards the wagon.

“You can ride with us.” She exclaimed as she pulled the girl along. At the girls shocked face Kitsune gave her a shy smile. “Come on don’t make me travel with all these boys alone.” She gave her best pleading look, a fairly good one according to her brothers though they also always thought she looked ridiculous doing it.

The girl seemed to cave. “Alight I’ll join you.” Kitsune cheered as the two girls walked over to the cart when Gen sat. Gen watched Kitsune drag the girl over and sent Usagi and Katsuichi a confused look. Since when had Kitsune minded traveling with them?

Usagi shrugged equally confused while Katsuichi chuckled. He knew his children well and their apparent infatuation with strangers in need. Usagi looked over to his master and caught his knowing look as what was happening clicked in his own brain. Oh. Oh, that’s what was happening. He wished Leo was here, he would have been a far better wingman to work with then Gen. His people person boyfriend would have been a big help to his sister right now.

“I’m sure my Lord wouldn’t mind you all staying with us when we arrive. I’m sure we’ll all be tired by then.” The girl offered drawing them all back to the conversation at hand.

“If your Lord so offers, that will be greatly appreciated. Who is your Lord?” Katsuichi accepted the girl’s kind offer. She was right if her Lord’s Tenshu was near their destination a night in real beds would be greatly appreciated by himself and his family at that point. Though he was curious as to who this Lord was.

“Lord Hebi.” The girl answer with little hesitation. Katsuichi was surprised. It seemed the teens were as well as they all stopped moving. Lord Hebi did not live in the north.

“Really? I thought Lord Hebi’s Tenshu was west of here.”Katsuichi tried to be gentle with his wording and tone but if this girl was lying he wanted to know now.

“He does in the summer but his brother has land in the north. My Lord is visiting his brother. I was supposed to meet him there but my travels were,” the girl paused looked into the woods where she had come from. “Interrupted.” Was the word she landed on to describe what had just occurred.

“Interesting I was unaware of his brother.” Katsuichi would let it lie for now but he would keep a close eye on this girl.

“You never told us what your name was.” Kitsune change the topic as she could see the other girl was starting to get uncomfortable. She understood Katsuichi’s wariness. She knew it was to protect them, but as the most recent member of this family she remembered how uncomfortable it was to have them asking those sorts of questions all the time. Their new travel companion would reveal herself in time. She just hoped it was a good reveal.

She looked over at Usagi as she asked her question hoping to catch his eye. He had been the one to welcome her into the group. When Katsuichi was unsure of her and Gen untrusting it was Usagi who first made her feel welcomed and at home. She was hoping she could depend on him to do the same now. She knew he had a lot on his plate right now. He was so worried about Leo, yet was it selfish to hope her brother’s warmth would shine through for her in this moment.

Usagi pulled himself back into his horse before looking over at the girls. He was also curious to this mystery girl’s name. He met his sister’s eyes and gave her a warm smile. “I must say I’m quite curious as well.” He encouraged their new companion along with his sister. Kitsune beamed at him, happy her brother was being his welcoming self.

The girl looked between the two before smiling. “Chizu.”


I hoped you liked it.

Chizu has arrived. I made my own design for her as I am not a big fan of her Usagi chronical design. her comic book design is very similar to Tomoe Ame's design and I wanted to separate them out a little. So, she is a grey cat. I based her village look off of Sango from Inuyasha.

The Lord's Tenshu she is talking about is actually Hikiji's Tenshu thats why Katusichi is confused when she calls it Hebi's. He doesnt know it is Lord Hikiji's but if he did he would not go there. Hikiji's name is a whisper in the wind of bad things to come.

Next time: we are back with the rise gang with a Raph centered chapter.


I have been working on some oneshots in this world over on my tumblr and one of the things I have been thinking about doing is a Valentine's Day oneshot where the other members of Leo's family are bumping into potential romantic leads. it is mostly just for fun and to flex some different writing skills. But I have no idea who to pair with them. SO good old Google Form it is.

please help me. I already Have a whole future planned for Leosagi but I don't know what the rest of the family is doing.
I will be posting the collection of oneshots I'm working on after this story is completed.

Chapter 6: If I Drift in the Wrong Direction, You Turn the Tides and You Calm the Wind


Raph centered chapter my dears!!!!


thank you so much for your support. I am sorry I have been so slow in responding to comments. I was sick this week and had the craziest work week ever. but thank you so much for the support I will respond soon.

I don't know if I am 100% happy with the ending this time around but my dog really wants my attention. (he started typing on the computer with his snot toget attention) so I am going to leave it where it lies.

I hope you guys like it. I did work really hard on it.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Raph woke up in a good mood. Today was the day. Today he was going to convince Leo to hang out with him. After Leo and Donnie’s twin day adventure, Leo had been staying inside the lair. Raph could see it was starting to drive his brother a little batty, but no one was comfortable with Leo leaving the lair on his own right now.

He wasn’t sure about the others, but Raph was terrified that Leo would disappear once more if no one was around him. He couldn’t lose his little brother again. He just couldn’t.

He knew the hovering was going to get to Leo eventually, but as of right now he was being a good sport about it. He missed them as much as they missed him after all.

He also needed to have some hard conversations with Leo. There were so many things he had wished he had said to Leo when he was gone. Now he had the opportunity to do so and he was not about to let it slip by him once again.

He had a plan. Step one, take Leo somewhere he’d enjoy, this would get them to neutral ground where Leo wouldn’t feel attacked. It would also allow Leo to not worry about the rest of the family overhearing. Then they could talk. Raph planned to start off with telling him some of the missions they went on in his absence. He planned to ask his little brother what he would have done differently. This would allow him to compare where he and his brother differed when it came to make it plans. It also gave him the opportunity to compliment Leo’s strategic mind.

After the way Leo reacted to Raph’s praise when they talked about the Neko clan attack, he realized two things. One, they didn’t compliment Leo. Like at all. Leo always hyped them up but they never did the same to him. He usually hyped himself up enough for all of them but that was missing now. Leo wasn’t constantly talking about how great he was. And in the absence of his own voice Raph realized how little the family actually complimented his brother. Two, Leo didn’t think he deserved praise. Every time Raph tried to compliment him, Leo acted like what he did wasn’t impressive. He had predicted the movements of an unknown enemy and stopped a brutal attack on a city. How was that not impressive! Did Leo honestly believe he wasn’t impressive? Had they made him feel that way?

That was something he need to apologize for. He had been so wrapped up in his own hurt feelings about Leo being made leader that he never supported Leo in the transition. He just expected Leo to know what to do. This led to him berating Leo’s leadership a lot. More than he should have, he wasn’t proud of it.

Leo was great at strategies, Raph could see that now, but he didn’t want to be in charge of their safety. It was going to be a hard conversation. One that should have happened a long time ago. One where he would promise to support his brother. If Leo could communicate his plans, Raph could point out their strengths and weakness, not to be mean but just to show where there were holes. And if Raph knew what was happening, he could focus on keeping the family safe so Leo could do what was necessary as a leader.

Raph had made the mistake of asking Casey what the future was like. Besides the horror of knowing how early on he died, of how long his family had to survive without him, he had also found out what happened to his brothers.

He was so proud yet deeply disturbed by what his brothers had gone through and accomplished in that time line. Donnie’s tech keeping people alive was amazing, his horrific death less so. Mikey’s mastery over the mystic arts made him so proud, yet knowing that it was that power that killed him terrified Raph.

But it was Leo’s fate that hurt the worst. His brother had led them, all of them, to their deaths. He couldn’t imagine how much every loss life weighed on that Leo’s shoulders, yet he had kept fighting, kept bringing hope to those around him. His little brother who never wanted leadership had been put in a no-win scenario and he had kept people alive for years. He had kept as much of their family safe as he could.

Raph was so proud, not only of that Leo, but also of what his Leo was capable of. While he had made mistakes, Leo had successfully led their family against the Krang. He had rescued Raph, something Raph could never forget for many reasons, and led their family to victory. A victory that had cost them far too much. While he knew Leo didn’t regret his choice, was even happy with it as it allowed him to meet Usagi, Raph regretted so much about that day. The thing he regretted most was that Leo was left alone. He had faced the most terrifying thing any of them had ever seen, and he had done it alone. He had made the choice to sacrifice himself alone.

It wouldn’t happen again. Raph would make sure of it.

The Krang were gone, and Raph wasn’t going anywhere. He wasn’t going to let his brothers face the future alone. Leo wasn’t going to be leading alone, Raph was going to support him. From here on out they were a team, he would make sure Leo never had to face such horrors alone again.

He went to knock on Leo’s door before entering. It was still weird that they had doors instead of curtains now. Leo was chilling in his bed. His leg was propped up and he was reading a book. Raph had to pause for a moment. That was an actual book, not a Jupiter Jim comic book but a book book. And judging by the cover it had something to do with the body.

“Everything okay Raph?” Leo asked him. His head was tilted and he had rested the book against his chest giving his brother his full attention. Raph realized he had been staring at Leo’s book a little too long.

“Yea yea I’m fine. Ugh what are you reading?” It seemed like a fair question to ask and an easy way to break the ice.

“Oh, it’s a medical book I picked up at the library when Donnie, Casey, and I were there.” Leo explained picking the book off of his chest to show it to Raph. Raph looked at it and nodded in acknowledgment as to what the book was. He didn’t actually understand what was on the page.

“Is something wrong with your leg or shell? If you’re in pain we can always help you. You don’t need to try and find the answer yourself in a book.” Raph was worried. Leo had been their medic for as long as he could remember but Leo had always had a bad habit of hiding his own injuries and handling them himself. Yet another Raph need to talk to him about.

“No no, nothing like that.” Leo quickly dismissed with a wave of his hand. “I mean my leg hurts but there’s nothing any of us or this book can do about it.” Leo said as he sat up. He shimmied back in the bed so that he was sitting up right against his pillows. He reached down to move the pillow supporting his leg to a new position as his position changed. He then patted the space on the bed next to him as an inversion to Raph.

Raph didn’t need to be told twice quickly making his way over to sit next to his little brother. “What do you mean?” He asked as he moved on to the bed. “If your leg hurts then we should do something about it.” Raph didn’t like the idea of Leo being in pain and not doing anything to alleviate it.

Leo just shook his head fondly. “It’s okay Raph, just part of the new normal. My leg’s always going to hurt. Some days are better than other but the pain never really goes away.” Leo explained his now permanent injury. He looked over at Raph and could see his worry chasm appearing between his eyes. “Don’t worry Raph, I’m fine.”

“That doesn’t sound fine.” Raph argued back. What did Leo mean always in pain. “So, it never stops hurting? Is it in constant pain? Would pain meds help? What about-“ Leo placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Easy Big Guy.” He tried to calm his worried big brother. “Yes, it always hurts but as I said some days are better and some days are worst. Most days it’s a dull ache. I can make it worse by over doing it but the cane helps a lot with that. There are days when it feels good, but I still use the cane just in case.” Leo tried to reassure and explain the situation better.

“And the bad days.” Raph asked. He needed to know. He needed to know what his brother was facing so that he could support him. Leo looked away and blew out a breath.

“There are days when it hurts worse, but to be honest I’ve only ever had one really bad day. It wasn’t fun and I had to stay off my leg for most of it.” Leo admitted while wrapping his arms around his middle. He was obviously getting uncomfortable and Raph wasn’t sure if he should push this or not.

“What made it worse?” He decided to risk one more question. If there was a trigger he wanted to know.

Leo seemed hesitant to respond. He seemed to be weighing his options which was a dead giveaway to Raph that something was being hidden from him. “Some days are just going to be worse. Sometimes changes in the weather can affect it. Itachi-sama told me it will probably get worse in the winter with the cold. But that instance was indubitably on me, I pushed it too hard.” Leo explained how his bad days would work.

While Raph was concerned about the weather part of his statement (it was January and starting to get colder, would this cause Leo extra pain?) He wasn’t convinced by Leo’s explanation for his bad day. He placed his hand on Leo’s shoulder turning his brother to face him.

“Spill it, Leo. You and I both know you only use the word ‘indubitably’ when you’re hiding something.” Raph knows his little brother. But why would Leo hide this from them.

Leo stared up at him for a moment before sighing. He looked down and mumbled out an answer, but it was to muffled for Raph to hear it. “Come again? I can’t hear you.” Raph called for Leo to speak up which caused Leo to blow out a big breath of air before repeating himself.

“I jolted my leg that day cause my cane got knocked out from under me.” Raph froze. What did Leo mean?

“What do you mean ‘knocked out from under you’” Raph’s voice was a steady calm. He already knew he wouldn’t like this answer. Leo wouldn’t look at him. “Leo, look at me.” Leo raised his head to meet Raph’s eyes. “How did your cane get ‘knocked out from under you?’” He asked once more keeping his voice calm.

“I-“ Leo paused and blew out a breath. “It was the first day of the Yoake festival. We ran into Usagi-chan’s rival/childhood bully.” He shook his head side to side and an upset frown settled on his face. “You should have heard the way he talked to Usagi-chan. He was the absolute worst.” Leo complained.

Raph listened to every word his brother said. He knew how important Usagi and the other people at the Tenshu were to Leo. Leo was very open with information about them, happy to share stories about the people he cared about, but to Raph it always felt special, like his brother was trusting him with valuable information. He wanted to know as much about them as he could before he met them. “Sounds like it. So, what happened next?” His main focus however is figuring out how all this led to Leo’s cane being ‘knocked out from under him’ though he had a sinking feeling that he already knew.

Leo knew he had to tell him, they were too far into the story for him to stop. “He kept coming over to bother us so I challenged him to a game. Made him think I’d suck at it and then made a bet that if I won, he had to stop bulling Usagi-chan for the rest of the festival, and if he won, I would spend the festival with him instead.” Leo explained.

“Why didn’t Usagi-chan just tell him off?” Raph was confused why Leo had to step in. He was proud of Leo for standing up for someone he loved but at the same time confused how the person Leo always described as brave was getting pushed around so much Leo had to step in.

“They had known each other for years. Usagi-chan was used to the name calling. He didn’t like it but he didn’t want to cause problems. The bully was at the Tenshu as a guest for the competition the next day and Usagi-chan didn’t want to cause problems by fighting him early. He wanted to just ignore the dude but I got tired of his attitude pretty fast.” Leo explained the situation as best he could. There had been a lot of moving parts.

“Okay makes sense. But why would he want to spend time with you? Had you met him before?” This guy sounded like a jerk to Raph, but why would he want to have time with Leo?

Leo rubbed the back of his neck. “I didn’t know what else of offer. I didn’t want to throw Usagi-chan under the bus by saying he’d do something and I didn’t have anything else to offer. I don’t think he would have accepted if Usagi hadn’t gotten upset when I offered that. His main goal was to hurt Usagi-chan and if it upset or hurt Usagi-chan to spend time away from me then he would take that bet.” Leo explained. There had been a lot of moving parts to his plan and it was hard to speed run the explanation like this, but he also didn’t want to talk about Kenichi more than he had to. The guy made his skin crawl.

“Okay.” Raph thought he understood. He knew his brother’s brain worked way different than his own did, and he was sure he was missing some pieces to the puzzle, but right now it didn’t matter. He wanted to know what hurt Leo’s leg. “What game did you two play?”

Leo smirked at him. “It was a carnival game but it was basically basketball.” Raph matched his brother’s smirk at that. Oh, there was no way Leo loss that bet. How his brother tricked someone into think he was bad at his favorite sport Raph would never know but it was funny none the less.

“So, you kicked his can?” He asked already aware of the answer.

Leo laughed. “Dude didn’t stand a chance.” He confirmed his victory before sombering. How does he tell his big brother what happened next? “He ugh - he wasn’t happy about it.”

Raph’s big brother sense weren’t just tingling, they were full blaring alarms. This jerk did something. “What did he do?” He saw Leo’s head drop and his shoulders curl in a little bit. He placed his other hand on Leo’s second shoulder, lowing himself to meet Leo’s ducked eyes. “Leo. What. Did. He. Do?”

Leo closed his eyes and breathed before answering. “He accused me of cheating. He was really upset that he lost. Usagi moved to keep him away from me but as he uh.” Leo paused not wanting to reveal what happened as he knew how upset it was going to make Raph. “He kicked my cane out from under me.” He said it quietly not wanting to admit what happened. Partially because he knew Raph was going to freak out and partially because he didn’t like admiring how easily Kenichi had taken him down.

Raph’s eyes widened as his body jerked up right. “HE DID WHAT!” It had been a long time since Leo had seen his brother this angry outside of a savage Raph episode. Raph normally had control of his anger; Leo knew it was something his brother worked very hard on. When they were children Raph’s angry outburst had scared his younger brothers. Raph, even back then, recognized how much bigger he was then his brothers, he never wanted to hurt them or for them to be scared of him. Leo knew how hard he worked, so to see this level of rage outside of battle or an episode meant Raph was deeply furious.

“Raph it’s okay.” Leo raised his hands up in a calming gesture, attempting to calm his brother down.

“IT’S NOT OKAY LEO!” Raph snapped back only to pause as his eyes widened, realizing he just yelled at Leo for something that was absolutely not his fault. He didn’t want to start any more screaming matches between them. He took a deep breath before continuing. “What’s his name?” Okay it came out more as a growl but at least he wasn’t yelling anymore.

“Raph it’s-“ Leo started only to get cut off.

“Don’t say it’s okay Leo, it’s not.” Raph denied venomously. Why did Leo think this was okay? Unless. “Did Usagi think it was okay?” Raph asked quickly. If he did Raph didn’t care how much Leo loved him, that bunny was not coming near his brother ever again.

“NO!” Leo quickly denied and defended his boyfriend and friends. “Usagi-chan wanted to fight him then and there but he ran away and Usagi-chan chose to help me rather than chase after him. Gen-chan and Kitsune-chan went after him to make sure he didn’t get away of hurt someone else. Lord Mifune even offered to throw him out of the Tenshu. They protected and supported me, I promise.” Leo tried to reassure his brother of his boyfriend and friend’s loyalty and care.

“Was he?” Was the only Raph responded with.

“Was he what?” Leo asked unsure which ‘he’ they were talking about.

“Was the person who kicked you cane removed and punished.” Raph asked he was trying so hard not to shake with his anger. How dare someone do that to anyone, and to HIS little brother? No if they ever crossed paths this jerk face would need his own cane when Raph was done with him.

“I-“ Leo paused again unsure of how to say it. “No.”

“Why not?” Raph interrupted before Leo could explain. “You just said that they all wanted him removed and punished how was he not!” Raph didn’t understand how the people his brother talked so highly off could allow such harm to befall him with no consequences.

“Because I didn’t want him to be!” Leo yelled back. They both paused, Leo to collect himself and Raph to sit in shock of what his little brother just said. “I haven’t talked about it a lot but there were people there who would never believe me just because I’m a ninja. I knew how it would look, a competitor and guest removed because a ninja was injured. His people would have been in an uproar over it. So, I made the decision that he could stay as long as he had a guard to prevent him from hurt anyone else. Usagi and the others weren’t happy with it but it was my decision.” Leo explained as calmly as he could.

Raph sat there and thought about it for a moment. He didn’t know what Leo had faced while he was there, and he knew this was one of the differences between his way of thinking and Leo’s. “Did he hurt anyone else?” Judging by the way Leo curled into himself, they jerk had hurt someone else. “Did he hurt you again?” Please say no.

“Raph please, I don’t want to talk about it.” Leo looked deeply uncomfortable in a way Raph had never seen. Oh, he was getting to the bottom of this. Not today. He wasn’t about to push Leo right now, but one day he would know exactly what the little jerk face did.

“Ok I’ll let it go for now. Just one more question, what was his name?” Raph wouldn’t let go until he knew at least that piece of information.

Leo sighed once more before responding. “Kenichi.” He watched Raph nod, likely storing the information for later.

“Okay. Your leg, you said that was the worst day?” Raph changed the subject. Even though he wanted to keep pushing he wasn’t about to.

Leo gave him a soft smile seeing the subject change for what it was. “Ya, the jolt to my leg made it go from a dull ache to a stabbing pain.”

“What did you do about it?” Raph wanted to know if Leo had something that worked to alleviate the pain on those days. But he watched as Leo grew sheepish.

“I - ugh I kinda kept going on it.” He could see Raph starting to get upset. “I took a lot of breaks and Usagi was there for me. He never left my side after that and insisted on frequent breaks. He even carried me after Kenichi knocked me down so that we could get away from the crowd. It hurt but I didn’t want to miss out on the festival just because of some pain.” Leo defended his actions.

“Alright.” Raph relented knowing it wasn’t a good idea to keep pushing Leo right now. “I’m glad Usagi and the others helped you.” At least that was the truth. “Does anything help on bad days? You said that cold temperatures can cause them.” He decided to focus on where he could help now.

“I can take pain meds but I won’t really know until I have a really bad day.” Leo told him the honest truth. He didn’t know what would or wouldn’t work at this moment. “I know there are going to be days where I just won’t be able to keep up with you guys like I used to.” And boy did it hurt to admit that.

Raph squeezed his shoulders bring his attention back. “It’s alright Leo, we’ll figure it out together. Just,” he paused to make sure he worded this right. “Tell us when it’s bad. We’re here for you. This is an adjustment for all of us, let us help you.”

Leo smiled at Raph. “I will.” He would tell Raph WHEN it was really bad. That’s what he asked for right. Anything else would be bothering them after all and Leo could handle a little pain.

Raph smiled back thinking they were on the same page. “Good. Hey I was thinking if your legs not hurting to bad right now, why don’t you and I sneak out of here.” Leo started to get excited, it had been a long time since just Raph and him did something together. Even before the invasion and Leo’s disappearance they haven’t hung out that much, Leo’s new role as leader had really driven a wedge between them. “I was thinking we could go out and maybe get some food. I’ve been dying to talk to you about some of the missions we’ve been on. Get your perspective on what we could have done differently.”

Leo’s excitement immediately left his body. That sounded like the last thing he wanted to do. He and Raph had spent so long arguing over the way Leo ran missions and now Raph wanted Leo to critique his own plans. No way. Not after the invasion. Usagi might think Leo was an amazing leader, but after almost leading his whole family to their deaths he never wanted to lead again. He knew he would have to, but he didn’t want to face it yet. He also didn’t want to start fighting with Raph again as their ideas of what was best often vastly differ from one another.

“Actually Raph, I’m really tired right now.” As much as he wanted to spend time with Raph he was not about to put himself in that position.

“Oh.” Raph was surprised, he had thought they were getting somewhere. But their conversation was already taxing on both of their emotions and he didn’t want to push Leo more then he already had. “Okay. Um maybe tomorrow or another day when you’re feeling up to it. I really do want to spend time with you.” Raph started to get of the bed and Leo smiled at him.

“Of course, I want to hang out with you to. I’ve missed you.” Leo truly did miss his brother. Raph smiled at Leo bright and warm.

“I missed you to. Get some rest I’ll check in on you later.” Raph turned to walk away but Leo reached out and grabbed his hand. Raph turned back to face Leo but he wouldn’t meet Raph’s eyes.

“The stuff I told you. The stuff about Kenichi. Can you please not tell the others?” Leo finally looked up at the end of his request employing his brother to understand.

“What? Leo he hurt you. He needs to-“ but Leo cut off Raph’s angry rant.

“I know what he did Raph.” Leo’s voice was serious but he took a moment to breath. He wasn’t mad at Raph there was no reason for him to be acting coldly towards him. “I know better than anyone how much Kenichi sucks. But I don’t want the others to worry. Donnie barley like Usagi and the Tenshu, I don’t want to give him a real reason to hate the place. Usagi and the Tenshu have nothing to do with Kenichi’s actions but you know as well as I do that it won’t matter to Donnie.” Leo tried to explain his concerns as best he could.

He so desperately wanted his family to love Usagi but he knew that Kenichi could ruin their view of the Tenshu and the people there if the story was told without the proper context. “There’s also way more to that story.” He could see Raph perk up at that, he knew his protective big brother would want all of the details. “And I promise to share them when I’m comfortable.” Never. He would never tell his brothers what was said to him by his and Usagi’s tree. Those words had tainted that whole moment with Usagi and some of his other precious memories of their tree. He didn’t want it tainting his brothers’ idea of Usagi or their relationship. He also just didn’t want to think about what was said to him at all. It honestly disgusted him and made him feel gross.

“Alright. I promise I won’t talk to them about it until you do.” Raph could see how important this was to Leo. “But know you can trust me with anything I’m here for you.” Raph didn’t like the idea of Leo hiding something from him. Especially when it was about someone who had already hurt him once. What else had that jerk done to Leo?

“Thanks Raph.” Leo said as he gave Raph’s hand a squeeze before letting go. He laid down and curled up under his blankets. “Love you.” He said as Raph was walking towards the door.

Raph turned to look back at his little brother. “I love you to.” So much, he loved his little brother so much. “Get some rest.”

As Raph left the room, he thought about everything Leo told him. Thoughts about the jerk, Kenichi, got his blood boiling. He had a feeling Leo would never tell him everything that happened. But maybe that can be his first bonding moment with Usagi. Leo’s boyfriend had to know what his childhood bully did to Leo. Leo had said that his boyfriend didn’t leave his side after the incident. Raph would wait until he knew Leo’s boyfriend, after they were friends he’d pull Usagi aside and ask about Kenichi. If he cared about Leo as much as Leo cared about him, Raph had a feeling the bunny wouldn’t mind hunting Kenichi down with him and helping his teach the jerk face a lesson.


For the next few days Raph tried to hang out with Leo alone, but it never worked. Any activity that was suggested in the hearing range of others was instantly turned into a group activity. Raph couldn’t blame the family for wanting to be around Leo, yet why wasn’t Leo stopping them. When he had wanted to join Leo and Donnie’s twin day, Leo had stopped him say he wanted to spend time alone with Donnie. Did Leo not want to spend time alone with him? Had he done something?

Raph knew he pushed Leo a bit in their last conversation but he didn’t think that he said or did anything wrong. He had tried to respect Leo when he said he didn’t want to talk about certain things. But was he wrong? Had he pushed too far?

Or was Leo mad at him for something else? The last time they talked Raph had invited himself into Leo’s room and had just started talking. Maybe Leo was still upset with him for something before his time away? But how would Raph ever know if they didn’t talk?

He kept trying but the final straw came three days after their conversation. He was trying to ask Leo to hang out with him, but Leo cut him off.

“Sorry Raph, Mikey’s been asking me about the food at the Tenshu. We’re going to try and recreate it.” Leo excused why he couldn’t go out that night.

“Oh.” Raph was disappointed but quickly tried to salvage it. “Then I’ll join you.” He loved Mikey’s food and trying something new from the world Leo visited did sound fun.

“Sorry Raph this is Leo and Mikey time.” Mikey called throwing an arm around Leo’s shoulder. Leo smiled down at Mikey. He turned to say something to Raph when the goyles flew in.

“And goyle time!” Huggin said as he landed on Leo’s shoulder and Muninn landed on Mikey’s. “After all we’ve been to Japan. The meals sound similar enough.”

“Ya this is going to be awesome! Nothing like Little boss’s cooking!” Muninn cheered as Mikey puffed up at the praise.

Raph was mad. Are you kidding him? The goyles could join but not him? Sure, it wasn’t Leo who was blocked him but he also didn’t say anything. Raph tried to calm down. Maybe he was reading too much into this, but it still hurt. He could feel his anger starting to bubble, but he didn’t want to yell at his two youngest brothers. He knew their relationship was special and he didn’t want to make either of them feel bad for wanting to spend time together. Yet why didn’t Leo want to spend time with him?

“Okay sure. That sounds great.” He tried to keep his tone light but it came out stilted instead. “I’m going to go for a - a walk. Ya, a walk.” He turned and started walking away. He needed to get away from them before he said something he didn’t mean

Leo looked up at him and started to reach out for him. “Wait Raph you shouldn’t go alone.” Leo like the idea of any of them out in their own as much as they like the idea of him alone, he didn’t like it at all.

“Don’t worry I’ll call Buddy or Cassie she’ll be free soon.” He called over his shoulder. He never saw Leo reaching for him as he didn’t want to look back at them in that moment.

Raph sat on a roof top overlooking the city. A deep sigh left him, his body slumping forward as his thoughts raced inside his head. He straightened up when he heard the noise of someone approaching from behind him.

“Hey Raph,” Cassie called from behind him. She placed a hand on his shoulder as she moved to sit beside him. “You want to tell me what’s going on or do you want to VANQUISH OUR ENEMIES?”

Raph chucked at her. He was glad the two of them had become friends. While Cassie still had her manic energy, she genuinely cared for him and his family. He then sombered at the thoughts running around his head.

“Hey Cassie can I ask you something?” He looked over to her and awaited her response. Cassie nodded her head and waited. She knew there was something troubling the large snapping turtle. “Do you think Leo’s mad at me?”

Cassie stilled. “Why would you think that?” She tried to think back on all the times she had seen the two interact since Leo’s return. Besides the time Raph grabbed Leo’s yukata she couldn’t remember any negative interactions between the two. And Leo had explained his reaction and expected Raph apology. She knew Leo could hold grudges but never after he accepted the apology.

“I feel like he’s been avoiding me.” Raph explained. “He, Donnie and Casey went on that ‘twin day’ adventure.” Raph raised his hands to put air quotes around the twin day part of his sentence. “He’s spending time with Mikey and the goyles. But when I ask him to hang out or to join them, he always has an excuse.” Raph rested his elbows on his knees as he leaned forward his head dropping down. “I know everyone wants to spend time with him right now. He also has an entire life outside of us that he’s missing. Which I don’t know how to feel about. I just-“ he paused and lifted his head to look at Cassie. “I just feel like I’m losing him. He here he’s right in front of me but it still feels like he’s stuck in a different dimension.”

Cassie didn’t know what to say. “I- I don’t know Raph. All I’ve seen is him in group activities and I’ve seen him talk to you during them.”

“But when he does, he avoids most conversation topics.” Raph continued. “I mean we had one good conversation about his leg pain but besides that he’s shied away from every conversation, and he will change the topic or start a conversation with someone else if I talk to him for too long.”

Cassie thought about it and Raph was right Leo was tap dancing away from him in every conversation. Wait not every convention. It was specifically conversations about missions that the team had been on. “Raph have you tried asking him about the Tenshu?” She had a theory and she wanted to see if she was right.

“Uuuh ya?” Raph response was more of a question.

“Did he talk to you about it?” She pushed on.

“Ya he loves talking about the Tenshu and his friends there. Especially Usagi.” Raph muttered out the last part. He was happy for his brother he really was, but he couldn’t be fully comfortable with the idea of Leo’s boyfriend until he met him and knew he was a good person.

“And when you talk to him about missions or fights what does he do?” Cassie knew the answer.

“He - he avoids the conversation.” Raph was starting to get what Cassie was saying. He looked at her but her head was turned out looking at the city below them.

“You know, after I left the Foot clan it was really hard for me to be around you guys. Not that you weren’t welcoming but we were enemies for so long.” Cassie interlocked her hands between her legs and squeezed them together to give herself some comfort. “Yet you all opened your home to me and made me feel welcome.” Raph placed his hand on her shoulder and the two shared a small smile before Cassie looked back out over the city. “But do you know who it’s the hardest to be around, to be alone with, even now?”

Raph was surprised. Cassie had never opened up about this before. “I - I don’t. There’s still someone in the family that makes you uncomfortable?” Raph couldn’t imagine anyone trying to make Cassie feel unwelcome. Sure, it was weird in the beginning but she helped them defeat Shredder! She had become part of the family.

“They’re not trying to.” Cassie explained. “No, this is all me. Me and my guilty conscience.” She took in a deep breath to steady herself. “It’s Master Splinter.”

Raph leaned back at the answer, “Pops!” He was shocked. Dad was one of the first people to except Cassie into the family.

Cassie just chuckled. “Yep.” She then looked down and sighed. “I helped The Shredder capture him. I assisted in the ritual that almost killed him. And I regret that so much.”

Raph rested his hand on Cassie shoulder. “But he’s forgave you for all of that.” He tried to reassure her. Cassie reached up and laid a hand over his. “I know.” She then turned her head to look up at him. “But I need to forgive myself. And that’s a lot harder.”

“Cassie.” Raph said her name so tenderly but Cassie pushed on. She was working on it, someone else need Raph right now.

“That’s what I think Leo’s doing to.” Raph froze.

“What do you mean?” What was Leo struggling with. Raph’s the one who failed. Leo saved the day.

“Raph you sacrificed yourself for him to get the key.” Oh, oh that. “Have you two ever talked about that?”

Raph couldn’t breath. No, no Leo already apologized to him about that. It’s Raph who needed to apologize. “That was my choice. Sure, Leo didn’t listen to me when I wanted to retreat but I also wasn’t listening to him. It was both of our faults. Besides I’m the one who attacked him. I almost killed him.” Raph was starting to spiral. His breathing was picking up when Cassie grabbed his plastron and pulled him close to her face.

“FOCUS!” She cried. “Leo is blaming himself for you getting captured. Everything you think is your fault he probably thinks is his fault. But it’s not! It’s neither of your faults, it the Krang’s fault. Which is why if they ever come back, I WILL SEND THEM TO THE NETHERWORLDS!”

Raph grabbed Cassie and pulled her into a hug. “Thanks Cassie I needed to hear that. All of that.” Cassie hugged him back.

“No problem Big Red. I WOULD MASSACRE ALL OF OUR ENEMIES!!” She cried from her position in his arms.

Raph let go and smiled at her. “Maybe tone down the murderous tendency a bit.”

“NEVER.” Cassie cried pointer her finger in his face.

Raph just laughed at his friend before standing up. He held a hand out for her to help her stand as well. “Well, what do you say to a quick patrol before heading home? I got a long overdue conversation to have with my brother.”

Cassie smiled and grabbed his hand to pull herself up. “It would be my extreme pleasure.” She then jumped to the next roof with the cry of “HAMATO CLAN!” And Raph quickly followed her.

Raph and Cassie had been running around the city for a bit. They stopped a few muggings and scared a robber away but it was a quiet night. The two had started practicing a new maneuver to fill the time. Raph would make a construct up to the next building or ledge and Cassie would run up it and jump down to the ledge with a flip. It was a good way to get up to higher ground but it would also allow Cassie to attack someone from above during a fight.

It was after one of these moments that they got into trouble. Cassie had just landed and Raph was jumping up to join her, when a portal opened up in front of Cassie. She was still crouched from her landing, as she looked up at the portal her eyes widened. She would recognize this portal anywhere.

Foot Lieutenant stepped out of the purple portal followed by Foot Brute. The Lieutenant turned to look at her the moment he stepped out but before either of them could say anything Raph landed next to her.

“Hey didn’t Cassie beat the pants off you the last time we met.” Raph asked as he pointed at the two foot clan members.

“Ugh it’s the red turtle and the traitor again.” Brute said trusting his thumb at them as he faced the Lieutenant. The Lieutenant groaned and rolled his eyes.

“We’re busy can you two just run off.” He asked waving the two of them off.

“ABSOLUTELY NOT!” Casey cried out.

“I see someone had their coffee today.” Lieutenant responded.

“Hey where’s the rest of your group. We know blue’s gone but what about the others?” Brute asked looking around for the rest of the team.

At the comment about Leo, Raph rushed forward punching Brute in the face. “Don’t talk about my brother!” Even though Leo was back it still hurt to remember his absence. He didn’t think that they would be stupid enough to bring it up again after the thrashing Cassie had given them the last time, they brought it up.

Brute stumbled back. Lieutenant quickly moved between them and threw out five paper ninjas. Raph quickly activated his nimpo and punch straight through two of them but three landed to the side of him and rushed him. He quickly swiped across his body to his left stabbing one of the paper ninjas through with his sai. Cassie rushed to his side pulling her spear from her back and slashing the other two in half.

The Lieutenant quickly threw out more ninjas, this time eight ninjas charged them. Four charges Raph and the other four rushed Cassie. Raph used his nimpo to clap two between his hands. The other two jumped over him. He spun around to hit them but as he did he was tackled from behind by Brute.

Cassie had dispatched one of her paper ninjas when Raph was hit. “Raph!” She called out. She tried to move to his side but was blocked by the three remaining paper ninjas. She spun her spear and cut one down with a quick slash to the side. She struck the ground with the back of her spear and jumped swing forward and kicking through one of the ninja’s heads. As she landed, she spun arcing her spear out and slicing the last one in half.

She turned to face Raph and the Brute but there were more paper ninjas in between them. She kept fighting but they just kept coming. She slashed through one just as she heard Raph cry out. She could see him through the crowd his arms were being held back by several paper ninjas while Brute hit him over and over again.

‘No!’ She cried out with a growl to her voice. There was no way she could get to him. She was blocked in and there were just to many, but Raph needed her. “GET AWAY FROM HIM!” She cried out at the top of her lungs.

She felt power radiating through her. Something she haven’t felt since helping the family defeat the Shredder. Since she grabbed on to the mystic spear to defeat the monster in front of them. This time it felt different. Instead of thumbing through her hands and around her it was inside of her. She could fell it building up in her body before it was release out. She opened her eyes just as the power inside of her was released. Black bolts of lightning arched away from her. The paper ninjas that surrounded her moments ago were zapped into oblivion. Lieutenant and Brute screamed out in pain but Raph was standing there unharmed by the electricity around them.

When the blast finally stopped the two Foot clan members collapsed and Raph turned to look at Cassie. Burnt prices of paper fell around the two and for a moment they were both still until Cassie fell to her knees looking down at her hands. Raph rush towards her resting his hand on her shoulders when he reached her.

“Cassie!” He called her name and she looked up to meet his eyes. “Was that?” He didn’t need to finish the question she knew what he was asking.

She pushed herself back up to her feet and focused. She tried to rebuild the energy she just felt and when that didn’t work, she took a deep breath. What was it Draxum said? The connection to the family? That’s what the boys were always going on about.

So, she focused on her relationship with the family. How April always pushed her to be better. How Mikey brought out her competitive side while also being the sweetest little brother. Donnie and his gifts, how he showed his love and support by gifting her weapons to keep her safe. She thought of Leo, not only had he welcomed her but he had also taken a parental role to her son in two worlds. Her son, Casey who was everything she could have ever wished for. Her amazing boy. And her best friend Raph who supported her in her righteous anger while also tempering her temper.

She felt it, the power in her core. She threw her hand up towards the sky and a black bolt of lightning left her finger tips. “HAMATO CLAN!” She was a part of it. No one could ever deny that this was her family, the thing she had wanted for so long. For she had the Hamato Nimpo.

Raph started cheering and as soon as the blast stopped he picked her up and swung her around in his arms. “You did it!! You unlocked your nimpo. I knew you had to have one to I just knew it.” Cassie quickly wrapped her arms around Raph as well.

She leaned back with a gasp and quickly placed her hand on either side of his face placing hers right in front of his. “Do you know what this means?” She asked before answering her own question “I WILL BURN OUR EMENY TO DUST!”

After Cassie spent a good while maniacally laughing and shooting lighting around the sky, Raph corralled her to go back to the lair and inform the rest of the family of this development. He texted ahead for the family to meet them in the living room. As the two walked in they were great by the whole family, Darxum had even left his lab to attended. Casey rushed forward to meet them.

“Mom are you okay? Uncle Raph said something happened on patrol?” He questioned as he ran forward and hugged his mom.

“Oooohhh.” Raph let out in a low tone rubbing the back of his neck. In his defense he was trying to simultaneously text the family and prevent Cassie from shooting birds out of the sky with her lightning.

“I’m fine Jr.” Cassie patted her son’s back while sending Raph a glare. She did not like anyone upsetting her son.

“My fault. I meant to say something good happened to Cassie on patrol but I was a little busy when I was typing.” He apologized to the group but directed the last part to Cassie as she was the reason he didn’t read his message before hitting send.

Cassie rolled her eyes as she and Casey separated. It wasn’t her fault Raph didn’t want her practicing her new powers. The birds made great target practice.

“Okaaaaaay so what happened.” Leo asked as he leaned on his cane placing his free hand in his hip.

Cassie smirked at him. Raph saw the chaotic look on her face. “Oh no. EVERYONE GET DOWN!” Raph screamed. He rushed forward grabbing Leo and pushing his brother to the ground. He placed his hand behind Leo’s head so it would crash into the ground and used his other arm to brace their fall. He saw Donnie, April, and Pops duck behind the couch. Draxum crouched and Mikey pulled into his shell startled by Raph’s shout and quick action. Casey dropped down and activated his nimpo to shield himself right as Cassandra activated her own.

“HAMATO CLAN!” She screamed in her crazed way as her black glow filled the room and small bolts of lighting shot off of her. She laughed maniacally until a vine wrapped around her waist pulling her up into the air.

“Enough! Cease this before you electrocute us all!” Draxum said. He saw the flinch of his family out of the corner of his eye and he realized what he had done. He had used his vines.

Since the invasion he had tried not to use them around the family as they cause them to panic. Mikey and April had both approached him about their discomfort around his vines as they looked quite Krang like. He had tried to limit the use of them around the family for the most part knowing the others had faced similar trauma.

Leo’s rescue had been the final straw for him. He had given the boy a flashback and panic attack so bad he had passed out. Draxum didn’t want to hurt his family, so he had stopped using his vines completely. Or he had been trying to, old habits die hard and with his family under friendly fire he had reacted without thinking.

He dropped Cassie down as she was no longer using her powers and quickly sent his vine back underground. He looked around to check on the family. Cassie was fine, more annoyed at being stopped than anything else. Jr. had jumped up to hug her, more excited about her nimpo then upset by Draxum’s actions. Mikey was just poking his head out of his shell to see if the coast was clear, he had not seen Draxum’s powers. Similarly, Donnie, April, and Lou were poking their heads out from behind the couch.

Leo and Raph were the ones he worried about the most. Yet it would seem both had missed the vines as Raph was shielding Leo. For a moment he thought they were in the clear until he heard the sound of heavy breathing and muttering.

“Nonono get off of me. Get off.” Leo was desperately trying to push Raph away from him.

“Leo?” Raph questioned as he sat back now that the danger had pasted, only to see his little brother’s panic-stricken face. His eyes were blown wide and his breathing was heavy and showing no signs of slowing down. “Hey its okay, You’re safe.” Raph tried to reassure Leo. He started to reach down for his little brother but Leo flinched back from him hard. “Leo.” Raph was horrified to see Leo flinch away from him.

“Raph move.” Donnie said as he ran over and pushed Raph to the side so he was no longer hovering over Leo. “Leo focuses on me. You’re not there. We’re at home. We’re all safe.” After their heart-to-heart Leo and Donnie had started having their late night pow-wows again. Leo had told Donnie about some of his recent nightmares. One being the memory of Raph saving him from the Krang. How their big brother had taken the hit for him and shielded him from harm while being captured himself. He knew what the position they were just in would trigger in Leo.

Leo’s breathing wasn’t calming, his eye’s weren’t focusing.

Raph sat to the side and watched as Mikey and April came over to try and help Donnie only for Pops to call them back not wanting to overwhelm Leo. He watched as Donnie slowly calmed Leo down. He watched as Leo, now calm but exhausted slumped against Donnie needing his support to sit up.

He felt Cassie place a hand on his shoulder but he couldn’t tear his eyes away from Leo. There was so much he need to say to Leo. So much they need to talk about and work through. And yet he had no idea how they were supposed to do that.


Raph knows a little bit about Kenichi and is planning revenge.
Casey has her powers!! (I also adore her and Raph's dynamic)
and Leo is having a flashback to Raph saving him from the Krang fun times.

Next time: we get a split chapter. Raph and Leo get to have a long needed conversation. and we get to see what Usagi and the crew are doing. and just as importantly we get to see what Chizu is up to

(if you haven't voted on the couples yet or you have but you've changed your mind its your last chance)

Chapter 7: I've Got a Lot to Live Without.


I have lied to you all. there is no Raph and Leo talk in this chapter.

I have had the worst week at work and I haven't had a lot of time to write. I am happy with what I have here and have a plan for Raph and Leo but I didn't have time to add it in here.

Still I hope you like it.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ever since Chizu had join the group, she had kept a watchful eye on Miyamoto. An eye on him and on his tanto. He kept it on his person at all times it would seem.

There had been a moment on their first day of travel together were one of the horses had gotten their hoof tangled in dead debris from a fallen tree. It had wrapped around the horse’s leg and Usagi had gotten down to calm the animal and detangle the clutter from around their hoof. Though his tanto was clearly the better tool for the job, as it was a small space he was working in, he chose to use his wakizashi for the task. Meaning the boy was either stupid or sentimental, which also made him stupid.

The only time Chizu had even seen his tanto was at night sitting around the fire. Katsuichi was marking a meal for them and the other three were talking. The annoying fox kept trying to drag her into conversation. She knew she had to play her part well or they would catch on to her, yet she desperately wanted to observe them and not partake in the conversation itself.

That was until Usagi pulled out the one item she cared about. The boy casually removed the tanto from his belt. He had his head down and was obviously lost in thought looking at the tanto. He hadn’t even drawn it from its sheath he just stared at the hidden blade deep in thought.

“That’s a beautiful tanto.” Chizu said getting Usagi and the groups attention on her. She didn’t want to push her luck to far but she needed to know as much about that blade as possible.

The group was tense waiting to see how Usagi would respond. Kitsune was about to step in as she knew that the tanto and Leo were delicate subjects that Usagi might not want to bring up with this stranger. But Usagi spoke before she could.

“It is.” Usagi lowered his gaze back to the tanto in his hands. He slowly drew the blade out of its sheath holding it out so it could catch the light.

Chizu could see that there was an inscription on the blade but she was too far from him to read it. She knew the blade supposedly was created by the magic kame she and her clan fought a while ago. She wondered if the blade was magic as well and if the inscription was an incantation that made it work. Chizu was about to ask another question in a desire to prompt Usagi to talk when he continued on his own.

“It was made for me by someone very precious to me.” He said as his eyes traced over the blade. There must have been another inscription on the other side with the way his eyes appeared to be reading something.

“They must care for you a great deal. The craftsmanship looks excellent. It must have been expensive commission.” Chizu knew this blade was made by magic but the more he told her the better.

The boy smiled warmly at the blade. “Actually, he made it himself. Leonardo-chan was full of surprises.” His face held such a fond and tender look to it Chizu almost felt like she was intruding. She looked away from him to find the rest of the group also had fond but sad smiles on their faces. The kame was obviously beloved by these people, of that there was little doubt. Yet she found it hard to believe that a ninja could stir such emotions in these samurais, every samurai she had ever encountered hated her on sheer principle.

“He sounds lovely, where is he now? Are you traveling to see him or did he have to stay behind at your village?” She played her part well. As a young servant girl from a different clan she would know nothing of the kame they spoke of or of his disappearance. She hoped that they would give her some details to work with. Details that her brother and the gossiping villagers didn’t know or left out of their tales.

Usagi’s face dropped and his ears drooped behind him. It was obvious that something bad had happened to Leonardo even without her prior knowledge of the tale.

“He was taken.” Gen stepped in. He could see that his brother needed some space. Usagi needed to focus on the good memories right now, he needed to keep his spirit up and alive. Their new companion obviously was unaware of the pain his brother was going through, yet he still felt the need to protect his little brother.

“Taken! By who?” Chizu’s appearance on the outside was the perfect mix of shock and concern, but on the inside she was praying that they had more details to tell her than that.

“We don’t know.” Kitsune admitted sadly wrapping her arms around herself. She tried not to show it but she was terrified for Leo right now.

“But we’ll find him soon.” Usagi said it with confidence. It was said in a way that it was fact. They were going to find Leonardo again, there was no doubt about it in his mind.

“How can you do that if you don’t know where he is?” Chizu asked tilting her head. She kept her voice soft and full of concern but her confusion was not fake. How did they expect to find this kame when none of them knew where he was.

Usagi opened his mouth to respond when Katsuichi cut him off. “Dinner!” He called. “Usagi-kun can you come help me serve this?” Usagi got up and moved to help his mentor. Chizu followed his movement with her eyes only to meet the gaze of Katsuichi. He was looking right at her. It wasn’t necessarily a glare but his eyes held a warning in them. She had to back off. If she pushed any harder then Katsuichi would act on the suspicions held behind his eyes.

Usagi called Kitsune over and handed his sister two bowls nodding his head towards their guest. His mood was far more melancholy then it was earlier. The questions about Leo bringing some of his own doubts and fears to the surface but he was still going to be a supportive older brother to his sister.

Kitsune smiled brightly at him before turning and walking over to Chizu. She held out the second bowl to Chizu, who was startled as the girl had not been watching the young fox’s movements.

“Sorry didn’t mean to startle you. Here’s your dinner though.” Kitsune apologized while also awkwardly holding out the second bowl to Chizu.

Chizu was surprised at the food being offered to her. “You’re giving me food? But I haven’t done anything to earn it?” She looked up at Kitsune in surprise. The Neko clan never would have given her food as an outsider. She would have been expected to find her own meal until she started pulling her weight. In the time she had spent with this group so far, she had been ‘saved’ by them and then spent the day riding in their cart. She had done nothing to help in their journey; she didn’t deserve food from them.

Her comment had caught the attention of the whole group. “What do you mean you ‘haven’t earned it?’“ Katsuichi questioned. His suspicion of her being pushed to the side. He knew abuse when he heard it.

Chizu looked over in surprise to see the three men listening intently to their conversation. The lion looked quite intimidating as he watched her waiting for a response.

“I didn’t help with your travels today. All I have done is put you at risk and slow you down. You also didn’t plan for a fifth mouth in your provisions, I’d be a drain on your resources.” Chizu listed out the reasons why she knew she wasn’t eating that night. Honestly this was a cruel test, but one she had seen before, to offer food only to take it away and she wasn’t falling for it this time.

“Your Master doesn’t feed you unless you’re useful.” Chizu turned to look at the girl still holding food out to her. Kitsune looked very upset at this revelation. “That’s not right!” She trusted the bowl forward forcing a startled Chizu to take it. “You’re not going back to such a cruel Lord.” She pivoted to face the rest of the group. “I don’t care how tired or cold we are at that point of the journey we are not stopping at that Lord’s Tenshu.”

Chizu was shocked at the outrage the girl was showing. Kitsune was not only trying to prevent her from returning to what she seemed to believe was a bad situation, it wasn’t it was just the way life was, but she had also positioned herself between Chizu and the group as if she was protecting her from the others.

“I’m with Kitsune-chan. I don’t want to stop at a Lord’s Tenshu who treats his servants like that.” Usagi seemed just as upset as Kitsune. Why? He barely knew her. Then what they were saying truly caught up to her. They were planning to not go to Lord Hikiji’s Tenshu. No. No that would ruin her plans.

“If he treats his servants like that there’s no point in us stopping. He wouldn’t offer us hospitality without service.” Gen agreed with his siblings before Chizu could come up with a good reason for them to still go to Lord Hikiji’s lands.

“My Lord does not treat me that way.” She quickly interjected. The group turned to her with a look of confusion. “It was the Neko Clan. When my brother served them, if I came to see him they would not feed me.” It was only half a lie as the Neko clan had served Hikiji’s family for generations.

“But you’re out of that situation now, right?” Kitsune tentatively asked. She was still uncomfortable and upset at the idea of food being withheld.

“Yes. My Lord treats me well.” Chizu responded. She couldn’t think of her Lord in that moment or she wouldn’t be able to lie convincingly. Hikiji had never treated them well, they were pawns in his game and he didn’t care about sacrificing them.

“Regardless you are safe here. We have plenty of food to share with you. You are always welcomed to eat with us.” Katsuichi was not convinced at all by the girl’s weak reassurances. She was hiding something from them. Of that, he was sure. He hoped that over the course of their journey she would reveal herself to them.

Chizu looked up in surprise at the Master’s kindness. She knew they didn’t pack enough food for a fifth person to join them yet he was still telling her it was okay for her to partake in their reserves. He was either stupid or far to kind, which was worse than stupid.

Katsuichi turned back to serving the boys and shot them a look. Usagi and Gen understood, it was time to change the subject, talking about this more was going to be like pulling teeth for the girl.

“It sure is getting cold.” Gen said the first thing that came to mind. “Did Stripes ever tell you how he handles the cold?”

Usagi turned to look at his brother. “Same as us, I guess. He’d have to bundle up.” He was a little confused by the question as he hadn’t thought about how the cold could affect Leo differently.

“You sure? Every kame I met in my travels were cold blooded. The winters were really hard on them.” Gen said as the two walked back to their seats.

“What do you mean by hard?” Usagi could feel a sinking pit in his stomach. He knew Leo hated the cold but he thought I came from his experience in the prison dimension. He knew Leo liked warming up in the sun but he thought it was just that he enjoyed sunshine.

“They don’t have any of their own body heat bunny butt. They warm up from their environment. If they get too cold, they kind of shut down.” Gen tried to explain. He wasn’t an expert but he had seen kame in bad situations because it had gotten too cold for them.

“Shut down? What do you mean shut down?” Usagi was starting to panic. Leo was all alone. Was it as cold where he was? Was it colder? He had been hopeful that Leo could protect himself until they could reach him, but what if he shut down because it was too cold? What did shutting down entail?

“Peace my boy.” Katsuichi cut in. He sent a short glare towards Gen who rubbed the back of his neck. He hadn’t meant to upset Usagi, he was genuinely curious about Leo. “When some kame get to cold, they will sleep until it is warmer. I had already planned on getting Leo-kun some warmer clothes to combat this if the weather changed. I’m sure Leo knows what to do. Have faith in him.” Katsuichi hadn’t thought of Leo brumating as a result of their separation until Gen brought it up. This could be very bad. Their time clock to find him might be drastically shorter than he thought but he was not about to let Usagi know that.

Usagi already had enough of his own worries. Why hadn’t Leo mentioned this as winter approached. Sure, it had been a mild winter so far but that didn’t mean that the temperature wouldn’t drop overnight. What would Leo have done then? Would Usagi have gone to check on him in the morning only to be unable to wake him with no idea why? He knew Leo had a habit of down playing his own problems as he didn’t want to be a burden to others, but this could have been really serious and scary. It was really serious and scary right now as he had no idea what state Leo was currently in.

Once they were together again Usagi needed to have another conversation with Leo about coming to him when there was a problem. Leo could never be a burden to Usagi. He loved him far too much for that, he just wished Leo understood that.

Usagi steeled himself. Leo would understand one day, because once Usagi found him he would spend the rest of his life making sure Leo knew that Usagi would do anything for him. He was currently doing everything in his power to reunite with Leo. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for him.

Chizu watched the interaction closely. Interesting, so the kame couldn’t handle the cold. That was good to know if she ever did get her hands on the allusive Hamato boy. She watched as Usagi calmed himself. The boy really was so in love it was pathetic to watch. He had a weakness on full display and he didn’t even seem to care.


The rest of the night had passed quietly. When it was time to take watch Katsuichi had taken the first watch with Gen on second and Usagi volunteering for the third. Kitsune and Chizu got to sleep through the night. Chizu hadn’t expected them to trust her with a watch tonight but if she played her cards right, she might be able to secure one later in the journey. These people seemed foolish enough they just might let her.

As she laid down, she watched as Usagi re-drew his tanto to study the blade again. She was begging to think that it would be near impossible to separate him from that blade.

Usagi started at the tanto Leo had given him. He still wore the wraps Leo had given him for the tournament, though he did losses them at night to give his arms a break. He just couldn’t bear to separate from anything Leo had given him.

He drew the blade and stared at the first engraving. 愛してる, aish*teru, I love you. Leo and him had said that to each other plenty of times in the last month. Once he finally could, Usagi had wanted to say it as much as possible and it seemed Leo did as well. They had said it when they greeted each other in the morning, when they were hanging out throughout the day, and they always said it before they separated for the night.

Yet he was starting to forget the way it sounded. It had been a little over a week and yet he was struggling to remember the cadence of Leo’s voice. He tried to recall it as often as he could but he knew his memory could never do the real sound justice. That it would always be a mere shadow compared to the real sound.

His heart hurt thinking about it. About how each day apart he lost a little more of Leo. He flipped the blade over to look at the other inscription. あなた は 一人 じゃ ない, ‘anata wa hitori ja nai,’ you are not alone.

He had only heard the words leave Leo’s mouth once and yet they meant so much to him. He knew there was no way to recall the sound of his voice in that moment but it didn’t sadden him in the same way. How could it when he knew the meaning behind the saying. Leo’s family’s saying. The thing they said to each other to unite them as a clan. Leo had said it to him. And engraved it on his tanto so he would always have the phrase with him. Leo wanted him as part of his family.

Usagi rested his forehead against the blade. The cool metal felt so different from Leonardo’s own skin. He wanted that. He wanted their plans. He wanted to go to New York and meet Leo’s family. He wanted to earn their approval, he wanted to be part of their family, their clan. He wanted to see Leo love and be loved by the family he adored so much. But most of all he wanted to be with Leo.

He would find his way back to Leo.

Usagi placed the tanto back into its sheath and help the dagger close to his heart. He fell asleep hoping to dream of his beloved. He had to get up soon for his early morning watch.


Usagi was sitting beneath the Sakura tree. The falling petals danced across his vision as he looked up at the tree. He felt a weight on his shoulder. He looked over to see Leo resting his head against his shoulder.

“Leonardo-chan?” He called Leo lifted his head and smiled at him. But he didn’t respond. Instead, he grabbed his cane and pushed himself up and started walking away from Usagi. Usagi reached out for him “Leonardo-chan!”

Leo turned to look over his shoulder and smile at Usagi before jerking his head in the direction he was heading. Usagi didn’t need more of an invitation then that as he scrambled up to his feet.

As he followed Leo, he realized that Leo was leading him into the late Lady’s maze. Lord Mifune’s late wife had kept a beautiful garden with a maze inside of it. It was still beautifully kept even after her passing. Usagi had always wanted to bring Leo in here but they just never seemed to have the time. He knew Leo would love the flowers.

Yet, despite never having entered the maze before, Leo seemed to know his way around. He confidently took every turn as he made his way deeper into the maze. Usagi always seemed to be three steps behind him, just out of reach. No matter how fast he moves Leo was ahead of him. You would think he could catch up to man using a cane, yet he just couldn’t seem to reach him.

As they walked a fog started to roll in. The further they went the harder it was to see where they were going. But Usagi never lost sight of Leo. He never doubted Leo’s led for a second. Usagi had no idea what part of the maze they were in, but he trusted Leo’s to led them. As long as he and Leo were together, they would be fine.

Leo rounded a corner and when Usagi followed the area suddenly opened up. But instead of the beautiful floral garden that Usagi knew to be at the heart of the maze, he now stood at the center of the training field.

Leo stood in front of him with his back turned about ten paces away. When had he gotten so far away. Leo turned over his shoulder to smiled warmly at Usagi. He opened his mouth, finally Usagi would hear his voice again.

Then a purple portal opened behind Leo. A purple-pink tentacle shot out of the portal and wrapped around Leo’s neck. A guttural cry left Leo’s mouth. The sound was that of primal terror. Then in one swift motion the tentacle pulled Leo backward snapping his neck, and dragging his now limp body through the portal, closing the door way as Leo passed through.

Usagi jerked upright. His breathing fast and tears streaming down his face. He lifted his hand to his racing heart but there was something in his palm. The tanto Leo had gifted him! He clutched it tightly. He pulled his legs up and bowed his head resting it against the tanto and tried to steady his breathing.

It wasn’t real. It was just a dream. Leo’s tanto was still here. Part of Leo’s soul was in his hands. Leo was alive. Leo was alive. He hadn’t been killed when he was pulled through the portal. Usagi could still find him.

A warm hand was placed on his back and started rubbing circles. “Easy Bunny Butt. I’ve got you.” It was Gen. It must be the second watch as Gen was a heavy sleeper and hopefully Usagi’s nightmare wouldn’t have woken him. If it had then Usagi had woken the whole camp.

Usagi worked to get his breathing under control as Gen rubbed his back muttering reassurances. After a little bit Usagi started to calm down. As his breathing steadied Gen felt he could try talking to him now instead of just comforting him.

“You wanna to talk about it?” Gen asked as gently ask he could. “It’s been a long time since you’ve had a nightmare like that.” Gen knew Usagi had bad dreams that he probably didn’t tell them about. The weird ones that make no sense and you don’t really share. But this wasn’t that. Usagi had been whimpering, his brother only did that when he was highly distressed.

“I-“ Usagi sucked in a shuddering breath before curling more into himself. “No.”

“Alright.” Gen sat quietly next to his brother. Thinking about what to say next. He looked up and watched the stars pass over head as he remembered a conversation he had had with Leo. “Did Stripes ever tell you there are no stars where he’s from?”

“What?” Usagi slowly lifted his head up to look at Gen. Leo had never told him about that.

“Ya,” Gen said before pausing. “Well, that’s not exactly what he said. He said that you can’t see the stars because of how bright the city is.” He looked over at his brother to see he had Usagi’s full attention. Not a surprise the best way to get his brothers attention for months had been to bring up Leo.

“When did you to talk about this?” Usagi was a little surprised as he was the one who spent the most time with Leo.

“Oh you got held up taking to Katsuichi-sama and Kitsune-chan and I beat you to Strips’ room.” Gen quickly excused before continuing his conversation. “How bright do you think New York is that you can’t see the night sky. Must be hard to sleep there.” He heard Usagi humming along with his musings. His brother was actively pondering the question. “Say Bunny Butt, what’s the first thing you’re going to do when we get to New York?” He saw Usagi staring to open his mouth but he quickly cut him off. “And I don’t mean a sappy reunion with Strips I know thar come first.” He said with a roll of his eyes.

Usagi gave a little chuckle before answering the question. “I want to get to know Leonardo-chan’s family.” It was the thing he had been looking forward to the most about going to New York.

“Sappy.” Gen accused. His brother was hopelessly in love. Gen was happy for him.

Usagi turned to look up at the rhino. “Okay then, what’s your plan? I know you have one.” Gen wouldn’t have asked the question if he didn’t have a plan.

“Easy. We’re trying that pizza Strips’ always talks about then maybe watching one of those movie things. Strips says they play outside sometimes that might be fun.” Gen listed off two of the things he wanted to try in Leo’s world.

Usagi laughed. “You’re not interested in meeting Leonardo-chan’s family?” He asked shaking his head at his brother.

“Oh I am. I’m interested in seeing if his big brother can beat me when it comes to brute strength. Strips thinks he can but I think he’s bias. All little brothers think their big brothers can do anything.” Gen and Usagi continued talking. Gen’s shift was over and Usagi was supposed to take over for watch, but Usagi was already up and Gen didn’t want to leave his brother alone with the nightmares running around in his head so he stayed up with Usagi till sunrise. It would be fine; he just wouldn’t take a watch tonight. His brother was more important than sleep anyways.

The group had started making their way through the mountain pass. They had been traveling for a few days already and the five of them were settling into their new dynamics. Chizu would help take care of the horses and unpack supplies when they stopped for camp. Katsuichi didn’t want her on cooking duty yet nor did he want her on watch. He excused it as all of them being far more used to travel than her, but in all honesty he was still wary of their newest companion. The teens were settling in nicely though. Kitsune would pass the day telling Chizu stories from their past with Usagi and Gen adding in commentary every now and again. Overall Chizu was settling in nicely with the group.

Today’s travel was going to be all ascents, maneuvering the horses and wagon up the steep terrain. Tomorrow they would descent and hopefully be out of the mountains in the next day or two.

It was bitterly cold. Thankfully the group had packed up cold weather gear. Well all but one of them had.

Chizu hadn’t planned for a mountain ascent. Her clothes weren’t thick enough to be at a level altitude with the dropping temperatures let alone to climb up a mountain. She was starting to have some serious doubts about her plan.

She had sat in the wagon shivering, with Gen on one side and Kitsune in the other. At least she was between two warm bodies. Suddenly she was enveloped in warmth. A blanket had been placed over her shoulders. A big blanket. She looked up at the rhino sitting next to her as this was clearly his blanket.

“What? I can feel you shaking and it’s starting to affect my steering.” Gen dismissed his kindness. He had once been an outsider himself and he knew how hard it was to ask for things from the people who took you in. He could also feel Kitsune trying to stare at him from around their guest. The things he did for his little siblings.

Chizu was torn. On one hand she didn’t want to accept anything from these people, she didn’t want to feel like she owed them. Yet at the same time she needed the extra warmth that was given to her. “Thank you.” She finally worked out. She decided it was better for her cover to just play the part of helpless victim.

Gen grunted at her in return and she was happy that was the end of the conversation.


It had happened. The wheel of the wagon had gotten stuck. They were on a narrow path just wide enough for the cart to travel. It was the worst place to get stuck. There was a steep wall on the left side on the road that travelled up above them making up the side of the mountain. The right side had transitioned from a gentle slope at the begging of their ascent to a sheer drop off. The cannon ragged below them the water moving fast despite its frigid temperature.

Gen couldn’t get down to push the wagon. He could but the force and strain it would put on his knee was not worth it to the group. He was staying on the seat to control the horses. Kitsune had gotten down and was instructed but Katsuichi to keep the horses calm and moving when they needed to. Katsuichi and Usagi moved to try and pushy the wagon

Chizu got down to join them. She moved to help them push the cart. She didn’t want to be stuck here in the mountains nor did she want anyone questioning why she wasn’t helping them. As the three started to push, Katsuichi took the position closest to the wall of the mountain as that was where the wheel had been logged and would need the most force to move. Usagi was next to him pushing on the middle of the cart and Chizu stood on the end of the cart. Right next to the edge of the ledge.

As the three pushed Gen gently guided the horses and Kitsune encouraged them to keep moving. Katsuichi felt the cart start to shift as it raised up and out of the place the wheel had gotten stuck in.

Chizu was relieved that the cart was moving as she didn’t want to push it anymore. Her people had always traveled light. Supplies was fine but she had never had any personal possessions besides the clothes on her back. She had never had to push a cart before, in the Neko clan if you couldn’t carry it the object didn’t come with you, and after this experience she didn’t want to push a cart ever again.

She took a step forward to keep the cart moving when she felt the earth beneath her foot give way. She heard the sound of crumbling rocks and felt her body list to the side, down towards the open air and the raging river below. She dug her hands into the cart hoping for a perch to stop herself from falling to her doom but she knew she didn’t have the angle for it. She braces her self for the shocking cold of the water.

Then a warm hand wrapped around her wrist yanking her back to safety. “Chizu-san!” Usagi yelled as he pulled her back towards him. Chizu crashed into his chest as he wrapped her up in his arm and moved them both away from the edge.

Chizu breathed heavily. Usagi held her close ensuring she was safe while he kept his eyes out towards the edge watching for any more to give way.

“Are you alright?” Katsuichi asked the two of them. Chizu slowly nodded moving out of Usagi’s hold. She hadn’t realized she was shaking until she pushed herself away from him. It took longer than she wanted for her arms to stop their shaking.

“I’m fine.” she managed to get out. That had been too close. Her Neko clan mates never would have reach out for her like that. Only Shingen had ever watched out for her in that way. If she had been traveling with her clan she would be in the freezing river right now. “Thank you.”

“Not a prob-“ Usagi started to reassure her but Chizu wasn’t done with her statement.

“You didn’t have to do that.” She said it as a known fact. As if it would have been okay for Usagi to let her fall without trying to save her.

“What do you mean I didn’t have to. Of course, I was going to help you. You’re a part of our group now and we watch out for each other. I wouldn’t leave a stranger to die much less someone I was traveling with.” They hadn’t been traveling together very long but Usagi was bothered by the idea of leaving this girl, who believed she needed to earn the right to eat, to die without trying to help her.

“All I’m saying is that you didn’t have to. Plenty of people would have let me fall. It would have been safer for you.” Chizu argued back.

In that moment she reminded Usagi so much, and yet nothing like, Leo. Her statement sounded like Leo when he told Usagi about his insecurities. About how he mattering less than others or was worth less than others. A concept Usagi still could not wrap his head around. And yet at the same time she acted as if it was normal to prioritize oneself over other, the direct opposite of Leo when someone else was in trouble. That’s not to say his boyfriend didn’t have moments of selfishness or vanity but he would never condone letting someone fall to their deaths without doing everything he could to stop it. Usagi had so many thoughts and feelings from her statement he didn’t know what he was supposed to do.

So, he reached out and pulled her into a hug. “I don’t know what you have been through or who taught you this is normal, but you’re with us now. We take care of each other and watch each other’s backs. We are not going to leave you to die or to struggle without help. You’re with us for as long as you want to be.” Usagi reassured her as he hugged her.

Chizu’s eyes widened. This was not what she expected from them.

“Usagi-kun right. You are safe with us for as long as you want to be.” Katsuichi reassured her. Placing a hand on her shoulder. He looked ahead at the other two worried teens. He waved his hand at them letting them know to keep moving. The path thankfully opened up a little ways ahead of them, and they would be able to safely get Chizu back onto the cart and remount their horses.

After a moment he gently pat both of their shoulder. A cue to get them to start moving onwards. As much he might want to give them time to process everything that just happened, he also wanted to keep them moving and get Chizu back to the blanket that was keeping her warm.

Usagi let go of her but stayed close by allowing their shoulders to bump as they walked. A reminded that he was still there for her.

Chizu was still trying to wrap her head around everything that just happened. She had almost died. She could have fallen into the freezing river below and that would have been the end of her. And yet Usagi had saved her. Usagi had saved her and hadn’t immediately made her feel small for it. He hadn’t blamed her or made it her fault. Instead he had reassured her that she was alright and that he would protect her. Had anyone else ever said that and meant it, even Shingen had never promised that as he knew he couldn’t protect her.

Usagi was a hopeless dreamer. From the idea that he could protect anyone to the hope that he will reunite with his lover. Chizu knew this to be a hopeless dream. Lord Hikiji would kill him, he would kill all of them, and then he would kill Usagi’s lover. They would never see each other again.

And yet as Usagi helped her back up on to the cart. As Gen draped the blanket back over her shoulders. As Kitsune climbed in next to her and began to fuss over her. Chizu couldn’t help the small part of her heart that was starting to wish they could live.


My favorite part of this is Chizu looking at the engraving's on Usagi's tanto and thinking they are an incantation for magic. Because they kind of are. The Hamato nimpo is activated by being a part of the clan and loving one another. It is their love for each other manifesting as power. the word "I love you" and "you are not alone" might as well be and incantation.

I am so sorry I am so slow right now at responding to comments. I promise I will respond to them all soon.

Next chapter: Mad dogs mission!!!

Also I might write a valentines one-shot but if i do the next chapter might be pushed back. we shall see.
Any how I hope you liked it!!!

Chapter 8: You Leave Me Room for My Imperfections


Donnie and Leo are working together.
Leo and Raph have a hard conversation
April's self doubts and fears


hey guys sorry this came out a day late. I just wasn't happy with some of it yesterday. it needed more time to bake. but I'm pretty happy with it now.
I hope you guys like it!!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Leo and Donnie were in Donnie’s lab. The break in Leo’s leg was almost fully healed and Donnie want to make sure he had a brace ready for him. The brace would provide extra support to Leo’s leg and help him in situations where he couldn’t rely on his cane or just allow him to be on his feet for a little longer.

Leo was helping with the design. Donnie might know machines but Leo knew the body. Especially after his time in the Tenshu. What had once been a desire to learn to help the family had now been ignited into a passion.

Leo and Donnie were working together to make a light weight but sturdy brace for Leo. One that would be flexible enough for his movements in a fight but also sturdy enough to take the weight it needed to. Donnie was having a blast. Normally he was the only one in the lab. He would bounce ideas off of S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. or he would call April. Recently he would even call Draxum to bounce ideas back and forth. But a small part of him had always wanted to be able to do this with his brothers. He had tried once when he supersized their brains but it wasn’t the same. It wasn’t truly his brothers he was collaborating with.

So this, working with Leo and actually having Leo not only invested in his ideas but actively building upon them was a dream come true. He wished it hadn’t come at the cost of Leo’s mobility but he was also grateful to have this opportunity with his brother.

As they worked and shared ideas they also talked. Donnie could see something was weighing on his twin but he wasn’t sure how to broach whatever it was. He decided to go for the most direct approach. Just asking about it.

“What’s bothering you?” Okay maybe that wasn’t the most graceful way of asking his twin what was wrong. Leo snapped his head up to look at his twin, his eyes wide and his mouth open.

“I-nothing-“ Leo was greeted with Donnie’s raised eyebrow. He blew out a breath and slumped backwards “Raph’s been avoiding me.” Ever since Leo’s panic attack Raph wouldn’t even stand in the same room as him.

Donnie hummed pushing his goggles up to look at Leo. “That’s funny I thought you were the one avoiding him.” Leo shot up to face Donnie.

“I wasn’t avoiding him!” Again, Donnie raised an eyebrow at his brother. But Leo stayed stubborn. “I was avoiding one specific conversation; he’s avoiding me entirely.” Leo might have matured quite a bit at the Tenshu but he was still Leo. The way his brain worked and Raph’s brain worked are completely different. Leo thought just tap dancing around a conversation might reveal that he didn’t want to talk about it but to Raph that was complete avoidance. On the counter side Raph was now doing what he thought Leo was doing to him and Leo was annoyed at it.

Donnie looked back down at his work. He was thinking about how to say what he was feeling.

Leo leaned back once more. “I mean it wasn’t even that bad of a freak out.” Leo waved his hand as if dismissing his panic attack completely, minimizing his own struggles.

“But it was caused by Raph.” Donnie started to speak.

Leo snapped his head back to face his twin. “No, it wasn’t.” His attack was not Raph’s fault.

“Really because it happened after Raph pushed you down and you flinched away from him when he tried to help.” Leo winced at the reminder and started to open his mouth to argue but Donnie blew out a breath. He lowered his goggles and started working again. He needed something to keep his hands busy. “Look you don’t know this but after the invasion Raph was really worried that we were all scared of him.”

Leo leaned forward instantly invested in what his twin was saying. “Why would he think that?” Nothing that happened was Raph’s fault. It was all Leo’s.

Donnie kept working, he needed to focus to keep his thoughts flowing. “He was worried that we would be freaked out by him because he attacked us when he was possessed by the Krang.”

“But that’s ridiculous! Raph would never hurt us!” Leo tried to argue.

“Yet you flinched.” Donnie’s words took all the fight out of Leo. He sighed and sat back pushing his goggles up once more. “I’m not saying you’re scared of him, or that your reaction was wrong. I am telling you that Raph’s biggest fear is that we will fear him.” Donnie met Leo’s eyes he could see his twin was hurt by all of this. “Just go talk to him. We’ve all spent enough time having the two of you dance around the conversations you need to have.”

Donnie turned back to his work. He felt arms wrap around his from behind. “Thanks Dee. I needed to hear all of that.” Donnie reached a hand up and patted his twin’s forearm. He and Leo were still finding their footing again but there was no one who could tell them the hard truth quite like their twin. Donnie had missed him dearly.

“Not a problem ‘Nardo.” He then moved his arm to start working again, as he did, he caught sight of the time on his watch. “You might want to wait a bit though. It’s 3 am.”

Leo chuckled from behind him. Ya, that sounded about right for one of their late night hang outs.

The brothers were goofing around on top of a building. They were all laughing and making jokes. It felt like the old days. Before the Krang, before the Shredder, before there was any tension between them.

Raph was happy. He watched as Mikey and Leo teased Donnie and he was so happy. His little brothers were having carefree fun. His little brothers were safe and happy, they were laughing. The sound filled the air around him. He would have to ask Donnie for the recording of tonight so that he could have a copy of their joy forever.

Leo slid up next to Raph. Apparently, he was done teasing his twin and now wanted to talk to his big brother. Mikey and Donnie were still teasing each other and running around the roof. Raph kept an eye on them but turned most of his attention to Leo.

“So, Raph what’s the plan for tonight?” Leo asked as he placed his forearm on Raph shoulder and leaned against his brother. Raph was confused. What was the plan for tonight?

“I don’t know Leo.” Raph started to say, but he was cut off before he could get very far.

“What do you mean you don’t know? You’re the leader you always have a plan.” Leo said as he straightened himself up and turned to face Raph.

Now Raph was really confused. “But Leo you’re the leader now.” His concussion bled through his tone. He knew it had been a while since the had all been out but surly Leo knew that he was still the leader.

“No Raph.” Leo became weirdly calm as he spoke. His arms dropped down and hung by his sides. “You’re the leader now.”

“Leo what are you talking about?” Raph was starting to get freaked out. He held a hand out towards Leo but heard a cry come from besides them. He whirled his head to the side to see Mikey and Donnie caught in the black vine like sludge. They were struggling but they couldn’t get free. “Mikey! Donnie! Leo we got to help them!” Raph cried out. He was about to run forward when he heard it.

“R-a-ph.” The voice sounded like it was struggling to speak. He turned to see Leo hanging in the air. A slimy tentacle wrapped around his throat. A tentacle that was coming from Raph’s arm.

“Leo!” Raph was horrified. This couldn’t be happening again.

The worst part was that Leo didn’t even struggle against him, there was no fight in him. He hung from Raph’s grasp, dangling there with no resistance what so ever.

“Take care of them for me. You’re the leader now.” Leo said. Then he went limp. He fell from Raph’s grasp and hit the ground. His limps flopping loosely like a broken doll. Raph screamed.

Raph shot up his scream dying in his throat. He took in some shuddery breaths trying to get himself under control. It was a nightmare. He had had plenty of them since the invasion. Some about his torture from the Krang. Some about Leo’s disappearance, but most of them were of his fights with Leo and his family. Of the times he attacked them with the intention to kill them. His fight with Leo was the one that haunted him the most as his little brother got slammed around by him and then made the stupid decision to stop fighting back. To stop defending himself. Raph had almost killed him. That haunted Raph, almost as much as leaving Leo alone to face the Krang Leader by himself.

There was a knock on his door and he raised his head to see Leo peaking his head in. “Hey Raph. Everything okay? I heard you scream.” Leo asked as he slowly stepped into the room.

Raph looked at his brother in awe for a second. There were still moments where Leo’s return felt like a dream. That one day Raph would wake up and his little brothers return would have been a figment of his imagination.

He then stood up and walked towards his brother. “Raph what is it? What’s wrong?” Leo asked in concern as his brother approached him without any words.

Once Raph reached him, he enveloped Leo into a hug. Holding his brother close. “Raph?” Leo questions once again. He felt tears on his shoulder and quickly returns the hug. “It’s okay big guy I’m here. We’re okay.” Leo tried to reassure his brother but he honestly had no clue what was going on at this moment. What had set his big brother off?

Raph held him tighter. He slowly calmed down before releasing Leo. “Sorry.” He mumbled the apology but Leo stopped him.

“Hey it’s okay. No need to be sorry. You want to tell me what’s going on though?” Leo was freaking out on the inside. His big brother only cried in high stress situations. Raph normally didn’t show them when he was upset or overwhelmed.

“Just a-“ how do you tell your sibling you just dreamed of their death, at your hands. “Just a nightmare about the invasion.”

Leo’s face softened. “Do you want to talk about it.” But Raph just shook his head. “I get it I get nightmares about the invasion to.” Leo admitted hoping his brother would open up to him. He would never see Raph as weak, ever, especially not from this.

But again, Raph just shook his head. “No, I don’t want to freak you out again.” Raph mumbled it to himself but Leo still heard it. He was hurt but understood what Raph was trying to express.

“Raph I wasn’t freaked out by you.” Leo tried to explain, but Raph just huffed and turned his head away from him.

“Right, which is why I gave you a panic attack.” Raph said it with so much anger but Leo knew none of it was directed at him. He had said enough self-loathing comments to himself to recognize the tone.

“Raph.” Leo tried but Raph wouldn’t meet his eyes. Leo took a deep breath, preparing himself for what he would say next. “I had a flashback.”

Raph’s eyes widened at his little brother’s word. Leo had his full attention as Raph turned to face his brother.

“When you pushed me down and out of the way I was looking up at you shielding me from harm. Just like you did from the Krang. You protected me and they took you away. It was my fault you got captured. I couldn’t get that image out of my head. All I could see was you above me with their tentacle through your shell.” Leo finally looked up at Raph’s shocked face. He had tears in his eyes and his breathing was hard but he was getting through this. “It wasn’t you, Raph. I’m not scared of you.”

Raph quickly hugged Leo again both of them crying a little bit. “I’m sorry” Leo murmured over and over into Raph’s shoulder.

Raph’s hands rubbed over Leo’s shell. He could feel where the cracks on his shell had once been. The shell having ridges where the breaks once were. “It’s not your fault. We both made so many bad choices. We weren’t listening to each other. But me getting captured was my decision.” Leo gave a loud sob at that and Raph gently shushed his brother trying to comfort him. “It was my decision to go after you. My decision to get between you and them. And it was my decision to give you my escape pod.” Raph held Leo tightly. “I love you, Leo. It’s my job as your big brother to protect you and I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”

Leo sobbed harder. “You shouldn’t.” Raph stilled at what his little brother had just cried out. Did Leo mean he shouldn’t protect him or that he shouldn’t love him. Both were absolute absurdities to Raph as he would always love and protect his siblings.

“I shouldn’t what.” Raph tried to keep his tone gentle but he was struggling. Who made Leo think he shouldn’t be cared for? He had to know what Leo meant before he could combat Leo’s statement.

“You shouldn’t care about me.” Leo didn’t mean to say that. He never wanted to say this to his brother but emotions were running high and he was overwhelmed by what Raph had told him. Raph needed to understand that he was more important than Leo was. And once Leo got started, he couldn’t get himself to stop. “It’s my fault. All of it is my fault. I lost the key. I rushed in. I got you captured. I almost led Mikey and Donnie to their deaths. Not to mention Casey, April and Dad. I failed all of you. You needed me to be the leader and I was a stupid selfish kid. You should have been the leader you were amazing at it and I’m a screw up.”

Raph pushed Leo away holding him by his shoulders. He got right in Leo’s face and kept his tone cold and even. “Don’t you ever say that I shouldn’t care about you. I don’t care what you have done, or what has happened, you will always be my little brother and I am always going to love and protect you. So, stop think there’s anything you could do to lose that. I love you unconditionally so get that through your thick skull.” He had to pause to breath. He took in his brother’s wide eyes. How long had Leo felt like this? Like he was a failure that didn’t deserve their care. Was this caused by the Krang or was this around much longer and Raph failed to notice?

Here Leo stood proclaiming himself a failure while Raph failed to see the struggle his little brother was going through. Never again.

“You made some mistakes.” He saw Leo’s eyes drop so he quickly pushed on. “But I did to.” Leo’s eyes snapped back up to meet his. “I should have been there for you.”

“Raph you saved me how can you say-“ Leo started to protest but Raph pushed on.

“I’m not talking about the invasion.” Leo’s mouth closed and Raph had to look down to gather himself. This is not how he wanted to have this conversation. He blew out a breath before looking up. “I was so upset when Pops named you the leader.”

Leo winced. He knew Raph hadn’t been happy with him. He had never wanted the roll but Dad and later Raph pushed him into it. He knew his brother resented him for it.

“I felt like I had failed.” Raph’s next statement snapped Leo out of his own thoughts. How had Raph failed? “I was the leader when Shredder attacked. When-“ Raph paused and let out a shuddery breath. “When Gram-gram died.” Leo’s eyes widened.

“Raph that wasn’t you fault.” He tried to reassure his brother. He had been the last one to talk to Gram-gram. It had been his job to get her to safety and she died anyway. If anything, Leo had failed.

“I know. It’s the Shredder’s” Raph reassured that the blame did not fall on either of their shoulders, without even realizing Leo’s own guilt. “But I was still the leader. I made the call to follow Pop’s orders and leave him and Draxum behind. And I’m the one who couldn’t figure out what to do.”

“Raph.” Leo reached up and framed his brothers face. At some point during his tirade Raph had dropped his head and was no longer looking at Leo. Leo gently raised his brother’s eyes back up to meet his. “None of that is your fault. You did the best you could. You got Todd to make us new weapons, they might have been gardening tools but they worked out in the end. Heck you’re the reason we all unlocked our nimpos. You led us into battle against Shredder and we won.” Leo smiled warmly at his brother. “You were a fantastic leader. Dad was crazy to not acknowledge that.”

Raph smiled at his brother. Hearing Leo’s praise and reassurance healed a part of his heart he had been ignoring. He figured that he had made a mistake somewhere along the line and that was why Pops put Leo in charge. While he could now acknowledge Leo’s skill as a leader that didn’t mean his own hurts and self-doubts were cleared away. But hearing his little brother say he did everything right. His little brother who could out maneuver Big Mama. Who could lead them against an alien invasion. Who had predicted the moves of an unknown enemy. That little brother didn’t find any faults in Raph’s leadership against the Shedder. If anyone could tell him where he went wrong it would have been Leo, but Leo said himself that Raph did everything possible and had succeeded. It healed some of the hurt that was left behind. It would take time before he was full convinced but this was the best reassurance he could have been given.

Now he needed to give it back to his brother.

“If you truly believe that I did everything I could to lead us to victory against the Shredder, how can you not see that you did the same against the Krang.” Leo dropped his eyes again. Raph knew he still didn’t believe him. “We both made mistakes, we both struggled but in the end we succeeded.” He gently shook Leo’s shoulders to gain his attention. “You succeeded Leo. You trapped the Krang and destroyed their ship.” Raph’s face was suddenly overcome with grief. “The only thing I wish is that it hadn’t come at the cost of you.”

“Raph.” Leo breathed his brother’s name. Raph took a shuddery breath in and push forward. “I am happy that you met Usagi. He sounds wonderful. But if I could have saved you from the prison dimension, from being separated from us I would have.” He let out a dark chuckle. “I would have trade places with you in an instant. There were so many nights I wondered what would have happened if you had portaled after Mikey and Donnie and I stayed up there. Or if we found another way to save them so that I could have stayed by your side.”

Leo shook his head frantically. “No Raph. That was my burden to carry. I knew what could happen and I took that risk. It was my mess and I cleaned it up. If we had lost you the family would have been destroyed. We need you.” Leo tried to reason with him but what he said seemed to upset Raph more.

“And we don’t need you?!” Raph let his anger out for a moment. “You weren’t here Leo. We were destroyed! Thinking you were dead was the worst thing I have ever gone through.” Raph paused looking at his shaken little brother.

Raph pulled Leo close once again holding him tightly to his chest. “I can’t lose you again. I won’t survive it. Please promise me you won’t do something like that again. I know now that you don’t think you matter as much as we do, and I’m not going to stop until you realize just how important you are, but until then promise me you won’t do that again. Because I won’t survive another lose like that.” Leo wrapped his arms around Raph as well his whole body shaking. Raph could feel Leo’s tears against his plastron, but he didn’t mind. He was crying to.

Raph scooped Leo up and waddled them over to his bed. He sat down pulling Leo with him. The two brothers curled against each other as they worked through their emotions.

After some time passed Raph patted Leo’s shell to gain his attention. Leo looked up at him, his little brother looked completely exhausted, there was just a little bit more they had to talk about. Raph debated for a moment whether or not he should broach the topic. He weighed the options before deciding they could start it now and finish it later. He just needed the idea out in the open.

“I’m sorry. I should have supported you when Pops made you leader, but instead I expected you to know what you were doing and then got mad at you when you didn’t. I should have been a better brother. And I promise from here on out I’m going to support you.” Raph said it so sincerely but Leo just shook his head

“I never wanted to be the leader. You should take it back. You’re our big brother, you’re supposed to lead us. Dad made a mistake.” If Leo had come to him and said that right after Splinter made him the leader, Raph would have accepted. If he had come to Raph at any point before the invasion he would have excepted, but Raph knew better now.

“No, he didn’t Leo. You’re a born leader and strategist. You always encourage us and bring out our best. You know our strengths and how to play them to our advantage. Think about the first time the Shredder got loose. You not only out played Big Mama but you knew exactly what we were doing without us telling you. Think about the Tenshu. I never would have been able to predict the movements of an unknown enemy.” Raph shook his head before looking Leo dead in the eyes. “Leo you were meant to lead us. I can see that now.”

Leo was touched by Raph’s confidence in him and his reassurance but he still wasn’t convinced. “I can’t protect us, Raph.” He whispered it. It was something to terrible to say out loud and yet it was a fact he knew. If the invasion had taught him nothing else it had taught him this. “If you want me to make those hard calls, you want me to lead us statistically, I cannot secure everyone’s safety. I can’t do both.”

As much as Leo might want to, he knew he would lead them to the best outcome overall but he feared that would mean sacrifice. Casey had shared so little of the future with him but the fact that he had led everyone to their death fighting the Krang in one time line haunted him in this one.

Raph was shocked. He had been the leader. He had made tough decisions before but not like Leo had. The worst decision he had to make was to follow Splinter’s orders to leave him behind. Leo had the fate of the planet on his shoulders. Yes, Raph did as well when trying to solve the Shredder crisis but his whole family had helped and supported him. Leo had been on his own for a lot of those decisions.

“Anata wa hitori ja nai.” Raph said their family promise to Leo. “You are not alone. Not anymore. You can lean on me. I’ll help you.” Raph had never been alone as a leader so why should Leo be.

The reminder of their clan promise and Raph’s words gave Leo an idea. “Lead with me.” He could see Raph was surprised but he knew this could work. “No one else puts our clan first like you do. Lead with me. I can strategize for us, come up with plans, you can tell me where the gaps are. You said I know our strengths but you know our weaknesses. Help me see where we will fall.” Leo kept his eyes locked on Raph’s and the more he talked the more he could see that Raph understood. “I’ll make the hard calls you keep us safe. Deal.” By the end they were smiling at each other.

Leo held out a hand for Raph. His brother quickly took it before using it to pull Leo into another embrace. “Deal. You come up with brilliant strategies and I’ll cover your blind spots. We will be the perfect team.”

Leo smiled, for once the weight of leadership was not crushing him down. This was it. This is how it was always meant to be. It would take some time and adjustment but as long as they were working together nothing could stop them.

“The perfect co-leaders of the perfect team.” Leo agreed with his brother.

After a moment Leo pulled away and smiled at Raph. “Thank you, Raph I need to hear all of that.”

Raph smiled. “It was a long time coming but we both need that conversation.” Leo nodded before pushing himself to his feet. Or he tried to Raph’s hand locked around his wrist when he tried to stand up. Leo looked down at Raph’s hand before meeting Raph’s surprised and guilty look. “Sorry, I’ll let you go.” Raph said as he released Leo’s wrist. Truth be told his nightmare was still on his mind and even with the great conversation they just had, he didn’t want Leo to far from him.

Thankfully Leo seemed to understand. “Scoot over.” He said as he climbed back into bed with Raph the two of them getting comfortable. “Night big guy. I love you.”

Raph looked in awe at his little brother for a moment. He forgot how nice it was to have Leo on the same page as him. When Leo could read him better then he could read himself. Where Leo was comfortable providing the comfort he knew they needed. Raph wrapped an arm around his brother, so great full he was here. “Goodnight Leo, love you to.

The days were progressing. Leo and Raph were talking more than they had in a while, it was like it was before the Shredder attack. Raph was trying really hard to be there for Leo, not just as his co-leader but also as his brother, he wanted to show Leo that wanted to be around him. He had no idea his little brother didn’t think he mattered or that he was worth less than them, but now that he did he was going to do everything in his power to fix it.

With Leo’s leg healed and his brace completed they had started sparing together. It was more play fighting then a true spar. Just helping Leo get his body used to the strain of fighting again.

It was during one of these sessions when Donnie burst in. “Guys Hypno just broke into the TV station, he’s using it to project his hypnosis.” He called out as he ran in.
Raph and Leo shared a look.

“I thought he was performing magic in the hidden city?” Leo asked a little surprised that Hypno would be out and about.

“Ya well now he’s on TV hypnotizing all of New York.” Donnie didn’t mean to be rude; it was just his usual snark. Fortunately, Leo was used to it by now and kept moving without an argument.

“Do you know what station he’s at?” Leo questioned as he grabbed his cane and they started making their way towards the turtle tank.

“It’s the fancy one in upper Manhattan.” Donnie explained. The brothers were in a hurry but all of them had to screech to a halt when April stepped out in front of them. Her head was down watching something on her phone. Donnie glanced down at her phone and gasped before snaking it out of her hand. “April don’t watch that!”

“Hey!” April called as her phone smacked into the ground. She whirled around to face her brothers placing both hands on her hips and leaning towards Donnie. “What is the big deal Donnie I was watching that.”

“Sorry April but that program has been hijacked.” Donnie said in the most vague of explanations.

April didn’t appreciate that and raised an eyebrow at him. “It’s been what now?”

“Hypno has taken over the news station and is hypnotizing audience members.” Leo gave a more detailed explanation. He couldn’t tell her much else as he didn’t know the details either.

“Come again.” April still looked unimpressed. “Hypno’s not on screen, it was Warren Stone. He’s back!” April got very excited at the end of her statement and looked at her brothers expecting them to be excited about the return of her childhood idol.

She was met with blank stares.

“Warren who now?” Raph asked looking openly confused.

April looked at them in disbelief. “Warren Stone. My favorite anchor man.” The blank looks continued. “The worm guy that we fight in a monthly basis.” Still empty expressions. “He helped steal the key to the prison dimension from the museum.” Their looks hardened but still held no recognition, and maybe that wasn’t the best way to describe him. “Leo chopped him in half the first time you met, I cut off his arm on my birthday.”

“Ooooohhh that guy.” Leo said. He looked to both of his brothers for support and they started eagerly nodding their heads along with him. April gave them and unimpressed look once more.

“You still have no clue who I’m talking about.” The brothers froze. They had been caught.

Leo was the first one to snap out of it. “Look I remember cutting a wired worm guy in half and I remember you cutting Hypno’s wired roommates arm off on your birthday but I didn’t realize they were the same person.” He excused his forgetfulness as best he could. Donnie and Raph nodding along behind him. The excuse was perfectly reasonable to them.

Not to April. “He’s the only worm we fight!” She threw her arms out in exasperation. “He has incredible hair. How do you not recognize him?” She was starting to get mad at them.

“Look he’s obviously not that memorable.” Donnie excused.

“Not that memorable?!?” April yelled at him but he completely ignored her.

“But Hypno is hypnotizing people watching that broadcast and we have to stop him. I’ve already sent a message to Mikey and the Jones’s to meet us at the tank. Come on let’s go.” Donnie took off with Leo and Raph right behind him. April let out a groan but followed after her brothers.

They all piled into the turtle tank and were off. Donnie had pulled up a schematic of the building at Leo’s request and Leo and Raph were debating the best way to go about this.

Their conversation was not only civil but productive. They even opened the floor to the rest of the team to throw in their ideas. If April was paying more attention she would have been shocked and yet so proud of her little brothers. They were finally working together again and she was so happy for them.

But April’s focus wasn’t on the conversation. She was stuck in her own head. She sat in her seat with her bat in her lap. She was twisting it in her hands and feeling the grain of the wood as she moved it around.

She knew she shouldn’t feel this way but she was starting to get anxious. Not because of the mission ahead of them, fighting beside her family was easy for her. No, it was something else. She felt guilty about it but she was jealous of Casey and Cassie.

She had known the turtles since she was 11 that was seven years, soon to be eight. They were her little brothers. She could barely remember a time without them. Even Karai had said she was a part of the Hamato clan, and yet she didn’t have a nimpo. Karai had used her as a host when fighting the Shredder and had allowed April to borrow her power but it wasn’t April’s.

She knew that her brothers loved her and saw her as their sister. That Splinter saw her as a daughter. Even Barry saw her as a daughter! But she still hasn’t unlocked a nimpo. Why hadn’t she unlocked hers with her brothers? Granted at the time she didn’t know she could have a nimpo, she had been to focus on being Karai’s voice.

But still. She had been a part of the family for years. Why didn’t she have cool mystic powers? Casey, she understood. He had been raised by Leo in his timeline. He was Leo’s son. It was honestly shocking that he hadn’t unlocked his power before. Leo thought it was because the rest of the family was to worried about him to fully trust him. Which after her conversation with Raph during the Shredder crisis, ya that made sense.

But Cassandra? Not that she wasn’t family, April agreed that Cassie was part of the Hamato clan. But she didn’t understand how she had unlocked her nimpo first. April had been around longer, did the brothers trust Cassie more? Was she just not meant to have powers?

She felt so guilty for these thoughts. Before Casey unlocked his nimpo she had been so happy in her family. But now as silly as she knew it was, she was feeling like she was being replaced. She knew it wasn’t true. She did. But the lack of nimpo was really messing with her head.

“What do you think April?” April’s head snapped up to see that Leo and Raph were looking back at her. “You’ve been in the studio before for class right?”

April nodded her head trying to shake the self-depressing fog away from her thoughts. “Ya we took a tour for my into to journalism class.” She needed to focus on what was happening around her.

“Perfect so what do you think of the plan?” Leo asked and for a moment she froze. The last time she had come up with a plan was the invasion. It was her plan to send their ship back. Her plan that sent her little brothers up into that ship. Her plan that left Donnie with horrific scars on his shell. Her plan that led to Leo sacrificing himself. That was where her plans lead them.

“Nope! No notes. The plan sounds great.” She encouraged. She had no idea what the plan was but it had to be better than her last plan. Leo and Raph shared a glance. That wasn’t like April. She always had ideas.

“Ooookaaay.” Leo then turned his attention to everyone. “We stick together. Once inside. April will turn off the broadcast while the rest of us distract Hypno. Any question.” The plan was simple. It would probably go faster if they split into two teams. One to confront Hypno directly and the other to just shut off the power but no one was comfortable separating just yet.

The group gave a mixture of head nods, thumbs ups, and okey dokeys. Seeing as they had no questions Raph picked up where Leo left off. “Donnie and Casey will watch April’s back when she is turning off the cameras. Stay safe and watch each other’s back.”

The Turtle Tank rolled to a stop. They had arrived. Leo and Raph’s eyes met and with a subtle head nod they started it led everyone out. So far, they were doing a good job of listening to each other, but this was their first mission as co-leaders and it was just starting. Leo led the way with Donnie and Raph on either side of him.

April was nervous. This plan seemed to rely heavily on her knowing how to stop the broadcast. She knew how to do it, but what if she messed up or someone got hurt because she was moving to slow?

As they entered Leo turned to her. “April were is the broadcast room?” April looked around them before pointing to the left.

“That way down the hall.” She whispered as they started moving again.

“Alright. What do you think the best way to turn off the broadcast is?” Leo asked. He wanted to make sure they all knew how to do it just in case.

April brain froze. She knew how to do it, she had done it hundreds of times. But in that moment her mind was blank. “I don’t know.” She responded. Leo and Donnie shared a glance April should know that. It was part of her major. She had worked with the school’s news crew and knew how broadcasting equipment worked. She had talked Donnie’s ear off about it the other day when he was working in the lab. “Donnie how do we turn it off.”

Donnie was surprised. This was April’s field she knew how to do this. “Um well I could hack the feed and try to reroute it. Or we could just smash the machines.” The first option would take time, the second was more to see how April would react. This equipment was expensive and he knew destroying it for no reason would upset April.

“If that’s the only option.” April hardly reacted. It was like she didn’t have an opinion. Leo and Donnie shared another more panicked look. What was going on?

“April?” Mikey started to question but was cut off by a laugh. Suddenly the hall they were standing in changed. The walls were now neon colors with patterns dancing along them. The group immediately dropped into fighting stances looking around for Hypno. That was when the walls started moving. Walls on either side of them swung in, the right wall swing from behind them causing half the group to jump left, at the same time the left wall swung from in front of them causing the rest to jump to the right. The two walls met in the middle sealing the two groups away from one another.

“Leo!” Raph called as he was now on one side of the wall and Leo was on the other. He started to activate his nimpo to punch through the wall separating him from half of his family when the floor started moving sliding him and the other members of his group down the newly opened walk way.

“Raph!” Mikey called out in fear as the ground in front of him opened up. Raph threw his arm out towards his little brother and Mikey thrusted his nunchaku out. It wrapped around Raph’s arm and Mikey used it to swing himself over to his brother. Raph caught him and swung Mikey up on top of his shell.

He looked around wildly for anyone else. He saw Casey nearby and Cassie a little farther away both about to be separated from them by more moving walls. “Mikey pull Cassie over here I’ll grab Casey!” Raph and Mikey activated they nimpos. Raph created a grainy growing red arm that wrapped around Casey and brought him over to them. He tucked Casey up under his arm. At the same time Mikey used his nimpo to wrap a chain around Cassie’s waist. The girl made an ‘umph’ sound as she was yanked into the air and brought over to Raph’s shell. She quickly found her own foot holds and grip on Raph’s shell next to Mikey.

“Thanks uncle Raph.” Casey said as he hung from Raph’s grasp.

“This is ridiculous. COME OUT AND FIGHT US YOU COWARD!” Cassie yelled out into the ever changing room around them. She pushed herself up on Raph’s shell so she was almost standing on his shoulder. A board from the ceiling swung down and slapped her in the face. She lost her balance and would have tumbled off of Raph’s shell if Mikey hadn’t caught her.

“Can everyone please just hang in and stick together!” Raph yelled out hoping that no one else would be knocked off of him. “Mikey call Leo.” Raph looked around but there was no one else. Either they were one Leo’s side of the wall or they had been separated before he could spot them. He really hoped they were with Leo. He might trust Leo but that didn’t mean that the idea of Leo being alone didn’t cause major anxiety in him.

On the other side of the wall the floor started moving in the opposite direction, though neither group knew this. Leo looked around frantically he saw Donnie and April. Thankfully they were all heading the same direction. He quickly opened a portal in front of them and the three tumbled through it. They were still in the building but the walls here were thankfully not neon colored.

Leo let out a groan as he placed his cane on the ground and used it to push himself up. Well, this sucked. He saw Donnie and April struggling to their feet as well. At least they were all together.

His commlink came to life quickly. “Leo where are you?” That was Mikey’s voice.

“And who’s with you?” That was Raph’s. At least the two of them were together.

“I portaled us to a different part of the building. I have Donnie and April with me. What about you guys?” Leo hoped that the other two were with them.

“We’re okay Dad.” Casey’s voice sounded out. “Uncle Raph has a hold of us all so we can’t be separated.”

“But this whole place is moving around like a fun house. I DEMAND YOU PORTAL US OUT AT ONCE!” And that was Cassie. Everyone was accounted for.

“I can’t open a portal in front of you if I don’t know where you are.” Leo explained. “Try your best to stick together and find a way out. We’ll find Hypno. I’m sure once he’s distracted his illusion around you guys will stop.” At least Leo hoped it would.

“No Leo that’s not the plan.” Raph called out. He didn’t want Leo facing a villain without him there.

“I know Raph, but I don’t know how else to get you guys out.” Leo knew Raph wasn’t going to like this but he wasn’t completely alone.

“I’ve got his back Raph. Once we engage you should be able to meet up with us.” Donnie tried to calm his brother. While he understood Raph’s hesitation, as he would also not want Leo facing a villain without him, he and April were here. Leo wasn’t alone in this.

“Alright, just be careful.” Raph relented. He wasn’t happy but he knew there was nothing he could do right now.

“We will be.” Leo said as they started making their way towards the broadcast room once again.

Yet once again, once they got close they were stopped.

“I knew when I saw the others that the rest of you would be here trying to stop our plan,” Leo and Donnie were looking around wildly to find the voice. “And - hey down here.” They all looked down to see a worm standing in front of them.

“Uh April is this the worm guy you were talking about?” Donnie questioned looking at the worm in disgust. He did not want it’s slimy little body touching him.

“Yes.” April said exasperatedly only to be cut off.

“I’m Warren Stone! Your greatest foe! How can you not remember meeeeeeeee?” As he went into his tirade Donnie used the bottom of his staff to flick him away from them.

“Well now that that’s solved shall we continue on our way to the - oh me gosh!” Donnie shouted right before a worm slapped him in the face. But it wasn’t Warren, it was a stuff animal? “Wait, what is this?” Donnie asked leaning down to examine it.

“That is the trade marked Warren Stone doll. Once Hypno’s spell works I will be New York’s beloved news anchor again and we can sell those all over the city.” Warren yelled out at them. When they looked over, he was holding a t-shirt gun that was full of stuffies?

“Wait so your plan is to hypnotize all of New York into being obsessed with you so that you can sell merchandise?” Leo looked at him hoping his plan wasn’t that silly.

“Yep.” Oh, okay so it was that silly. “But these I made just for you.” The stuffy at Donnie’s feet started beeping.

Leo’s eyes widened. “Run!” He cried turning and moving away just as the stuffed worm exploded. Warren started laughing as he fired more Warren dolls at them. Leo Donnie and April were all dodging them as mini explosions happened all over the place.

“Okay, new plan. I’ll distract him while you to get into the broadcasting room and shut it down.” Leo called as he dodged different dolls.

“No, Leo I’ll stay. You two portal in there. April should know how to turn off the cameras.” Donnie stressed the word as he looked at April. He didn’t know what was wrong but he knew she knew how to operate the broadcasting equipment. He also wasn’t going to leave Leo alone with a villain again. Even with a low level one like this worm, who he had already forgotten the name of.

“Are you sure Donnie?” Leo asked as they kept dodging. Donnie nodded back. “Alright. Come on April.” Leo called as he opens a portal for both of them. He and April dived through the portal just as Donnie turned and used his staff to hit one of the worm stuffies back at Warren.

As they landed Leo looked around the room before turning to April. “Okay what do we need to turn off?” April looked around but gave a shrug.

“I don’t know what do you think we need to turn off?” She once again deflected the responsibility of decision making to him and Leo was done with it.

“What is with you.” Leo’s frustration had finally boiled over.

“What do you mean, ‘what’s with me?’” April asked applying air quotes around Leo’s phrase before co*cking her hip and placing her hand on her chest. “I am just fine.”

“No, you’re not.” Leo threw his hand out to gestor to where they just escaped from. “You’re acting all weird. You’re deferring to me and Donnie. Since when do you let either of us tell you what to do?” Leo stepped towards her raising one of his brow ridges at her.

“I don’t know if you remember this, but you’re our leader.” Leo flinched back a bit at the reminder. Even with his and Raph’s new arrangement he was still unsure of his ability to lead. “I’m supposed to listen to you.”

Leo wasn’t about to back down though. “Listen ya, but not blindly follow. You always have ideas to add or commentary to make. Yet this whole time you’ve just agreed with us. What is going on April?”

“Nothing, nothing is going on!” April took a step forward to get in Leo’s face but he stepped towards her as well.

“Just tell me, April. I can’t help if I don’t know. I know you. You’re not throwing yourself into the fight, you’re not O’Neiling it up. You’re not giving suggestions. This isn’t you, so what’s wrong?” Leo pushed back.

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong is that the last time I gave you a suggestion you all almost died.” April yelled at him. Her fists were clenched at her side and she was shaking.

“April.” Leo said her name softly as he reached a hand out to comfort her but paused before he could touch her as she began speaking again.

“It was my idea. My brilliant idea to send the Krang back to their world. You all almost died up there. I thought you were dead and it was my plan that led you there.” She wouldn’t look at him.

Leo gently placed his hand on her shoulder causing her to open her eyes which she has clenched shut to avoid spilling any tears. “It was your suggestion, but my plan.” April looked up at Leo as he sighed. “You said it yourself. I’m the leader. You made the suggestion but it was my decision to follow it. It was my call not yours.”

“But I-“ Leo shushed her gently.

“We all did things and made decisions that day we regret.” Leo looked down before continuing. “There is so much about that day I wish I could change. But you know what?” Leo raised his head to look April in the eyes. “After that moment on the roof. After we made our plan, from that moment on I don’t regret a single thing. I don’t regret giving up in the fight with Raph. It saved him after all. I don’t regret send him to save Donnie and Mikey. And I don’t regret sacrificing myself to save all of you.”

“Leo-” April started to protest, but Leo stopped her with a shake of his head.

“If I didn’t do what I did, the Krang would still be here. All of you would be in danger and.” He paused to look up at the ceiling. “If I hadn’t done it. If I hadn’t gone into the prison dimension, I never would have made my way to the Tenshu. I never would have met Usagi-chan.” He looked back down at April. “Your idea led me to the love of my life. And I can’t regret meeting him.”

“Leo” this time April voice was warm and on the edge of tears. Leo smiled and reached out to hold her hand.

“That day caused all of us a lot of pain and suffering. It will take us a long time to heal from it. But we came out better, we’re closer than ever.” Leo smiled at her. “And I have met so many wonderful people, I fell in love. I don’t regret that. You gave the best suggestion in a horrible situation. I trust you April and I know the others do to. Trust yourself.”

April moved forward pulling Leo into a tight hug. “Thank you, Leo.” Leo hugged her back. April had so much more to say but before she could their commlinks went off.

“Where are you guys!?!” Donnie’s cried though the devise. Leo and April’s eyes widened.

“Do you know what to turn off?” Leo asked her one last time.

April truly looked around the room before responding. “Ya, I do. It won’t take me long.” Her voice had a little more of its pep to it. Leo nodded happy his sister was back.

“Good. I’m going to help Donnie meet up with us when you’re done.” Leo replied before opening up a portal back to where Donnie was.

Donnie had just knocked another stuffy back at Warren making the worm have to dodge, as he landed the floor below him opened up into a blue portal. Another opened above the first causing Warren to fall through the two endlessly. Donnie got up out of his fighting position to see Leo standing behind him.

“Huh. I should have done that in the first place.” Leo said as they both watched the worm falling through his portals.

“Ya, that would have been helpful.” Donnie shrugged it off. The fight hadn’t been hard, it was actually fun so he didn’t mind the fact that Leo hadn’t immediately portal dropped the worm. “Where’s April?”

“She’s shutting off the broadcast then she’ll join us and we can find Hypno.” Leo explained, just as the room lit up Neon again.

“Let him go.” Hypno’s voice echoed all around them. Leo and Donnie got ready for anything as Hypno’s rings came flying at them from all directions. Leo and Donnie started to deflect them with their weapons. One of the rings that Leo deflected went flying right at his portal drop. It sliced into Warren doing two things. One knocking him out of the portal and two cutting him in half. “Warren!”

The attack stopped as Hypno stepped out to see Warren. The worm laid still for a moment before starting to moan in pain as his body started to regrow its lower half. Hypnotic looked up at Leo and Donnie in anger.

“You just couldn’t leave it alone could you.” He asked them as he picked up Warren.

“Leave it alone? You’re hypnotizing the city!” Donnie yelled back at him.

Hypno didn’t seem to agree. “I am trying to make my partner happy, but you just don’t understand that.” His words hit Leo deeper than he realized as Leo took in the scene in front of him with the new information in mind. Hypno was dating the worm guy. How had he not realized that earlier. His thoughts drifted to Usagi, what would Leo do just to make Usagi happy. Usagi was willing to leave his whole world behind for Leo’s happiness. And besides his family there wasn’t anything else that Leo wouldn’t give up for Usagi. He might not know what exactly Hypno was trying to accomplish but he understood wanting your partner to be happy.

Leo must have been thinking too hard because the next thing he knew a set of disks were being sent his way and Donnie was pushing him to the ground with a “look out!” Leo needed to focus on the here and now.

“Hey! Stay away from my brothers!” A green glowing bay was swung right at Hypno’s head. April was back and it seemed she was back to her old self. Rushing in to danger.

Hypno dodged the swing and pivoted, driving his fist up to punch April in the stomach. But April started to glow a bright yellow. But instead of her glow just being around her it’s spread out.

“April!” The twins yelled in fear of the sister getting hurt. But Hypno’s fist passed right through where they thought April was. It was and illusions.

“Missed me.” April yelled. She was just to the right of where Hypno had hit. She swung her bat down on him again knocking him back. She then ran forward to stay on him but to Leo and Donnie it was like watching a yellow blur. She was much faster than before.

April cracked her bat against him again. Leo and Donnie were now up and running over to help her, but it wasn’t needed. Hypnos hands were up.

“Okay, okay, we surrender.” He then dropped his hands with a huff. “I’m sorry Warren.” Warren was still in his left hands the little worm looked up at him and smiled.

“It’s okay. You tried your best. Thank you.” Leo looked between them. He had to know what it was they were truly trying to do.

“So, what was this all about? Besides selling worm toys?” Leo asked waving his hand towards the t-shirt gun full of stuffed worms.

Hypno and Warren shared a glance before Warren sighed and explained. “I don’t expect you turtles for understand but I was once the main face of the news. I missed my job. I don’t regret my transformation. I wouldn’t have met Hypno if I hadn’t become the glorious worm you see before you. But I do miss the news station. I miss being the face of New York.”

Hypno looked down at him and picked up the tale. “That was when I offered to help. We didn’t think anyone would put a talking worm on the news. Well at least not for any good reason. But they might if I hypnotized the producers into thinking he was back to being a man. Then I hypnotized the audience into thinking a talking worm is normal” Hypno explained their plan.

“So, you were just trying to get the worm his dream job back.” Leo felt his heart go out to them a bit.

“But why not use a clocking broach if you want to have a human job. You said you don’t want to stop being a worm, then why not disguise yourself?” Donnie asked questioning the logic of their plan.

“Because I wanted them to like me as a worm! I don’t want to hide who I am. I thought if the first broadcast had big enough ratings, maybe I could get in the air regularly without having to hypnotize the audience.” Warren didn’t want to be a man he wanted the respect he got as one in his current form.

“But you’re Warren Stone the best news anchor of all time. You don’t need tricks to get people to watch you. You just need a good story and air time.” April rushed on before pausing. “Wait, why don’t you start doing new in the hidden city. Maybe by doing stories in both worlds you can start bring them together.” Warren looked at the excited future journalist.

“You know that’s not a bad idea. Get the world use to people like us.” Leo could see that the worm was about to start monologuing so he cut him off.

“That’s great and all but we just cut off the broadcast of a major news network and blew up parts of the building. Can we maybe continue this conversation outside. You know before the police come.” Hypno’s eyes widened.

“Wait are you letting us go?” They had just taken over a news station. Donnie and April turned to look at Leo. April had no problem with it. Donnie wanted to know that their family was safe before making any calls but he was waiting for Leo’s decision.

“Ya, I am. If you let the rest of our team out of your fun house.” Leo said giving Hypno a hard look. The hippo got a shy look on his face.

“Oh, right them.” He snapped his fingers and one of the walls spun pushing Raph and his cargo into the room.

“Leo!” Raph called as he ran forward to greet his brother. He let go of Casey on the way causing the boy to stubble while catching himself. Cassie and Mikey jumped off of his shell as he ran. Raph scooped Leo up. “You’re okay! I knew you would be but I was still worried.” Leo patted his brothers arm getting him to let go.

“Yep, we’re all okay. Now let’s get out of here.” Leo said opening a portal to a nearby roof top. The group could hear footsteps approaching so they quickly made their way through the portal. Hypno and Warren followed.

“Wait, why are they here?” Cassie asked point at the two villains they were here to fight.

“Cause we’re letting them go.” Leo explained.

“What!” Raph and Cassie asked looking at Leo like he was crazy.

“He just put us through a rollercoaster fun house!” Cassie complained.

“Ya, I almost threw up three times.” Mikey joined in.

“I’ll explain everything later. Let’s just head home.” Leo said. Donnie and April lead the charge toward the turtle tank. April grabbing and dragging Cassie with her. Mikey and Casey followed, but Raph stayed behind. He wasn’t leaving until Leo did.

“Thank you. But why are you letting us go?” Hypno asked. He was glad not to be dealing with police but was confused on the why.

“We stopped you. No one was harmed. And you won’t do it again.” Leo have them a pointed look at the last statement. Then his face softened. “Besides I understand what it’s like to love someone so much you would do almost anything to make them happy.”

Hypno looked at the young man in front of him as the pieces feel into place. “You’re in love.” Warren perked up as well and the two excitedly looked around the roof as if Leo’s mysterious partner would appear. “Congratulations Blue! Where are they? Who are they?” While they might fight with the turtles often there was a mutual respect between them and Hypno was always happy when they were doing normal teenager things.

“None of your business.” Raph cut in stepping closer to Leo. He had seen enough Lou Jitsu movies to know that villain often capture the hero’s love interest and he never wanted that for Leo. But Leo just smiled fondly his thoughts far away.

“He’s not here right now. But I hope you’ll met him soon.” It was less of a hope for them to meet Usagi and more of a hope that he and Usagi would be together again soon. “Come one Raph let’s get out of here.” The two brothers turned and walked away. Raph stayed close and a step behind Leo wanting to stay between his brother and the bad guys in case they got any ideas.

After they were a bit away from them Leo turned and smiled up at Raph. “Well baring us getting separated from one another I think we did pretty good leading the team together.” Raph smiled back.

“It could have gone better but no one was hurt and the bad guys have been stopped so I think we can call this a success, co-leader.” Raph smirked at Leo when he called him by his title.

Leo smirked back. “Right back at you co-leader.”


April's powers are based off of the DND spell blur where the player appears to be a blur of movement making harder for enemies to hit them. I also gave her a speed boost. the reason she wasn't unlocking her nimpo was because she had lost her confidence in herself after her plan in the invasion, coupled with her jealousy over the other members of the family.

Raph and Leo are now officially co leaders. I saw somewhere that this was the original plan for the turtles and I love it. Leo is a strategist while Raph is a protector. Raph can focus on keeping the family safe. the thing he has always wanted to do. While Leo can focus on the best plan for the mission. it isn't that Leo doesn't want them to be safe but he is going to play the field like a chest game, there are necessary sacrifices that leader have to make sometimes. it isn't fair but it is what a leader has to be able to do. this arrangement will put them at odds at times but they know have an agreement to talk these things out and support each other. hopefully if Leo can explain his plans and Raph can explain his concerns they can have solid strategies. they are not perfect but they are working together.

Okay so we are about half way through. next will either be an Usagi chapter or a mad dogs chapter. it depends on how long the Usagi chapter is. if I can split it into two then you get Usagi next week. If not you get mad dogs. but we are very close to meeting Lord Hikiji and finding out his background and I am so excited to share it with all of you.

Chapter 9: What could've been, would've been you


Usagi's doubts and Chizu's heart


Tsukuyomi - Japanese god of the moon
Kasa - bamboo rain hats
toilet room - while Japan has a rich history when it comes to toilets (including flushing toilets) they also used to collect waste and use it as fertilizer for the fields (yes I spent way to long researching ancient toilets in Japan)

I am sorry if anything is confusing I was half asleep editing this

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

They had made it past the first set of mountains and were now in the valley approaching the second set of mountains. These were their destination. The far north mountains. Somewhere in the twisting paths and secret caves rests a sacred spring. It was at a high elevation and was near impossible to get to.

The spring itself was said to be blessed by the moon god Tsukuyomi. From this spring a magnolia tree grew and, on its branches, bloomed magnolias so white they glowed like the moon.

While there were other moonlight magnolia trees they only bloomed in the spring and for a very short period of time. This tree was said to bloom all year round. This was the reasons for their travel. Moonlight magnolias were one of the two remain ingredients for the ritual between worlds.

Usagi knew all of this and was trying very hard to keep his focus on the end goal. The journey had been hard. The first set of mountains had been treacherous to navigate. With the steep walls and rushing river down below. After they had made it out of the mountain they had hoped for smoother travels. While the temperature had warmed quite a bit it was still cold, not cold enough for snow but still cold.

Making the current weather that much worst. As soon as they got out of the mountains it had been none stop raining. The rain was frigid and constant. They had brought a tarp with them to keep the wagon and their supplies dry but the travelers themselves were soaked.

It made traveling miserable and long. They tried to cover as much ground as they could but both they and the horse could not travel far in the current weather making the journey longer than expected.

They all had a kasa to keep the rain off of their faces and out of their eyes but it didn’t help to keep the rest of them dry. Nor did it tamper out the chill that came with wearing clothing that was soaked through.

They had been lucky enough to come upon a village that had allowed them to stay for a few days. Their horse were able to stay inside and they had been able to finally dry their clothing out.

They had been given a small hut to stay in. There was a fire place in the middle, and they had taken rope and hung up all of their soaking wet garments.

Kitsune and Chizu had barrowed simple white kimonos from some of the village woman and were sitting together. Kitsune was telling Chizu about some of their past battles or just silly stories from their past.

Gen sat nearby dressed in a spar kimono he brought with him. It was a light grey and was worn but obviously comfortable. He would call out details Kitsune forgot in her stories.

Usagi was wearing a borrowed kimono as well the light blue color had obviously been brighter at one point but had faded with time. He sat looking out of the window, watching the rain fall. Leo’s tanto was resting in his lap as he never wanted it to be too far from him.

Usagi was insanely grateful to the head of the village for providing them shelter, they would not have been able to continue on the way they had been. It was too hard on the horse and on them. Sleeping in the mud with the pouring rain was near impossible, as was trying to feed and warm themselves without a fire.

No, he was very grateful to this village for helping him and his family, but he was also frustrated. The rain had slowed them down and stopping at this village had slowed them down even more. They were on their third day here and the rain still had not let up. It had been almost a week since the sky’s opened up.

Leo could be in danger, and here he was waiting for the rain to stop. Usagi’s sighed and drew Leo’s tanto looking upon the blade. The sweet engravings stared back at him. If he closed his eyes and focused, he could feel the faint hum of energy that was always running though the tanto. Proof that Leo was alive.

The door to the hut opened and Katsuichi stepped in. He had a basket of food with him to prepare for dinner. “The village elder has continued to be far to hospitable.” He said as he moved to start arranging what they would need for dinner. Gen handed him a pot to place over the fire and Katsuichi quickly got to work on preparing an easy meal for the five of them.

As he worked, he looked around the room. Kitsune was still trying to make their newest member comfortable. They seemed to be getting along well and everyday Chizu seemed to open up to them more and more. Gen was helping out with dinner while interrupting the girls’ conversation periodically. All their spirits seemed to be good. Not necessarily in high spirits, but they weren’t complaining or giving up in their pursuit to reunite with Leo.

Usagi was a different story. He knew his boy wasn’t giving up hope. He didn’t think Usagi would ever stop looking for Leo. The only thing that might stop him would be if the tanto he clung to so dearly disappeared from his sight. And even then, the boy might not stop.

No, he wasn’t out of hope but he was going to be out of patience soon. He could tell that the delays to their travels were frustrating the boy. He had been talkative and interacting with the group at the beginning of the journey, but the more setback there were the more his boy drew into himself. He knew Usagi was frustrated and didn’t want to take that frustration out on any of them, but he wasn’t helping himself by drawling inward.

“Gen-kun can you take over dinner for me?” Katsuichi whispered to the other boy. “I need to talk to Usagi-kun.” Gen nodded quickly. He didn’t like Usagi’s sullen mode but he also didn’t know what to say. He was upset at their delay to, he wanted to have their friend back as well, but for Usagi it was different. Leo was so much more than his friend. Gen didn’t know how to start to comfort his brother.

Katsuichi moved to sit next to his student, Usagi must have seen the movement for the boy’s eyes snapped up and locked on him. Once he saw that it was just his master the boy relaxed again. This is what Katsuichi was worried about. Usagi had been on hyper alert since Leo was taken. His boy was blaming himself for the capture of his lover. Believing if he had been faster, or closer Leo would still be with them……or at the very least Usagi would be wherever Leo was.

If he had though, Katsuichi would never be able to find either of them. They would have nothing from Leo’s world to search with nor would they have something as spiritually connected to Usagi as Leo’s tanto was to him. If Usagi had gone with Leo in the instant, Katsuichi feared he would never have seen the boys again.

How do you explain that to a grieving lover? Usagi had done such a great job at keeping his spirits high. His hope and certainty that he would see Leo again had inspired those around him. Enough for Katsuichi to go to Lord Mifune and get permission for not one but two parties to go out and gather the last two rare ingredients need for the ritual.

Yet it seems the rain had done more than just dampen Usagi’s clothes, his spirit was damped as well.

“How are you, my boy?” Katsuichi asked as he slid down to sit next to his student. He knew the answer already but the way Usagi responded would help him know how to steer this conversation.

Usagi looked up at him before looking back at Leo’s tanto. He closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. There was no point in lying to Katsuichi. “I- I am afraid Sensei. What if we are to late. Leonardo-chan is alive now, of that I have no doubts, but every moment we are here is a moment waisted.” He let out a shaky sigh pulling Leo’s tanto close and tightening his grip upon the blade. “I fear that we will find the magnolia only for his time to run out.” He raised his head to look at his master, tears starting to fill his eyes. “I can’t be this close to finding him only to have him ripped away again.”

Katsuichi wrapped an arm around his student and Usagi leaned his weight against him instantly. Usagi didn’t cry in front of people often. While most of the people in the room were family, Usagi was not one to allow such vulnerable emotions. His tears showed Katsuichi just how much strain his student was under. He tightened his arm around Usagi and kept his voice low, wanting to keep this as private as they could.
“My boy, do you doubt Leo-kun’s abilities.” Katsuichi already knew the answer but he asked for a reason. Usagi straightened up and met his gaze.

“No. I swore to him I would never underestimate him again. I know Leonardo-chan is strong.” Usagi believed in Leo, his boyfriend was incredible. Leo had fought the Neko clan on a broken leg and had won. He was creative and resourceful, it was not Leo he doubted. But even the strongest people had limits, Leo was still recovering. If someone was trying to hurt him how long could Leo avoid a head on fight? How long could he hold his own in unknown territory? Usagi didn’t doubt Leo’s skills, he worried for the limits all mortals had. No matter how Kami like he may appear at times, Leo was still a mortal, as far as Usagi knew.

“Then trust him. Trust that he will be waiting for you.” Katsuichi tried his best to comfort his student. Then he let out a chuckle. “If I know Leo-kun, he’s already searching for a way back to you.” That brought a smile to Usagi’s face. The best case scenario was that Leo had been reunited with his family. If that was true, Usagi had little doubt that Leo was searching for a way to reunite with him. But in another scenario where Leo was far less safe, Usagi hoped his beloved was searching for a way to safety. Whether that was to return to his clan or to Usagi’s side was of little matter. Leo’s safety came first. Wherever Leo went Usagi would find him.

“Thank you, Sensei. Leonardo-chan is out there and I will see him again.” Katsuichi could see some of his boy’s fire reentering his eyes. Good. Usagi need to his spirit up, whether he realized or not, the others looked to him to set the tone for their travels. His siblings followed his lead, whatever that might be.

Katsuichi smiled warmly at his boy, he then turned to face the rest of the room. When he did, he locked eyes with another occupant. Chizu quickly averted her gaze but he had already caught her watchful eyes. Chizu was always watching, he wasn’t sure if it came from her obviously turbulent upbring or if it was a habit developed later but she was always watching the group and their interactions. Katsuichi was unsure if she was trying to learn more about them specifically or about the safe and loving relationships they shared. Either way the girl was always watching.


Chizu could hear the rain pounding against the roof of the hut. The storm was getting heavier. It had rained none stop for days now. It was only by happy happenstance that they had come across this village.

The night was long and dark, but there was something she had to do. She looked around the room, each wall of the hut had been claimed by a different member of the group.

Usagi had fallen asleep near the window. Sleep had finally overtaken the bunny an hour ago, he had curled around his precious tanto as he always did. Yet she could tell that the rest was not peaceful from the way his ears twitched and his leg gave little jolts here and there. Not enough to wake him, but enough to show a unpleasurable sleep.

Kitsune slept near her, the younger girl had fallen asleep after dinner, the sounds of the rain storm putting her to sleep quickly. The young fox had taken an odd liking to Chizu that she just couldn’t understand. Well, that wasn’t exactly true. She had manipulated enough people to know the signs of a crush when she saw one. What she didn’t understand was her own feelings. Normally on a mission like this she would play into that, lead the target on, let them believe she loved them to. People did foolish things when in love, just look at the bunny, but for some reason she didn’t want to do that to Kitsune.

Gen laid on his back. One arm stretched out in the direction of his two siblings. An open invitation if they need help sleeping. The other resting over his chest. His mouth was open in a snore that, combined with the rain, was thankfully not to loud. He was sound asleep and had fallen asleep shortly after Kitsune had.

The last member of the group was Katsuichi. The lion was sitting up next to the door. He was resting but his sword was propped up next to him. It was easy to drawl and defend them. His position by the door was a strategic one, he had taken his place there every night since they came to stay in the village. While he was grateful for the hospitality shown, he was not foolish enough to believe them safe in an unknown village.

Chizu pushed herself to her feet and moved to their gear. All their clothing and supplies and been moved to the center of the room to help it dry. She picked up her kasa and started to make her way to the door. Katsuichi raised his head as she approached. He didn’t say anything, but with a raised brow his question was clear. Where was she going?

“I have to go to the bathroom.” There was a toilet house not too far from where they were staying. Katsuichi’s face relaxed as he gave her a gentle nod. Before she could leave though he stopped her again.

“Hey take this with you.” He handed her his own tanto. It was much less ornate than the one Leo had crafted for Usagi and was quite a bit shorter. It was a weapon that was easy to conceal, it wouldn’t be good in big conflicts but would suffice to keep one safe during an ambush. She was surprised the older samurai would carry such a weapon. “I know the village seems safe, but one can never be too careful. If you get into trouble, call out, I will come for you.”

Chizu could only nod. She had always been on her own. Just her and her brother. While Shingen tried his best to make sure she was able to defend herself, he could never promise her his aid if she got into trouble. This group was so strange. No Neko warrior would part with their weapon for the safety of another, yet Katsuichi handed her his own blade for protection without a second thought. She could attack him right now, she wouldn’t win, but she could do it. Why would he part with a weapon just to keep her safe? Why would he promise his aid? If she got into trouble that was her problem.

She quickly left the hut. With her kasa on her head to block the rain she moved quickly, but she wasn’t heading for the toilet house. There near the edge of the village just outside of the huts sight awaited her companion. Kagemaru.

Kagemaru was an orange tabby cat and was once the closest thing her brother had to a friend. After her brother took over as leader of the Neko clan, she had been his right hand. Kagemaru had been his left. They had been as close as they could be in the lives they lived. She didn’t know if her brother ever truly trusted Kagemaru, but he did have a base level of respect for him.

He was standing next to a building, blocking him from the view of most of the village, while also staying out of the rain thanks to the roof of the building. “What took you so long?” Kagemaru asked as she joined him. “Enjoying playing family?” He sneered the question out. While he and her brother held a vague respect for each other the same could not be said for the two of them.

“They worry too much, it is hard to separate from them without being followed.” Chizu excused her tardiness while ignoring his attitude. It was not worth getting into an argument in the short amount of time they had to talk.

“Luckily that won’t be a problem soon.” Kagemaru continued. “We have the hut surrounded. With the sounds of the storm, they won’t hear us upon them until it is too late. Are we ready to move?” Chizu froze.

“No.” No, she was not ready to murder them all as they slept.

“Why not? They can’t possibly all be awake and alert right now?” Kagemaru was frustrated with her. This rain was putting all of the ninjas in a bad mood. It was made worse as their so-called leader was siting nice and warm inside of a hut playing pretend with a bunch if samurai.

Chizu needed to think quickly. She needed a good reason to delay the attack. Why shouldn’t they take them now. By all means they had every advantage. The rain would cover their sounds. It was the middle of the night and the whole group was resting. All their gear was in the middle of the room, half of them were nowhere near their weapons and that was being generous as Usagi would likely not use the tanto unless he absolutely needed to. This was the perfect time to attack. So why wasn’t she? Why couldn’t she pull the trigger?

“Because they aren’t what we want.” She growled out at him. “Our Lord wants the Hamato boy-“

“And your brother lost him.” Kagemaru interrupted her. “And he paid the price. I am not letting your foolishness led me to the same fate.” He said as he started to push past her. Chizu reached out and grabbed his wrist. She quickly twisted his arm behind his back forcing him to bend over as she did. She put her weight against his back forcing him to bend even more placing strain on his shoulder blade.

She leaned over to hiss right into his ear. “I am in charge of the Neko clan now. It is my choice when and if we strike.” She released her hold and pushed him forward out into the mud and moved to stand over him. “They have a plan to bring the Hamato boy back here.” She said pointing to the ground at her feet. “Let them do the hard work. They only have two more pieces of the puzzle left to grab. Once they have the portal open the Hamato boy will return and we can give our Lord what he truly wants.”

Kagemaru had rolled over to look up at her. He started to push himself up when she stepped on his chest forcing him back down. She leaned forward to look him in the eyes. “Miyamoto is a cheap secondary prize. It is the Hamato clan he wants so it is the Hamato boy we will deliver.” Chizu gave one final shove with her foot pushing him farther into the mud as she stepped off of him. Kagemaru pushed himself up glaring at her all the way.

“An excellent plan, but what can we give our Lord to show our progress. I am not returning with empty promises.” Chizu thought about it. He was right they need to show some form of progress. What could she take from the group that they would not recognize as missing? “Miyamoto’s tanto would do nicely.” Kagemaru suggested. “It is the item we were sent to retrieve anyways.”

Chizu was grateful for the years she had spent perfecting the art of hiding her emotions, for her stomach dropped at the suggestion. Usagi would be broken if anything happened to that tanto. “No.” It escaped her mouth before she was ready. Think, think of a reason to say no. “The tanto is necessary to bring back the Hamato boy.” Yes. A perfectly logical explanation.

Kagemaru did not look impressed with her. She needed to provide something concrete.

“We are traveling to gather one of the last ingredients for their ritual. The return trip will take us right to our Lord’s Tenshu. Give me a little more time. By the time we pass the threshold I will not only know their whole plan but will bring one of the rarest ingredients with me. Our Lord might be able to beat them to the Hamato boy if we prepare properly.” She laid out her plan, trying to not leave any holes or gaps. “Why waste our strength and injure our men when they will willingly walk into our Lord’s home themselves?”

She could see that the last statement had caught Kagemaru interest. He thought for a second before giving her a shallow bow. “I will relay your plan to our Lord.” He stood back up to his full height. He then started to walk by her but stopped when they were shoulder to shoulder. “But know that if you fail you will face the consequences alone. I am not Shingen and I will not stick my neck out for you in the name of something as deranged as familia duty.” And with that he left her. He moved as if a ghost, a whisper of mist that was never there.

Chizu steadied herself as best she could without showing it on the outside. She knew he was still watching and was unwilling to show him just how much he had rattled her.

She quickly made her way back to the hut her companions were staying in. She pushed open the door to find them all in the spots she had left them. Besides Katsuichi glancing up at her as she entered not one of them stirred. They were resting peacefully, unaware at the danger they had just narrowly avoided.

“You took longer than I expected. Is everything alright?” Katsuichi’s question was gentle. It was the closest she had ever been to fatherly affection and she didn’t know how to navigate it.

“Nothing is wrong. I just got a little turned around in the rain.” She explained as she removed her shoes at the door and used a rag by the door to wipe the mud from her feet and ankles. Katsuichi watched her with concern. As she stood back up, she turned to walk back to her place in the hut, only to fine Katsuichi standing behind her. He removed the blanket he was wearing around his shoulders and draped it around hers.

“The rain is cold my child. Sleep closer to the fire tonight, I don’t want you getting sick from your adventure.” He explained as the thick blanket settled around her thin shoulders.

Chizu gave the man a respectful bow. “Thank you, Katsuichi-sama but you do not need to sacrifice your comfort for me.” She said as she started to remove the blanket from her shoulders. A large hand landed on her shoulder stilling her movement and keeping the blanket in place.

“I know I don’t have to. It is my choice to take care of all of you.” And with that he let her go and moved back to his position at the door. His presence the only thing between them and the threats awaiting them outside, a threat she knew was very real. “Sleep tight Chizu-kun. Hopefully tomorrow we shall begin our journey again.”

Chizu walked back to her side of the hut near where Kitsune was resting. She did follow Katsuichi’s instructions of lying a little closer to the fire.

She had always wondered how the others slept so easily with only one person on guard. She had considered for a while they were all faking it as she was, but now as she laid there she understood. She knew there was an army of ninja’s out there waiting to spill their blood, yet with Katsuichi’s strong presence at the door, she wasn’t worried. She knew it was illogical, but she felt like he could take on all the Neko clan alone and still come out the victor. She felt like he could protect them, like he would protect them. As foolish as she knew it was, she felt safe enough to sleep.


They had done it. The last thing needed for the portal to the Hamato boy was in their hands. They could finally reunite with Usagi’s lover. Chizu watched the joy overcome Usagi’s face as the others celebrated.

She watches as they all moved around her setting up the ritual. She felt like she should be helping but she had no clue what to do. So, she stood watch, she kept a looked out for her clan members who, she knew, were out there. She could see their shadows popping up, but at the moment they were keeping their distance.

Good they just need to stay away for a little bit longer.

Usagi and the others were just finishing the ritual. She turned at the sounds of their cheers to see the portal was open. She couldn’t help the smile that graced her face. They were finally going to be reunited with their friend.

She turned to watch out for her clan again, but this time they were not hidden and they were not far. There stood her clan out in the open. They were closing in on the group and her friends were totally unaware of the approaching danger, to focused on their success.

And the worst part? Lord Hikiji stood at the front of the pack, coming to finish them off himself.

They were all going to die.

Chizu spun on her heel. They were all standing close to the portal, their backs turned to her. If she was fast, she could do it. She ran at full speed, not once looking back at the approaching forms behind her. She slammed into Katsuichi’s back, pushing him forward. He in turn pushed the other three forward and through the portal.

All five of them fell through the portal. The last thing Chizu saw of their world was the portal closing on and enraged Lord Hikiji. He through his hand out to grab her to kill her like he did her brother but the portal closed chopping off the monster hand.

It was over. They were all safe from him. She didn’t care where they were. They were safe now.


“Chizu-san! Chizu-san! Wake up it’s just a dream.” Chizu a woke to Kitsune shaking her awake. The younger fox was looking down at her with worry in her eyes. “Chizu-san are you alright?”

Chizu sat up. She could see that Gen and Usagi were already up, but they turned their heads away from her as she sat up to give her the illusion of privacy, though she had little doubt they were still listening. Katsuichi did not make the attempt to lie, he kept a watchful eye on her.

“I’m fine Kitsune-san. You didn’t need to wake me.” Chizu responded trying to keep her tone light. She was deeply disappointed that her reality did not line up with her dream. At the same time her dream deeply confused her. She couldn’t possible care about these people that much? Could she?

“But Chizu-san you’re crying.” Kitsune said as gently as she could. Chizu quickly reached up and touched her cheek. It was true. Tear tracks were present in her fur. Her eyes were still leaking the curse substance.

Why? Why was she crying? Her dream was pointless. Even if she wanted to save them, which she didn’t, it would be a pointless mission. She could never out run Lord Hikiji. She could never disobey him. Especially in his presence like she did in her dream. No their fate was sealed the moment they welcomed the Hamato boy into their home. Lord Hikiji would kill them one way or another. She had only delayed the inevitable last night. Sooner or later, they would all fall at his hands.

“So, I am.” Chizu replied. Her voice was void of emotion, she couldn’t afford them. “It doesn’t matter, just a stupid dream. It’s over now.” She looked up to see that the room was looking at her with a mixture of sadness and understanding.

“Was it your brother?” Gen asked in his blunt fashion. Kitsune whipped around to glare at him while Usagi bumped him with his elbow. “What if I watched a love one be murdered I’d be messed up about it.” He had obviously meant for the comment to be heard by Usagi, but had not pitched his voice down enough to make it a private conversation. Usagi glared at him while Kitsune and Katsuichi dropped their heads into their hands. Gen uncaring of his family’s reaction to him turned to face her and continued. “If you want to tell me what those ninjas looked like I’ll hunt them down for you free of charge.”

One thing that she had grown to like about Gen was that there were never any games when talking to Gen. She never had to guess the secret meanings of his words, he said what he meant, she had never met someone like that before.

“Thank you, Gen-san, but that won’t be necessary. I’d rather not see them again.” The one thing Chizu didn’t like about Gen was that his honesty brought out her own. She didn’t want to see her brother murder ever again, but that was impossible. Almost as impossible as Gen ever wining a fight against Lord Hikiji. No, he need not speed up his own death.

“You wouldn’t have to see ‘em at all. Just let me know if you change your mind.” Gen replied with a shrug before going back to preparing breakfast.

Kitsune turned back to Chizu, seeming to be over her mortification at the moment. “I’m sorry, he’s trying to be supportive.” Kitsune loved her brother but she knew not everyone understood her brother style of comfort.

Chizu gave her a small smile. “I know.” Was all she had to say. She appreciated Gen’s style of support more than probably anyone else. Kitsune returned her smile happy that their new friend understood her brother’s well-meant intentions. Then she sombered once more.

“Do you want to talk about it? I’m here for you if you need someone to talk to.” Kitsune whispered her offer this time not wanting her brothers to hear and offer their support as well. While it would come from a good place it would probably overwhelm Chizu to have three concerned teens crowding her after a bad dream.

Chizu shook her head. “It was nothing. Just- just a dream about my brother.” She mumbled out the last part. They had given her and easy out, she might as well take it. Kitsune softened, she reached out and placed her hand on top of Chizu’s.

“I am so sorry for your loss. I couldn’t image losing one of my brothers, and I haven’t had them for my whole life. If you need me for anything I’m here for you.” Kitsune whispered out her words of comfort.

Chizu couldn’t respond to that so she nodded her head at the younger girl to show she understood. Kitsune gave her one last smile before squeezing her hand and going to join the others. Chizu sat there thinking over what had just occurred. How could she accept comfort from Kitsune when she would be the reason for her own family’s demise?

Breakfast was ready before she knew it. As they ate Katsuichi pulled their attention to the sounds around them.

“Listen.” He said getting them to stop their chatter and pay attention to the world around them. “What do you hear?” Usagi’s ears perked up listening closely, he closed his eyes to filter out his other senses.

“I don’t hear anything.” Was his response before he realized what that meant. “I don’t hear anything! The rain has stopped!” Usagi was up on his feet looking at Katsuichi with hope in his eyes. Katsuichi met the boys hopeful gaze with a warm smile.

“It stopped a few hours before dawn and with the exception of a light drizzle has not started back up again.” Katsuichi could feel the excitement building around him. They could start traveling again.

“I’ll go prep the horse and wagon.” Usagi cried as he ran out the door eager to get started once again. Gen and Kitsune were on their feet following him in an instant yelling after him to wait up for them.

Katsuichi chuckled at their energy but he couldn’t fault them. He was just as eager to return to their journey as they were.

His attention differs back over to their newest member. He pushed himself back up to his feet and made his way over to her. He held out his hand and helped the young lady stand up. “If you are in need of anything we are here for you.” He watched as the girl’s head dropped unable to meet his eyes. “You seem more melancholy then when we first met. You have become quite dear to all of us. I know that our separation will soon to be upon us as your Lord’s Tenshu comes ever closer, but I’m sure the others would love to have you continue traveling with us as we make our way back home.”

He watched as the girl met his gaze. Her face was rushing from one emotion to the next to quickly for him to guess her thoughts. He knew this would be a big decision for her, which is why he was offering now rather than at the gates of her Lord’s Tenshu. It was clear to him that this girl had been deeply mistreated by those around her. While Lord Hebi might have always presented himself as a kind master, Katsuichi knew how easy it was to put on an act.

Not every lord was as kind and respectful to their servants as his dear friend, Lord Mifune was. Samurai could only swear loyalty to one lord. There were many reasons why Katsuichi had chosen to serve his now dear friend, and his treatment of servants as not just people but people deserving dignity and respect was one of them.

He knew Chizu was not safe in her current arrangement and he wanted to offer her a way out. She could be safe with them, and one day she could be happy.

Chizu’s face finally settled on an emotion, shock. “But my Lord would never allow such a thing he-“

“Has allowed you to travel in your own while a dangerous clan tries to kill you.” Katsuichi cut her off as gently as he could. “Let me worry about your Lord and how to get your freedom from him. You just have to decide if you wish to continue in his employment or if you wish to continue your travels with us. It is your decision. I will honor whatever you decided.” He gave the girl one more warm smile as he turned to move outside to help his students prepare for travel. “Though if I may be so selfish, I do hope that you decide to continue traveling with us.” Was the last thing he said as he stepped through the door.

Once he was gone and Chizu was alone, she sunk to her knees. She wrapped her arms around herself, raising one palm to rest over her mouth to muffle her sobs. She could deny it no longer. She cared for them. She was a sentimental fool and she had begun to care for them.

For a moment she lived in her two fantasies. One where she was just a normal maid to a normal lord and she could just travel to another clan. That she could just join then in service to the Geishu clan. That she could live a normal life and be happy. That was a complete fantasy and could not help her.

The second was more realistic but still a fantasy. That maybe she could keep putting off the ambush until they had the portal open. Maybe if she was fast enough, she could shove their little group through before her clan could get to them. This would probably doom the rest of the Geishu clan in the following attack, but that didn’t matter to her. It was only a matter of time before Lord Hikiji whipped them all out anyways. The others would hate her for it but they would be alive, and they were the ones she cared for, the lives they swore to protect meant nothing to her. But again, this was a fantasy. There was no way she could keep them out of her clans grasp for that long.

She had spared them last night, their lives were in her hands, and yet she was powerless to protect them from their fate. She could delay it but she couldn’t stop it.

But maybe she didn’t have to stop it. Maybe she could delay it until the portal was open. Maybe if she told them of the attack, they would be ready. But no, they would not trust her words once she revealed herself, and it was not the samurai way to run from a fight. They could not win this fight, if she could convince them to run through the portal as soon as it opened she might have a chance, but any knowledge of the fight and carnage that would happen after their departure would stop them from running.

Ninja run so they can live to fight another day, samurai planted their feet and died where they stood preserving their honor as oaths until the end. She could not save them.

But she would try.

Chizu pulled herself together and walked over to her now dry clothing. She pulled out her ninja garb from her bag and slipped it on first before covering it with her traveling clothes, making sure to hide all evidence of her weapons and garb. She had to be ready at all times now. Not for them to attack her but to repel her own clan.

This was a foolish decision. This was a decision that would lead to her death. But Lord Hikiji would dispose of her one day anyways. At least this way she got one opportunity to fight for something she truly wanted.


Alright Chizu has made a decision but will she stick to it?

Next chapter we get to spend some time with the Hamato clan mainly we get to see Draxum and his awkward attempts at being a dad.

The next chapter after that Usagi and the gang will finally reach the moonlight Magnolia and all the drama that comes with it. we are almost at the dramatic twist.

Chapter 10: Never be so clever you forget to be kind


Draxum's back with more of the magic system
Leo and Mikey are taking center stage
a flashback to the Tenshu?


Hey Guys.
I am so sorry I forgot to tell you last time that I was traveling out of town. I was gone all last weekend and then I got sick. But here we are a new chapter ready to go.

I really hope you like it.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After their mission at the news station the team had gone to Run of the Mill to celebrate. Not only had it been their first mission since Leo’s return, but April had also unlocked her nimpo. They were all very excited for her.

Raph had sent a message to Pops to let him know and invite him to join them. Mikey had done the same to Draxum. When the two arrived, they joined the circle table all the children had squeezed themselves into.

April sat in the middle as they were celebrating her. Raph sat to her right with Mikey, Cassie, and Draxum working their way out. Donnie was on her left with Leo, Casey, and Splinter next to them. It was rare for the entire clan to go out for dinner like this but it was always enjoyable.

Splinter listened to Leo, Donnie and April recollect how April used her nimpo for the first time. He was so proud. His clan had grown so much.

Nineteen years ago, he had been a man trapped in the battle nexus, he had feared that would be his life forever. He had left Japan and his clan behind, he didn’t have any family to rely on. He had briefly hoped that he and Big Mama might have been able to have their own family but that was not meant to be.

But now, now he had four wonderful sons, two energetic daughters, and one sweet grandson. He also had an okay co-parent. His family was bigger than he ever imaged. And they loved and valued one another so much. His children were tied together in love not duty, and their nimpos showed that. He couldn’t be prouder of them.

Draxum cleared his throat drawing the groups attention to him. “I know you are all excited about the new nimpos appearing in the group right now but I feel it is my duty to guide you when it concerns your mystic powers.” He had everyone’s attention, he always did when explaining magic.

“Your nimpos need to be treated like a muscle. The more you use them the stronger they will become. This might manifest in stronger powers or unlocking new abilities. Raph and Mikey have already unlocked a secondary ability. Raph being able to make copies and Mikey’s portals.” He paused locking his eyes on Mikey’s hands. The boy quickly dropping them beneath the table.

“However, if you push your powers to far they will hurt you. Over use of the mystic arts can led, at the very least, to deep exhaustion all the way to death and disfigurement. You cannot rely on your powers to perform miracles without training them.” He looked around the table making sure each of the children had heard his warning.

Then a voice he didn’t expect piped up. “I know.” Casey spoke softly, yet the whole table could hear him. “Master Donatello and Master Michelangelo deaths were caused because they pushed their nimpos to far. I’m not sure about Master Raphael but I know he fell in battle.” Casey looked up to a mixture of sad and horrified faces. “We have to be careful how far we push ourselves. I don’t want to lose any of you.”

Leo placed a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll be careful this time.” He couldn’t promise that none of them would ever die, that wasn’t true, but they would be more careful this time. They weren’t in the apocalypse this time.

“I can also help train you to use your powers and grow them safely.” Draxum offered to the table. “Though it would seem your powers are interconnected and if someone gets into trouble the rest of the clan can lend their support.” He said nodding his head to Raph and Donnie. They had saved Mikey’s life by lending him their powers as well.

Leo sat for a moment think everything over before looking at Draxum. “Do you think, if I trained hard enough, I would be able to make portals between worlds.” The table was silent looking between Leo and Draxum. They all knew why Leo was asking that question, but Leo had never asked Draxum for help. Leo didn’t necessarily like being around Draxum.

Draxum had to keep the surprise off of his face. Was Leo asking for help training? He knew that the boy was doing this to reunite with his boyfriend but it was an amazing opportunity to spend time with his most distant child. “Considering your portal making ability is already quite strong you might be able to. But I am unsure how far Usagi’s world is from ours. It might take a long time before you can make a portal there.” As much as he would like to spend the time with Leo, he was not giving his boy false hope. He didn’t know if Leo’s portals would ever reach that far. Leo and Mikey might have completely different portal abilities, one for in world portals and one for across dimensions.

Leo thought about it for a moment. He knew Donnie’s machine was being worked on. That one day they would be able to find Usagi using the machine and Leo’s nimpo connection with his tanto. But he didn’t know how far away that was. Or if once Usagi came to this world, they would be able to find the Tenshu again. The machine was designed to look for unique elements, DNA, and now nimpos. Would they have any of those to connect to Usagi’s world again?

Even if the machine beat him to finding Usagi he still wanted to learn how to open dimensional portals. He wanted Usagi, Gen, and Kitsune to be able to visit their home as much as they wanted. He wanted to be able to introduce his family to Katsuichi, Lord Mifune, young Lord Noriyuki, Tomoe Ame, Itachi and many others.

Leo looked back at Draxum. “Do you have any time for me to come over and train?” While he might not like or fully trust Draxum he was the best option for this. The rest of the family sat there in silent shock. Leo had just asked for help. From Draxum.

Draxum was thrilled but trying not to show it. “Outside of work hours my current focus is the portal, but you many come whenever you have time.” Draxum would make this work. It would also give him an opportunity to talk to the boy one on one.

“Thank you.” Leo didn’t give a time but he would be over at some point outside of work hours. It was enough of an answer that the family knew that their two begrudging members were finally working together.

Mikey excitedly started talking to Draxum about training as well, dragging other member of the family to start asking questions about training plans and regiment. Draxum was happy to answer, though he was happiest at Leo’s willingness to try training with him. Maybe he could finally fix their relationship.

A blue portal appeared in the middle of the lab and Leo slowly stepped through his cane clicking against the ground as he entered. Mikey came through the portal as soon as Leo cleared the entrance. He was talking a mile a minute as he was very excited about today.

Today they were training with Draxum. Today both Leo and Mikey were working on their portals.

Mikey was thrilled. He and Leo now had a shared skill between them. Raph couldn’t open portals. Donnie couldn’t open portals. Only they could. The youngest.

Mikey had always looked up to Leo. He balanced out Raph’s protective energy and Donnie’s chaotic moments. Leo had his own faults and flaws but he was the one that had always treated Mikey as an equal. Sure, he was protective of his little brother but as they were both the youngest they had a special bond.

And now they shared a skill. A mystic skill. Their nimpos are tied together. Raph might be his co-leader and Donnie might be his twin, but Mikey shared his ability. The others couldn’t train with them, this was certified Mikey and Leo time.

And, and! they were training with Draxum! Mikey had been trying to get Leo to give Draxum a chance forever. He knew why Leo didn’t like or trust him but Draxum was a totally different person now. If Leo just gave him a chance Mikey thinks they’d get along. Leo was finally giving it a chance. Sure, they didn’t really have a lot of other options when it came to mystic mentors but Leo was here instead of trying to figure it out on his own.

As the two entered the lab Huggin and Muninn flew down to great them. Huggin landed on Leo’s right shoulder while Muninn landed on Mikey’s left shoulder. Muninn rubbed his head into Mikey check instantly getting an affectionate muzzle in return.

“So Clever Boss, Boss has set up the training room for the two of you and may I just say it’s impressive. He really went all out with this.” Leo glanced down at the gargoyle on his shoulder.

“Ya, Boss is really excited that you’re here!” Muninn picked up where Huggin had left off. “He really wants to -“

“Muninn stop you’ll blow this for us.” Huggin whisper yelled at his companion. Unfortunately, it wasn’t very effective as he was perched on Leo’s shoulder so the boy could hear every word.

“What is Muninn blowing for you?” He asked the question evenly. In his mind he was running through all the possible ways Draxum could betray them in this.

Huggin snapped his head up to meet Leo’s stare. He gave a nervous laugh, as he was unsure what to say. Draxum had been excitedly planning this training session all week.

He desperately wanted it to go well. Mikey was tagging along and that gave Leo and Draxum a much need buffer. Leo wouldn’t be openly hostile with Mikey around, and if Draxum said anything that upset Leo, Mikey would be there to soften the blow. Draxum didn’t want to upset Leo he just didn’t always phrase his statement the best. He was excited for the opportunity this training session provided, the opportunity to prove to Leo he was truly on their side.

Huggin didn’t want to out his boss’s plan or excitement. Draxum had become much warmer since the turtle entered his life as his sons rather than his creations. He knew how important the teens were to his boss and Leo was the last holdout of the family. The only one they still needed to win over.

They called him Clever Boss for a reason. He was strategic, but he also could over think things. If Leo thought this was a trap in any way shape or form then boys would be out of there before Draxum ever saw them. They had to be careful with their answer.

“Huggin thinks you will run if you know how exited the Boss is about this.” Muninn answered still not aware of how to keep his mouth closed. He flew over to land on Leo’s other shoulder. “Don’t tell him we told you this, but he loves spending time with you and your brothers.” Muninn meant to whisper it like they were conspiring but the goyle had never been good at whispering.

Leo looked down at the rounder goyle in surprise while Huggin just slapped his hand to his face. So much for not revealing the Boss’s excitement. He prayed this didn’t backfire on them.

“Of course, he does!” Mikey agreed with Huggin moving to walk by Leo’s side. “He made us, of course he loves us.” Mikey said it with an assurance, for he knew it to be true.

But his choice of words had set Leo’s teeth on edge. “Ya, well he didn’t seem to care to much when he threw me off of a roof.” The bitterness from his statement was almost palatable. The goyles seemed to shrink back and Mikey’s excitement dwindled just a bit. He knew this would be hard for Leo. Mikey set his resolve. This was going to be a good experience for all of them.

As they entered the training room the brothers were surprised. They had been expecting training equipment and maybe some of Draxum’s mystic guardians to push them to their limits. Instead, there was a training mat towards the back and to the front was an arrangement of pillows. They made a semi-circle and had several candles in the middle and some around the outside boarder of both the pillow area and the training mat. The candles were the only lighting in the room providing a warm glow and a hypnotic flicker in the walls. The smell of incense hung in the air, not enough to make them cough but enough that it was noticeable.

Draxum sat in the center of the semi-circle. His legs were folded and his hands were resting in his lap. His hands rested one top of the other with his palms facing upwards. His eyes were closed and his head bowed. The only sign that he had noticed their entrance was the flickering of his ears. Besides that, he remained motionless and serene.

That quickly changed when the goyles flew over to land on his shoulders. “Boss! Clever Boss and Little Boss are here.” Huggin announced their presence by yelling into his master’s ear. Draxum’s eyes opened and his face took on a dead pan expression, one of a man to resigned to his fate to stop the chaos around him.

He instead turned to face Mikey and Leo. “Welcome boys. Are you ready to begin?” He didn’t raise to meet them but he watched their motions closely.

Mikey walked in easily. He looked around for a short moment before ignoring everything and moving to sit next to Draxum on his right side. “Hey Barry. We’re ready!” He said it for both of them and with enough enthusiasm for all five of them.

Leo walked slower, though it wasn’t because of his cane. He slowly took in the room around him. This was not what he was expecting. He expected the man who built them to be weapons of war to have rigorous train regiments for them. The man probably had their train planned before they were even born. Out of everything he had imagine train with Draxum to be, this was not at all what he pictured.

After he looked around the room for a while Draxum called out to him. He patted the pillow to the left of him. “Come join us, Leonardo.” Leo bristled a little at his full name. The only person he liked calling him that was Usagi. Usagi always made it sound so sweet and loving. It was almost strange to hear it come from someone else’s mouth.

Nevertheless, he walked over and sat down, though he did leave two pillows of space between him and Draxum. Draxum tried to not let it bother him. Leo had a complete right to be wary of him.

“So, Barry what are we doing for training?” Mikey asked quickly turning both of their attentions back to the task at hand. Draxum straightened his shoulders as he prepared to share their training regimen with them.

“I was thinking about your powers. Their source to be specific. It comes from your connection to your clan.” Draxum started to explain.

“Ya, we already know that.” Leo sassed. He was trying to keep himself together. He knew how important this was. It was important to Mikey as his little brother always wanted him and Draxum to get along, but it was also his only shot at growing his powers. He needed Draxum’s help, but he also didn’t want to have his time wasted.

Draxum’s eye twitched at the sass coming from the young turtle but he kept calm. Getting into a petty argument with Leo would not satisfy either one of them.

“My plan is to first try and deepen your connection with -” once again Leo spoke up.

“Each other. Look we already know our nimpos come from within us and we already know their strength comes from our bonds. If this is a bonding activity, we can do it better with the others.” Leo said as he started to push himself up with his cane.

“To deepen your connection with your ancestors.” Draxum finished with a frustrated huff. Leo paused in his movement before settling back down in his seat. He met Draxum’s gaze the older man was looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

“Okay so maybe we can’t do that without you.” Leo conceded. “What do we do to deepen our connection with them?” Leo asked genuinely interested in what was happening.

“We are going to meditate to try and reach out to them. We will need to focus on someone you have already met.” Draxum explained his plan to the two boys.

“But the only outside family we’ve met is-” Leo paused sucking in a breath and staring at Draxum with wide eyes. He couldn’t be talking about-

“We’re going to talk to Gram-Gram?!?” Mikey gasped out in excitement. He’s hands coming up to frame both of his cheeks as his face lit up with joy at the idea.

Draxum turned to look at the younger boy’s excited face and he smiled. “Yes, we are going to reach out to Karai. She can teach us far more than I can.” Draxum confirmed the plan and Mikey grew even more excited.

Leo grew quite listening to his baby brother’s excited rambling. They were going to talk to Karai again. He was going to see Gram-Gram again. He was so excited to see her and tell her everything she had missed. Well, maybe he’d leave out some of the events of the Krang invasion as he wanted her to be proud of him.

“Enough!” Draxum’s cut of Mikey’s excited ramblings. Leo instantly bristled and got ready to tell him off as no one talked to his little brother like that. But Draxum blew out a breath and addressed Mikey before he could. “I - apologize that came out harsher than I meant it to. I just wanted to refocus us, I know you’re excited Michael but we need to focus if we are going to do this.”

Mikey nodded along to his words. “Sorry.”

“You don’t have to be sorry for being excited Mikey.” Leo said shooting a glare at Draxum. The man’s only saving grace was his apology to Mikey. “I’m excited to see Gram-Gram again to.” Mikey smiled at Leo as his excitement started to bubble up again. He started bouncing in his seat in anticipation.

Draxum winced at Leo’s glare. He had been hoping today would help mend their relationship but everything he did seemed to set Leo on edge even more.

“Right. As I was saying, we need to meditated.” Draxum instructed the two boys in how to sit. They folded their legs and rested their hands in their laps. They straightened their backs and pulled their shoulders back opening up their chest and airway. “Good now close your eyes and focus on Karai.” Draxum instructed.

“How do we do that? Do we just think about her in general or do we use a specific moment?” Mikey asked as he tried his best to sit still.

“Think about when she arrived, think about her story and her life. Focus on her.” Draxum instructed as the three of them sat in silence for a bit.

Leo tried his best to focus on Karai, but it was difficult. His nose itches and he longed to move his body into a more relaxed and comfortable position. He had meditated with his father and brothers before when they were young, but they had all quickly found it was not for them. They were to energetic and their dad had never liked meditating in the first place.

Out of all the brothers Leo and Raph had liked it the best. They would occasionally still try and meditate together. He knew Raph did it regularly as a way to manage his anger. Leo would do it when his mind was over run and he need to think things through. He had always wanted to do it more but he was never any good at it and he didn’t know how to ask Splinter or Raph for help with something so simple. It used to frustrate him that he couldn’t get something as simple as sitting still and thinking correct.

Then came his time at the Tenshu, his time with Usagi. Usagi loved to meditate, it was something Katsuichi had instilled in him from a young age, very early on in his training. They had early morning meditations together as often as they could.

His mind drifted back to a specific memory of Usagi

Back when they were nothing more than friends. The two of them had been hanging out in Leo’s room, Usagi had spent the evening helping Leo shift through different stories about warriors who traveled to distant worlds to test their skills, looking for a way home. At some point their conversation had switched to talking about Usagi’s life at the Tenshu, he was telling Leo about his training and morning meditations

Leo had expressed that he had always wished he was better at meditating but had no clue where to start. Usagi had eagerly offered to help, though had seemed to pull back a bit right after as though trying to hide his excitement. It wasn’t until they were together that Leo learned just how excited his boyfriend had been to share that alone time with Leo.

He had come to fetch Leo earlier than usual the following morning and he helped the still healing turtle outside. The sun had yet to rise and the air was chill. Usagi had thought ahead enough to bring blankets for Leo. He had learned from their first trip out the Sakura tree that Leo was not a fan of the cold and he wouldn’t be comfortable without warmth from a blanket or the sun.

Usagi had led him out to the cliffs at the back of the Tenshu. They over looked the ocean far below and were the perfect place to meditate and watch the sunrise. Usagi had laid down the first blanket to keep the cold stone of the cliff side from touching Leo’s skin. Then he helped Leo sit down on the blanket.

“Normally you would cross your legs or kneel when meditating but since your leg is still broken we’ll sit however is most comfortable for you.” Usagi explained as Leo situated himself on the blanket. Usagi then handed Leo a second blanket, Leo smiled up at him and waited for Usagi to sit beside him before draping the blanket over both of their laps. Usagi had smiled at him, and looking back at it his fur had fluffed up as well. Leo now knew that was a clear signed that Usagi was flustered.

The two sat together as Usagi started to explain meditation. He walked Leo through every step. How to clear his mind. Focusing on each of the problems or duties he had that day and recognizing them for what they were, what he could change and what he had to accept. It was a slow process.

At first Leo had been nervous to ask questions trying his best to follow along. But sitting still had always been hard for him. Add in the cool breeze blowing in from the ocean making him shiver and it had been hard to focus.

He didn’t know when Usagi had stop talking but he did notice when Usagi started moving. Usagi had moved to sit next to him their shoulders brushing as he untied his haori. He once again draped it over Leo’s shoulders but this time he didn’t move his arm away. He draped his arm over Leo’s shoulders.

Leo had turned to look at Usagi but the bunny had been staring out at the sea. “Is this alright?” His voice had been even but a little small as though he was nervous about the whole thing. At the time Leo’s own heart had been racing too much to notice that Usagi’s fur was fluffed and that he wouldn’t meet Leo’s eyes. At the time he thought Usagi was just being a caring and compassionate friend, now he wanted to go back in time and slap his past self for not confessing to Usagi earlier. They could have had so much more time together as a couple if he had.

But in the moment Leo had nodded shyly. “Ya, this is fine.” He replied back, his own voice softened by nerves. That seemed to be all Usagi need to hear to shuffle Leo closer to himself, making sure their sides were flushed together and Leo could steal as much warmth as he needed.

“Do you want to keep trying?” Usagi’s question had been gentle as he waited for Leo to decide what to do. Part of him had been worried that Leo was getting too cold and that they should move to a different location. But Leo had nodded his head and confirmed that he wanted to keep trying so the two started their meditation.

Both of them tried to focus on the meditation but it was hard for both to focus now. Leo started fidgeting and Usagi could feel his movements against his side.

“Are you alright Leonardo-san?” He had asked drawling Leo back out of his own thoughts. Leo had looked back over at his friend before looking back out at the sea in front of them.

“Ya, just hard to sit still.” Leo admitted as they looked out at the sea. “Hard to focus to.”

Usagi had nodded along with him thinking for a moment before offering his thoughts. “When I was young, I had trouble sitting still to. Sensei taught me to try and place my energy in one part of my body. Instead of moving my whole body, I would draw shapes with me finger or wiggle my toes. I was still fidgeting but it was smaller movements allowing the rest of me to be still. It also helped me focus.” Usagi explained how his master had taught him to handle his extra energy as a child. Subconsciously he started rubbing his thumb in circles on Leo’s arm.

Leo hadn’t been able to focus to much that day. Between Usagi’s touch and his own feelings he hadn’t been too successful in meditation. He had followed Usagi’s advice about localizing his movement. He had leaned into Usagi’s touch, his own arm wrapping around Usagi’s waist and drawling shapes with his thumb as well. He was fairly certain Usagi’s hadn’t been able to focus that day either.

They had meditated together a few other times, though they were only successful on days they were able to sit apart from one another.

Leo focused on that memory first and applied Usagi’s suggestion now. He moved his hands from his lap to rest on top of his knees and started drawling shapes with his fingertips. He was able to focus more now and changed his thoughts to Karai. He felt like he was getting somewhere.


“Michael you must sit still.” Draxum tried to patiently correct the boy. Leo had heard Mikey moving around and he could admit that it was distracting.

“I just can’t do it!” Mikey threw his hands up in frustration before flopping into his back. “It’s just so boring!” He huffed folding his arms over his chest. He turned his head to see Leo still had his eyes closed and was breathing evenly, attempting to refocus himself. “No way! How are you doing this Leo!” Mikey wasn’t mad at Leo, he was more frustrated that he couldn’t do this.

Leo opened his eyes and turned to look at Mikey. “Usagi-chan taught me some meditation tricks.” He then patted the spot next to him so that Mikey would come over. Mikey rolled on to his stomach before crawling over to sit beside his brother.

His face was a mixture of interested and frustrated. He always loves hearing Leo talk about Usagi. It was clear how much the bunny meant to his brother. Anytime Leo shared information about Usagi with him, Mikey felt like his big brother was trusting him with something precious. On the other hand, he was reaching a frustration point with this activity, he needed a break. Hopefully he could get Leo talking long enough for him to have one.

Leo resumed his meditation position, dashing Mikey’s hopes for a break. “Usagi told me that if you localize the movements to one part of your body it can help you focus. I’ve been moving the whole time but just my index finger, I’ve been drawling shapes on my knee.” Mikey had started slumped over with his head resign on his fist but the more Leo talked the more he straightened up. That could work, it was working for Leo.

Mikey sighed and decided to give it another try closing his eyes and recentering himself. He placed his hands on top of his knees and followed Leo’s suggestion of drawling shapes on his leg.

Draxum was impressed. Leo not only provided a good option to help Mikey’s focus but he led by example. He was quite proud of the boy and planned to praise him once they were done, as he did not want to interrupt their focus again.

He could see Leo starting to enter a true meditative state, soon he could start guiding the boy towards Karai and her answers. Mikey on the other hand had his eyes scrunched up. He was trying so hard to focus and sit still but it just wasn’t working for him. He let out a frustrated grown dropping forward.

“I’m sorry I just can’t do it. I need to move.” Mikey hopped up to his feet and started pacing the room his hand resting on top of his head in his frustration. Why couldn’t he do this? He wanted to do this. It was less that he wanted more power and more that he wanted to spend time with Leo and Draxum. Sure, being able to use his powers without his arms cracking apart from his power was something he wanted, but right now he just wanted quality time with his family.

Leo really wanted to expanded his powers and Mikey understood why. If Leo could make a portal between worlds, he could reunite with Usagi. It was another reason Mikey wanted to train, he could make portals now to. He had made the portal to Usagi’s world the first time. He could help Leo reunite with his boyfriend. He wanted to meet Usagi and his friends, wanted to know the people who had helped his big brother.

But in doing this Leo was also spending time with Draxum. Mikey had been trying to get the two of them to spend time together since Draxum’s redeemed himself and joined their side. It was near impossible to get his big brother in a room with Draxum. Let alone in a room alone with Draxum. He desperately wanted today to go well. He wanted them to start getting along. It was the reason he had tagged along in the first place.

Leo was doing great, not only in meditation but he also wasn’t being openly hostile. Draxum was trying to be helpful and patient to with them. Mikey was the one failing right now.

As he walked away to pace Leo and Darxum watched him go. They then turned to face one another. Leo could see that Draxum was just as concerned about Mikey as he was but the man also had no clue how to handle this.

Leo stood up and walked over to his little brother. “Hey Mikester what’s going on?” Leo asked as he placed a hand in Mikey’s shoulder. The younger turtle turned to face him. “It’s okay if you need a break, this is new to both of us.”

Mikey seemed to get more frustrated. “I know I just- I just can’t do it. I can’t sit like that Leo.” Mikey said swing his arm towards the pillows they had been sitting on. “I want to succeed! I want to talk to Gram-Gram again, I just-” he sighed wrapping his arms around himself, “I just can’t do it.”

Leo reached forward wrapping his arms around his little brother. “It’s okay Mikey. Meditations not for everyone. I’m sure Draxum’s got other ideas.” Leo said looking over his shoulder at the goatman behind them. His look was pointed, he needed another idea or suggestion there had to be another way to grow their powers besides meditation. Mikey was upset and they were finding a solution, preferably now.

Draxum thought for a second before standing up to his feet as well. “Meditation is the best way.” Leo’s look hardened but Draxum ignored him for now. “But perhaps we are going about this in the wrong way.” He walked over to the training mat side of the room and grabbed to sets of Escrima sticks before turning back to face the brothers.

“You both have a preference for dual weapons so this should do quite well.” He said as he approached them.

“Quite well for what?” Leo asked watching Draxum closely. Draxum had bred them to be weapons of war, he was sure the man had some crazy and harsh training plans for them in the past.

“Moving meditation. You are both so tied with your weapons that the movements should be second nature.” He explained as he approached them. Leo slowly let go of Mikey as the two turned to face him and accept the Escrima sticks when he held them out. “We’ll start with the same few motions. It will allow your bodies to move. The repetitive motions will also allow your minds to wander. This with a focus can become meditation.”

Leo and Mikey shrugged and moved to the mat, as they went to take up a starting position Mikey paused. His eyes locked on to Leo’s leg brace. “But what about Leo’s leg?” His voice carried and obvious worriedly to it. They had gone on very few missions since Leo’s return and he vary rarely saw Leo without his cane.

“Don’t worry about it, bro.” Leo calmed with a small shrug of his shoulders. “Draxum said it’s just a few simple moves nothing fancy or strenuous. I’ll be fine. If it starts hurting, I’ll stop us, promise.” Leo smiled at Mikey.

Mikey nervously returned the smile and nodded his head. “Okay.”

“Okay now let’s start.” Leo nodded back before swinging his left stick at Mikey. The move was telegraphed and easy to predict. Mikey was able to catch it with his right easily. He pushed back against Leo swing his own left stick up. Leo brought his right down to meet it forcing Mikey’s hit back. He then brought his left arm back and swung again creating a pattern.

The hits were solid but didn’t carry much force, it was play fighting at best. The kind one might do in a lightsaber battle with a child younger than them. Solid enough to give weight but not enough to harm.

The boys quickly fell into a rhythm, as they did Draxum started directing their thoughts.

“Focus on Karai. Not the sadness of the end or the shock of the beginning but the middle. A moment that stands out. What did she say? What did she look like?” Leo and Mikey let their minds wander but never stopped their movements.

Mikey’s mind drifted to sitting in the living room with his family as they all competed for Gram-Gram’s attention.

Leo’s mind went somewhere else. He tried not to think about the last hug he had given her, Draxum said not to focus on the end. He focused instead on what she had told them about the history of their clan. Their origins and her own.

As they focused Draxum could feel a shift in the air. There was whisps of cyan starting to circle around the boys’ feet. A hint of mystic power in the air that only a train user would recognize, yet it was getting stronger. He could see the cyan whisps starting to change to blue and orange as they left the ground and grew closer to the boys. A mixture of the ancient essence and the boys’ own.

It was working he could feel it, see it. His boys were incredible! He had expected this to take far longer. It would have for other mystic users, but his boys’ powers were different. Their power came from their love for their family. If there was one thing the rat did right it was to raise those boys to love one another.

Just as the power was growing up to their waists, the boys started to notice it. Mikey looked around and gasped looking back at Leo as their next strike connected only to see his older brother looking just as excited and giddy as his did. They were doing it.

Then their phones started ringing. It was blaring and jarring, pulling both boys from their concentration. They stopped their movement. Leo quickly pulled his phone out and answered it Mikey doing the same.

“Leo we need you guys to meet us asap!” Raph screamed through the phone. Leo’s heart dropped. What had happened? Everything was fine when he left. Was the lair under attack again? Was someone hurt? What was going on?

“Raph what’s going on?” Leo asked, fear wrapping around his heart like icy fingers.

“Casey’s never seen a Jupiter Jim movie! April’s trying to convince him to watch Jupiter Jim’s Pluto Vacation IV when we all know he should start out with the best Jupiter Jim movie of all time, Jupiter Jim Sails the Seven Galaxies!” Raph’s impassioned argument passed through the phone and Leo felt his whole body relax. It wasn’t an emergency.

“What!” Mikey called out, “Leo we got to get there! Casey has to start with the best movie!” Leo turned to face Mikey and the two shared a quick head nod. This was serious.

Yet there was still something to do before they rushed off. Leo turned to face Draxum. He expected the goatman to be furious at them for wanting to goof off rather than continue training, but the man surprised him. Draxum’s face held a soft fondness to it that Leo had not recognized before.

“Go, you two have made great progress today and are well deserving of a break.” There was once a time Draxum would have run these two boys into the ground. He would have mocked the idea of leaving training to watch a movie. He had not been that man for a long time now, his boys deserved to be teenagers. “We can pick up again another time.”

Leo was shocked, he hadn’t expected Draxum to be so relaxed about them ditching training. He though he would be mad at them for wasting his time.

Mikey didn’t have that problem. He ran over and hugged Draxum. “Thanks for the help, Barry.” He then zipped back to Leo side waiting for his brother to open their portal home.

Leo opened the portal and let Mikey through before turning to look at Draxum. The two stood there staring at each other for a moment before Leo finally spoke. “Thank you for your help.”

Draxum was pleasantly surprised but knew he had to respond correctly. “Anytime Leo. I know we didn’t start off the best but I’m here for you and your brothers now. Anytime you need me I’ll be there.” It was the truth. He knew Leo might not believe him now but he hoped that one day he would.

Leo nodded and started to turn to walk through his portal before he stopped. He turned to look over his shoulder at Draxum and the goyels hovering nearby. “You could join us if you wanted, Dad will probably be there.” Leo tried to make the invitation as casually as he could.

Draxum saw it for what it was. An olive branch. Leo didn’t trust him yet but he was giving him the opportunity to earn his trust. To be around the people Leo cared about the most. It was more than Leo had ever given before.

“Are you sure?” Draxum wanted to take what was offered and run with it, but he had to make sure Leo truly wanted him there. He felt Huggin and Munnin land on his shoulder, he knew they were both excited to join in on a movie night.

Leo seemed to think about it for a moment. “Ya, it’s a family movie night after all.” with that Leo walked through his portal but he left it open for Draxum to follow. Draxum felt his heart warm a bit.

Leo had called them Family.


I really wanted to show that Leo and Draxum's relationship is still strained but they are working on it. its not great yet but they are getting there.

the Tenshu flashback happens somewhere between chapters 8 and 10 of AWOSAN

will we ever see Karai? you will have to wait and see.

Next time: Usagi and his time finally reach the Northern mountains and all the danger that awaits them there.

Chapter 11: Did Some Force Take You Because I Didn't Pray


we finally reach the norther mountains

our heroes now have to face a haunted forest

Chizu has some important decisions to make

Welcome to the DANGER ZONE


oh boy, I've been waiting for this chapter.

Before we begin I would like to kindly point everyone's attention up to the tags for this fic. they are the same as they have always been. But one of those might come into play very soon.

also this is a contender for longest chapter at 12,275 words

anyways onwards!!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

They had been traveling for almost two months now. Gen’s knee was finally healed though he was still taking it slow. They were approaching the end of their journey. They were finally at the northern mountains.

As they approached the mountain pass, they discovered that it was far too narrow for their cart to come with them or their horses. Katsuichi dismounted first tying his horse’s reigns to a nearby tree.

“We’ll camp here for the night.” He instructed as Usagi dismounted as well. The teens in the cart shared a confused look as it wasn’t even dark yet. They would normally push on until they nearly lost the light. Why were they stopping so early?

“Sensei is there a reason we’re stopping so early? We still have time to push on into the mountains.” Usagi questioned. He was trying not to sound impatient or frustrated with his master but he didn’t understand why they were stopping when there was still plenty of time to travel.

Katsuichi let out a sigh as he turned to look at the teenagers watching him. “My boy there is much you do not know about these mountains. Things I have waited to tell you. But the first thing you should know is I want to spend as few nights as possible up in those mountains.” Katsuichi revealed to the teens. He could see the confusion and concern growing on their faces. “Let’s set up camp and I will tell you all that I know.”

The kids were quick to follow the instruction. There was little talking among them as they were all anxious to learn what Katsuichi believed was waiting for them up in the mountains. Kitsune and Chizu quickly set up the sleeping mats while Usagi and Gen moved to take care of the horses. Katsuichi busied himself with preparing dinner for the group.

Once camp was set and the teens had circled around, Katsuichi could delay no longer. He breathed out a sigh and looked over at his student and his friends. The children he had come to see as his own.

“I told you that I had found the eternal Moonlight Magnolia tree before. What I did not tell you was how I found it.” He sat down his mind drifting back many years in the past.

“I was a young samurai. My master and I were traveling with a group of vassals, our goal was to safely deliver a trade agreement between our clan and the northern people. But we were beset by bandits. We were forced up into the mountains.” He paused letting out a deep breath. “We lost a lot of good men that day.”

Usagi looked between his friends before leaning towards his master. He gently rested his hand on top of his master’s. “I’m sorry Sensei.”

Katsuichi looked down at their hands and smiled at his student’s kindness and warmth. He flipped his hand over to hold his students taking the comfort that was offered. As he knew the story only got worse.

“It was long ago, unfortunately that is not the horror that this mountain holds. There is a deep magic in this world. While very few people practice it that does not mean that there are not powerful spirits around us.”

Chizu stiffened as she listened. Her mind drifting back to the demon of a man she served. Had Katsuichi encountered him in these mountains as a boy and lived? She had heard tails that her lord was far older than he appeared. Some even saying that he was ancient. Or was there someone equally as powerful hidden in the mountains?

“Once we got into the mountains the forest filled with fog. It was thick, so much so that I could barely see a step ahead of me. It descended quickly and with no warning. It snuck up on us like a serpent. One moment the area was clear and the next we could not see one another. But that was not the worst part.”

Katsuichi paused to look at his students his eyes were those of a man haunted by the past. It was such a rare look on his usually kind and warm face that it sent a chill down the teen’s spines. Something dark had happened here.

“Voice sounded from the fog. They were so close that I thought the speaker only steps away from me. But they were not just any voices.” His eyes were unfocused as he looked past his students as if he were still in the fog. “I heard the voices of our fallen companions calling out for help, asking why we had abandoned them to their fates.” His hand tightened around Usagi’s. “Their voices haunt me to this day.”

He paused as his word sunk in. If anyone else had told this tale Usagi would have believed them mad, but his master had always told him the truth. Furthermore Katsuichi knew the importance of this mission, of what getting the Moonlight Magnolia meant to Usagi’s. He would not be telling them a meaningless ghost story to scare them, not when Leo’s rescue depended on the success of their mission. No, his master was serious no matter how hard it was to believe.

“I thought I would go mad in that forest. I would have if I had not found my way to the Magnolia tree. The instant I touched it the voices ceased for me. Whatever demon or deity is in those wood their power does not affect the Magnolias. Once I had them, I gave them to my own master saving him as well.”

Katsuichi paused once more. Gen seemed to be the only one brave enough to break the silence. “So, we get to the Magnolia tree and the ghost go away got it. Sounds like we just have to move quickly.” Gen had never believed in ghost stories. While he trusted Katsuichi, he was not worried about some voices in the fog. Voices couldn’t hurt them.

Katsuichi raised his head to look at Gen and the rhino froze. He was not used to the haunted eyes of their mentor. “I was able to save myself and my mentor. Other members of our group were driven mad by the voices. They attacked anything they saw in the fog, be it man or tree.” He took a shuddering breath in before admitting the next part. “We had to put them out of their misery.”

Horror and dread washed over the group. The idea of one of them being so far gone that the only solution was to kill them was bone chilling to the them. Katsuichi could see the fear in their eyes as he continued.

“The fog uses your love and compassion against you. Any fears or disappointment you might have, the fog will bring up. I am not trying to scare you, I want you to be prepared.” He then looked over the group and locked his gaze onto Chizu. “However, I am an aware this is not what you signed up for. If some of you would like to stay here at the base of the mountain, I will not hold it against you.”

Chizu froze at the thought. She could see the other teens around her thinking over Katsuichi’s words and offer but she already knew the only option they had. If they split up there was no way her clanmates wouldn’t attack the group left behind. No matter how she had pushed for them to wait until the group entered Lord Hikiji’s Tenshu, they would be fools not to attack a divided party.

No, the only option was for everyone to go together. Hopefully she could convince them. As she was the only one that didn’t come on their mission, hopefully her willingness to go will encourage the others to move forward as well.

Kitsune was deep in her own thoughts. To be faced with her deepest fears and regrets. Could she handle that? Would the others hear her fears or would it just be her, suffering from the voices of her past? She didn’t know if she could do this. Leo was her friend and she wanted him back but could she face this? She saw Chizu starting to move out of the corner of her eye. The poor girl did not sign up for this. They could stay together at the base of the mountain. Chizu didn’t need to be dragged into this and Kitsune didn’t need to face her past.

Then Chizu shocked her. “I would like to go up into the mountains.” The young cat immediately had all of their attentions. “If this object is as important as you say then we must get it. We will have a better chance at staying sane in the mountains if we stick together. As long as we are able to remind each other of reality we should be fine.” She was not sure of the truth of her statement but it seemed to bring comfort to those around her.

Usagi nodded his head at her, grateful for her willingness to come. This was, after all, not her problem. He then turned to face Katsuichi once again. “There is nothing that can keep me from that tree.” It was his only way to see Leo again. Usagi would fight through any trial.

“Welp if Bunny Butt and Chizu-San are going you can count me in.” Gen huffed. He was trying to keep the mood light but he was worried about what would come to haunt him in the coming days.

“Hey, I won’t be left behind.” Kitsune joined in. “After all, Chizu-San’s right. As long as we stick together everything will be fine.” She tried to reassure them all as well.

Chizu was grateful the whole group was going. They were far less vulnerable in a group than they were as individuals. She was not looking forward to whatever lied in wait for them in the mountains but it was better than trying to explain to her clan why they couldn’t take advantage of an obvious ambush.

Katsuichi bowed his head. He was proud of their bravery but also wish they did not have to enter this forest. If he never saw it again in his life it would be a relief. “Very well. We will leave at dawn try and get some rest.”

It was still early and they tried to hold conversation with one another but every topic seemed stilted. No one could focus enough to hold a compelling conversation. The night passed quietly. They were all lost in their own thoughts of what could come for them in the fog. Past regrets were already dancing around in their minds.

The dawn could not come soon enough as they all waited for the sunlight to grace the sky.


The morning broke but no relief came with it. No, this new day was already slated to be full of horrors. Usagi might have been the first up and moving but he was under no miss understanding that he was the first one awake. He figured the others had slept as poorly as he had. He and Gen shared a quick head nod as Gen had taken the last watch the night before.

The two started moving to pack up camp. This time was different as they would not be taking the horses or wagon with them. The area was remote enough that the likelihood of bandits was low. The haunted mountains behind them must also be a deterrent. Katsuichi didn’t seem worried about them and Usagi trusted his judgment. As the two moved around the others roused themselves and started helping. The camp was packed up quickly and after a quick breakfast they were read to start their trek up the mountain.

For a moment they all stood staring at the narrow path in front of them. Then with a huff Gen took point and started walking up the path. “No offence Katsuichi-sama, but a ghost story has never stopped me before.” He tried to have a bravo in his voice. Mostly hiding his worries from his younger siblings. Even if he didn’t believe in ghost that didn’t mean that these mountains were safe, but it was the only way they were getting Stripes back and they hadn’t come all this way to have some fog scare them.

Gen led the pack with Usagi right behind him, now that the tension was broken, he was eager to get a move on. Kitsune gave Chizu a friendly bump with her hip before offering to race the older girl up the hill. Once the last two members of the party were moving Katsuichi followed up from the rear. If anything was going to attack them from behind then it would have to pass through him first.

They were off. At first, they managed to keep the conversation pleasant. Kitsune was telling stories of past accomplishments to Chizu, while the boys would chime in here and there to either build Kitsune up or to tease her in her over zealousness. They passed the morning this way. The trail was easy if a bit narrow. They were making their way higher and higher into the mountain’s terrain. The forest was thick on both sides and steep cliff walls made it hard to maneuver one’s self if an attack were to come. Yet so far, the trip had been peaceful.

Gen turned to look over his shoulder at Katsuichi still bringing up the rear of the group. “You had me worried Katsuichi-sama, but this has been a cake walk so far.” Just as he said this, they came over a hill. The area in front of them opened up quite a bit allowing for more movement. Just as the last of their group topped the hill a blanket of fog descended upon them. It was just as Katsuichi described. It came without warning or notice. One moment it was a sunny day and they could see the landscape around them the next the fog had taken over their vision.

“You were saying Gen-chan.” Usagi sassed as he looked up at Gen. The two were only able to see each other as they were standing right next to one another.

Gen let out a huff. “So, it’s a little foggy nothing to worry about Bunny Butt, let’s keep moving.” Gen started froward. Usagi glanced back to make sure the others were ready to move before following closely behind his friend.

Kitsune was starting to get nervous. The previous night’s talk of voices coming from the fog setting her on edge. So far, she couldn’t hear anything other than the sounds of the forest. Judging by the other’s behaviors they were not hearing anything out of the ordinary yet either. As she walked there was a rustling next to her as a bird took flight right next to her ear, apparently the bird could see her as well as she could see it. She shrieked a little in surprised and grabbed the closet hand to her in comfort. She snagged their hand tightly, grabbing their upper arm with her other hand and leaning into them.

“Um, Kitsune-san?” Kitsune opened her eyes quickly unaware that she had closed them and looked up at Chizu. Chizu, who’s hand she was currently holding. Kitsune felt her face heat up as she quickly let go of the other girl’s hand.

“Sorry Chizu-san, I didn’t mean to.” She placed her hands behind her, embarrassed at her actions.

“Kitsune-chan are you alright?” Usagi called out. He and Gen were almost at the edge of her field of vision. In reality they were not that far away but the fog was making everything seem more distant than it was.

“We’re alright Usagi-san.” Chizu called back to reassure Usagi and Gen that the girls were fine. She had pivoted to face the boys when she spoke but she held her hand out toward Kitsune as she did. A silent invitation to hold her hand again. Kitsune did not need any more prompting, she knew how to take a hint.

Chizu was surprised Kitsune had reached out to her for comfort, no one had done that before. She knew the girl had a crush on her, but still it was surprising. She wasn’t sure why she had let the girl cling to her hand. Maybe it was the act, but these relationships weren’t truly acts any more were they. Maybe it was because Kitsune had been noting but kind and a small act of comfort wouldn’t cost Chizu too much. Or maybe it was because deep down she was also freaked out by this forest and what she might hear in it.

They kept walking, though their pace had slowed quite a bit. No one wanted to rush over the side of an unseen cliff, but as they walked the fog became thicker and started to feel different.

Usagi was the first to pick up on the noises. His ears far more sensitive than the others. He could hear the faint whispers in the wind around them. At first, they were just murmurs. Something you might hear around you in a public area. Nothing distinct or concrete. He was debating if he should tell the others what he was hearing. Normally he would right away as it might give them the advantage in an ambush, but in this forest it was different. Does he give them a warning that the spirits were starting to come?

The decision was taken out of his hands when the first distinct voice came through the fog. A sound that had haunted his dreams for weeks now. Leo’s scream.


Katsuichi had started to hear the whispers and murmurs as well. He was keeping a close eye on his children trying to read if any of them had heard the noises as well. He could see Gen’s ears had just started flickering and had a feeling that the boy was starting to hear the whispers. The girls’ had clasps each other’s hands tightly and were looking this way and that. They had been for a minute meaning they had both started hearing noises as well.

It was Usagi that worried him. Usagi with his overly sensitive ears. He had watched them twitch and move for some time now, even before he himself had heard the sounds in the fog. Then without warning Usagi’s ears perked up and he spun around looking frantic. “Leonardo-chan!” his eyes were wide as he looked for the source of the sound. Katsuichi had to get to him quickly before the boy bolted into the woods.
“Usagi-chan! Help me Usagi-chan!” Leonardo’s voice seemed to be coming from everywhere. Usagi whipped around from side to side trying desperately to locate the sound. “Usagi-chan!” There! It was coming from his left. Usagi took off running to the left uncaring of what was ahead, he need to reach Leonardo.

Or at least he tried to take off to the left. Katsuichi caught him around the waist pulling the boy close. “Let me go Sensei! Can’t you hear him calling for me? Leonardo-chan needs our help!” Usagi struggled against his master’s hold, but Katsuichi held the boy firmly.

“Usagi-kun this is the fog. Leo-kun is not here remember?” Katsuichi tried to snap his student out of the fog’s spell.

‘No, no, Leonardo-chan has to be here. If he’s not then I have already failed to protect him.’ Usagi started to panic harder. He had to get to Leo. Kitsune ran up to him and placed her hands on his face.

“Look at me Usagi-chan. We are here to get Leo-chan back. I promise we’re going to see him again, but right now the voice you’re hearing isn’t Leo-chan. Think about it, when has Leo-chan every yelled for help?” She asked him. Usagi slowly started to calm down. When had Leo every screamed for help? Had he ever screamed for help? No, never. Even when he was pulled through that portal he hadn’t screamed for help, he had screamed in terror but not for help. Leo didn’t even cry for help when he broke his leg in the middle of a fight. This wasn’t Leo, it was a mockery of him. Usagi could hear it now, how the tone wasn’t right and how the inflection of some words were off. This wasn’t Leo.

That doesn’t make it any easier to listen to.

He calmed down as best her could. He was still tense as he could still hear fake Leo’s voice calling out for help, though he was trying to ignore it now. “You’re right, Kitsune-chan.” He chuckled a little though it was obviously forced, “Leonardo-chan hates asking for help.” Getting Leo to admit he needed help was always an accomplishment. This voice wasn’t Leo.

Slowly Katsuichi released him and they were able to start on their way again. But the voice never left Usagi.

He wasn’t the only one hearing things.

Kitsune had wrapped her arms around herself. She had been walking on her own after comforting Usagi. She could hear them. The voices of her mother and sister. How she was to slow, to weak. How she always got them caught and that is why they left her behind. This is what she had been afraid of. This is what she didn’t want to listen to. Kitsune stopped walking and sunk to her knees. Her hand raised up to cover her mouth to hide a sob. She needed these voices to stop!

“Kitsune-san.” A hand was placed on her shoulder. She looked up to see Chizu standing in front of her. Katsuichi stood behind her ready to step in if need be.

“It’s okay Kitsune-chan.” Usagi comforted from her side. She hadn’t even noticed him arriving, the fog was getting to thick to see. “You’re not with them anymore.” He tried his best to reassure her and comfort her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. She leaned her weight against him while reaching up to hold on to Chizu’s hand.

“I want to go home Us-chan” Kitsune whispered out the nickname she so rarely used. Her head buried into his shoulder.

“I know Kit-chan. I’ll get you back home, I promise.” Usagi swore as he wrapped his arms around her. He was debating turning around. This was to much for Kitsune. They could walk her back down the mountain and try again. She didn’t need to go through this.

“Come on Kitsune-san, just a little farther.” Chizu spoke as she gently pulled on Kitsune’s hand. With her help and Usagi’s support they got the girl back to her feet. “Could you tell me the story about last years Yoake Festival again?” Chizu asked. “I’d rather hear your voice then theirs.”

Usagi saw the request for what it was, a way to distract Kitsune from what was going on around her. Yet Chizu didn’t have to add in the last part. Was it to hopeful to think that this strange servant girl might have a small amount of feelings for his sister. He hoped so, he liked Chizu.

Kitsune whipped her tears, “Okay.” She started to quietly tell the story about the prior year’s Yoake Festival. Usagi stayed close to her, his arm still around her shoulder. Chizu kept a hold of her hand as they made their way forward. Kitsune’s voice cutting through the whispers made the travel a bit more barrable for all of them.

Night had crept up on them. It was hard to tell where the sun was in the dense fog but the lack of light was easy to recognize, as was their exhaustion and hunger. No one truly wanted to stop moving, yet they were going to have to soon.

They stopped and started a fire, yet the light barely made a difference in the dense fog. Kitsune was doing better since her earlier episode and the group was trying to take turns telling stories to give their ears something to focus on. Katsuichi pulled out some premade food that he had prepared for them earlier that morning, knowing that cooking in the forest would not be easy. They were nibbling on the food, they all knew they should eat yet no one seemed to have an appetite.

It was in this moment of quite that the voices were more prominent then they had been in a while. Usagi and Kitsune tried to keep a conversation, but it just couldn’t hold Chizu’s attention.

She heard it from all around her. The gasps of the dying. Of the people she had killed. But it was not their voices that were getting to her. It was the sounds of chocked off gasps and gurgles that got to her. The sounds that would haunt her for the rest of her life. The sounds of her brother dying.

She thought that would be the worst of it, but it wasn’t. she started to hear his voice. “How dare you! How dare you side with them, protect them. They’re the reason I’m dead!” she curled into herself covering her ears. It wasn’t true. Lord Hikiji had killed Shingen, not her traveling companions. They might have played a roll in his death but they did not cause it. “You think they care about you? Wait till they find out! Wait till they find out how you’ve workshopped their deaths and the deaths of their loved ones. How you planned to rob Usagi of the object he holds most dear. That you hold the life of his beloved in the palm of your hands, that you’ve used it as a bartering tool for his. Yes, I’m sure they will love you after that.” Her brother’s voice sneered at her. “I’m sure they’ll love you when they find out you’re a dirty. Rotten. Ninja. The monster they were raised to hate!”

“Chizu-san!” Two hands landed on her shoulders giving her a firm shake. Her eyes flew open and she went to grasp at the tanto Katsuichi had lent to her. Then she realized who was in front of her. Usagi was kneeling in front of her. A worried and anxious Kitsune by his side. She felt something warm drape over her shoulder. She turned her head to find Katsuichi sitting next to her draping his Haori around her shoulders. There was movement on her other side, when she turned her head she could see Gen sitting next to her in his ever silent support. “What are you hearing Chizu-san?” Usagi asked drawling her attention back to him.

They were all watching her with the same gentleness they shared for each other. How could she ever stand to lose them? she couldn’t, so instead of revealing the truth she asked a question she had long to know the answer to, and maybe it was far more personal then she liked to think it was. “Usagi-san, What made you fall in love with a ninja?”

Usagi pulled back a little, obviously surprised by the question. But he pulled himself together quickly. He assumed that Chizu would rather have a distraction then share what was haunting her in these wood, and that was fair. He was just surprised she would ask about Leo. Had they every told her he was a ninja? Usagi shook off his suspicions and started his tale.

“Well, him being a ninja never really played into it. Yes, I knew he was a ninja when we first met but he was also hurt and in need of help. But when I fell for him,” Usagi paused trying to pinpoint the exact moment he knew. “I don’t know. There wasn’t a big moment that made me go, ‘yes I love him,’ it was more a million little things. His dedication and love to his family, how excited he was to help in the infirmary, his care and kindness towards children. I fell in love with every piece of Leonardo-chan.” He paused wondering what to say next. He could talk about Leo for days but he wanted to make sure he answered the question asked of him.

Chizu seemed to be mulling over his words. “But how do you know he loves you? What if it’s all an act to get what he wants? Its what ninjas do.” The last part came out more bitter than she meant it to.

Usagi felt himself getting angry at the accusations thrown at his lover, but the last part gave him pause. It sounded like personal hurt. Had a ninja hurt Chizu like that before in the past? He knew that ninjas had killed her brother. Maybe he had been tricked into think one was his lover?

“Leonardo-chan has never given me a reason to doubt him. He’s had plenty of opportunities to hurt us, but he didn’t. I love him and I trust that he loves me to.” Usagi knew Leo loved him, he never doubted Leo for a second. Chizu seemed to take in his words and think them over. Usagi could see that she wasn’t convinced yet, of what he wasn’t sure. Maybe she just needed a bigger distraction from the voices in all of their ears. He wasn’t a fan of hearing Leo screaming for him and he couldn’t imagine what she was hearing. “Want to hear about the time Leonardo-chan helped us train?” It was a fun story that everyone could help tell. Leo smacking them around with rotten fruit. Chizu gave a small nodded and they were off with their tales.

The night had been brutal. They had two people per watch in the hope that they could keep each other sane. Yet most of the night was spent all together as no one could sleep. They set off again before dawn. The lack of light barely making a difference in visibility. They were all tired and irritated. Katsuichi was trying his best to stay focused on the here and now. His kids needed him. He didn’t have time to be distracted by the call of long fallen comrades. Anytime the voices would begin to get to him he would call on Usagi or Kitsune as they were the most talkative of the group. Allowing himself to get lost in their stories as he tried to focus on something other than the voices.

So far, the kids were handling this well. Kitsune and Chizu hadn’t let go of each other’s hands since last night. Usagi was staying close to either them or Katsuichi himself, trying his best to distract himself and others from the noises around them. The one that worried him was Gen.

Gen normally tried to tough situations out. He didn’t like asking for help, especially if he believed the younger members of the group needed something more then he did. Katsuichi knew the boy was going to break soon, he just hoped the break wasn’t bad.

“and then we – whoa!” Kitsune’s story got cut off as she slipped down an edge she hadn’t seen.

“Kitsune-san!” Chizu screamed as she tightly gripped onto Kitsune’s hand. The others rushing to her side, hoping Kitsune hadn’t fallen off the edge of a cliff.

“I’m okay Chizu-san it’s just some water.” Kitsune said. She was standing in a pool of water that came up to her waist. The group let out a sigh of relief seeing that she was alright. Katsuichi turned his head away looking out at what Kitsune was standing in. It must be a lake. If he squinted his eyes he could just make out a tree resting in the middle of the lake. It was hard to see in the fog, but he recognized what it was.

“We’re here.” Katsuichi informed the teens around him. They looked over at him trying to see what he was looking at. Katsuichi pointed out into the fog. “I know this lake. In the middle is an island, that is where the Moonlight Magnolia tree is resting.”

“Are you sure of it?” Asked Usagi as he strained his eyes looking out into the middle of the lake. Yet he could only make out a faint outline of a tree.

“Positive, it was my salvation once before.” Katsuichi reassured his student of his certainty.

“So we just need to get a hold of it’s blossoms and the voices stop?” Chizu clarified as she helped Kitsune out of the pool of water around her.

“Precisely. We just need to find away over there.” Katusichi explained as he started looking for a way out to the middle of the lake. He know that it was quite deep but he remembered that there was a stone path out to the middle of the lake. He was describing this to the girls when Usagi noticed Gen.

He was staring off into the distance, but he wasn’t looking towards the tree like the others. It was more of a thousand-yard stare that Usagi had seen on some of the old samurai back at the Tenshu.

“Gen-chan are you alright?” Usagi questioned as he approached his brother.

Gen had spent the past day and a half listening to the screams of his family. He was there when they had lost their battle. He could hear their cries for vengeance. Why was he not out their hunting down their killer? Why was he playing house with these people? Was his family so easy to replace? He had tried to ignore their voices the best he could. Usagi’s freak out over Leo and Kitsune’s break down had cemented to him that his siblings needed him to be strong. Even Chizu who he had come to rely on as the other oldest of the group had a break down the prior night. They needed him to be strong. He just couldn’t take it anymore.

When he heard his name called and the sound of someone approaching he had finally had enough of these voices. And know his tormentor had made itself know to him. He quickly drew his blade and swung at the person behind him.

Usagi was luck that he had years of training under Katsuichi, training his sixth sense to know when danger was near, or else he would have been cleaved in two. He had gotten Willow Branch out just in time to deflect Gen’s swing. He heard the shouts of Katsuichi and Kitsune as they ran over to help him, but his focus was on Gen.

“Gen-chan snap out of it its me!” Usagi tried to rouse his friend but the voices were too loud for Gen to hear him. He couldn’t even make out that it was Usagi he was fighting, to lost in the voices and the fog.

Chizu saw what was happening. She saw the other rush over to help. Katsuichi tried to get behind Gen to grab a hold of him while Usagi deflected his blows. Kitsune pleaded with her brother to snap out of it. trying to raise her voice about the voices in his head. Chizu turned to look back at the tree that was just out of view. She hated water but she wasn’t going to be helpful in rousing Gen. She could however, be helpful in getting what they need.

With that thought in mind she jumped down into the lake below. The water came up to her hips, and while Kitsune didn’t react to it the water was quite cold. This was going to suck. She pushed her way forward into the lake. The water quickly got deeper until soon she was treading water. She looked back over her shoulder and found that she couldn’t see the shore, but she could still hear her companions. Hopefully they would continue to be loud.

As she swam forward the voices she had been hearing came back with a vengeance. She no longer had Kitsune or Usagi to chase them away with tales of past adventures or stories of loved ones. All she could hear was her brother’s voice as he yelled every insecurity she had at her.

She had always been a poor swimmer but now in this freezing water with her dead brother’s voice as her only companion it was the longest and hardest swim of her life. Right as she was about to give up, her hand it the bank. She had reached the island. She had to pull and drag herself out of the water as there was no incline for her feet to grab on to. She probably looked like a drowned rat at the moment but she cared little because there was the Moonlight Magnolia tree. She ran to it as fast as she could, climbing up its branches until she reached the glowing white blooms. They were beautiful. Their pure white light dancing around them.

As soon as her fingers plucked the first lower from the tree the voices stopped. Her brother’s voice was gone, and the fog had lifted somewhat. It wasn’t completely gone but she could see far better. Katsuichi was right. Whatever spirits inhabited these woods, they had no sway over the Moon god’s blessed tree.

She quickly removed the grey apron from around her waist and started picking as many flowers as she could reach. One for her which she placed behind her ear, four for her companions, and five extras as she wasn’t sure how many Usagi’s ritual would call for. Even after she plucked them they still retained their holy glow. She tied the apron up around the blossoms and tied it around her neck placing her newly made pack on her back. She quickly shimmied her way back down the tree. This time she could see a stone path leading to the outside of the lake. Thank the gods she didn’t have to go for another freezing swim. She quickly jumped form rock to rock, it might have been hard for some given the gaps between the rocks, but she was a trained ninja. It was child’s play for her.

Once she was back on the ground, she took off running towards the only sound of fighting. Hoping that it was her companions and not more voices in the fog.

Gen had managed to knock one of Usagi’s blades from his hands. Katsuichi had to pull his own katana out to help his student. Kitusne had drawn her fans and was doing her best to coral Gen away from the water. They were all trying their best to subdue Gen without hurting him.

Chizu had ended up coming on to the scene with Gen’s back facing her. Perfect. She drew one of the Moonlight Magnolias from her bag and then took of running. She charged Gen from behind, nimbly scaling his back, using the back of his knees as foot holds. She tucked the Magnolia into the front of his nagagi and flipped over his shoulder. She landed in front of him and quickly dashed forward in case her efforts hadn’t worked.

The result was instant. As soon as the magnolia touched him the voices stopped and the fog left his eyes. He was panting as he looked at his startled family. “What – what happened?” He looked at his drawn sword and at his family’s drawn weapons. “Oh no, don’t tell me I’m the one who lost it.”

Usagi let out a breathless chuckle. “Just a little bit Gen-chan. No harm done, you didn’t hurt any of us.” Usagi instantly reassured his brother as he knew the next question that was dancing on his lips. It would take more reassuring but they would all be fine.

“Chizu-san you did it! You got the Magnolias?” Kitsune ran excitedly over to the soaking wet cat. Chizu smiled and untied her make shift bag handing out the Magnolias to her companions. The sighs of relief at no longer having to hear the voices was instant.

Usagi stared down at the magnolia in his hand. It’s beautiful white glow, reminiscent of another heavenly glow he knew so well. He looked up at Chizu, he didn’t know how to express his gratitude to her. He places his Magnolia into the tie around his ears to keep it safe. Then he approached Chizu. The girl looked over at him and smiled.

“I got extra, I wasn’t sure how many we needed. Do you think ten will be enough?” Usagi glanced at the contents of her apron tuned bag to see five extra Magnolias. He quickly reached out and hugged Chizu tightly.

“Thank you, Chizu-san. I cannot thank you enough for this.” Usagi whispered in her ear and he held her tightly. Chizu froze before leaning into the hug, she couldn’t hug him back with her arms full of flower. In this moment she decide that it was worth it. The voices, the freezing swim, and whatever waited for them when they reached the bottom of the mountain, it was worth it if she got this kind of affection out of it.
They had it, the Moonlight Magnolia was theirs. As they walked down the mountain the fog had completely cleared away. The horrors were gone. They were untouchable with the magic Magnolias in their hands.

Chizu was in the center of the group as they made their way down. Kitsune was holding tightly to one of her hands, singing her praises as they walked down the mountain. Usagi was on her other side his hand resting in her shoulder. His gratitude to her had not been understated but she could still see just how relieved he was to have what he needed. Chizu was honestly so excited to meet this Leonardo herself. If Usagi thought he was worth all this he truly must be special.

They made their way to the base of the mountain, all the while cheering on Chizu’s accomplishment. She had never received praise like this. Yet she felt like she was forgetting something.

As they stepped on to level earth Chizu realized what she had forgotten. There at the base of the mountain where all their horses were, was an escort. Several vassals sat upon their horses and an ornate carriage sat waiting for them.

The doors to the carriage opened and Lord Hebi slithered out to greet them. “Ssssso good to sssssee you all sssssssafe and sssssssound.” The snake hissed out. “When Lord Mifune sssssssent word to me of your travelssssss I wasssss worried about you entering sssssssuch a cursssssed placcccce but I ssssssee that you have retrieved what you came for.” He said nodding his head towards the bag of flowers Chizu had with her. “I sssssssee you have alsssssso delivered one of my ssssservantsssss to me unharmed and for that you have my gratitude.”

Chizu froze. What were they doing here? This wasn’t the plan. She was supposed to lead them to Lord Hikiji’s Tenshu. Why was Lord Hebi here? As she looked at the vassals, she recognized her fellow neko clan ninjas in disguise. How on earth was she supposed to get them out of this? She wasn’t prepared for this.

“Lord Hebi, I was unaware that Lord Mifune had contacted you.” Katsuichi stepped forward with a bow. His students quickly following the motion thought they were all quite confused. Lord Mifune had said nothing to Katsuichi about reaching out to other Lords about their travel plans. Even if he had Katsuichi doubted that he would contact Lord Hebi, since his known lands were to the west not the north.

“Your delayssss in travel worried him and he reached out to me to sssssee if I could provide you with sssssshelter. A placccccce to ressssst and get your sssssstrength up.” Lord Hebi explained his presence.

This put Katsuichi even more on edge as he subtly moved to place himself between the teens and the vassals. They might have been delayed by the rain by a week but that was well with in their travel time. If Lord Mifune was to get worried about their late arrival it would not be for another few weeks.

“I appreciate the care and concern you have for us Lord Hebi but I am afraid I must decline. The weather has delayed us enough already and both I and my charges are eager to return home.” Katsuichi tried to politely turn down to offer of hospitality. He was not supposed to do that but he would rather be rude than dead.

Lord Hebi seemed to think his answer over. “But of coursssssse. You musssssst be in a hurry to get on your way. I’ll just take my ssssssservant off your handssssss.” Chizu stiffened. Curse this snake and all his descendants.

She couldn’t turn him away. Not as a servant and not as a spy. If she turned him away it would blow any cover she had at being a poor servant girl, but also show where her loyalties now lied. This was an absolute trap for her.

She felt Kitsune cling to her hand. Usagi tightened his grip on her shoulder moving between her and them as Gen took a step closer to her from behind. Her earliest assessment of all of them were true. They were loyal fools. But they were loyal to her. And it made her want to cry. They could not protect her, but maybe she could protect them. Returning with Lord Hebi was a death sentence. Let it be her’s alone

“Actually Lord Hebi, Chizu-kun has been quite helpful on our journey. I would like to request that she continues with us as her aid would be irreplaceable. I will gladly send the money for her contract once we return to Lord Mifune’s land.” Katsuichi stated. He kept a watchful eye on Hebi and his vassals. He could see them stiffen and even watched as some of the vassals turned to glare at the girl behind him. Whether they were jealous of her opportunity for freedom or angry at her abandoning their loyalties mattered little to him. He was not leaving here without all of his children.

Chizu’s heart plummeted. No. Nonononono. No. Katsuichi was dooming them all. If he pushed this to far, they would assume her a traitor and attack them here and now. They were pinned against the mountain. While they could travel the fog safety with the Moonlight Magnolias, there was no guarantee that they could even make it up the path. No, if she was going to save them she had to act now.

She gave Kitsune’s hand one last squeeze trying to draw strength from the friends she barely got to have. It was worth it. This was the one meaningful thing she could do with her life. She let go of Kitsune and pulled away from the trio.

“I’m sorry Katsuichi-sama but I must return with my Lord.” She said as she walked forward to stand side by side with Katsuichi. She bowed lowly to the man, the only adult who had treated her as a child, he could have become a father to her. No, he already had become that. “Thank you for your kindness,” the love you showed me, for trying to help me escape, for trying to protect me. She stood up and help out the tanto he had allowed her to barrow. “But I have a duty I must up hold.” I promised myself I would try to save you. “I’m sure you understand.” Please understand. Please take the others and go.

“Chizu-san.” She heard Kitsune’s sad call of her name. She could see her out of the corner of her eye. Usagi had moved to place his hand in her shoulder, a silent show of support. Gen had his hand on her other shoulder most like to stop him from following after her. Chizu couldn’t turn to face them. Just the small view she had of them almost broke her.

Katsuichi looked at her. His eyes meeting her’s looking for any sign or tell. He had told her it was her choice and he would respect it. “I understand Chizu-kun.” He reached out but closed her hand around the tanto silently telling her to keep it. A way to remember them by? Or maybe a way to hold on to hope for a better life?

“But surely we must see you to your destination.” Usagi called out, as he stepped forward to join the conversation. Stupid loyal Usagi. He would be the death of them all.

“That’s not-”

“Perfect and you can ssssssstay at leasssssst one night. Make sssssure your friend getssssss back sssssssafe and then you’ll be on your way. The Tensssssshu isssssn’t more than two hoursssss easssssst of here.” Chizu had tried to tell Usagi that it wasn’t necessary. That they shouldn’t come with her but Lord Hebi quickly spoke over her.

“Then it is decided.” Katsuichi agreed. He shared a look with his student. He wasn’t happy about going into this Tenshu that felt so much like a trap. But he could see that Usagi knew to. His boy was smart but also loyal. Katsuichi knew that the children had probably guessed by now that Chizu’s living situation was anything but ideal. This must by Usagi’s last ditched effort to save her. To convince Chizu to travel with them. And though he knew this was foolish Katsuichi couldn’t deny that he was willing to do it, if it gave Chizu the out she needed.

Chizu was frozen. Everyone around her had started moving. The vassals were preparing to move out. Katsuichi was moving to his horse. Usagi came up and placed his hand on her shoulder guiding her back to the cart. “Don’t worry Chizu-chan we won’t let them hurt you.” He whispered it so softly into her ear. Then he helped her up into the cart where Kitsune grabbed a hold of her hand and pulled her close, snuggling into her side. Gen and Usagi shared a nod as Gen climb up to the cart to steer and Usagi walked off to his own horse.

Chizu was only able to focus on two things. One Usagi and the others were walking straight into a trap and there was no way she could tell them. Worse they were walking straight into a trap because they were trying to protect her. This is ridiculous. She had been ready to sacrifice her life to save them and here they are foolishly following her into death, and there was no way to tell them that.

The only other thing in her mind, running through on a constant loop was that Usagi had called her ‘Chizu-chan.’ No one had ever called her ‘chan’ before. It was a level of affection they could not afford to show.

Usagi had called her ‘chan’ and he would die for it.

The ride to Lord Hikiji’s Tenshu was much quicker than it had any right to be. Or maybe Chizu just wasn’t paying attention. She was desperately trying to come up with a way to warn the other. They had rallied around her, as if she was the one in need of protection. She sat between Kitsune and Gen, Kitsune still curled into her side. Usagi and Katsuichi had their horses in either side of the cart ready to defend them should the need arise. She knew it wouldn’t. This trap wouldn’t be sprung until there was no means of escape.

The arrived far too quickly. Chizu couldn’t believe the speed of their arrival. As they entered the town, she tried to come up with a plan but she couldn’t think of anything. Her mind was completely blank. How could she ever save them? There was nothing she could do for them.

They arrived at the stairs leading up to the Tenshu and this was it. They were blindly walking into their deaths, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. The group dismounted and made their way up the stairs together. The last bits of sunlight streaking the sky a blood red color.

Chizu grabbed Usagi’s hand in panic as they crossed into the Tenshu’s front square. She knew it was far too late but how could she let them go. Usagi turned to face her just as the doors slammed shut behind them.

They were now trapped in the square. It was ornate. Decorated with golds and towering pillars. There were also trees all over the grounds. It was made to look pretty but Chizu knew why they existed, to hide ninjas in their branches.

The group circled up resting their backs against one another, but it was already too late. They were surrounded.

“What’s going on?” Kitsune asked as she drew her fans ready to defend herself.

“Can’t you see it’s our welcome party?” Gen replied with a grim bit of sarcasm.

“I always thought Lord Hebi wasn’t to be trusted but he is truly living up to snake that he is.” Growled Katsuichi.

No one could reply to that as they were attacked at once. Usagi moved quickly drawling both of his blades. He caught the first attacker and forced them back. He swung his wakizashi to the side and cutting into the side of an attacker.

Katsuichi made short work of anyone that approached him. He was aiming for their vitals and it showed as the bodies accumulating around him. He was at the front of the group, taking on the most attackers and he was not about to let them get around him, to where his children were.

Gen was facing the back and was trying his best to clear a path back to the door. Using his blade to push attackers out of the way. Cutting them down as needed.

Kitsune and Usagi were defending their flanks making sure no one could get in on either Katsuichi’s or Gen’s sides.

Chizu was in the middle of the group. She hadn’t attacked them yet even though their backs were all to her. She knew she had to make a choice right here and now. If she attacked them, she would seal all their fates but maybe preserve her own life. If she fought with them, she would doom herself. There was no way they were making it out of here. No matter how hard they fought they would not win. But she should help them, shouldn’t she?

The decision was stolen from her in two moments.

The first was Gen crying out.

As Gen fought, he tried to keep the crowd as a distance. He was doing a good job but he was starting to tire. He couldn’t keep this pace up for much longer. A Neko ninja charged him. Gen swung his blade out but they were nimble and jumped over it swing their blade at his head, with the intent to lob it clean off his shoulders. Gen was wide open all he could do was pull his head back.

Usagi swooped in from the side and plunged his blade up into the ninja’s stomach. The force of his swing rising the ninja up but not stopping the arch of their blade.

The blade swung right above Gen’s snout, the tip of the blade just missing his eyes. It didn’t however cut into his horn breaking off the keratin that made it up. Thankfully the cut wasn’t down to the bed of his horn so it was not painful but a shout of alarm and then anger did leave his lips. That was far too close for comfort, and they had also just cut his horn clean off his face.

“Gen-chan are you alright?” Kitsune called out as he worked to push her attackers back.

“Just peachy.” Gen tried to reassure though he himself was quite shaken by what had just occurred.

Chizu grabbed the hilt of the tanto Katsuichi gave her ready to defend herself and her loved ones. She was about to move, her decision made when she heard it.

“Enough.” Called a voice from the Tenshu. All the ninjas around them leaped back giving them a clear view of their surroundings. Chizu turned to the Tenshu doors and felt all the blood drain from her face.

There stood Lord Hikiji.

“You will surrender, or you will die.” He said it so clearly. He had a relaxed stance with his hands behind his back. He was waiting for their reply.

Katsuichi seemed to be evaluating the situation and was about to reply when one of his idiotic children had to run their mouths. It was not the idiotic child he expected.

“Why would we surrender to a dingy Lord like you.” Kitsune called out as she stepped out of formation. She was angry. This was probably the master that Chizu was terrified of. And he was hurting her family. She didn’t know what had happened to Gen as she hadn’t gotten to look at him yet but this was the person responsible. They were not surrendering.

Katsuichi had not expected Kitsune to be the one to run her mouth. Gen, yes. Usagi, most likely. But not Kitsune.

He had taken his eyes off the Lord to raise an eyebrow at his daughter. That was his mistake.

The man moved impossibly fast. One second he was across the square and the next he was in between Katsuichi and Kitsune. The man swung his arm out and back handed Kitsune sending her flying into one of the trees. They could hear the snap of her body hitting the tree from where they stood, she didn’t get up after she landed.

Katsuichi roared. He swung his blade out at the man but he moved again this time he grabbed Gen and threw the rhino over his shoulder and into the ground. Gen bounced back up with force of the hit gasping out in pain before he landed again. Four ninja were on him in seconds restraining him from getting back up.

Usagi swung his katana forward. This time the man didn’t disappear but instead met Usagi’s blade with his own. But Usagi was fast. Whipping Young Willow forward and aiming straight for the man’s eye. The man moved at the last second and Usagi’s wakizashi ended up cutting his cheek. The first hit landed on the man before them.

The man’s eyes widened in rage he pushed off of Usagi’s katana and swung his own blade at Usagi’s face. The attack was so quick Usagi barely had time to move. He was able to pull his head back just enough to not have his head lobbed in two but the blade arched over his left eye, leaving a deep curved cut in its wake.

Usagi cried out and the man used his distraction to place a kick in the center of his chest sending the young rabbit clear across the square. He hit the ground and tumbled dropping his blades as he rolled.

Usagi groaned and pushed himself up. Just in time to see Chizu running towards him. He thought help had arrived but she quickly grabbed his arms pinning them behind his back and forcing him on to his knees. “Chizu-chan what are you doing!?” Usagi couldn’t wrap his head around what was happening. But Chizu just shoved him down.

“Quite before you get us both killed.” She hissed at him. But her eyes weren’t on him. Usagi followed her gaze to see Katsuichi facing off against the man. The man that had just single handedly bested their whole party.

Katsuichi’s blade clashed against the man’s. And for a moment Usagi thought he could win. His master was the greatest swords man to ever live. And he was holding his own against this oni disguised as a man. They traded blow for blow, and though Usagi’s vision was impaired by the blood running down his face, his master seemed to be winning!

Then the monster crossed blades with Katsuichi. While the lion was focused on the blades the man reached out and placed his hand on Katsuichi’s wrist. A sinister yellow glow started to move from the man to Katsuichi. It was not like the beautiful angelic glow that Leo had around him when he used his powers. No, this glow was sickly and sinister. Bubbling and festering out from the man’s hold.

Katsuichi gasped dropping his weapon and falling to his knees. His robust healthy form fading away as the man stole his energy and his soul from him. All Usagi could do is scream and thrash. He could hear the weak screams of Kitsune and Gen as well.

This was it, he was going to watch his father in all but blood die in front of him.

He felt Chizu shift him into someone else’s hold. His struggling must have been too much for her. Then she was running. If Usagi had a greater ability to process what was happening, he would have wondered what she was doing. But all he could do was watch his father waste away in front of his eyes.

“Stop! My Lord Stop!” Chizu cried as she ran towards the monster and the man. To her eternal shock Lord Hikiji did stop. Turning to look at her as the glow returned to his body. He hadn’t let go of Katsuichi and he was ready to start again at any moment.

Chizu tried not to look at Katsuichi. She couldn’t see the horrors that had afflicted him. Not if she wanted to make her case.

“And why, pray tell, should I stop. My dear Chizu-kun.” The tone was sickly sweet meant to mock her attachment to the group, but also so tell her friends exactly what she was, a snake in their midst, and who her loyalties lied with.

“Because my Lord he is the only one that knows the ritual to the Hamato’s world.” That is what Lord Hikiji truly wanted. “He can give you what you truly want. He’s too weak to fight you now. And the others would do anything to keep him alive. You have them all right where you want them.” Sell it Chizu you have to sell it. For the first time she understood how her brother must have felt just before his death. “If you kill him, you lose your only hope of finding the Hamato’s on your terms. You’ll also lose all leverage on the survivors. They will resist you every step of the way if you kill him now.” Please let that be enough.

Lord Hikiji seemed to think her plea over. “Let’s test your theory, shall we my dear.” He looked over her shoulder when Usagi had gone shock still hearing her words. She turned to follow his gaze only to be met with Usagi’s unwavering and unforgiving glare. Even if she got them out of here with their lives, they would never forgive her. “Bring Miyamoto over here.” The Neko ninjas she had handed him off to started to move him. “No, no. I want Chizu-kun to bring him here. It was her idea after all.”

Chizu realized what this was. It wasn’t just a test of Usagi’s loyalty to Katsuichi. It was the total annihilation of her bonds with her friends. Lord Hikiji is aligning her with him. Making all of this, everything that has occurred, her plan. And he was right. It was.

She walked over and grabbed Usagi’s arms. It seems that the ninjas that she left him with had been smart enough to bind them. She dragged him over to her Lord and forced him back down to his knees. But she was right, so far he hadn’t resisted, not with Katsuichi in the condition he was in.

She saw him for the first time. His cheeks were sunken in, he was panting for breath. His hands were frail and boney. He looked gaunt, like a man that hadn’t eaten for days. His completion had paled drastically with his fur taking on a greyish tone.

The man looked to be on death’s door. He could barely hold his head up.

Yet his eyes still held his fire. He met her gaze briefly, and it shook her to her core. There was no hate in his eyes for her as there should be. Only a deep sadness.

He then turned his gaze from her to Usagi. Pleading with the boy as best he could to resist this monster.

Usagi’s heart was frozen with fear. Not only had he watched the life literally drain out of his father. No, this monster was doing all of this to get at Leo. This monster wanted Leonardo and the thing most important to him, his family. Usagi would do anything to prevent that. Anything to protect Leo.

But where would that leave Katsuichi and his family?

Lord Hikiji reached out with the hand not holding Katsuichi’s wrist to grab hold of Usagi’s face dragging the boy’s eyes away from his father. Usagi’s hardened his glare. He would not let this monster intimidate him. “So, this is the Miyamoto boy. Somehow, I expected more. Though Hamato’s are known for having a soft spot for weaklings.”

His words confused Usagi but he tried not to show it. How did this man know Leonardo’s clan. He spoke with a familiarity born from a close relation. But that’s not possible. First, he was living in Usagi’s world. And second, Usagi could never picture people Leonardo loved socializing with this monster.

“No matter. What matters is,” he leaned down so that his face was inches from Usagi’s. “You have something that I want. Nothing important, I’m sure you won’t even care that it’s gone. I heard that you are in possession of a tanto.”

Usagi’s heart froze. No. Nononononono. No. Chizu would not be so cruel as to tell this monster about the one thing that connected him to Leo. His prize possession. Then again, he obviously didn’t know Chizu at all.

“A tanto made out of Hamato nimpo. Is that true?” Lord Hikiji waited. When Usagi didn’t respond he sighed. “It seems you need some motivation.” His sickly yellow glow spread out to Katsuichi again making that lion let out a pained groan.

Usagi’s eyes widened as he saw his father getting paler and thinner. “Yes! Yes I have it!” ‘Leo please forgive me. I won’t let him hurt your family, I just need him to stop hurting mine first.’ Usagi’s thoughts were desperate as he tried to justify what he was doing.

“Good.” Lord Hikiji removed his power from Katsuichi once again causing the lion to slump even more in his grasp. “Where is it?”

Usagi looked at the mad man in front of him. Katsuichi couldn’t take another hit like that. He was faced with an impossible choice. Watching Katsuichi die, or betraying the trust Leo placed in him. If he didn’t hand over the tanto, Katsuichi would die. And there was nothing stopping this monster from killing them all and taking it anyway. On the other hand, he would be handing over Leo’s very soul to this monster.

Usagi dropped his head. He could feel tears starting to build in his eyes and he wouldn’t give this monster the satisfaction of watching him cry. Maybe if he could keep them all alive, they could get Leo’s tanto back. If they are alive there is hope for saving the day. Yet his honor and training told him to stand his ground and die with honor. If it was just his life on the line he would make this man kill him before separating from Leo’s soul. But it wasn’t just his life. How could he ever chose?

The choice was taken out of his hands. He felt a hand on his belt removing Leo’s tanto from its place. “Here it is my Lord. He showed me it plenty of times.” Chizu gave Usagi the one mercy she could. She took this choice away from him. Usagi would hate himself forever no matter what he chose, so she did it for him. It was an easy choice for her. While this would hurt Usagi, she didn’t know Leonardo. His death would not wound her the same way Katsuichi’s would.

The glare she received from Lord Hikiji showed that he was displeased with her ending his fun early. But it was over shadowed by the panic and desperate look on Usagi’s face as he watched her hand over his most precious possession to the monster before them.

“Thank you, Chizu-kun.” Chizu wasn’t going to waste her time trying to decipher the hidden tones in Lord Hikiji’s statement. The monster let go of Katsuichi, the man slumping to the ground, without the energy to pick himself up. Lord Hikiji walked away from them turning the tanto this way and that way as he did. “Let us see if this is truly a nimpo weapon.”

The hand holding the tanto started to glow a sickly yellow. The tanto started to glow as well, but it was Leo’s bright blue. The colors mixed turning a sickly green color as it bubbled and festered.

Usagi’s started pulling against Chizu instantly in a panic. “What are you doing!?” He screamed at the monster. Not caring about looking weak, he only cared about the effect this could have on Leo. After seeing what it this monster had done to Katsuichi’s body he couldn’t imagine what he was doing to Leo’s soul.

Lord Hikiji let out a pleased sigh at the power he was feeling coming from the blade. This truly was Hamato nimpo. At long last he had his hands on HER clan’s power.

He looked over his shoulder at the desperate bunny trying his hardest to get to him. “Oh, don’t worry. I’m just letting the Hamato’s know what I have. And if it causes the boy excruciating pain. Well, that’s just a bonus.”


Leo screamed. His family all whipped around to look at him in horror. He was bent forward his handed resting over his chest. A sickly yellow glow bubbles along his chest going out around his body. He fell to his knees one of his hands coming to the ground to stop himself from pitching forwards.

“What’s happening?!” Raph screamed as he ran to his little brother unsure if he should touch him or not.

Leo was gasping and sobbing from the pain. Tears pouring down his face. Donnie and Mikey quickly came to his side as well. Donnie kneeled in front of him, his hands stretched out towards Leo but not touching him yet. Mikey and Raph were in either side of him, unsure how to help or what to do.

Leo could only focus on the pain. He felt like his heart was being crushed. His vision had a sickly yellow hue to it, until it didn’t. The yellow hue went away replaced by a cyan glow instead.

Donnie jumped back as the Hamato symbol appeared over Leo’s chest. Two figures appeared around them. Karai appeared resting a comforting hand on Leo’s back. A second woman appeared kneeling in front of Leo. Her hair was up in a complex updo, and her kimono had the Hamato clan symbol resting on the front of it.

Raph looked at the second women in awe. Though he had only seen her twice, once as a memory and once in their fight with the Shredder, he would recognize her anywhere. It was Splinters mom, their Grandma.

As if he needed any confirmation, he heard Splinter’s shocked voice as he looked at her. “Mom?”

The woman didn’t turn her attention away from Leo. She reached her hands out placing one hand on the suffering teen’s cheek and the other over his heart gently holding his hand there. She focused her energy and started pushing her own essence into the boy. The sickly yellow glow was pushed back slowly replaced with the cyan glow.

Karai rested her hand on Atsuko’s shoulder lending her own power to her as well to help ease Leo’s pain. Slowly the pain left him until the yellow glow was gone. Leo slumped forward into Atsuko’s hold. She gently ran her hand over his head trying to comfort and sooth the boy from his ordeal. Karai stood to her feet looking at the horrified and confused family around her.

“There is much I have to tell you.”


Lord Hikiji watch Usagi struggle to get to him. Chizu was holding him back but several other ninjas had to come and help her. The boy was twisting, biting, roaring and screaming at them. Anything to get an inch of ground. He chuckled, what a pathetic fool.

Then he gasped and he had to let go of the tanto. There had been push back against his power. A power he hadn’t felt in centuries. SHE was back.

He growled as he scooped the blade back up. He signaled for all of his prisoners to be brought near. If he couldn’t torture the Hamato boy any more these fools would do well enough.

Usagi had finally been shoved head first into the ground, yet he was still fighting. “Enough! Stop fighting.” Lord Hikiji hissed as he stood over the boy. Usagi looked up at him with a glare and spat at his shoe.

Lord Hikiji was enraged. How dare he. How dare he think himself special, of worth of holding and defending such a precious gift. No, it was time for Hikiji to teach this brat his place.


so everyone's still alive. for now

I hope you enjoyed the ride so far.

next time (the chapter I've had planned from the beginning) Lord Hikiji's backstory and his connection to the Hamato clan.

Chapter 12: Bitter-Sweet and Strange, Finding You can Change, Learning You were Wrong


it's finally here. The Lord Hikiji lore you've been waiting for


Hopefully I've stretched this out long enough that I know get to lore dump.

(if you really want to feel the energy of the chapter title, go listen to Beauty and the Beast (minor Key Version) by Chase Holfelder on Youtube.)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Lord Hikiji looked down at the bunny at his feet. He motioned for the Neko ninja’s holding him to pull the boy back up to his knees. While they were moving him Lord Hikiji unsheathed the boy's tanto. For a moment he had thought of using the boy’s precious weapon to gut him right here and now. Then he saw the engravings on the blade.

愛してる aish*teru, I love you.

His grip tightened on the hilt. He could remember how that sounded coming out of HER mouth. He turned the blade over to see if there was something in the other side and he froze.

あなた は 一人 じゃ ない anata wa hitori ja nai, you are not alone.

He would know those words anywhere. Did this child even realize what he carried with him? The weight of those words? Of what they meant? Did he realize what it meant to mix those two phrases together?

Rage filled his heart. Rage for HER. For what he had lost. For the Hamato clan. And for this stupid boy.

“You think you’re special. You think he loves you so he’ll come back for you.” Lord Hikiji mocked as he got right up in Usagi’s face. He placed the tip of Usagi’s tanto under his chin forcing Usagi to tip his head up to look at him. Lord Hikiji smirked at the boy. “You’ve been had.” He moved the blade away and stood up walking away from the boy. “He used you until he didn’t need you anymore and now he’s gone.”

“That’s not true.” Usagi’s argued back straining against the Neko ninjas holding him back. “You know nothing about him.” Usagi didn’t want to give this man Leonardo’s name even that much information seemed dangerous.

The man stopped walking. “I know nothing about him.” He started to chuckle. Then he turned to look at Usagi over his shoulder. “True I might not know him, but I know the Hamato clan well.” He then turned back and approached Usagi again. He gripped Usagi’s ears and pulled the boy up by them. Kitsune and Gen cried out trying to get him away from Usagi, but Usagi stayed silent unwilling to let this monster have the satisfaction of hearing him in pain. Lord Hikiji got right next to Usagi’s ear. “Let me tell you all I know about the Hamato clan, I’ll enjoy watching your face when you realize he never loved you.” He released Usagi’s ears dropping the boy back onto his knees and walked away again.

“Usagi-chan are you alright?” Kitsune whispered to him as best she could, worried for her brother. Usagi gave her a slight nodded and a small smile to try and reassure her. In actuality his head hurt something awful but that didn’t matter right now. This monster of a man was about to tell them how he knew Leonardo and his clan. Usagi couldn’t believe that the people Leo loved would keep the company of such a vial man.

“Many years ago, I was a simple farmer, living in a small village with my family. But then our village was attacked by a monster. It went by the name of Shredder,” Lord Hikiji glanced back at the boy to see if the name was familiar to him. “He led his foot clan with an iron fist. At his order my whole village was to be slain, and we would have been if SHE had not shown up.

She and her clan weren’t able to defeat the Shedder but She was able to hold him off long enough to help the remaining villagers escape. She was incredible. The way She fought was like nothing I had ever seen before.” Lord Hikiji paused for a moment knowing what he was about to say would forever link Her with this new Hamato boy. “She creates weapons from farm equipment like it was magic.”

Usagi’s heart clenched when he heard that last line. He, Gen, and Kitsune all quickly glancing at one another. That sounded just like what Leo could do. Usagi knew Lord Hikiji claimed to know the Hamato clan but to hear about it was different, he didn’t want to think about this man near Leo’s family.

“Her clan members brought the survivors back to their camp, a place to stay safe until we decided where to go next. I had to meet her, the women who saved us all. And when I did.” The man’s face softened for the first time. “If I hadn’t thought her a kami before I did then, She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.”


Leo had finally recovered enough to lean back, pulling out of Atsuko’s hold. Though she kept a hand on his cheek, wishing to stay connected to her grandson. His brothers instantly moved to support him. Raph moved to sit behind him so Leo could lean back against him. Donnie slid to take Raph’s old space at Leo’s side grabbing hood of his hand while Mikey grabbed his other.

“Dad!” Casey who had previously froze at the pained screams and miraculously appearance of long-lost relatives, snapped back to himself. He rushed over to join them. Donnie made room for him next to him, as Casey grabbed a hold of their joined hands as well.

Leo looked awful. He was in obvious pain and was still breathing heavily.

The rest of the family gathered close to them. Splinter sliding close to both his mom and his boys. Atsuko gently rested her hand on her son’s shoulder trying to comfort her darling boy.

“What - what just happened?!” April rushed out looking from Leo to Karai, desperate for answers.

“What happens to Leo?” Mikey questioned squeezing his brother’s hand. “Is he going to be alright?” He asked, turning to look up at Karai.

“And how are you here!?” Donnie questioned. He was terrified and the best way to handle that was to collect some data and understand what was happening.

“And what do you have to tell us? Do you know what just happens to Leonardo and how to prevent it?” Draxum followed up with what was the most important question. What just happened and how do they stop it from happening again.

Karai sighed before looking at all of her family. “Yes. I know what just happened to Leo. He’s been attacked by an ancient enemy of our clan. One I thought I had dealt with years ago.” She revealed to the family.

The group threw around some looks. Leo was still getting his breath back so Raph stepped up. Leo trusted him as his co-leader for a reason.

“If you dealt with them, how did they just attack Leo? And how do we protect him and ourselves?” Raph was scared not just for Leo, but for the rest of the family as well. Could they be attacked in this brutal manner? Would they have been able to stop it without Gram-Gram and Grandma’s aid?

Karai looked at him with such compassion. She knew his fears well. She had had them for her own clan. But then she turned to Leo and looked at him with such sadness. She had been watching over her family since she left and she was so proud of all of them.

She hated what they had all gone through with the Krang. Yet Leo reminded her so much of herself and her own sacrifice to imprison the Shredder away from her clan and her world. She had watched over his time in the other dimensions, both the prison and the other. She had been so happy for her great-grandson, finding love after so many hardships. He not only chose a powerful warrior but also someone who loved and treasured him for who he was, Karai, as head of the clan, could not pick a better match.

No force in existence could imagine the rage and dread she felt when she realize what world that was. And who else was there. The amount of danger Leo and his friends were in.

Nor could the universe understand the fear she felt knowing that this monster was targeting her family again. And doing so in a way so reminiscent of their past.

“Do not fear for yourselves or each other, Leo is the only one at risk right now.” Karai started trying to at least ease their fears that they could all be attacked like that.

“Are you saying we shouldn’t be worried about ‘Nardo?” Donnie’s voice was flat and cold. He didn’t care who it was. No one could act like his twin’s life mattered less then all of theirs.

“No, you misunderstand me. Our enemy can only attack Leo as he is the only one with a connection to that world.” Karai was horrified that Donnie had taken her words as her not caring for Leonardo. Yet this new statement did not settle any of their hearts.

“Which world? Do you mean the prison dimension? Are the Krang behind this?!” Casey looked up at her with panic in his eyes.

“No, it is not the Krang, my dear boy.” Karai tried to reassure.

It dawned on Donnie what world she must be talking about. “It’s the Tenshu isn’t?” Then another piece clicked. “They were able to attack him through his nimpo.” His words were softly spoken as the horror of what was occurring dawned on him. However, the whole room could hear him as they had fallen silent as the grave as soon as he spoke. Donnie’s eyes widened as he whipped his head to look at Leo desperately. “You have to call your tanto back right now!” His voice was panicked and his eyes wild.

“No-” Leo started to resist. Doing so would sever him from Usagi forever. Donnie cut him off in protest only for Karai to step in.

“Doing so would doom all of his friends to a horrific fate.” She started to say.

Donnie whipped to face her. “I don’t care about them!”

“It would also allow him to drain Leo’s nimpo faster if Leo activates it. That monster is not letting go of his connection to Leo.” She was quick with her words causing Donnie to freeze. Leo couldn’t call his tanto back because this person’s powers wouldn’t let him?

There was a dark pause as what Karai revealed sunk in, then Raph raised his voice again. “Who is ‘he’ Gram-Gram?”

Karai’s shoulders dropped in defeat as she recalled the man who started this all. “There is so much I have to tell you.” Gram-gram sighed. “So much that I do not know where to begin?”

The family shared a look before Leo raised his voice. “Start from how you met him and we can go from there.” He smiled at her reassuringly. What had happened to him was not her fault. He also knew how overwhelming it was to try and explain your relation with someone the family had never met. When he had tried to write his letter to his family his thoughts had been tumbling all over the place that he just had to start from the beginning.

Karai smiled warmly at her descendent, relieved he was feeling better, before settling herself. “We had just encountered the Shredder. He was destroying a village and we had tried to stop him. We were unable to save the land, but we were able to buy time for a few of the villagers to escape. Once we returned to camp one of the villagers, a young man, introduced himself to me. He said his name was Hikiji and that he wanted to join our fight against the Shredder.” She paused and took in a great breath. “If I had known the kind of man he was and what he would become I never would have allowed him near our clan.”


“She was beautiful and powerful I knew I had to make her mine.” The soft look on his face darkened. “I offered to join her clan fight against the Shredder. I had hopes to one day learn the source of her power as it seemed other members of her clan were blessed as well.”

‘The Hamato nimpo!’ Leo had told Usagi that all of his clan members had this blessing, weather they were born into the clan or accepted in. This man’s power couldn’t be Hamato nimpo, it just couldn’t! Leo had told them that the power came from the love and trust between family members. This monster wanted to destroy the Hamato clan. He couldn’t be using their nimpo! But then how were his mystic powers so strong? The only person Usagi had seen with powers like this was Leonardo.

As Usagi’s thoughts raced in his head, Lord Hikiji’s own mind wandered. Back to the days he spent training alongside Karai. He had dedicated himself to her. He would never forget the way she would smile at him. Or that spring day after a close call on the battle field. How she had bound his wounds and told him for the first time, anata wa hitori ja nai, you are not alone. He had heard it before, the clan’s promise to one another. She had so obviously wanted him to be a part of her clan. And now that same precious saying was engraved of this foolhardy bunny’s blade. He felt his rage rise up once more, this bunny would learn his place. He continued his tale, snapping Usagi’s focus back to the information being given to him.

“I started training with her. I followed her everywhere and did anything she asked of me. I knew what I wanted, I loved her and once the Shredder was defeated, I was going to marry her.” He let out a dark chuckle here. “I was a love-struck fool,” he turned back to Usagi. With each step he took towards Usagi he pronounced his next word. “Just. Like. You.” He swung his foot forward and kick Usagi hard in the stomach. The boy gasped as he was hit before doubling over trying to shielding himself from further abuse as he coughed trying to get oxygen back into his lungs. Lord Hikiji stood over him glaring down at him. “Such a pathetic fool.”


Karai continued her tale.

“At that time, my people and I were trying to find a way to stop the Shredder. Hikiji was eager to serve and help out where he could. That was until…..”

She paused and let out a breath. She seemed to be stuck in her own thoughts for a moment, in her own past.

The family shared another look, unsure of what to say. Some of them turned to Atsuko for guidance but she just shook her head. She didn’t know any more about this monster then they did. Only Karai could tell them what happened.

“Until what Gram-Gram?” Mikey asked pulling Karai back to the present.

“Until my betrothed, Asahi returned.” She paused again, this time to let them take in the information she had just given them. “I had long hoped that there was a way to separate my Father from the Shredder’s armor, but I could not leave my clan to go look for it. Asahi had taken that task on for me, even though he knew the risks that came with it.”

Her Asahi was not only her great love but also her greatest supporter. The missions he went on for her were some of the most dangerous and he often went alone as they could not send their people on ‘hopeless goose chases.’ Yet he never complained. He was one of the few who never lost hope that she could free her father from his armor. Even in her own moments of doubt he never wavered. “He found what he hoped would be a solutions.”


Usagi’s was still trying to get air back into his lungs as Lord Hikiji walked away from him again.

“Her betrothed returned.” He said it with a rigid calm. The kind that one uses to hide their strong emotions. Usagi’s could only imagine it was hate. Hate for this Hamato woman who already had a lover. Hate for the man this monster couldn’t compete with. Usagi felt a sick sense of satisfaction knowing that this monster never actually knew the love of a Hamato.

“He had left her alone to fight a monster like a coward, yet she still welcomed him back with open arms.” Some of the Lord’s rage and hate for the man that ‘took’ what he apparently believed to be his was starting to bleed through in his voice.

He remembered that day clearly. The way Karai had spotted the weakling from a distance. The way she had dropped everything to run to him. The way they had held each other as She told him the words Hikiji longed to hear, aish*teru, I love you

“He had been looking for some magic solution to defeat the Shredder. And he found it.” Hikiji paused the rage leaving him as a look is satisfaction passed over his face. Usagi could feel dread starting to build in his chest.



“Empyrean! That’s what the Shredder used when he was trying to drain the Hamato nimpo out of Master Splinter.” Cassandra exclaimed. She would never forget her time serving the Shredder. His power was still awe inspiring, but the way he had wielded it and his lack of care for those under him or around him terrified her to her core. The ritual she had helped him with would haunt her dreams for years to come.

“It is also the source of all yokai kind.” Draxum added in. He was trying to remain calm and not snap at Karai for actions that were long in the past.

“Yes, that is the solution my beloved Asahi found for us. He had hopes that we could draw the Shredder’s power out of him.” She paused. Closing her eyes to the sympathetic looks her family was giving her. It was all over now, her family had freed her father from his imprisonment, but back then she had been so desperate for a solution. “He may have been the Shredder but he was still my father. I still had hope that I could save him.

“Gram-gram.” Mikey breathed out her name. She opened her eyes and smiled at the young turtle.

“It is alright Michelangelo, this was a long time ago. Thanks to all of you my father’s soul is now at peace, and for that I am forever grateful.” Mikey smiled back at her brightly. Knowing that her grandson was comforted, she was ready to continue on with her tale.

“Asahi want to take a scouting party to research the Empyrean. It was protected by the yokai but the Shredder was as much a threat to them as he was to us. We were hopeful that with their expertise we could find a way to use the Empyrean to stop Shredder once and of all.”

“Let me guess,” Draxum cut in. “It didn’t work.” While he was far less hatful towards humans now because of his family. As a whole he did not trust human, especially in yokai matters.

“I think that would be obvious since we were the ones to defeat the Shredder.” Donnie commented receiving a smirk from Darxum and a glare from Splinter and April.

Karai sighed. “The mission went far worse than just ‘not working.’” The whole family turned their attention back to her. “The Empyrean was a disaster.”


“We decided to go on a scouting mission to see what this Empyrean was and if it could be helpful to our cause. And do you know what we found?” Lord Hikiji asked walking back over to Usagi.

“Stop it just leave him alone.” Kitsune cried out but Lord Hikiji ignored her. He grabbed Usagi’s face placing his thumb on one cheek and his fingers on the other side. He used his grip to force his head up.

“A hidden world filled with freaks like you.” Then Lord Hikiji tightened his hold on Usagi’s face before dangling his tanto right in front of him. “Well, I guess there’s one difference between them and you. They actually had power and you are just a pathetic bunny.” He let go pushing Usagi’s head back.

He stood up and continued. “These things had power. Not anywhere as powerful as her, but it was power. They said their source was the Empyrean. That’s was where they got their power from.”


“The Empyrean is sacred to the yokai.” Karai explained.

“It’s our source, the birth place of all yokai.” Draxum cut in again, he did not like that humans had tried to get their hands on Empyrean. He respected Karai, if nothing else then for the fact that she was the ancestor of his family and she had always treated them kindly. But the fact she had tried to get her hand in Empyrean upset him.

Karai seemed to notice this and moved on with her tale, she knew it would get far worse from here. “I approached some of the yokai and spoke to them about our plight. They were sympathetic but were insistent that the Empyrean would only hurt our problem not help it.” She paused to collect herself. The Empyream had already hurt her family so much. Not just the people from the past but also her present family. They had suffered from the use of Empyream during their own fight with the Shredder. She recentered herself, they needed to know what they were up against.

“If we drained the Shredder’s energy it would have to go somewhere, and I did not believe that anyone could handle that power. The process itself would also kill my father, and I was not ready to face that possibility yet. I returned to my group and shared my findings with them. That is where it went wrong.”


“The Empyrean did more than just grant these freaks powers, no it did far more than that. It allowed one to drain the mystic energy out of one being and transfer it into another.” Lord Hikiji let out a dark laugh. “Is this power starting to sound familiar?” He asked tilting his head sideways to look at his captives. To dive home his point he held his hand out gesturing to where Katsuichi’s crumpled body rest. His chest still rose and fell with short labored breaths. He watched as his captives faces mixed with fear and anger at the reminder of their weakened Sensei.

“She didn’t want to use the power.” Lord Hikiji said drawling everyone’s attention back to him. “She didn’t trust her betrothed with that much power, to fearful it would corrupt the weakling.” Lord Hikiji threw his arms out wide standing in the center of the square looking up at the sky. “But I knew my destiny was upon me. With that power I could defeat the Shredder forever. I would be unstoppable. She would see that I was the one she was supposed to be with. With the Shredder’s power and her by my side as my wife, we would have been unstoppable.” Lord Hikiji looked back at them with the eyes of a crazed man.

“She had wanted to rest before returning to the surface and I would not deny her anything.” Lord Hikiji almost sounded sincere when he said it, but the statement unsettled Usagi. He was sure this monster wouldn’t hesitate to deny her if she went against the fantasies he had of her. “As she slept, I snuck away from the group. I killed the creatures guarding the Empyrean and I bathed in it power.”


“We decided to leaving in the morning. I was tired and drained from my conversation with the yokai.” Karai’s hand came up to run through her hair as the stress from the memory was getting to her. “If I had known what was to come, what he would do, I would have insisted we left immediately.” She paused and then shook her head. “No if I knew what he was planning I would have killed him right then and there.”

“What did he do Gram-gram?” Raph asked. He was on the edge of his seat. Whoever this was, whatever he had done, it was now hurting Leo. His little brother had been through enough. Raph needed to know what he was facing so he could smash it into the ground for harming his brother.

“He left in the middle of the night. He went to the Empyrean and killed the guards keeping watch.” Karai began to tell them the horrible truth, but was cut off by an infuriated Draxum.

“That position is sacred! To kill those guards is a crime against the yokai as a whole!” He screamed out. His blood singing for revenge for the crimes against his people.

“I know.” Karai said. She looked so sad and tired. “And it only gets worse.” Draxum stilled. How could it get worse than what she had just told him?

“After Hikiji killed the guards, he bathed in the Empyrean, filling himself with its power.” Never mind that was worse. “Then on his way to reunite with the group he drained the life out of every yokai he crossed paths with.”

“No.” Draxum breathed in horror. This was his worst nightmare come to fruition. Karai met his eyes and he could see the same horror he was feeling reflected in her eyes.

“He was a monster.”


“I became a god in that moment. The power running through my vains. I still remember the feeling.” Lord Hikiji stood in the moonless night. He raised his arms and his powers moved around him.

It was nothing like Leo’s bright glow. Leo’s glow was beautiful and so full of hope.

Lord Hikiji’s was a sickly yellow and it seemed to bubble and fester out of his very skin. He looked like the personification of death.

“I returned back to my beloved draining the power out of every one of those creatures I crossed path with. Their power would service me well in my battle with the Shredder. And do you know what my beloved did when she saw me?” Lord Hikiji asked as he approached his captives again.

“She screamed. As if I would ever harm her. She blamed me. Asking me what I had done. I thought it was obvious. I was proving my love for her. I had the power now. I would destroy her enemy. Then there would be nothing in our way, we could get married. She and our children would be rulers of the world. They’d want for nothing as long as they were mine.”


“He came back and I was horrified. I couldn’t believe what he had done. I asked him why and he started spouting pure insanity.” Karai’s voice was quick carrying a the phantom feelings of panic she had felt that night.

“What did he say Gram-gram?” Splinter was horrified that such a man had been anywhere near any of his family members. That the same man currently had access to his baby blue’s soul.

“He said that he did it for me. That he now had the power to kill the Shredder. That he was going to destroy him and then there would be nothing in our way?” Karai continued with disgust in her voice.

“In your way for what?” April asked. “This sounds like one of Cassie’s world domination schemes.”

“Excuse you! I am way less creep than that and far more efficient.” Cassie defended herself. She still had her long game Grannie CJ’s brownies plan running. She was far more efficient than some crazed killer with no clear goal or plan.

“In the way of us getting married!” Karai exclaimed, getting everyone’s attention back on the story.

“Hold up. Didn’t you already have a betrothed.” Leo interjected.

“Yes.” Karai cried back. “I have no idea where he even got that idea from. I never once gave him any reason to believe that I had an intentions towards him. I told him about my betrothed multiple times. I couldn’t wrap my head around it.”

“Please tell me you kicked that creepy man booty!” April cried out in outrage.

“You went lethal right?” Donnie inquired. Hoping that Gram-Gram had given the man a good trashing for his actions.

Karai’s shoulders dropped, “I should have.”


“She rejected me!” Lord Hikiji cried out he threw his hand out hitting the tree next to him. His sickly yellow glow bubbled over the tree, it withered until the tree crumbled to dust. Hikiji calmed and stilled his glow. He could see the horror and terror not just in his captives faces but also on the Neko clan members working for him. Good let them fear him. Let them know they could never defeat him.

“I figure it was misplaced loyalty to her weak betrothed. So, I tried to kill him. And do you know what she did. She got in the way.” Karai’s actions still frustrated him to this day. Though if he was honest with himself, frustration wasn’t the emotion Karai’s actions stirred in his heart. It was heartbreak and betrayal.


“I told him he was insane if he thought I would marry him.” Karai spat out. “He decided that the problem in all of this was Asahi. He went after him and tried to kill him.” Karai looked so tired as if these events had just occurred.

“What happened next Gram-Gram?” Mikey asked.

“I got in between them. He stopped before he touched me but I was fully prepared to die that day with my beloved. I didn’t know what to do. If I touched him at all he would drain my life force. How do you fight someone like that?” Karai hoped her family had a better solution then the one she had come to.

“How did you defeat him Gram-gram?” Leo asked. He had to know. If Hikiji had his tanto then that means he had Usagi. Leo had to know how to defeat him. He had to save Usagi and the others. He refused to listen to the voice in his head telling him they were probably already dead.

“I didn’t.” Karai revealed shattering Leo’s hopes for a solution. “I sent him away. I was learning how to open portals to other worlds. Looking for a place I could trap my father while we looked for a way to break his curse. I opened a portal beneath him and dropped him into another world. I knew I was dooming them to him. But I didn’t know what else to do to stop him.” Karai started to cry. She dropped her head into her hands. She had doomed an entire world to HIkiji’s powers to save her beloved Asahi and her world. At the time she had no other options, but that didn’t mean that her decision didn’t haunt her.


“She stopped me from drawing the life from his pathetic body. Then she opened a portal to this world beneath my feet and banished me from her world. She left me here to rot.”

Lord Hikiji turned and approached Usagi again. “I loved her. I sacrificed everything for her and she threw me away. Left me in this dimension to die. Sound familiar bunny?” He asked as he got right into Usagi’s face again.

“But I didn’t die. I’ve survived and I’ve thrived. I have command over more lands than ever before. And I’ve bided my time knowing that one day I would find a way back to her world. And when I get there, I will wipe out all of their descendants.” Lord Hikiji revealed as he straightened up to his full height, allowing him to tower over Usagi.

“So, you can only imagine my joy when I learned that a Hamato was here. A Hamato that had the power to create portals.” Usagi didn’t think it was possible for his heart to drop lower but the moment this monster started talking about Leo he realized it could. “Why if I could drain his powers, then I could get out of here. I could return to my own world and bring it and the Hamato clan to their knees.”

That was not happening. Usagi would do anything to stop it. He’d give up Leo forever if it meant this monster never got his hands on him.

“But then he left and I thought I missed my opportunity. Then I learned that he was stupid enough to leave this,” he held up the tanto Leo had gifted Usagi, “behind. He left a connection to his soul here in this world. He left me a present. And though the Hamato clan doesn’t care about lovers like you or me they do care for each other. I wonder how many times I have to squeeze his soul before they come running?” The hand Lord Hikiji was holding the tanto with started glowing his sickly yellow causing Leo’s tanto to start glowing his bright blue.

“No!” Usagi screamed and started fighting against his captures with a new gusto. He had to get that tanto out of Lord Hikiji’s hands. He was killing Leo.

“Don’t worry boy.” Lord Hikiji said as he stopped his attack for now his hand no longer glowing. The tanto slowly dimming till it lost its blue glow. “This won’t kill him. It’s not comfortable mind you. Oh no, it will feel like his very heart is being ripped from his chest. But it won’t kill him.”

Lord Hikiji tucked the tanto into his belt. “But unless his family wants to watch him suffer the rest of his life, they will have to come and stop me and that’s when I’ll kill them all.”

He walked up to Usagi. “Now there’s only one thing to decide.” He grabbed Usagi by the throat, ripping him from the Neko clan ninjas holding him, and lifted the boy into the air. “Do I end your pitiful existence now or do I wait and kill you in front of your beloved Hamato, that way you can see how little he reacts.” He pulled Usagi close getting right in his face, “how little he cares for you.”

Usagi glared at him throughout his whole speech. Leo loved him he knew that as well as he knew his own soul. If this monster’s story had told Usagi anything it was that the monster before him had no idea what it meant to love and be loved by someone. Usagi wouldn’t waver. No matter what happened he would fight to the end and die with honor, knowing that all he did, he did to protect those he loved.

Lord Hikiji didn’t like the kid’s stoic face so he decided there was one more option he could give. He threw Usagi to the ground, the boy landing on his back hard. Before Usagi could recover, he stepped into the boy’s chest holding him down.

“Or I could keep you alive until your beloved Hamato arrives and then I’ll have you watch as I drain the life from his body. And when I’m done, I’ll kill you letting the last thing you see be your lover’s corpse so you can die looking at your greatest failure.” Usagi couldn’t hide the horror of his face no matter how he tried. The idea of having to watch Leo die in such a horrific was broke something in him.

“Oh, that face. That’s exactly what I’m going to do. You believed you could have what I once dreamed of having and for that I will make you suffer.”


I really wanted Karai and Hikiji telling their sides of the story at the same time. I love when that is done as it gives two different perspectives. I really hope I pulled it off well.

I hope you liked it, drop a comment if you did. I read all of them and they bring me so much joy!

Next time. Leo and the Grandmas talk. The family has some decisions to make. Chizu has some apologies to make.

Chapter 13: 'Cause it's All Over, It's Not Meant to Be


Leo and Atsuko have a talk
Usagi and Leo long for one another
Chizu's feelings


I am so sorry for the delay. It was really hard for me to write this week. I also have been having a hard time at work so one of my friends and I hung out Friday which is normally my editing day.

I also just wasn't happy with this chapter and I wasn't going to post it till I was satisfied with it.

anyway thank you for all of the comments and responses to the last chapter. I read them all and they bring me so much joy!!!

I hope you like this chapter!!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Just as Karai finished her story, Leo pitched forward again, ripping himself out of everyone’s holds. A blood cuddling scream left his lips for a second time as the sickly yellow glow returned to his body. The family started shouting in fear and panic as they now knew a mad man was draining the life from their beloved family member.

Atsuko moved quickly to place her hands on his cheek and chest once again. She started funneling her powers into the boy trying to provide strength and comfort. Trying to sooth the pain he was experiencing. Karai placed her hand on her shoulder allowing her own power to flow through to Leo as well.

Donnie tore his eyes away from his suffering twin to look desperately at Karai. “What can we do? How do we stop this?”

Before Karai could answer the yellow glow went away. Leo slumped forward with a moan. His breaths coming in short pants.

The attack was much shorter this time. No one could tell if that was a good or bad thing.

“Raphael, could you help me move your brother to his bedroom? He will be far more comfortable lying down.” Atsuko asked as she watch Leo curling up in pain.

Raph was surprised at being addressed but quickly shook it off. “Ya of course.” He gently guided Leo into leaning back. Leo let out a few pained cries but didn’t actively try to stop the movement. Though the sounds sent an arrow deep in to his soul, Raph continued to guided him back until he was able to get an arm around Leo’s shoulders and then slipped his other arm under Leo’s knees scooping his little brother up into his grasp. He held Leo close to his chest hoping to provide a sense of safety and comfort.

Though he wasn’t sure if he could. Leo could be attacked again at any moment and currently there wasn’t a thing Raph could do to protect him.

Atsuko floated up next to him giving Raph the cue that he should start walking. He set off in the direction of Leo’s room. Splinter, Casey, and Mikey following closely behind him.

Raph walked with steady steps not wanting to jostle Leo more than he had to. He knew it wasn’t a true injury, but Leo’s breathing was still labored and there were still muffled moans coming from his lips. They made it quickly to Leo’s room and Raph gently put his brother down on his bed.

Mikey wasted no time climbing into the bed as well. He crawled so that he was on the side closest to the wall. He didn’t want to obstruct the others from getting to Leo but he also wanted to be close to his older brother.

Leo gingerly lifted his arm to wrap it around Mikey’s shoulder gently holding his brother, even in pain he was trying to comfort his family. He held out his other hand which Raph grabbed hold of as tightly as he dared.

Atsuko moved to sit on the end of the bed. She placed herself near Leo’s waist giving her clear access to his chest and face if he were to be attacked again.

Casey seated himself next to Leo head. Wanting to be close but not in the way if something were to happen. Splinter stood beside his mother and Raph watching over them all.

“Is there anything we can do to ease my son’s pain?” Splinter asked his mother not taking his eyes off of the labored movement of Leo’s chest. Atsuko glanced down at her son before returning her eyes to Leo.

“Hikiji is attacking his soul. He is trying to drain his life essence out of him.” She could see the family tensing around her. She gently reached out to rest her hand on Leo’s cheek once more trying to provide him comfort as she soothed the family. “From my understand he cannot succeed without a physical hold on Leo himself.”

“But he has Leo’s tanto, isn’t that enough of a physical hold?” Mikey interrupted. He was so scared. This creep had a piece of Leo’s soul in his hands, how is that not a physical connection.

“It is true he has one of Leo’s nimpo weapons, but it puts the two in a delicate balance. Leo cannot pull the tanto back, if he pushes energy into the blade, he is opening himself up for Hikiji to drain more energy. On the other hand, Hikiji can only drain so much power from the tanto. Your nimpo weapons are a fraction of your powers manifested. If he drains over that amount the tanto will revert to its original form and he will lose his connection to Leonardo.” Atsuko gently explained the situation they were in.

She had tried to keep a calm air around herself but as she got to the end of her statement her face darkened. “He can cause Leonardo extraordinary pain, as he is draining his life essence, but he cannot drain all of it without Leonardo physically in front of him.” She sighed as her shoulders slumped. “Right now, we are at a standstill. These attacks will continue to happen until the tanto is removed from Hikiji’s possession or the two meet face to face.”

“Having Leo met this guy head on doesn’t sound like a good idea.” Raph said, his grasp on Leo’s hand tightening. As he watched Leo’s breathing finally start to settle back to a reasonable pace, he couldn’t imagine Leo in a major fight right now.

They had been training together regularly trying to get Leo back into the swing of things. He hadn’t truly trained in five months and it showed. Add in the fact that he was still getting used to his leg not being able to take his weight, and it had been a messy situation. Leo had made great progress over the last two months, but Raph couldn’t imagine Leo going up against an enemy like Hikiji right now.

Leo squeezed his hand back and tried to shoot him a reassuring smile. But it wasn’t working, he was still too shaky for it to calm Raph in any way.

Leo then turned his attention to Atsuko. His smiled faded as he took on a grim appearance. There was so many things he wanted to ask, but the first question was most important. Yet the answer to it could also destroy him entirely.

“Grandma,” his voice came out scratchy from all the screaming he had done, but it had the desired effect of getting Atsuko, as well as the rest of the rooms, attention on him. “Earlier Gram-Gram said that pulling my tanto back would put my friends in danger.” He paused making sure she was following along before asking his question. “Does- does that mean that they are still alive?”

The thought of one of his friends being hurt or killed by the monster Karai had described filled him with terror and dread. This man did not sound like the type to take prisoners, and Leo knew his friends, his Usagi, would never let someone like Hikiji near his tanto without a fight. The best he could hope for was that they had been tricked or forced into handing it over. Though the idea of Usagi willingly handing over his tanto to anyone made his heart ache, he also understood that Usagi would never have caused him this pain on purpose. The only way he could think of Usagi parting with his tanto is if one of his family members had been in danger. If that was the case Leo could understand, there was nothing Leo wouldn’t do for his family.

Yet, no matter what scenario enters his mind, he still couldn’t see Usagi separating from his tanto without a fight. Nor could he see this monster of a man letting his friends or his boyfriend live after such an encounter. He feared he had already lost them without evening knowing they were in danger. Worst yet, it was a danger he put them all in.

Atsuko looked at the boy with sadness. “I don’t know my boy.” Leo dropped her gaze, not willing to cry in front of her. “But I hope so. Karai sent Asahi to go check on them as soon as the attack on you started, but he has not returned yet.” Leo raised his eyes up locking back into the conversation quickly. Gram-Gram had sent her husband? To check on Usagi and the others? “Once he returns, we will know more about their situation.”

“Will he be able to talk to them?” Leo was hopeful. Hopeful that Usagi and the others were okay. Hopeful that they could communicate with them. Maybe even have a planned and united counter attack.

“No, my boy. We are able to communicate with you by drawling on your collected nimpos. Your friends don’t have that, the only way Asahi will be able to find them is by traveling to your tanto and searching from there. I doubt they will even see him.” Leo wilted once more. He desperately wanted to talk to Usagi right now.

He wanted his strength and comfort, but mostly he just wanted to know Usagi and the others were okay. Wanted to know that his relationship with them hadn’t been their death sentence. He looked down at his wrist. On his right wrist, the one currently holding Mikey to him, was the blue fabric that Usagi had gifted him as his first courting gift. It felt so long ago now. Back when they were together and safe in Lord Mifune’s Tenshu.

He had tied it around his wrist as a way to always have Usagi with him. Any time he wielded his swords, reached for some food, or just moved around with his cane he would catch sight of the blue fabric and be reminded of Usagi. It had brought him great comfort in the past two months and looking at it now held remind him of Usgai’s love and comfort. There had been plenty of moments when Leo was overwhelmed or missing Usagi and the others and he would just run his fingers along the fabric on his wrist. A reminded of Usagi’s promises, of his love. Leo needed that strength now.

“I understand Grandma.” Leo mumbled.

“Don’t worry Leo, Pa-Pa will find them. Usagi’s probably planning a rescue mission for your tanto right now.” Mikey tried to reassure him. In truth Mikey couldn’t imagine a world where the Usagi Leo spoke of didn’t die fighting to protect Leo’s tanto. There was no way he was telling Leo that though. Leo had been through so much recently, they all had, he didn’t deserve to lose his first boyfriend in such a horrific way.

Leo smiled at him, he hoped that was the case but he also hoped Usagi and their friends were far away from this mad man. He had to focus on something else, or else he would drive himself mad. Something helpful. He looked up at Raph who was standing next to him full of worry. His Raph chasm was deeper than it had been in a long time.

“Raph,” Leo called getting his big brother’s attention. Raph quickly met his gaze and Leo gave his hand a gentle squeeze, knowing he was about to ask Raph to do something very difficult. “I need you to go back to Donnie and the others.”

Raph pulled back a little in surprise before protesting. “I’m not leaving you.” The last time Leo had asked Raph to go after one of their brothers it had ended with Leo sacrificing himself to defeat the Krang. There was no way Raph was leaving Leo’s side when he was under attack.

“Raph, I need you to be with Donnie.” He then gave Mikey a squeeze as well. “You to Mikey.”

Mikey looked up at Leo in a panic. “But Leo-”

“No,” Leo gentle cut them off. “There is nothing you can do to help me right now. We all know Donnie. He doesn’t do ‘sit and wait’ he’s going to start looking for away to get my tanto back. He’s going to find a way to Hikiji.” Leo stressed the last part to them. They all knew he was right, about all of it. No one wanted to think about how helpless they were so Leo tried to give them a task. “Raph, I need my co-leader out there. Someone needs to make sure Donnie’s being safe. I can’t be there right now, so I need you to keep and eye on him till we have a plan.”

Raph nodded, he hated it but Leo was right. There was nothing he could do here but watch and worry. Knowing Donnie he might get the portal working and run in there on his own. Raph couldn’t handle Donnie and Leo being in danger at the same time. “Alright Leo, you win. But I want to know if there are anymore attacks.” Raph pointed his finger at Leo getting close to his face to drive his point home. Leo smiled and squeezed his hand again.

“I promise, I’ll send Dad or Casey to come get you.” With that promise Raph sighed. He gave Leo’s hand one last big squeeze before letting go. He started to turn before he stopped himself. He pivoted back around and leaned over the bed pulling Leo into a tight hug.

“Don’t do anything stupid before I get back.” He whispered into Leo’s ear. Leo hugged him back as tightly as he could.

“I won’t, I promise.” And with that Raph let go and moved to the door. Leo turned to look down at Mikey. “You got to go to Angelo.”

“No way.” Mikey said tightening his hold on Leo.

“Mikey please. Raph can make sure Donnie’s being safe by physically stopping him from doing anything stupid but I need to be there to. I need someone who can reason with him and you’re the best at that.” Leo tried to appeal to his younger brother. Donnie needed the support before he charged Hikiji on his own.

“But you need us to!” Mikey argued back. He was terrified and he didn’t want Leo out of his sight.

“Please Mikey.” Leo pleaded with his brother. He didn’t have the energy for grand speeches, he just needed his brothers away from him.

Mikey hated when Leo used that tone, he sounded defeated. Leo wasn’t defeated yet. This Hikiji had to get through all of them before he could get his hands on Leo. Maybe that was why Leo was pushing for them to go to Donnie. Give them all something to do, create a goal that they could actively work on rather then just watching him suffer.

Mikey relented. Leo had to have a plan and if helping Donnie would help Leo then Mikey would do it. he hugged Leo tightly. “Don’t disappear on us again.”

“I won’t.” Leo promised holding his little brother close. Hikiji wasn’t going to be the monster that separated him from his brothers. They didn’t stop an alien invasion just to lose to a guy who didn’t understand boundaries.

Mikey got up out of the bed and made his way to Raph who was still waiting at the door. The two gave Leo one last long look before making their way through the door.

Leo sighed before looking at his Dad and Casey. “You two should-”

Casey let out a breathy scoff. “Let me guess, we should go support Uncle Donnie, or Aunt April, or Mom, anyone but you.” He said shooting Leo a sharp glare. Leo was at least sheepish enough to pull into his shell a little bit at that. Casey rolled his eyes. “Master Leonardo used to do the same thing when he was hurt. Make sure everyone else was distracted so that no one was there to see him in pain.” Casey softened. He moved from the head of the bed to lay beside Leo, resting his head on his chest and throwing an arm over his waist. “Well to bad, I’m here and I’m not leaving you alone. You never let me suffer alone so I’m not leaving you.” Leo sighed, before wrapping his arms around Casey.

“Alright Case. I know when I’m beat.” He then looked up at Atsuko with worry in his eyes. “Grandma can Hikiji drain the energy of people touching me?” The idea had been haunting him but he didn’t want to voice it in front of his brothers. Casey wasn’t wrong in his assumption that Leo didn’t want his family to watch him suffer but the idea that they could suffer with him was haunting.

“No, no my dear.” Atsuko reassured him. “He can only hurt you.” There was a deep sadness on her face. She could see how relieved Leo was that he was the only person in danger at the moment, but she was heartbroken. She had grown up knowing that sacrifice was the Hamato way. Yet after having her son she never wanted him to live like that, but there was nothing she could do.

Or so she thought. Her wonderful son might have lost the way of the Hamato traditions but he had found a new way. He had raised his sons in love, growing their little family to include so many wonderful people. And it was their love and connection to one another that had allowed them to defeat the Shredder.

They were the strongest nimpo warriors in generations. Even with all of the training she and other Hamatos went through she doubted anyone else could have defeated the Shredder. It was their unapologetic love for one another that made them so strong. So to see one of those boys, the ones who loved each other so well, who put their family before everything, suffer for that love was heart wrenching.

Hikiji was attacking Leo because he was a Hamato. Hikiji had been offered a place in their family but he refused it because he couldn’t have what he wanted. And now he was attacking him, her grandson for nothing more then their family name. He had probably attacked Leo’s boyfriend and friends as well just for their association with her boy. How could you hold that much hate in your heart?

Yet through all the pain that was being inflicted on him Leo had only worried about his loved ones. He asked about Usagi and the others. He sent his brothers away, yes he said it was to watch over Donnie but she had a suspicion that it was also so they didn’t have to fell like they were helpless. He made sure that Casey was safe touching him, she had no doubt he would push away all forms of comfort if it meant keeping the others safe.

“Grandma?” Atsuko tuned back into the conversation at Leo’s questioning tone to find Leo, Casey, and Yoshi looking up at her.

“I am sorry my dear what did you ask me?” She had obviously missed the question Leo had asked.

“Whenever I get attacked, you place your hand on my cheek and chest, what are you doing?” Leo questioned again. He had an idea of what it was but he wanted to make sure.

“I am sharing my essence with you.” Atsuko answered.

“But if Hikiji is draining Leo’s essence and your sharing your’s, can’t he drain your’s as well?” Splinter asked. He wanted to make sure he understood what was happening. His mother has told them that Hikiji couldn’t drain anyone else essence but Leo’s.

“He might get a little bit but my essence should block him from feeding off of Leo’s.” She could see many questions starting to arise so she quickly started speaking again. “Let me explain. My nimpo manifested as the ability to heal by sharing my energy with others. When I place my hand on Leo’s chest and cheek I am pushing my energy into his heart and mind. From there it will spread to the rest of the body. There are limits to what I can do, for example I cannot heal old injuries.” She said this while nodding down to Leo’s left leg. “But I can heal new wounds or ease pain. When Hikiji attacks Leo I have been sharing my essence with him to ease the pain but also to block Hikiji. He can’t drain my essence as it is not connected to the tanto but I can block how much of Leo’s essence he can drain. Now if I do this to much, I will ware myself out.” She could see the looks of fear and concern for her at that statement. “Which is why Karai has been sharing her energy with me as well.”

The group sat in silence, thinking over the news she had just shared with them.

Then Leo spoke. “Draxum told us that with practice and time we could unlock new nimpo abilities.” He paused and Atsuko nodded along. She had a feeling she knew what he would say next. “Could you teach me?” Leo could see her hesitating so he pushed on. “I have been our family medic for years, I helped out in the infirmary during my time at the Tenshu, and I’ve been studying medicine since my return.” He paused once again looking Atsuko in the eyes. “Being able to use my nimpo to help not only my family but others heal would be the best use of my powers. Please.”

Atsuko looked at her grandson looking up at her with so much emotion in his eyes. Now was not the time to be teaching him how to share his, suddenly very depleted, energy, yet how could she ever say no? This was a rare opportunity to spend time with one of her grandsons, besides he could use the distraction.

“Let us begin.”


After Lord Hikiji made his final threat to Usagi, he had stepped off of the bunny and allowed the Neko ninjas to take him back. He had ordered that all of his “guest” be taken to their “accommodations.”

This involved a lot of dragging and shoving as the group was forced down beneath the Tenshu. There were cells down there. Dirty and wet with stagnant water. It was dark with no natural lighting making it’s way into the area, and the smell was that of a sick room that had yet to be aired out, overwhelming in its stench.

The only mercy Usagi could see in the whole situation was that their little group was kept together, though they had taken their weapons. They must have believed them too weak to launch a counter attack.

Which they were right. Gen’s shoulder had been dislocated when Hikiji had thrown him. Kitsune kept her injury as hidden from her captures as she could but it was obvious from the pain she was in from moving that she had bruised ribs at best and broken ribs at worst. Usagi wasn’t much better. He could feel just from the way he moved that both his back and chest were going to bruise horrible from the amount of times he was thrown to the ground. Not counting the times he was kicked or stepped on. Just breathing hurt.

Then there was Katsuichi.

His master had to be dragged down here, something the three teens had protested violent. But he was dragged across the floor and the steps any way. His master barely had the energy to raise his head let alone stand. Usagi counted his blessings that the lion was still breathing.

Kitsune sat with her back against the wall. Gen and Usagi had moved Katsuichi’s head into her lap, as they all tried to comfort him as best they could. Gen sat in front of them with his back to the door of the cell. A foolish move but seeing as they were pretty much slated to die, he preferred to shield his family as best he could. He had tried to coax Usagi over to join their group but Usagi stayed close to the door watching for the guards and any movement.

Usagi wasn’t giving up. Not while he breathed. His family needed to get out of here. Leo’s soul needed rescuing. If Usagi had known the danger Leo would be put because of his tanto, he never would have accepted it.

No. That’s a lie. That tanto meant so much to him. When Leo gave it to him it had been a promise of love and a desire to be together in the future. Once Leo was taken that tanto became his hope and his strength. Leo was still alive and Usagi would see him again as long as he had his tanto.

But now that symbol of their love and devotion had become a death bell. Ringing out for all of them. If he didn’t act fast Usagi’s family would perish in this Tenshu. If he didn’t act fast Leo’s family would find their way here and be attacked by that monster. Leo was going to be attacked by that monster.

It’s amazing how something he had once dreamed of, a portal to Leo’s world, meeting Leo’s family, had suddenly and violently become the worst thing imaginable. Leo’s family couldn’t come here.

Usagi already knew that he could never make this up to Leo. Leo had gifted Usagi with a literally piece of his soul. Leo had trusted Usagi not only to love him but to carry a piece of his soul with him and keep him safe. Leo had made himself vulnerable in a way Usagi never truly could. Leo had given so much of himself in the trust and belief that Usagi would love and care for him.

And Usagi had failed. Leo’s soul was in the hands of a mad man. A mad man who had a direct connection to Leo’s soul because Usagi didn’t protect it. Usagi had let his guard down. He had trusted Chizu. He had told her about Leo and showed her his tanto. He had let her in close to his family and loved ones and now they were all paying the price. Leo was paying the price.

No matter what happened, whether he gets the tanto back or dies trying. He will never make this up to Leo. Or to either of their families.

He sat in the dark dank cell, his family huddled up behind him, he was the only thing between them and the door. The guards were nowhere near their cell. Usagi could see a flicker of light a ways away near what he assumed to be the door. They truly did not expect them to escape, or even try to.

He sat listening to Katsuichi’s labored breathing, Kitsune’s quite huffs and Gen’s soft snorts. They must have all dozed off. Good they need the rest.

Usagi allowed his own mind to wander. He didn’t want to think about the present. About what had happened to his family or what was to come their way. He definitely didn’t want to think about Leo in agonizing pain. Instead, the let himself dream of a future where this all worked out in his favor. A pointless dream but a comforting one in this dark and hopeless place. To not dream is to give up.

He dreamed of what he would do when he saw Leo again.

What would he even say to Leo if he ever saw him again?

He knew one thing he would do. He would get in his knees and apologizes. He wouldn’t beg for forgiveness as it was not deserved. He had allowed Leo’s soul to fall into the hands of a monster. Had allowed the love of his life to be tortured from worlds away. His beloved deserved better, so much better.

If he lives long enough to see Leo again, he would apologize on his hands and knees, but he would not grovel for forgiveness. No, he didn’t expect Leo’s forgiveness.

The worst part though, is that as much as he might think he deserves Leo’s furry for this, he knows he won’t receive it. His Leo, who valued himself far below everyone else around him. His Leo, who when he was attacked and disrespected by Kenichi, put the honor of the Tenshu above his own safety and comfort. His beloved Leo, who was always the first to put himself down, would not be angry at him for this.

No, Usagi knew him far too well. The only way he could picture Leo’s wrath coming his way would be if one of his family members were harmed. Usagi would do everything in his power to make sure that didn’t happen. He was getting Leo’s tanto back, even if it kills him.

When Leo and his family arrived (which if Leo was with his family Usagi had little doubt they would find a way to confront Lord Hikiji) Usagi hoped he would be ready. In his ideal fantasy he would have already gotten the tanto back. He could shove it into their hands and push them back through the portal. If he was left behind to face Lord Hikiji then so be it. As long as Leo and his family were safe.

Speaking of Leo’s family, even if Usagi somehow lived through this he doubted he could ever win their respect and trust now. Usagi didn’t even trust himself to watch Leo’s back anymore, how could he ever expect Leo’s family to trust him.

No if he lived through this. If by some miracle they all lived through this. Usagi knew there was only one course of action moving forward. He had to let Leo go. He broke Leo’s trust completely. He couldn’t protect a dagger left in his care, a dagger connected to the love of his life’s very essence. Leo deserved better than that. Leo deserved a partner he could rely on.

Usagi might not have given his tanto up, but he had thought about it. When faced with Katsuichi’s imminent death or parting with Leo’s tanto he had thought about it. If forced to make the choice he would have parted with the tanto to save his Sensei. At the time he hadn’t know the danger parting with it posed to Leo, but that didn’t change the fact that he had been willing to trade Leo’s soul for his Sensei’s life.

And he knew, he knew Leo would understand. That Leo would forgive him for that. Leo wouldn’t even think twice. If the choice was between Leo’s own life and another’s he knew his beloved would pick to have the other person live.

That didn’t make it right. Ideally, Usagi should have never let them get into that situation. Yet he had. This was all his fault.

Suddenly dreaming of the future where he lived wasn’t as comforting as he once believed it to be. Usagi wrapped his arms around himself for comfort. He made his mind up on his next course of action. A three-step plan if you will. First, he was getting his family out of this cage. Second, he was getting Leo’s tanto back from Hikiji or he would die trying. And he would be doing this alone, his family was getting out of here. He had already cause them enough pain and suffering in this. Third, if he succeeded, if he survived, he would find away to return Leo’s tanto to him. Then he would let Leo go.

As the Neko clan dragged Usagi and the others away Lord Hikiji approached Chizu.

“Come with me.” Lord Hikiji directed as he started walking back towards the Tenshu. Chizu straightened her back and followed behind him. She made sure to keep two steps behind him at all times. Never walking besides or in front of him. They were silent until they arrived at their destination.

Lord Hikiji led her to his office chambers. It was rare for him to allow anyone into these chambers as this was where he stored his trophies. Chizu could only remember one time that Shingen was invited into these chambers.

He had come out with a black eye and split lip.

The room was elegant. Gold details all around the room. Snakes wrapped their way along the pillars and columns, their eyes made from rubies or emerald. The whole room had an ominous feel to it. It was obviously a room owned by an obscenely wealthy man, but it was not warm or welcoming. The display of wealth was off putting and made her feel trapped.

Hikiji walked around a large mulberry wood table, but he did not sit in the lavish chair behind him. He rested his hands behind his back and stared at her. Chizu held her ground. Her shoulders back, her head slightly bowed in respect, she knew not to meet his eyes. She kept her hands and stance loose, she didn’t want to let him know how defensive and trapped she was feeling.

After a moment of him studying her he let out a chuckle. “You know my dear I was worried about you. After the failure of your brother’s final mission I had such little hopes for you.”

He started to move. He walked around the table again and started to circle her. “And when Kagemaru came to me and told me of the fondness,” he said the word like it was poisonous, even pausing in his walk to observe her reaction. When she didn’t flinch, he kept going. “You seemed to have for the Miyamoto boy and his friends, well, I thought you lost to us.”

He made his way back behind the table and finally sat down in the chair. He leaned back looking her over once more before holding his hands out to either side. “And yet here you are. I must say you are quite the little performer. Tricking them all into protecting you, making your own men question your loyalty. Yet when it truly mattered you showed your hand. Miyamoto’s capture. The hostages.” He picked the tanto up out of his belt to observe it once again. “This tanto. All because of you.”

He turned to her to see her reaction but Chizu’s face was a wall of stone. He was impressed, at least the girl could hold her composure. “I will have to say that you have succeeded where your brother failed. I’m sure he would be quite proud of you.” Even then Chizu didn’t raise to any baits.

Lord Hikiji finally relaxed back into his chair. This girl was terrified of him. She was no threat. When Kagemaru sent word of her lack of action he assumed she would try to be foolish. To try and avoid him or plot away to stab him in the back. He shouldn’t have worried. Even though she obviously cared for the group her own need for survival outweighed her affection for them. He has her under his thumb. She was no threat. She had no power, and no backbone.

But just to make sure.

“I’m sure I can trust you with guarding them during the third watch. After all you have proven you are more than willing to betray them. I’m sure if they get out of line you will be the most capable at hitting them where it hurts most.” He still didn’t get a reaction out of the girl. That was fine. Let her stand there while the people she cared for told her how much they hated her. Any spirit she had left would be crushed.

Chizu gave a low bow. “If that is what you wish.” She then stood back up and started to retreat out of the room.

The whole conversation Chizu was seething. This was wrong. She was wrong. She wished she had told them all the truth up in the mountains. Maybe then they could have fought Lord Hebi and his escort off. They could have run for it.

Instead, she had let them walk into a trap.

She had been prepared to die with them that day, but then Lord Hikiji had stepped out and attacked them. She knew he could kill them all. When she watched Kitsune get knocked into the tree, Gen get thrown into the dirt ,and Usagi almost get his head taken off she knew she had to do something to keep them alive. She had the choice, fight Lord Hikiji head on, or try and keep her friends alive by appeasing him.

It had worked. By some miracle it had worked. All of her friends were still alive. Even Katsuichi was still alive. She was so relieved that she hadn’t had to watch the closes thing she had to a father die the same way her brother had.

But it had come at a cost. She had betrayed them. She had kept them alive but any trust or affection they had for her died tonight. She might be able to earn Kitsune’s and Katsuichi’s trust again by getting them out of here, but not Usagi’s.

No, she had betrayed Usagi the worst. She was the one to put his family in this position. She had been the one to hold him back when Katsuichi was having the life drained from him. And she had been the one to hand Leo’s tanto over to Lord Hikiji. Usagi would never forgive her. He might understand her action, they had kept his family alive, but putting Leo in danger? That Usagi would never forgive.

Chizu didn’t regret her choice. Lord Hikiji want the Hamato’s and she wanted her friends alive, the choice was easy. But Usagi would never put Leo and his family in danger. Lord Hikiji was right about one thing. Usagi’s love made him foolish.

Yet as she turned to close the door to the room where Lord Hikiji remained, she watched as he placed the precious tanto onto a stand in front of Lord Hikiji’s clan symbol. She knew what he was doing. He was claiming victory over Leonardo already. Placing Leo’s tanto in front to his crest as a symbol of his power and control over his victims. She closed the door just as Lord Hikiji moved away from the tanto, and she realized something.

Usagi’s love for Leo made the boy foolish, of that there was no doubts. He left the security of his home for the chance that he might be reunited with his lover. As different as she and Usagi were, he had always treated her with respect and care. As she turned away from the room, she realized that she and Usagi were more alike than she ever imagined. For she was also a fool for those she loved.

She had about three hours before the third watch would start, she had to move fast. She made her way to her room, quickly changing her clothes. She stored her red kimono and grey apron into a bag along with her brother’s old sash, something she had stored here for safe keeping. She quickly grabbed anything of worth or value, there wasn’t much.

She left the room dressed in her regular ninja garb. She had on a loose black pants and shirt. The sleeves and pant legs were wrapped at the ends holding them close to her wrist and ankles. The only color her outfit had was the rosy red belt she had tied around her middle. This was new, as it was to her benefit to were all black, but she wouldn’t be a traditional ninja for much longer so what was there to lose by adding a little color. Her long hair was tied up with a red ribbon, in a high ponytail and would be covered up in her hood when she pulled it up. Her black face mask was pulled up over her nose. She was ready to go.

She made her way out to the stables. She moved quickly and with purpose. She would normally keep to the shadows but there was no point. Here surrounded by other ninja, she would be spotted in a moment. No, it was better to act as though she had nothing to hide. She had permission to be here and anyone who thought different was going to find out why she was the new leader of the Neko clan real fast.

As she entered the stables she looked around and set her eyes on four horses. The four horses that belonged to Lord Mifune. She approached one of the older works. Frail with age but still strong enough to get what she needed done.

“The Master has need of those horses.” She stated pointing at the four horses her friends had brought with them. “He needs them set to their wagon and prepared to leave.”

The stable hand looked at her with confusion. “My lady those horses are not trained to our lands yet they will not return here if they get free.”

Chizu let out a sigh as though the man had just said something quite stupid. “That’s the point. They will return to their home land letting their Lord know that his servants have fallen. If they do not arrive back, Lord Mifune will come looking for them. The Master does not want an army poking around our lands. He especially does not want to have possession of the travelers’ missing horses.” She explained how the presence of the horses would tie their people to the disappearance of the riders.

Luckily her argument was sound enough for the old man to listen to her.

“Have them and their cart prepared I want all four attached to the cart.” She knew that wasn’t how they came in but Katsuichi was in no condition to ride right now. She doubted Usagi was either. “Once saddled send them to the South Gate.” The South Gate was closest to her exit route. She would have roughly an hour, maybe two before the horses were in position. She had to move fast.

She swept out of the stables and made her way to her goal. The dungeon.

But then she paused. She looked up at the Tenshu. If she wanted Usagi and the others to trust her she had to give them a reason. And she knew what reason she would give them. Though it would be the most foolish thing she had ever done.

She moved fast. She made her way back inside Tenshu. Lord Hikiji’s office was in the north side of the Tenshu on the third floor. It would be easy enough to scale from the outside but it would also be easy to spot her. Instead, she went back to her room. On the way there she spotted a blue decorative cloth resting on one of the tables. She grabbed it. It wasn’t the right shade but it would work for what she needed.

Once back in her room she pulled out the tanto Katsuichi had loaned her. She didn’t want to part with it as it was a connection to Katsuichi, but she far preferred the chance to get them all out of here alive. She took the blue table cloth and tore it into strips wrapping the blue cloth around the hilt and sheath of the tanto. It wasn’t pretty but you wouldn’t notice at a glance. That’s all she needed. Something to buy time.

She placed the now blue tanto into her sash and climbed out her window. Her room was on the second floor. She stuck close to the wall and made her way over to the north side of the building.

While there were trained ninja watching over the Tenshu there was also a reason her and her brother had taken over the Neko clan at such a young age. They were the best.

She made her way directly below the window to Hikiji’s study. She had spotted two ninja in her way over. One was looking outside of the grounds and the other was looking into the grounds. Theoretically nothing should get by them. But it was late in the night. A night where they just had a major victory. She could see them joking with each other and swaying. They were drunk. Meaning unless she was stupid, they were not catching her.

She jumped up and grabbed a hold of the window ledge. She slowly and silently pulled herself up and glanced into the room. Lord Hikiji was gone. She slowly pulled herself up and onto the window ledge. No sudden movements. She checked the room again. Poking her head in to look along the wall.

No one was there. She was alone. She slipped into the room and quietly made her way to the table Leo’s tanto was on. She was about to step up to the table when her eyes caught it. A trip wire. Lord Hikiji was expecting her, or at least someone, to come for the tanto. If she had to guess it was a trap set up for Usagi and the others or maybe even the Hamato clan themselves.

It wasn’t catching her. She had made traps like these her whole life. She took out Katsuichi’s tanto. She leaned forward, never stepping on or over the trip wire. She was aware there might be something behind it.

She placed the tip of Katsuichi’s tanto to the back of Leo’s. She pushed it toward sliding Leo’s tanto off the stand. She wasn’t sure if the stand was a pressure plate and she wasn’t going to take the time to figure it out, nor would she take the risk that it wasn’t.

She placed one of her hands at the end of Leo’s tanto helping it slide forward. As Leo’s tanto slid out of the stand Katsuichi’s tanto took its place.

When she got it off of the first prong of the stand, there was one heart stopping moment when the back of Leo’s tanto tipped toward the table but she was able to counter balance before it hit the table. With her heart in her throat, she finished slipping Leo’s tanto out and Katsuichi’s tanto in.

It wasn’t perfect. The blue was off and the craftsmanship wasn’t there. But it would buy them some time. She tucked Leo’s tanto into her sash and climbed back out the window and back to her room.

There was about an hour left before the third watch. She had a strong feeling that Lord Hikiji wasn’t going to let her be alone for the whole watch. She had to get there early if she wanted to succeed.

She moved fast stopping by the armory to grab a few items she would need, and then the kitchen to grab a loaf of sweet bread. This was something she would never do, to steal food was an offence that ended with a severe beating, but that wouldn’t matter this time. Come morning light she would either be far away from here or dead. Then she made her way down to the dungeon.

It was dark. As soon as she entered, she was greeted by two guards sitting at a table. They were playing a game by candle light. It was obvious to her that her fellow ninjas were not expecting an escape attempt tonight. Their loss.

“Chizu-san!” One of the guard called standing up quickly. In doing so he knocked not only their game over but also a bottle. So, they were drinking as well.

“At ease.” She tried to put the same level of command her brother always cared in his voice. “I’m here to take over the watch.”

The two guards looked confused. “Just you? I know they’re beaten but-” the seated guard started to question but she cut him off.

“Are you questioning the Master’s orders?” Her voice held a deadly edge to it. Challenging them to speak the words she knew they wouldn’t.

Fear entered both men’s eyes. “No. Never.” The standing one quickly excused.

“Good.” She then reached into her bag and hand over some of the sweet bread to both of them. “Good work tonight. Get some rest.”

The two men quickly took the offered food. A quick thank you for the reward. Extra food was hard to come by and no one was dumb enough to turn it down. Then the two left the room.

Chizu heard the door close behind her. She picked up the candle and started making her way back into the dungeon. While she was comfortable in total darkness, she knew her friends weren’t. She also wanted no misunderstanding of what she was offering them.

She had to walk fairly far into the dark to find them. There in a dark, dank cell sat her friends, her family. She could see Katsuichi laying with his head in Kitsune’s lap. The girl was curled around him trying to shield them both as she slept. Gen had his back to her. He had sat himself between his family and the front of the cell. Offering the only protection he could, his body. But it was Usagi who made her stop moving.

Usagi, the only one still awake. Usagi with the cut above his eye staining half his face brown with dried blood. Usagi, who sat on his knees but stared up at her with a look so hateful that she felt it in her soul.

Chizu didn’t know what to say or how to start. Usagi did.

“Why are you here?” He questioned her. His voice was quite but not kind. No, his tone could cut steal. “Have you come to gloat? Or are you here to finish us off yourself?”

Chizu didn’t know what to say. What could she say to him now? She had never been good with honesty or emotions, so she did was she did best. She let her actions do the talking for her. She slowly reached into her sash and pulled out Leo’s tanto.

Usagi’s eyes widened as soon as he saw it. she could hear the sharp intake of his breath. Thinking that she had shocked him enough to listen to her she opened her mouth to speak.

But she was wrong.

Usagi moved quick as lighting, his hand was through the bars and wrapped around her wrist dragging her straight into the bars. Their faces were inches apart with only the bars separating him from her. And when he spoke his voice was as cold as ice.

“I don’t care why you’re here. I don’t care why he gave that to you. But you are not leaving here with Leonardo-chan’s soul.”


Okay Y'all we are coming to the finally!!!

Next time: Donnie's plan, Chizu's heart, and the escape attempt.

Chapter 14: But I Would Die for You in Secret


Here We go.
Chizu's heart
Leo's realization
Donnie's plan
and the Escape attempt


Sorry this is so late. My family came to visit and I didn't have a lot of time to write
Thank you so much for your lovely comments on the last chapter.
I hope you enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chizu froze for a moment unable to think of what to do. What to say. What could she say? Usagi, who had always been so warm. Who was the first person to call her chan. Now held her wrist so tightly in his hand she thought he would snap it.

His eyes were filled with such raw anger and hate, and she deserved it. She had tricked him. Played on all of his goodness and trust and led him and his loved ones here.

If she had made her decision earlier, if she had been less afraid of consequences, maybe they never would have faced this. Maybe Gen would still have his horn. Maybe Katsuichi would still be healthy. Maybe Usagi wouldn’t look at her with such raw hatred.

She was trying to atone for what she had done. She was trying to make up for all the wrongs she had committed. She knew Usagi would never forgive her. The others might but never Usagi.

And now she held his lover’s soul in her hands.

“He didn’t give it to me.” Okay not the best start. “I took it.”

“Well it seems you’re an expert at stabbing people in the back.” Usagi hissed at her. His eyes flickering between her’s and the blade. Did he? Did he think she would stab him with Leo’s tanto? That would be the cruelest way to end Usagi, to kill him with the manifestation of his lover’s soul.

Chizu couldn’t waste time think about that so she pushed forward. “I took it for you.” That seemed to get his attention as his gaze focused back on her. “Take it.” She tried to angle the tanto through the bars but it was difficult with how tightly Usagi held her wrist.

Usagi watched her closely. He wasn’t willing to let go of her until he had possession of the tanto. He moved back from the bars just enough to cross his other arm up to where the tanto was. As soon as Chizu felt him take a hold of it she let go.

Usagi quickly pulled the tanto close to his chest. He let go of Chizu’s wrist stepping back from the bars. He wanted to put space between the tanto and the woman who stole it from him once already.

It was too dark to see the color of the tanto. Chizu’s candle was providing some light but not enough to see detail. Usagi wouldn’t put it past Chizu and Hikiji to hand over a fake tanto to get his hopes up. It seemed like the sort of unnecessary cruelty they would take part in.

He quickly drew the tanto causing Chizu to take a quick step back as she was unsure of his intentions. Usagi didn’t care about her right now. He quickly ran his fingers over the flat side of the tanto. There it was ‘愛してる aish*teru, I love you.’ His thumb trailed along the back finding the partner phase, ‘あなたは 一人 じゃ ない anata wa hitori ja nai, you are not alone.’

It was Leo’s tanto, it had to be. There was only one other way to make sure. Usagi rested his forehead against the blade. There. He could feel the gentle hum of power that always ran through Leo’s blade. It was faint. Fainter than it normally was, but it was there. Leo was still there.

He opened his eyes to look back at Chizu. He couldn’t wrap his head around it, why did she have Leo’s tanto? Why would they give it back to him? Lord Hikiji had already made it clear that he wanted Usagi to watch Leo die, but why give him back Leo’s tanto? He needed it to keep torturing Leo, so why give it back? What did he gain from giving Usagi back his hope?

“Why?” He asked. He re-sheathed the tanto and held it close to his chest. He wasn’t letting go of it this time. They would have to pry it from his dead hands.

Chizu let out a sigh like he was being painfully slow. “Because I knew you’d never leave without it.”

“Leave?” Before Usagi could question further another voice interrupted them.

“What are you doing here.” Gen huffed as he moved between Usagi and Chizu. He made sure his frame blocked Usagi from her view. This was fine with Chizu. She might have a better chance at convincing Gen to leave then she would Usagi.

“I’m here to get all of you out of here.” Chizu tried to keep her voice confident despite the death glare Gen was currently sending her.

“Right.” Gen drew the word out as sarcastically as he could. “As if we’re going to believe anything you say. You’re probably here to lead us to our executions.” Gen accused getting as close to the bars as he could. “I outta-”

“Gen-chan stop.” Kitsune called out. It would seem she was awake now as well.

For a moment Chizu hoped that the fox girl was coming to her defense. “The more you talk to her the more opportunities she has to lie to you.” Okay apparently Kitsune wasn’t defending her.

“Kitsune-san.” Chizu called out softly. It hurt to know Kitsune wasn’t defending her any more. Kitsune had always come to her defense.

Kitsune just curled tighter around Katsuichi. She wanted Chizu gone. What more did she want from them? Kitsune and her stupid crush had gotten her family into this mess. She had trusted her so easily. She had cared and tried to be helpful, when she realized that Chizu’s home life wasn’t great, she had tried to offer her an alternative. Her family had been on board, she knew Katsuichi openly invited Chizu to stay with them.

They had given her every out. Every opportunity to leave her past behind. Instead, she chose to lead them here. She had attacked Usagi! She took Leo’s tanto. Leo! Leo and his whole family were now in danger because of Kitsune’s silly crush. She felt so stupid.

She could hear Chizu’s call of her name and she just curled tighter to her father figure. She wasn’t going to let Chizu manipulate her any more. She wasn’t a stupid little girl. She could only be lied to so many time before she stopped believing someone. She just wished she had realized Chizu was lying before getting so attacked to her. This hurt. Everything hurt.

Gen let out a huff stepping over blocking Chizu’s view of Kitsune and Katsuichi as well. “You don’t get to talk to her. You don’t get to lie to my family anymore.”

“Fine.” Chizu said focusing herself back in Gen. “Let’s talk truths. Truth number one. I got Usagi-san’s tanto back.” Gen huffed again and got read to tell her off. Lying about having Usagi’s most precious possession was to far. Especially when that possession was a direct tie to Leo’s soul and was being used to actively torture their friend, but Chizu cut him off before he could start. “True or false Usagi-san.”

Usagi looked up from the tanto in his grasp, finally checking back into the conversation. “True.”

His voice stopped Gen in his tracks. Chizu - Chizu gave Usagi back his tanto? It had to be a trick. She had another reason for doing so.

“Truth two. I stole all of your weapons from the armory.” Chizu said as she set the candle on the ground and started to pull Kitsune’s fans out from her very overstuffed bag. She handed them to a puzzled Gen before pulling out Usagi’s blades and handing them over. Ending with Gen’s and Katsuichi’s blades leaving the bag looking far more empty.

Gen was now speechless and holding on to many weapons that she had handed through the bars. Usagi had moved to peak around his shoulder to see a glimpse at their weapons piled up in his arms.

“Truth number three. This dungeon doesn’t have a ‘traditional exit.’” She said adding air quotes around the word. “What it does have is an underground river that pops out outside of the Tenshu. But it’s tricky to navigate. So, we have to get moving” Chizu said as she opened the cell door wide open for them. They could attack her now. They had their weapons. The door was open. But they wouldn’t make it out of here without her.

“But how are we-” Usagi started to ask a question but Chizu cut him off.

“Truth four. I know these tunnels like the back of my hand. Truth five. I have the horses and wagon all packed up and waiting outside the Tenshu walls for us. We get out of here and we are on the road.” She explained as she picked the candle back up. She looked at their group and waited for their decision.

“Gen turned to look at Usagi still awkwardly holding all of their weapons. “What do you think?”

Usagi looked at Gen before looking at Chizu. “Why?”

“Why?” Chizu questioned back. “Why what?” Why had she betrayed them? Why was she here? Why did she steal back the tanto? There were so many questions Usagi could be asking her right now.

“Why are you helping us now? If everything from before was an act to get us here, why are you here now? Why should we trust you now? How do we know there isn’t another ambush outside waiting for us?” He clutched Leo’s tanto closer to himself. “That they’re not going to kill us and take everything away again?”

Chizu paused. What did she say to that? How does she explain everything that happened? There was nothing else to say, she had to tell the truth. Taking in a big breath she began.

“The day your Leo-san disappeared, Lord Hikiji killed my brother. Drained the life straight out of him while I watched. There was nothing I could do to stop it.” Chizu paused letting what she said sink in while she gathered herself.

“He then assigned me to capture Miyamoto Usagi and his tanto. In the beginning that’s all it was. A job. But then I met all of you.” She quickly raised her head to look at the people she had caused such pain. “And you welcomed me into your family. And for the first time in my life, I felt like I could be more. More than just a pawn in Lord Hikiji’s games. More than just a play thing to be used and then discarded. I felt like I could have friends and a family.” She paused wrapping her arm around herself. “Even with my brother I never felt such hope. We both knew we were going to outlive our usefulness someday.”

She let out a shaky breath before continuing. “I don’t expect you to forgive me. Once we’re out of here, if you never want to see me again then that’s fine. I’ll except that. But believe me when I say I can get you out. My death was sealed the moment I took that tanto. I’m not making it out of here alive unless I leave now. There’s no reason you shouldn’t come with me.”

“Um how about the fact that you’ve betrayed us once is that reason enough not to go with you now.” Gen huffed at her.

“Do not lead with anger Gen-kun.” A weak voice interrupted them before anyone could continue. The three turned their attention to Katsuichi who, with the help of Kitsune, was slowly sitting up. Usagi ran to his side to help him up as well. “You will lose precious opportunities.”

Gen looked down at Katsuichi’s gentle scolding. “Yes Katsuichi-sama.”

“Sensei are you alright?” Usagi whispered to his master. In the small cell his voice carried around the room so the other heard it just fine, as did they hear the weak response.

“I will be fine my boy.” He attempted to give Usagi a reassuring smile but the weakness in the gesture only worried Usagi more. “Chizu-kun.” Katsuichi turned his head to face the startled girl. She had not expected to be addressed by him. Defiantly not with the warmth of his tone. “You say you have a way out of here?”

“Y-yes.” She stumbled over the first word still surprised but quickly got her footing again. “It will involve a little swimming but I can get us out of here.”

“Then I trust you.” Katsuichi said is with an undeniable faith.

“But Katsuichi-sama-” Gen started to protest but Katsuichi cut him off.

“I will not judge someone off of their desperate attempts at survival. Not when their actions kept all of us alive.” Katsuichi was firm cutting off any protest. Then he softened again. “I don’t expect you to feel the same way but right now this is our best option. It would be foolish not to take it.” After looking around at his student to see that they were in agreement, Katsuichi turned his attention back to Chizu. “Keep my family safe.”

The trust he was putting in her was not missed, nor was it not treasured. Chizu bowed lowly to Katsuichi. “I swear on my brother’s grave that I will do everything in my power to keep you all safe.”

Usagi watched her closely before taking lead. Katsuichi would be too weak to lead them, Usagi needed to step up. “Gen-chan come help Sensei, he’ll need the support. Kitsune-chan make sure that they’re stable.” Usagi walked over to Gen and grabbed Kitsune’s fans handing them over to his sister, before taking his own blade and attacking them to his belt. He held on to Katsuichi’s while Gen attached his own weapon and moved to help their father figure.

While his siblings were getting ready to move Usagi approached Chizu. He walked up as if he were going to pass her but stopped right at her side. He stood close enough to her so that their shoulders were brushing. “Thank you for brining me Leonardo-chan’s tanto. That being said, I don’t know what you’re playing at. But if my family gets hurt I’ll make sure you go down with them.”

“I expect nothing less.” Chizu responded not taking her eyes off of the three still in the cell. She would gladly die besides these people.

“If we get out of here alive your future is in Sensei hand’s whatever he decides I’ll follow.” Usagi was sure that Katsuichi would bring Chizu home with them. If she was truly helping them Usagi could understand why. He couldn’t imagine the life she had led here. But there was one major thing stopping him from forgiving her.

“That’s very generous of you-” Chizu started to reply. She was incredibly grateful for the opportunity Katsuichi and Usagi were giving her. But Usagi cut her joy off quickly.

“But know if Leonardo-chan has been harmed by your actions there is nothing in this world that could make me forgive you.” Usagi voice was back to its frozen cold tone.

Chizu already knew this to be the case but to hear it confirmed hurt more than she had expected. “I understand.”

The rest of the group was ready to move so they set off with Chizu leading them further into the dungeon.

Unbeknownst to all of them was the cyan colored spirit watching over their interaction.


Atsuko had spent the last few hours teaching Leo her healing ability. It was hard to do when he couldn’t practice, he didn’t have the energy to spare at the moment, but he was a quick study.

She had explained the best places for him to place his energy. The heart and the brain.

Resting over the heart not only helped the heart continue to pump but also spread the shared essence around the body through the patient’s circulatory system. As their heart pushes their blood through their body the energy would travel along with it making its way through the whole body, healing injuries as it came across them.

The brain was just as important, yet for a different reason. Keeping the brain working kept the patient alive but it was also connected to the nervous system. While the heart took time to spread the healing energy around the whole body, the nerves allowed for a more targeted search. It allowed for her energy to spread all around the body quickly. She could feel through their nerves to locate the main problem and target her energy there.

They worked in tandem. The brain finding the immediate source of pain and fixing it, while the heart healed and soothed the whole body.

Leo was a fast study. It helped that he already had a good grasp of medical knowledge and an understanding of how the body worked.

Casey had surprised her by following along as well. His knowledge of the body was a little less formal than Leo’s but he obviously knew battle field medicine. It hurt her heart to think about the world Casey had to grow up in, but at least he had his family there to protect and love him. At least he was now in this time line where he was much safer. Or he would be as soon as Hikiji was no longer a problem.

Yoshi had tried his best to follow along. Her son, bless him, knew how to take care of his sons’ basic injuries but he was not a healer. Some of the ideas and terms were obviously flying over his head. But he stayed and listened to his mother, son, and grandson bond over a shared skill and interest. He had grown so much from the easily distracted little boy she had left behind.

She was so proud of him and of everything he had accomplished in his life. From Lou Jitsu to the present. Though if she had to pick the thing she was proudest of it would be the family he had raised.

She was just finishing her explanation when she felt a presence join them in the room. She looked up to center of the room to welcome their new arrival.

Unfortunately, the abrupt cut off of her sentence along with her quick turn to face him caused the other members in the room to tense. It was easy to think that an enemy was arriving with how she had stopped. Splinter moved quickly to place himself between the bed and the newly appearing figure. Only to relax when he saw the familiar cyan glow.

A man appeared before them. His hair was pulled back into a neat but short top knot and he was dressed in a simple obi. Leo could tell from his time in Usagi’s world that this wasn’t a man of great wealth. But he had smile lines around his eyes and carried a warmth to him that made those in the room relax.

“Asahi. It’s good to have you back.” Atsuko greeted their many great grandfather.

“Wait. Your Asahi, like Gram-gram’s betrothed Asahi?” Leo questioned looking at the man with new eyes. The man gave him a gentle smile before responding.

“I haven’t been her betrothed in a long time. Not since the day she married me.” The way he said it was gentle and teasing.

Leo couldn’t focus on that. Asahi had been sent to check on Usagi and the others. Were they okay? “My friends, did you find them? Are - are they alright?” Leo pushed himself up as his anxiety started to make its way to the surface. Grandma’s lessons on healing had helped distract him but he was so scared for his friends in the other world.

Asahi’s face saddened a little. He remembered the horror that he had felt the night of Hikiji’s betrayal, and the guilt it had left Karai with. He hated that the man who had hurt his wife so much was now causing their descendant pain as well. “They are alive.” He was going to say more when Atsuko stepped in.

“Have you spoken to Karai yet?” She knew Asahi had been checking on Leo’s friends but he was also seeing how they could retrieve Leo’s tanto from the other world. The way he started his statement didn’t fill her with hope for Leo’s loved ones and she didn’t want him sharing information with Leo that could hurt him. Leo was under enough stress right now she didn’t want to add on the knowledge of whatever horrible things were happening to his friends.

“Not yet.” Asahi replayed without moving his attention from Leo.

“Why-” Atsuko started to question when Asahi continued his statement.

“I love my wife but I know her to well. For just like you, she would want to shield Leo from this. But if our situations were reverse. If it was Karai in the hands of that mad man I would want to know everything. Even if I could do nothing.” He kept his voice soft and kind. He knew both women were trying to keep Leo safe but he wasn’t a young child. He was a warrior whose lover was in the hands of the enemy. Asahi had watched over his family for a long time and he knew his great grandson. He deserved to know. If Asahi could have known of Karai’s fate in the twilight realm, even though he could do nothing to help her, he would have jumped at the knowledge.

“It’s okay Grandma.” Leo reassured Atsuko. “I want to know.”

Asahi walked closer to sit next to the bed. He told them all that he had seen. Leo’s friends being captured. Their injuries. He told them of Chizu and her actions. How she saved their lives by betraying them, how she risked her own to retrieve Leo’s tanto, and how she was currently doing everything she could to get them out of the dungeon.

“If we move fast. If we can get a portal opened with in the next hour or two we can meet up with them outside of the Tenshu and get them out of there with your tanto.” Asahi finished off his report with a plan.

Leo was overwhelmed. Usagi and the others had been brutally attacked because of him. Katsuichi had almost died, Usagi had to watch the life be drained out of his father figure because of him. He wasn’t worth all of this. How could he ever make it up to them?

Leo was obviously still processing everything so Casey stepped in. “If we open the portal in front of them, what next? They aren’t in a condition to fight, so is this a rescue mission only or are we going after Hikiji as well? We can’t just leave him there.”

Asahi looked at Casey before turning his head to face Leo. He didn’t want to put more weight in the boy’s shoulders but this wasn’t his choice. Asahi’s choice would be to get the others out and regroup. Karai’s would be to split the team. Some would get the injured out and the rest would go after Shred-Hikiji. They were dealing with Hikiji, the Shredder was defeated already.

“It’s Leonardo choice.” Asahi stated with a gentle sadness. He finally had Leo’s attention back on him. “You’re the only one who knows all the people involved. What do you think will work best? We won’t have much time to tell your friends the plan. How do you think they will respond?”

Leo paused and thought it all over. What would work best? How would Usagi respond to a sudden portal appearing? What about Gen? Kitsune? Katsuichi? The older lion was injured, they all were, Leo had to take that into consideration. Would they be willing to abandon the fight? Samurai tradition was to not be captured and to not retreat. They preferred to stand their ground and die with honor. Would they listen if someone else asked them to retreat?

“I have to go.” Leo said as he started to move to get himself out of bed.

“What? My son you can’t go.” Splinter called as he moved to stop Leo. Leo looked around for his cane but realized it must have been left in the main room when he fell.

“Casey, I need you to help me back to the others.” He said it calmly as he turned to his son.

“But Dad-” Casey started to protest when Splinter stepped in.

“No, no more. I forbid you from go to that world as long as that mad man is alive.” Splinter said as he blocked Leo’s path.

“Dad, I have to go. They won’t listen to anyone else. They know me, they’ll listen. Plus, they’re hurt, I’m our medic, I can help them better than anyone else on the team.” Leo argued back trying to appeal to the logical side. He was useful here. Why wasn’t his Dad allowing him to be useful?

“No!” Splinter refused again causing Leo to become frustrated.

“You made me the leader. This is my decision. I’m going.” Leo said as he pushed up to his feet.

“Just like it was your decision to sacrifice yourself?” Splinter yelled out at his son. Leo sat back down in shock, his eyes wide at his father’s accusation. Splinter took in a few ragged breaths before looking up at Leo with tears in his eyes. “My son I have already grieved your loss twice. I cannot bear to loss you again.”

Leo leaned forward and hug his Dad tightly. “I’m sorry, but I have to go. I have to save them.”

Splinter held on just as tightly. “I know.” He couldn’t bear to let his Baby Blue go.

Leo could feel Casey slump against him as well and had a feeling that the boy held very similar sentiments to his father. He mulled it over for a moment before making an offer. “Help me. We do a quick in and out. We get my friends and tanto and get out of there. We can always go back and fight Hikiji on our own terms later.”

Casey pulled back a bit so he could speak. “But you said they wouldn’t go.”

Leo nods his head motioning to his father. “That’s where Dad comes in.”

“Me?” Splinter sputtered out. How did he play into this?

“Ya Dad, you convince Katsuichi-sama to go. If he calls for a retreat the others will listen. You’re a dad just like him, he’ll listen to you even if he doesn’t know you.” Leo tried to smile reassuringly. “Besides they’ll need help getting out of there. If Raph can lead the others in keeping any attackers away, you, Casey, and I can get the others out of there. From Pop-Pops report it sounds like they can all walk so we shouldn’t have to carry anyone out. Once they’re out of there we can decide if it’s better to get out of dodge or if we should finish it then and there. What do you think?”

Splinter thought about it for a second before sighing. “Okay, but on the condition that you,” he made sure to point his finger right at Leo driving his point home. “Prioritize your own safety. We can it lose you.”

Leo was stunned he didn’t know what to say. So, Casey stepped in. “I’ll stay by his side the whole mission Grandpa. He’s making it home.” Casey said it with such determination that Leo didn’t think the whole of the Krang army could have stopped him.


After Raph rushed Leo from the room Donnie got to work. He and Draxum took off for his lab. After Leo’s return the portal machine was moved back to Donnie’s lab. It had been searching for Leo’s tanto for almost two months now. Donnie and Draxum were doing everything in their power to speed that process up.

They were soon joined by April and Cassie. The two girls helping where they could. Karai stayed around as well trying to help guide the search with her own nimpo energy. Raph and Mikey joined them later. Donnie had questioned them about Leo but they shook their heads and said that he sent them there to watch over Donnie.

Donnie was furious. How had this happened? Leo had promised that they could trust Usagi. That Usagi would never hurt him, and despite, well everything about the situation, Donnie had started to trust the rabbit. He had never met the bunny, but Leo talked about him so often it was hard to not feel like they had met before. Donnie had started to begrudgingly like the bunny. He made Leo happy and in the end that was all that mattered.

But now? Now Donnie would never trust the dumb dumb bunny ever again. Leo had trusted Usagi to watch over a fragment of his soul, a horrible idea, and the bunny and proven why. He had allowed for this to happen. Instead of protecting Leo like someone who loved him would, Usagi had let Leo’s soul fall into the hands of a mad man.

N,o Donnie would never forgive him. He would never trust him.

He knew what he had to do. Get the portal open. Retrieve Leo’s tanto. Close the portal. If he found Leo’s friends along the way he would save them to but they were not his main objective. Leo’s soul was.

He worked the whole night through until the early hours of the morning. The others had drifted off in piles around the room, but Donnie and Draxum kept working. He hoped that he could get the machine working while the others were still sleeping. This would be much easier if he went by himself.

That was until he heard the sound of stumbling footsteps coming their way. He looked up to see Leo being helped into the room by Casey. Pops was walking right beside them carrying Leo’s cane, they must have picked it up from the main room.

“Hey Dontron! How’s the portal coming?” Leo smiled over at him and Donnie was furious. How could ‘Nardo be so laidback when his soul was in the hands of a mad man?

“What are you doing here you should be resting.” Donnie called out at ‘Nardo his disapproval on full display. Before he could question farther Karai came forward.

“Asahi! Welcome back.” She moved forward to hug her husband. “How is the other world? I assume you’ve already told Leo of the situation.” She gave her husband a fond if not longsuffering look. She knew him well.

“Guilty as charged.” Asahi smiled down at his wife. Before he could tell them anything though the machine started beeping.

Donnie gasped turning his attention back to the machines monitor. The screen was pitched back. “I can fix this. I can totally fix this.” Donnie said as he started to move to mess with the machine.

“Wait.” Leo called. “Is it showing where my tanto currently is? If so, they might be in the middle of escaping the Tenshu. You said the tunnels were pitch black, right Pop-Pops?” Leo turned to Asahi who nodded an affirmative at the question.

“Escaping? What do you mean?” April asked as she woke up from all the commotion. The others weren’t far behind her.

“Usagi-chan’s,” Leo paused unsure what to call Chizu, “teammate got my tanto back, they’re trying to escape right now.” Leo gave them the short version of the explanation.

“Well, that’s just great, seeing as Usagi did such a great job protecting it last time.” Donnie commented. Leo turned to his twin a mixture of hurt, anger, and sadness mixing on his face.

“That’s not fair Donnie.” He started to explain. “You have no idea what happened.”

“And I don’t need to. He let that monster hurt you, that’s all I need to know.” Donnie said as he turned back to the computer screen.

“Donnie!” Raph started to get ready to tell Donnie to listen. He was dying to know what had happened for Leo’s tanto to end up in Hikiji’s hands. From how Leo described them he couldn’t imagine that Usagi and the others didn’t fight tooth and nail to keep it.

“Now’s not the time Raph.” Mikey gently but firmly stopped his brother. Donnie was set on his idea and they didn’t have time to change his mind. Not if they wanted to help Leo’s friends. “What’s our plan Leo.”

Mikey’s question drew everyone’s attention to Leo. He smiled at Mikey grateful for something else to focus on. “We’re going after them. Our main objective is to get Usagi-chan and the others out of there. Usagi-chan has my tanto so we don’t need to split up to go look for it. Hopefully we can get them out quickly. Once their safe we can make a plan for how to handle Hikiji. Donnie,” He called out to his twin pulling Donnie’s attention form the monitor. “Your machine saves locations now, right?”

“Why yes. The 4.6 update allows for the machine to remember up to 4 different dimensions at a time.” Donnie proudly informed the family. While he was still upset at the situation he could never pass up the chance to show off his work.

“Perfect. We save the location and when we’re ready, we can go back and handle Hikiji. What do you say co-leader?” Leo asked Raph.

Raph folded his arms to think. “One question, when you say we, you don’t mean that you’re coming do you? ‘Cause no offense Leo but you’re paler than a ghost and you look like a strong breeze could blow you over.” The rest of the family eagerly nodded along as they were all worried at the idea of Leo coming along with them.

“I am, but only to get the others to come along. Raph, you’re leading the team. Hopefully we can get in and out without any trouble, but if we do get attacked just keep the enemies at bay while we get the others to safety. I won’t be fighting. The others are hurt so Casey, Dad, and I will be helping them to safety. Sound good?” Leo looked to his big brother for approval.

Raph still seemed troubled. “Well if their hurt I doubt I could stop you from coming along, even if we all ordered you not to. Just be careful Leo.”

“No worried big bro. like I said in and out.” Leo smiled glad that they were all on the same page. “Alright everyone get anything you might need. We’re not expecting trouble but we want to be prepared for it.”

The group quickly moved to grab any gear they might need. Unfortunately, no one was watching the monitors to see what was happening in the other world.


Chizu had led them deep into the dungeon, the deeper they go the colder and damper the area became. The area was already pitched black, all they had was Chizu’s small candle to lead them. Usagi followed closely behind her, ready in case she turned on them or if there was an unknown danger up ahead. Gen was in the middle “helping” Katsuichi along. He was carrying more of Katsuichi’s weight with each step but neither was ready to admit that Katsuichi needed to be carried. Kitsune followed up in the rear. Ready for an attacks from behind but also because she didn’t want to be near Chizu right now. Her emotions were all over the place where the cat was involved and she needed the space to help her think.

Chizu led them down the tunnel as quickly as they could go. She had no doubt that Lord Hikiji would send someone to check on her watch. She had no idea how much time they would have before the alarm would be sounded.

As they made their way deeper Usagi started to hear the sound of running water. It would seem that Chizu hadn’t lied about there being an underground river down here. As they drew closer the others started to hear the sound as well. Chizu stopped right at the edge of the water before turning to face the group.

“Alright listen to me closely. This river will split, the right leads into the Tenshu and the left takes us outside the walls of the Tenshu. Once you’re in the water swim to the far side and stay close to the wall. It’s to dark to see the split, if you don’t stay close to the wall you could end up on the right side and there is nothing, I can do for you if that happens.” She was blunt with her delivery. This was no time to be mincing her words.

“The left side will force you under water for a short time. The current is fast so it wont last long but the water reaches the ceiling in some parts. Don’t struggle, don’t get stuck, let the current lead you. We will reach an air pocket eventually were we can regroup before we continue on. Any questions?” she paused and waited to see if they would ask her anything.

“Ya, what if we’re not a strong swimmer?” Gen asked.

“Hold your breath and pray, the current is strong enough to get you through if you don’t fight it.” Chizu softened for a moment. “You’ll be fine, I’m not a good swimmer either. Let the river do the hard work. We’re too far to turn back now.” She waited to see if there were any more questions. When there weren’t she continued.

“After the air pocket it will force us under again. The next time we surface it will be on the outside. You have to be ready to move.” She glanced around the group. “Are we ready?”

Usagi looked at his family before nodding. “We’re ready.”

Chizu nodded in return, “then let’s get going.” She blew out the candle before stepping into the water. “Don’t forget, swim until you hit the far side then stay close to the wall.” And with that she jumped into the river.

Usagi took Katsuichi from Gen and jumped into the river with his master. Out of the three of them Kitsune was the strongest swimmer, but Usagi had the least amount of injuries so he would help his master across. The two quickly made their way to the far side Kasuichi keeping a hand resting against it as they moved. Chizu was right the current was fast.

They heard a big splash as Gen joined them in the water. Along with his disgruntled complaining as he swam over through the cold water. They also heard his “ow” as he smacked into the far wall.

Kitsune entered the water far quitter then Gen did, but with her ribs and the strong current she was almost swept away. They heard her shout out but Gen reached out and dragged her to the far side.

Chizu heard the sound of the water rushing. The river sped up at the spilt. “The split’s coming up! Is everyone on the far side?” Shouts of affirmatives were called out to her. Hopefully they were truthful. The river picked up sweeping them to the left. So far so good. “Get ready we’re going down!” Chizu called out before taking a big breath as she was forced under water and swept away.

Usagi took in a big breath and he heard his master do the same just as they were swept under. He could feel the water moving him around the underwater tunnel. It was a strange cross between horrifying and exciting to not be able to see where he was going but be able to fell the water moving him. Or it was exciting till they bumped into something and he lost his grip on Katsuichi. Then it was just horrifying.

He surfaced moments later in a panic. It would seem they reached the air pocket.

“Who’s there?” Chizu called out as she had surfaced just before him.

“I lost hold of Sensei!” Was the panicked answer she received in return as Usagi started searching the pitch black for Katsuichi. Before he or Chizu could dive under again they heard the splash of someone else surfacing.

“Usagi-kun are you alright?” Katsuichi’s voice instantly calmed both of the teens.

“Yes Sensei. I surfaced just before you.” Usagi called as he swam towards his master’s voice. Chizu breathed out a breath of relief as they waited for the other two to surface. They didn’t have to wait long before another splash occurred though they didn’t have to guess who it was as Gen started sputtering and complaining about the stupid river and the stupid cave. Now it was just waiting for Kitsune.

But she wasn’t popping up.

“Uhh guys is she suppose to take that long?” Gen asked as he looked around in the pitch black for his sister. Chizu got tired or waiting and started swimming back to where they came up. Even in the pitch black she is able to recognize where she needs to go from the movement in the water. But right as she was about to dive down Kitsune surfaced right next to her with a gasping breath. She started coughing and chocking on the water. Chizu quickly moved to help support her smaller friend in the water.

“Kitsune what’s wrong?” Usagi called out making his way towards the sound with Katsuichi. Kitsune was their strongest swimmer, she shouldn’t be the one struggling with this.

“My – my ribs.” Kitsune was able to gasp out. “I bumped into something down there and it made them worse.” Kitsune was trying her best to breath through the pain while also keeping her head above water.

Chizu helped her stay a float so she could catch her breath. “I’ll help her through the next tunnel.” She immediately decided what their next course of action was.

“No, I’ll help her.” Gen said as he swam over to them. Chizu could tell by the sound of his strokes that he was struggling himself. She remembered his question about what to do if they weren’t good swimmer. It was obvious that he wasn’t, and his dislocated shoulder wasn’t doing him any favors.

“No.” she could hear him start to protest but she pushed forward. “You’re struggling to keep yourself a float. Usagi-san is already helping Katsuichi, he can’t take them both. I know you don’t trust me but if I wanted you all dead there are far easier ways then leading you down here to drowned. I’ve got her. I won’t let her get hurt.”

Kitsune finally had enough air in her lungs to add into the conversation. “It’s alright Gen-chan. I’ll be okay. Let’s just get out of here.” She tried to reassure her brother that everything would be okay.

Gen let out a huff before agreeing. “Fine. But if anything happens to her, I’m putting your head on a pike.” Chizu didn’t need to respond, there was nothing to say.

She wrapped an arm around Kitsune and then swam forward towards the next leg of their trip. “Follow me.” She instructed as the others followed the sound of her sloppy strokes.

Kitsune rested against her getting her strength back. Less then 24 hours ago she would have been thrilled to be in Chizu’s arms. To be this close to her dear friend and crush. She could admit that she had had a crush on the older girl since the start of their trip. But now. After everything that had happened, she didn’t know how to feel. Part of her wanted to hate Chizu for everything. Another part of her knew she never could hate the other girl.

She wondered how Usagi would have handled it if their rolls were switched and it was Leo who had betrayed them. She knows Leo never would, but if he had how would Usagi handle it all? Would he respond with anger and hatred or would he have heard Leo out? Love him enough to hear his side of the story. Would he give Leo another chance? Was Kitsune a fool for even considering giving Chizu another chance? There was so much she wanted to talk to her brother about but there was no time, and Usagi was to close to this. Leo had been hurt and Usagi didn’t think clearly when his loved ones were in danger. No, she had to deal with her mixture of emotions alone.

Chizu swam them over to the next area that they needed to go through. Kitsune could feel the current picking up again around her. “Hold on to me.” Chizu whispered to her before raising her voice for the others. “Here we go a little further and we’re going under again.” With that she took two big strokes and took in a big breath prompting Kitsune to do the same as they were forced under the water again. Usagi, Katsuichi, and Gen right behind them.

As they were pulled under Kitsune could feel the water pushing them around the tunnels, but Chizu never let her go. Not until after they surfaced and Chizu had swum them over to the bank. She made sure that Kitsune had a good grip on the ledge before letting her go and pulling herself out of the water.

Chizu laid there for a moment. She could hear the sounds of the other three surfacing as well and taking in their new surroundings. They were outside the Tenshu. The forest around them was thick but opened up around the river allowing for them to get out of the river and move around without a problem. It was still dark without the moon but the sunrise should be soon enough.

Chizu laid there listening to the others bicker and fret. She could hear Gen’s complaining about his soaking wet clothes. She could hear Usagi worrying over Katsuichi and Kitsune. She knew they had to get moving soon. Their escape would be noticed soon if it hadn’t been already. Hopefully their horses and wagon were in position.

She rolled over and pushed herself to her feet when she heard the sound of someone moving in the trees. She moved quickly placing herself in between Usagi and the forest just in time for an arrow to be shot at his head. Luckily, she was faster and was able to block the shot with a kunai. Her movement paired with the sound of the arrow connecting with her knife caught the rest of the groups attention as they quickly drew their weapons, though it was clear that some were not in a great condition to fight.

Neko clan ninjas revealed themselves, they were in the trees and on the ground. Their group was completely surrounded. Chizu tightened her grip on her kunai, she knew they were all about to die but she was going to go down fighting.

Then she heard clapping. She looked over just as Lord Hikiji walked out of the shadows.

“Very good my dear. To lead them out here, not only have you exhausted them but now I won’t have to dispose of the bodies. You have been very helpful.” Chizu knew what he was doing. He was making it sound like this was their plan all along, that she was still working or him. He was trying to make the others doubt her. It wouldn’t work this time, she wouldn’t be silent this time.

“Stop acting like you’ve been in control this whole time. I did this on my own, and WE are leaving here.” Chizu tried to make her voice steady, she did not want it to shake right now. She didn’t want to show weakness. She could see movement out of the corner of her eye as Usagi moved. For a moment she worried that he had believed Lord Hikiji, that he was ending her right here and now before she could betray them again. Instead, he stood at her side, he looked over at her letting their eyes meet. With a gentle head nod he told her all she needed to know. He was standing with her.

“Oh, I’m afraid not. See I need that tanto you took form me. How about we make a deal. I get the tanto and Miyamoto and the rest of you get a 10 minute head start.” Lord Hikiji was playing with them and Chizu knew it. Even if he kept his word a ten minute head start would mean next to nothing with the group in the condition they were. And she was not leaving Usagi behind.

She could see Usagi readjusting his grip on his katana and she knew he was considering the offer. Considering giving his family the opportunity to live. Once again, she did him the mercy of taking that choice out of his hands.

“I knew you were old but I never thought you’re hearing would fail you. I said WE are leaving, as in all of us.” Chizu spoke with all the confidence she had. They were all going to die. Might as well go out swinging.

She watched as Lord Hikiji’s eyes hardened. “So be it.” And with that he swooped his arm forward giving the command for them to be attacked.

The Neko clan rushed forward. Chizu quickly dodged one of their swings for her head and buried her kunai deep into their stomach before kicking them off. She spun around slashing another ninja’s throat. She was glad that she had never bonded with anyone in her clan besides her brother, or else this would have been much harder.

Usagi was quickly deflecting as many blows as he could making short work of his opponents. It was obvious that these were new recruits. They were quickly dispatched, but that wasn’t a good thing. It meant the more skilled warriors were hanging back until they were tired. Until they had no strength left. It was a dishonorable and cruel strategy, one he would never use as it guarantied the death of so many young warriors. But he had no other choice then to fight them, so fight them he did, until he heard a roar of pain come from behind him.

Usagi turned his head to see that Katsuichi, who had been able to keep his attacker back until this point, had taken an arrow to the shoulder. “Sensei!” Usagi screamed out as he ran over to the his master.

Gen tried to push his way towards them as well but there seemed to be no end to the ninjas attacking him. For every one he cut down two more seemed to take their place as he was corralled away from his family.

Kitsune was doing the best she could with her ribs in the condition they were. She wasn’t able to flip around or move the way she normally would. She was on defense from the beginning of the attack and had yet to gain any sort of upper hand. She blocked one attack with her fan, she flicked her wrist, ripping the knife out of her attackers hands when another ninja kicked her in the side. She cried out in pain as her ribs were jostled again. She though she heard someone call her name but she couldn’t hear it over the ringing in her ears. She rolled trying to get her bearings, when she looked up she saw a ninja ready to impale her with their katana. She closed her eyes and waited for the blow that never came. What did was the feeling of warm liquid hitting her face.

She opened her eyes and screamed.

Chizu was between her and her attacker with a katana pierced straight through her abdomen. Their attacker fell over. Chizu must have got him with her knife at the same time he had gotten her with his blade. Chizu fell backwards and Kitsune caught her, holding her friend close and trying to comfort her.

“Chizu-san why did you do that?” Kitsune asked as she looked over the injury. The katana was still in her abdomen and Kitsune wasn’t sure what she should do to help. Chizu coughed out a chuckle and with it a little bit of blood started to run down her chin.

“I promised Katsuichi-sama and Gen-san that I wouldn’t let you get hurt.” Chizu said trying to smile at her friend. “I knew I wasn’t - going to - make it out - of here.” Chizu’s words were interrupted by her need to drawl in air.

“Chizu-chan stop you need to save up some strength.” Kitsune cried as she tried to put some pressure on the injury while also keeping an eye out for more enemies coming their way.

Chizu smiled as she looked up at Kitsune. “You called me chan.” It was a breath, a whisper, one Kitsune barely heard from all the noise around them. What she did notice was Chizu’s form going limp in her arms. She whipped her head down to examine her friends. Chizu’s eyes had closed but her chest was still weakly moving. It wouldn’t be long before Chizu’s injuries over took her. They had to leave now.

Kitsune looked up and it was no good. Gen was to far away to help her carry Chizu to safety, and Usagi had his hands full protecting Katsuichi. Kitsune couldn’t move her on her own, so instead she readied herself to protect Chizu in her friends final moment.

Usagi and Katsuichi weren’t fairing much better. Katsuichi was exhausted. The arrow in his shoulder was the straw that broke him. Having his energy drained and then having to swim through the caverns was exhausting and his body was giving up on him. He needed rest but there was no time for that. His shoulder was sluggishly bleeding as he tried to fight.

A ninja attacked him from the left side and he raised his sword to block their strike. The ninja quickly readjusted their attack to swing down on Katsuichi’s blade, the force knocking Katsuichi to his knees. He looked up just in time to see a blade coming straight for his head, but it was deflected by Usagi. His brave boy was fighting as hard as he could. Standing in between Katsuichi and their attackers.

A ninja launched themselves at Usagi and he quickly moved his katana to block the hit. While he was busy trying to parry them away from himself he saw another attacker coming in from his other side. He moved his wakizashi up to block that attack as well. Both ninja’s were pressing him form either side. Usagi was doing his best to force them back when she saw a third charging him head on.

He had a decision to make. He could move, get himself away from all three attackers and leave Katsuichi wide open to a three-way attack. Or he could stand and face it. He couldn’t push these ninja’s off. He could tell they were far more skilled than the warriors at the beginning of the fight. No, he had two options. And he knew his choice. He would never abandon Katsuichi. He would face his death head on and with honor.

The last thing he thought off was Leonardo. ‘I’m so sorry Leonardo-chan, I love you.’

The universe must have heard him. Because right as his executioner was about to strike him, he felt a strong wind come from behind him.

“Saving the day like a boss!” was all he heard as a giant red hand smacked all of his opponents away from him. With the sudden relief of pressure barring down on him, Usagi stumbled forward falling to his knees. He quickly whipped his head around to see something he couldn’t even dream off.

There appearing with the earliest rays of morning light, was purple portal, the same color as the one that took Leonardo away months earlier. And there Leonardo stood. Leaning on his cane with a cheeky smile on his face. On his right stood a giant snapping turtle dressed in red, Usagi knew him to be Raphael. He had his arm extended as his nimpo pushed more of their attackers away. On Leo’s left was a slightly taller turtle dressed in purple with his bo staff resting behind him, Donatello. Next to Donnie with his hands resting behind his head was a box turtle dressed in orange, Michelangelo. Usagi thought they were alone until three humans stepped out from behind them. The girl with her hair up in a poofy ponytail and wearing a yellow hooded outfit had to be April. She walked to stand between Donnie and Mikey placing her bat on the ground and leaning back. A girl dressed in black and white stopped next to Raph at the same time a boy with long black hair stopped to stand next to Mikey, both spinning their staff’s with a dramatic flare. Finally a rat dressed in brown robes, Splinter, came to stand beside the boy and a giant goatman folded his arms as he stood next to the girl.

“Hey Hikiji,” Leo called out with an amount of arrogance that if it had been directed at any other Lord Usagi would have been scandalized by it. “Heard you were looking for us.”


Well, we are in the thick of it now.
Its all led up to this.
lets just say its not going to be and easy in and out mission.

next time:
the battle and the sacrifice

Chapter 15: If We Survived the Great War


The Battle
The Sacrifice
The end


I'm sorry this took so long. my best friend got married this weekend. I was traveling and doing a lot. I also just wanted to enjoy the moment with her. (but hey I got a tone of wedding ideas)

I could honestly poke at this chapter forever. There was more I wanted to add but it just didn't fell right. I'm preety happy with the way it turned out

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Leo quickly scanned the battlefield taking it all in. This wasn’t the plan. They were supposed to get to Usagi and the others before they got caught, but it was too late for that.

After everyone had grabbed their gear Donnie had glanced at the monitor and it wasn’t good. Leo’s heart had dropped when he heard that they were under attack. He knew he promised that he wouldn’t fight Hikiji, but he wasn’t going to stand by and let his loved ones get hurt.

He had to be smart about this. They had to move fast.

Katsuichi and Usagi were together directly in front of the portal. Katsuichi was hurt and it didn’t look like he’d be moving anytime soon. Leo couldn’t carry him. He needed someone who could.

Gen was on their left being forced away from the group. He was holding his own, and their appearance had cause a pause in the fighting. If they were fast and someone got to him, they could probably get him out with little trouble.

Kitsune, on the other hand, was harder to spot with her crouched position to the right of the battle field. She was standing guard over a fallen body. That must be Chizu, Asahi had told Leo about her, it would seem she had taken a bad hit.

Leo knew what had to be done.

“April, Donnie do you see the rhino?”

“You mean the only stylish person here?” Donnie questioned back as he looked at Gen’s purple haori. Leo was glad that Donnie was still making jokes, it meant he wasn’t going to launch himself across the field at Hikiji just yet.

“We can argue that later. April, I need you to get him back to the portal. Donnie, provide cover fire.” Leo instructed them quickly, remaining focused on his task. The shock of their entrance wouldn’t last for long and the ninjas Raph knocked over were getting back up.

“You got it.” April called picking her bat up before activating her nimpo. She took on a bright yellow glow as her body blurred. She set off, streaking across the field, Donnie activating his battle shell to follow her in the air.

Leo looked over at Usagi. He wanted nothing more than to run to his boyfriend and help him, but he knew he couldn’t. Kitsune and Chizu needed a healer. So did Katsuichi, but his situation didn’t look as bad as the girls’. With a heavy heart he gave the next order.

“Mikey, Casey, Dad, get Usagi-chan and Katsuichi-sama out of there.” He motioned towards the pair as he spoke. He trusted Casey to be able to triage Katsuichi and keep him alive. Mikey would be strong enough to pick up the old lion if necessary, his little brother was far stronger than he looked. Splinter would be more than capable of covering their retreat. Between his father’s skills, Mikey’s strength, and Casey’s shields he had no doubt they would make it out just fine.

The three were surprised. Not that Leo was trusting them, but that Leo wasn’t rushing to Usagi’s aid himself. Casey shook it off and quickly started moving towards the two. The attackers that Raph had knocked away were back up and moving, there was no time to waste. Mikey was right behind him grabbing hold of his nunchaku and swing one forward while activation his nimpo. The extended chain knocking away several attackers as he and Casey moved forward. Splinter was hot in their heels.

Leo then turned his head to look at Raph, Cassie, and Draxum. “Raph you’re with me, we’re going after Kitsune. Cassie, Draxum,” Leo paused making sure that he had their attention. “Show these guys why you don’t mess with the Mad Dogs.” He finished with a devious smile.

One Cassie returned with her own evil grin. “HAMATO CLAN!!!!” She screamed activating her nimpo and charging the Neko ninjas, firing bolts of lightning at her whim. Draxum was much calmer using his vines to separate them from any more ninjas. He knew his vines made the boys uncomfortable so for now he would keep them as a defense until he needed to make them more offensive.

Leo and Raph moved to meet up with Kitsune and Chizu. Getting orders out had taken less than a minute but time was precious and Leo knew they had wasted to much of it already. He could only hope everything worked itself out.

April charged forward. There was a ninja standing between her and Gen, but there wouldn’t be for long. She took a running jump, spinning over her right shoulder.

“Aprrrrrrrriiiiilllll O’Neil!” She yelled as she swung her bat out. It collided with the neko ninja, transferring all of her momentum to the unsuspecting ninja, sending the poor cat flying across the battle field. April landed and looked up at the rhino standing in front of her. She hefted her bay to rest over her shoulders before greeting him. “Hi I’m April.” She said with a cheeky smile.

“I put that together.” Gen huffed though he was relieved to see Leo and his family. They were much needed reinforcements, even if this one seemed a little crazy.

“Meet Uhl greatest invention, the Bazooka!” Yelled a purple cladded turtle as he landed beside them. With a spin of his bō staff five glowing purple bazookas appeared and were fired at any and all ninjas around the three of the.

Gen jumped as the rocket launchers fired, he watched in awe as they exploded and forced the ninjas to give them a wide berth. It was still for a moment before the remain ninjas booked it away from them screaming something about Onis from hell.

“Yes run, run like the frightened Felis catus you are!” Donnie yelled at their retreating enemies. There was still other areas of the battle field where the fight was continuing but Donnie’s tech show seemed to have cleared their area rather quickly.

“Frightened Felis catus?” April asked giving Donnie and unbelieving look.

“What it’s their scientific name.” Donnie argued back.

“Or you could just call them scaredy cats like the rest of us.” Gen huffed as he collapsed down into a sitting position. He knew they needed to move but he just needed a moment to sit down and breathe. He looked up at the two in front of him before focusing on the purple turtle. “You’re Donnie-san, aren’t you. Stripes talked about you all the time.”

“Really!” Donnie lit up. He knew Leo talked about Usagi and the others all the time. He also knew that Leo told them about his family. But it was still nice to hear how much his twin talked about him. “How did you know? What it my bad boy good looks? My amazing intellect? My futuristic tech?” Donnie asked as he got closer and closer to Gen’s face.

The rhino raised an eyebrow. “It was the purple clothes, though he was right about your flare for the dramatics.” Gen couldn’t help but smirk at Donnie’s affronted face and April’s laughter.

“You’re going to fit in just fine.” April smiled as she turned herself back towards the fight. “We better start making our way over to the others so we can get out of here.”

“What about Lord Hikiji?” Gen asked, he was hoping to get back at the monster who had tortured his friend and harmed his family.

“Don’t worry.” Donnie said stepping up to Gen’s side. He put aside Gen’s earlier comment to deal with later. He was more than just the color purple and drama, thank you very much. Instead, he focused on the task at hand. “I’ve got a plan for Hikiji.” Donnie tightened his hand around his bō staff. There was no way he was leaving here with Hikiji still breathing.

“Remember the plan, Donnie. Rescue and retreat.” April eyed her little brother suspiciously as the three started to make their way back to the portal. Gen had been pushed a far ways away from the others and while he could walk just fine he was still going to slow them down, it would take sometime for them to rejoin the others.

“Ya ya. Get in, save the day, get out. That’s totally the plan. He said not suspiciously at all.” Donnie replayed, his eyes roving the battle field. He was hoping Hikiji would be dumb enough to attack them. They were separated from the others and in an open space. They were the best targets. He wanted his show down.

“I mean it Donnie.” April could tell Donnie wasn’t listening to her, so she pulled out the big gun. “Leo can’t take a long drawn-out fight.” She watched as Donnie’s steps faltered. She hated using Leo against him, but they couldn’t afford Donnie going AWOL on them. They needed to get back to safety.

Gen reached out and clamped his hand around Donnie’s shoulder. “Listen. No one wants that monster dead more than me. I watched him taunt my brother with your brother’s soul. He deserves far worse than death. But Anpan’s right we need to get Stripes and the others to safety.” He then smirked down at the turtle. “Then we come back here and make him pay.” The smile he got from Donnie was all teeth, it was the grin of a predator.

“That’s great, but my names April.” April corrected, thinking the rhino hadn’t heard her name correctly, or had taken a hit to the head.

“I know, I give all my friends nicknames. We are friends right?” Gen paused waiting for her nod. “Your bun looks like and anpan bun. You ever have one?” April gave a shake of her head, unsure how to feel about being compared to bread. “Really? They’re delicious sweet bread. It seemed to fit you. Your hair’s in a bun and Stripes always talked about how sweet you were. How about when we’re out of here I’ll get you an anpan and you can get me a pizza.”

April let out a laugh. “Sounds like a plan.” She said as the three made their way back to the portal and the rest of the fight.


Casey rushed forward. This was familiar, rushing across a battle field to someone in need of aid. He ducked down as Mikey swung his nunchaku over his head taking out several attackers. The motion well practiced with a far older version of the orange clad turtle.

He quickly made his way to the bunny and lion. The lion was holding his shoulder which had an arrow sticking out of it. The bunny was catching his breath on his knees, but besides exhaustion and a nasty cut above his eye the bunny seemed fine.

“My name’s Casey Jones and I’m here to help.” It was the same intro he would use when helping strangers during the Krang invasion. The bunny looked up at him with wide eyes before the lion groaned in pain snapping the bunny’s attention back to the older lion.

“I’m Miyamoto Usagi.” So this was Usagi. Casey had so many things he wanted to say to the bunny in front of him. “My Sensei’s been injured. Can you help me get him to safety?”

Usagi instantly trusted the boy who had arrived with Leo. While Leo hadn’t told him much about Casey, as he and the boy barely knew each other at the time of their separation, Usagi knew he was part of Leo’s family. He also knew his boyfriend was an incredible strategist, Leo wouldn’t send Casey over here if he couldn’t help them.

“Let me take a look at your shoulder.” Casey said to Katsuichi. Moving to look at the injury. By this point Mikey had reached them as well.

“Whoa that doesn’t look good.” Mikey commented seeing the blood staining Katsuichi’s clothes. He was distracted and didn’t see the Neko ninja charging him.

“Watch out!” Usagi pushed himself up to his feet and pulled Mikey away from the ninja attacking him. But before Usagi could struck out with his own blade to block the attack, the ninja was hit hard from the side. A rat had appeared out of nowhere, he kicked the ninja hard sending them a good twenty feet.

“Casey, can we move?” Splinter wanted them to retreat as soon as possible. He heard an explosion from the far side of the battle field and assumed that purple was having a good time with his nimpo.

“In a second.” Casey responded as he examined the injury. “The arrow didn’t go all the way through, which is good, it mean the arrow head is stopping a lot of the bleeding. I can’t pull it out here.” It was far too dirty, the wound would get infected. Not to mention the arrow head was the only thing stopping the wound from hemorrhaging blood. “I’m going to break the shaft and wrap it up so that we can move you.”

“Sounds great Casey.” Mikey called out as he turned back to the fight and used his nunchaku to grab a hold of one of their attackers and launch them into two other ninjas, sending all three flying back.

“But he’ll be okay?” Usagi called as he used his katana to stop a ninjas attack. Their blades locked together for a moment, before Usagi pushed the attacked back and Splinter hit them hard from the side sending them away.

“If we get him out of here, he should be.” Casey responded as he wrapped up the wound. “I’ll be able to support him on the way back, but I won’t be able to fight.”

“Don’t worry we’ve got you covered.” Mikey called out sending another ninja flying. This one made it all the way to Draxum’s wall of vines and got ensnared in the wall like many of the ninjas who were trying to flee the battle.

Usagi, Mikey, and Splinter worked together to cover Casey as he worked on Katsuichi. Mikey was impressed by how quickly Usagi adapted to his fighting style. He knew that his razzmatazz was a hard style to fight besides. Cassie had complained about it when they started working together. Something about the unpredictability of his movements. It made it hard for enemies to counter his movements but also made it difficult for those who fought besides him. His brother had never had that problem as they grew up fighting beside him, but newer members of the family struggled.

Yet Usagi had his blind spots covered as soon as they appeared. His own fighting style and movements were unique. While it was obvious that he was well trained, that didn’t make him keeping up with Mikey any less impressive. Especially since he was obviously tired from the fight prior to their arrival.

Finally, Casey had Katsuichi’s arm all tied up. “We’re good to go.” Casey called out as he helped the big lion to his feet before faltering under his weight. He was far heavier than Casey thought. While he had helped carried Master Leonardo’s weight in their final moments together, there had been far more fear and adrenaline in his system.

He quickly tried to get his feet underneath him, they needed to move, but he just couldn’t. Until another pair of hands took the weight. “I got him.” Mikey called as he slipped into Casey’s place.

“But I can’t cover us the way you can.” Casey started to argue, only to get stopped by Mikey.

“That’s a lie and we both know it. Come on, you’re Casey Jones. I know you and Leon have been practicing your nimpo. It’s probably the best when it comes to covering a retreat.” Mikey smiled reassuringly at Casey. He knew the boy was still getting used to seeing the rest of the family as equals rather than all powerful leaders.

He gets it. The idea that he could one day be on equal footing with Lou Jitsu when it came to combat or Baron Draxum when it comes to magic made him feel weird too. Those were his dads. The idea of matching them in strength was foreign. So, he understood where Casey doubts were coming from. But they were unfounded. Casey was their equal.

Casey smiled at him. Only to get distracted when they got charged by multiple ninjas. Apparently they had the idea that they could overwhelm them with numbers.

Usagi ready himself, he could see Master Splinter lowering his stance to be ready to attack. Usagi wasn’t letting any of these ninjas by him. They weren’t getting to Katsuichi, and they most certainly weren’t getting to Leo’s family. Not while he breathed.

Right as they were about to engage a wave of forest green energy passed over him. It stop right in front of him and Splinter separating them from the ninjas. Giving Usagi a front row seat to the ninjas smacking into the mystic field. He let out a breathless laugh at the absurdity of what was occurring. Only Leo’s family could pull this off.

Usagi turned over his shoulder to look at the three behind him. Katsuichi was leaning against Mikey. He was pale but doing alright, and Mikey seemed to be handling the weight well. Casey was standing there, a familiar symbol on his chest and his eyes glowing green.

“You’re amazing.” Usagi said with a smile on his face. “All of you are. Leonardo-chan has every right to be proud of you.”

Casey and Mikey paused looking at the bunny. Mikey could feel tears welling up in his eyes. Okay, he knew he like Usagi just from how Leo talked about him but it’s official, Usagi’s fantastic. He was excited for Donnie to finally meet him, maybe the praise and wonder would finally win Donnie over to the whole idea of their relationship.

Casey was stunned. This was his first time meeting his Dad’s boyfriend. Usagi didn’t even know Leo was his dad. Yet the first real thing Usagi said to Casey was that he was amazing and that Leo was proud of him. He had been worried. Worried what would happen if Usagi didn’t like him, or if he didn’t like Usagi. How would Leo handle that? He didn’t want to make his Dad chose, not when he was so happy. Yet right now all those worries seemed so silly. Sure, they still needed to truly get to know each other, but as for a first impression, Casey liked him.

While they were distracted Usagi turned his attention back to the battle field. Gen was making his way back with Donnie and April, he had seen Leo’s picture of his family enough times to recognize them. The goat man, who he suspected was Draxum, had created a wall of vines. He was using the vines to pick up members of the Neko clan and hold them helplessly in the air. There was a girl with him who was running around and calling down black lightning on an Neko ninjas foolish enough to get close to the portal or any of their moving groups. He was going to assume that was Cassandra.

But they weren’t who he was looking for. His eyes caught on Leonardo. His Leonardo was on the ground next to Kitsune and was leaning over Chizu, while Raph defended the three of them. He could also see the last few ninjas rounding on the group. They were the least defended as only one of the four was fighting.

Usagi had to get to Leonardo. He knew that under normal circ*mstances Leonardo could defend himself, but he had his soul attacked twice in the last 12 hours. He was also trying to help Kitsune and Chizu, leaving Raph as their only defender. Usagi had to get to him, he couldn’t bear it if Leo got hurt during this fight. Not after he failed to protect Leo’s soul.

“Can you get Sensei to safety?” Usagi turned his head just enough to see the others while not losing site of Leo in his peripheral. He got some confused head nods in return. “I’m going to rendezvous with Leonardo-chan and make sure they get back safely.”

“But you’re exhausted.” Mikey started to argue back.

“I know, but I’m not leaving Leonardo-chan out there.” Usagi softened knowing that Leo’s little brother was probably just worried about him. “Don’t worry, I promise I’ll bring Leonardo-chan back to you.” He then rested his hand against the shield, he was smart enough to not run into it. “Let me do this for him.”

Casey could see the stubborn look on his face. As gentle and kind as Usagi seemed to be, he was also stubborn. Casey could drag him along but Usagi would fight every step. And in all honesty Casey didn’t like Leo being in the field right now. Leo was exhausted and probably pushing himself past his limits. Uncle Raph could probably carry him back but there would be no one there to cover his back. Usagi being over there could only help.

He also believed Usagi’s when he swore to bring Leo home to them. He knew Usagi never willingly gave up Leo’s tanto, Usagi would never let something hurt Leo. So he let him go.

Before Casey dropped his shield, he only had one thing to say. “Make sure you come back to, D-Leo would be devastated if he lost you.” Usagi looked at him in surprise before resettling himself. He nodded his head, he had no intentions of dying here.

As soon as the shield was down he set off running towards Leonardo and Raph. Casey closed the shield behind him and the group started making their way back towards the portal. Both parties were unaware of the seething eyes watching their every move.


After Leo gave his orders, he drew one of his katanas. “Ready co-leader?” He asked looking up at Raph.

Raph clasped his hand to Leo’s shoulder. He was still nervous about this whole thing but he wasn’t about to back down now. “Always.”

Leo smirked before hurling his katana across the field towards Kitsune. Right as it was about to reach the fox Leo pulled himself through space to reach his katana bringing Raph along with him.

“Surprise.” He called out as he plunged his sword into one of the Neko ninjas before they could even turn to face him. Raph quickly activated his own nimpo using his giant form to hurl the Neko ninjas away from the two girls in front of them.

“Leo-chan.” Kitsune gasped in awe as she fell back down to her knees. Her ribs were killing her.

“Miss me Kitsune-chan?” Leo asked, he had a teasing tone to his voice trying to put Kitsune at ease. Everything was going to be alright now, they were getting out of this. He stopped when he caught site of Chizu. She still had the katana in her abdomen and her breathing was labored. “What happened.” Leo’s tone switched, it was still gentle but the teasing tone was gone. He was switching into medic mode.

“She - she got in between me and - and one of the ninjas and now-” Kitsune was starting to panic. Now that she wasn’t alone fighting for her life, all of the events were catching up to her. “Oh kamis”

“I’m here Kitsune-chan. I’m getting you out of here, but I need to look at Chizu-san first.” Leo wanted to reassure her, but he couldn’t tell her that everything was going to be okay. He didn’t know that, he couldn’t promise that.

As he moved to look over Chizu he heard Kitsune’s question. “How do you know her name?”

Leo paused. How do you explain that your many great grandfather’s ghost was watching over your friends as they were betrayed, captured, and tortured? “Uh, it’s a long story involving ghosts and our nimpos. I’ll explain it to you later.” He quickly excused and ignored Kitsune’s utterly confused face.

He then turned his focused back to Chizu. It wasn’t good.

“How we looking Leo. Can we move soon?” Raph asked as he swung his nimpo fist out connecting with two Neko ninjas sending them flying. He really wanted to go. He could see his family handling their sections of the fight. Donnie had just blown his adversaries away, and for once Raph was going to let it go. Mikey was swing his around like they were nothing, and Cassie was having the time of her life raining down chaos from the skies.

But with all their success they drove more and more ninjas towards Raph and Leo. Raph could take it. This is what he did. He protects his family. It’s not the first time he’s protected three people on his own. But this was different. He hadn’t seen the cat’s injuries but he knew they were bad from the way Leo was talking. Not to mention Leo himself. How much strength did Leo have left? He wanted to get all of them out of there and shut the portal before Hikiji attacked them. He didn’t know why the crazy guy wasn’t attacking them yet but he wasn’t going to voice that and bring it upon them.

“Not yet Raph.” Leo called. He didn’t know what to do. He knew he should leave the weapon in keep the wound from bleeding freely, but he could tell that it wouldn’t matter much. The girl had already lost too much blood. Even if he got her back to the lair, there wasn’t much he could do to help her. They wouldn’t have the right kind of blood to do a transfusion. And that was if he could get her back. Trying to move her would jostle the katana and open the wound further.

There wasn’t anything he could do for her.

Or there wouldn’t have been a few hours ago. He knew he shouldn’t, he didn’t have a lot of energy to spear. He could still feel the effects of Hikiji draining his soul, he was luck he was able to teleport them over here. But it was his only option. He had to try to save her.

“Kitsune-chan I need you to pull the katana out.” Leo said as he gently rolled Chizu on to her side. He place his hands on Chizu, one on her stomach near the entry wound and one on her back near her exit wound.

“What?!” Kitsune questioned. “I thought it was bad to remove the weapon from the wound without a way to close it. Are we just going to let her bleed out?” Kitsune was a little hysterical. She knew in her heart that there wasn’t much they could do for Chizu, but the thought of not even trying, of speeding up her death, hurt.

Leo looked up to meet her eyes, “Trust me, Kitsune-chan.” He had never done this before, but it had to work.

Kitsune’s ears flattened to her head, a clear sign that she was distressed. “I do.” She meant it, but she had no clue what Leo could do for Chizu.

“On my mark.” Leo said as he turned his attention back to Chizu. He closed his eyes and focused himself on his nimpo. He thought about his family. Mostly he focused on his relationship with Cassie and all the good that had come from it. Their victory against the Shredder, their friendship, and most importantly Casey. He might not know Chizu, but from what Asahi had told him he couldn’t help but see Cassie in her. And he would never abandon Cassandra.

“Pull.” Kitsune gripped the handle and pulled the sword straight out, not wanting to cut Chizu any more than she already was. The sound of the blade leavening her flesh and the fresh rush of blood was almost enough to get her to throw up.

Leo moved quickly, his hands moving to apply pressure to the now open wounds as he focused. For a moment he worried that this wouldn’t work. Then he felt his nimpo kicking in. He could see her wounds in his mind, he could feel his power slowly knitting her flesh back together. It was a slow and difficult process to put someone back together.

Kitsune stared at him in awe. She was still holding the katana in her hands as she stared at Leo’s familiar blue glow, yet this power was new to her. Had he always been able to do this? Was this how he brought Gunichi back to life? She watched as the blue glow spread along Chizu’s abdomen, and as the blood flow became less and less.

Until the glow left Leo and he slipped sideways.

“Leo-chan!” She cried out throwing the blade to the side to catch her friend.

“What’s wrong! What happened to Leo?” Raph called out worriedly. He turned to see what was wrong with his brother, but in doing so he took his eyes off the fight. A Neko ninja saw this as their chance to attack.

They drew out three shurikens and launched them at Raph. Raph turned but it was too late for him to block.

Fortunately, a while blur slid in between him and the shurikens. Usagi moved his katana quickly. In three quick and tight movements he had deflected all three of the throwing stars. He took a second to let out a breath as he stared down their attacker. Before he could charge them, the cat was struck by black lighting.

He heard the distant cry of “HAMATO CLAN!” from somewhere on the battle field and made a mental note to thank whoever that was later.

He turned to look at Raph and Kitsune over his shoulder but kept his ears perked to listen to the battle field around them. “Is Leonardo-chan okay?”

Raph was stunned by the speed and skill the bunny had just demonstrated. This had to be Usagi. He had to admit he was impressed. But he quickly shook it off. He still didn’t know what had just happened to Leo.

“I don’t know.” Kitsune responded. “One second Leo was glowing and helping Chizu and the next he collapsed.”

Raph’s eyes widened. “He did what!” No, he knew it was a bad idea to bring Leo along. He didn’t have the energy to be here. He should be safe at home and resting.

Usagi felt his heart drop. They had to get Leo out of here now. They were so close, he couldn’t lose Leo now! He wanted to rush to his side but he couldn’t, there were more ninjas approaching them, so he instead dropped to a defensive position, ready to protect Leo and the others at all cost.

Then Leo let out a groan as his eyes opened. “Leo!” Raph called. He wanted to turn around and grab his little brother but there were still ninjas around them and he had to turn back to the fight to push two more of them away.

“I’m alright.” Leo weakly called as he sat up from Kitsune’s arms. The girl kept her arms out ready to catch him again.

“Leo what happened?!” Leo could hear Raph calling him but he focused on Chizu. He hadn’t fully healed the wound, but it was nowhere near as bad as it was. Instead of being a straight through puncture, she now had a deep gash on both her stomach and back. The bleeding had slowed and her color had returned a bit.

Leo had bought her time.

He quickly grabbed her sash and untied it before re-wrapping it around her wound to apply pressure to both the front and back. It was all he could do for now. If they got her back, she would have a chance.

“Leo!?” Raph was starting to panic. Good thing it was time to go.

“Let’s get out of here Raph!” Leo called as he helped Chizu into a sitting position, Kitsune moved quickly to support the other girl’s dead weight.

Raph didn’t need to be told twice. He turned to Usagi right as the bunny forced another opponent away from them. “Sheath your swords.”

Usagi gave him a confused look. How was that supposed to help them? But he also knew Leo’s brother wouldn’t let him get hurt. He wouldn’t be asking Usagi to put away his weapons unless it was important. He only hesitated a second before following Raph’s instruction.

While he was re-sheathing his blades Raph moved. He pivoted back towards the group while punching his fist out. It took on a red glow before growing in size. The giant see-through construct spread from his arm up his body until there was a giant Raph standing before them. As he continued to pivot his arm wrapped around Usagi pulling him off of his feet and towards the others. His other arm came around wrapping around Leo, Kitsune, and Chizu. By the time he was at full size he had all four of them wrapped up in his arms. He finished his turn so he was facing the portal and started running for it.

It took a second for Usagi to get his bearings after Raph scooped them up. But he soon looked over to see Kitsune, she was startled by the sudden motion but seemed alright. Chizu was unconscious and pale but he couldn’t see any injury from the way Raph was carrying them. He knew it was bad, but he had no idea how bad.

He moved his eyes away from her, he couldn’t worry about it right now. Once they were safe they could help her. Instead, his eyes set themselves on Leo.

His beautiful Leonardo-chan. He had missed him so much. There was so much he wanted to say to him. I love you. I’ve missed you. I never stopped looking for you.

I’m sorry.

He was so sorry. Leo’s tanto felt like a burning weight on his belt. He should have protected him more. Leo was more beautiful than he remembered but that didn’t mean he was blind to the exhaustion written all over his boyfriend’s face. Leo was in pain. His soul was drained twice! Kitsune said that he just passed out. And it was all because Usagi couldn’t protect a knife. He had so much to apologize for.

Leo met his gaze over Kitsune and Chizu’s heads and gave him a breath-taking smile. It was obviously filled with bone dead weariness but it still held Leo’s love and warmth in it as well. Usagi tried his best to return it. This was almost over. They’d get out of this, he’d give Leo back his tanto, and then he’d let the love of his life go.


Draxum couldn’t believe it. They were doing it. Donnie and April had secured their charge quickly despite the distance, and were making their way back. Mikey, Casey Jr. and the rat were making their way back with one charge in tow. He had seen the other, the bunny he could only assume to be Usagi, run off to join up with Leo and Raph.

He had been worried when that group had been delayed. He didn’t know what was holding them up, but they were taking the longest to get back. Mikey’s group had already returned to him and his position guarding the portal. Donnie’s group was almost there. What was taking Raph and Leo so long?

But then Raph’s giant construct appeared and he was running towards them. Whatever had slowed them down was over now apparently. Though he was worried that Leo didn’t portal them back. He must have been more exhausted than he led on.

It was all going according to plan. Or it was until Draxum noticed something wrong with his wall of vines. In the center it appeared to be wilting. Just rotting away.

Then a sickly yellow glow over took the vines until they fell away. He could hear the gasps and screams as the Neko ninjas held up in the vines had their energy drain away with that of the vines.

That was Hikiji. He had finally joined the battle field.

Before Draxum could process who was here, he was on the move. He was fast, on par with the Hamato’s themselves. More than fast enough to catch up to a group transporting injured.

Draxum saw it in slow motion. The sickly yellow streak, so different from April’s happy yellow, heading straight for Raph’s construct.

“Raphael look out!” Draxum screamed at the top of his lungs. But it was too late.

Hikiji reached out and touched the leg of Raph’s construct. Raph screamed out in pain as he felt his energy getting drained. The assault forced his construct to dissolve launching Raph, Leo, Kitsune, Chizu, and Usagi into the air. They all screamed as they suddenly took flight.

Kitsune curled around Chizu trying to shield her as best she could. She was lucky she still had a hold of the injured cat when they got launched. The landing was hard and jostled Kitsune’s ribs in an excruciation way causing her to scream out. But she had succeeded at shielding Chizu from the worst of the fall.

Raph curled into himself. That was one of the most agonizing experiences of his life. Right up there with his possession by the Krang. Everything hurt. Then he hit the ground. He rolled and slid against the ground. Once he came to a rest, he laid there trying to get his breath back. He felt weak, he was in pain from the crash, but his soul felt weak. How was Leo still moving? He had his energy drained for far longer than Raph had, and it had happened to him twice. Twice!

Where was Leo?

He looked around and saw Leo. He had been launched further away than Raph had. He was laying on his side trying to push himself up. Luckily it would seem his cane hadn’t landed too far from him.

Leo looked around. That landing had hurt. He was trying to see where the others had landed. Kitsune and Chizu weren’t that far from him. The little fox wrapped around her friend. Usagi was a little further away shaking his head as he pushed himself up. No doubt the fall had jostled him enough that he needed to get his bearings. Raph was the furthest back. His older brother curled into himself. Leo knew what he was feeling, the agony in his chest and the flames through his body from getting his nimpo stolen.

He wished he could help him but they had to go now. He could comfort his brother once they were safe.

But they weren’t safe. Leo saw movement. A sickly yellow blur heading straight for Raph. That wasn’t April.

As it got closer Leo could make out the shape. It was a man. He was tall with long black hair. Leo didn’t need to be told who this was, he already knew. Hikiji. And he was heading straight for Raph!

No Leo couldn’t let that happen. He pulled out one of his katanas and grabbed a hold of his cane. Please, please let him have enough strength. He gripped his katana tightly as he pulled his arm back and launched it across the field.

Usagi looked up just in time to see Leo throw his katana. He followed the path of the blade and no. No, no, no.

He watched as Hikiji reached for Raph. He watched as Leo’s blade cut right between them. As Leo teleported to meet it. As he swiped his blade out and forced Hikiji back. But then Leo’s stumbled under his own weight, he quickly placed his cane and used it to lean his weight on. Even from the distance Usagi could see him breathing hard. Leo couldn’t fight Hikiji like this, and they all knew it.

“So, you must be the Hamato who can teleport. I’ve heard quite a lot about you. Though I see you didn’t inherit Karai’s grace in battle.” Hikiji smirked at Leo. “Though you do have her spirit. Standing in between the weak and their destruction, even when it’s hopeless. Though standing might be a generous term.” Hikiji mocked the turtle in front of him. Unbeknownst to him a bunny was pushing himself to his feet.

What he did notice was the tremble in Leo body and the way he was listing to his left side. “Though I do have to wonder when turtles became part of the family, but it matters little. You’ll still fall at my hands.”

“Is that how you talked around my Gram-Gram?” Leo questioned. “Talking down to those around you? Mocking her family? I can see why she never liked you.”

Hikiji roared. “Your insolence will be your down fall.” He sung out to grab a hold of Leo. Leo ducked down stepping out with his right leg to support his weight. He sung his cane out at Hikiji’s leg. Time to put Donnie’s upgrade to the test.

Hikiji’s hand went right over Leo’s head, Leo jammed his cane into Hikiji’s leg and pressed the button on his handle. Electricity flowed through the bottom of Leo’s cane tasing Hikiji, causing the man to cry out in pain. Donnie was right, that portable generator really packed a punch.

What Leo couldn’t see was that Hikiji had a perfect view of his shell. His shell that had a healed crack running a crossed it.

Leo swung his cane knocking Hikiji off his feet. He placed his cane down to push himself back up but Hikiji recovered quicker than Leo expected. He was back on his feet and moving. Leo readied his katana but Hikiji didn’t charge him. He charged Raph again.

Raph was finally starting to push himself up, but his arm kept buckling under his weight, most likely broken during their tumble. Leo swung his sword across his body trying to put his blade between Hikiji and Raph. But in doing so his back was exposed.

Hikiji pivoted over his shoulder taking all of his moment with him as he turned. He brought his fists up and slammed them down on Leo’s shell.

Leo gasped as all the air was knocked from him. As he felt his shell cave in and shatter under the pressure. Leo dropped bonelessly to the ground.

Raph screamed for his brother. He could hear another crying out, but all he could see was Leo collapse. His head was turned to face Raph. He could see the fear and pain in his baby brother’s eyes. He was failing him again. Then a roaring sound over took everything else.

Usagi had been making his way over. He was almost there. He was so impressed by Leo, battered and bruised he was still holding Hikiji off. He was a fool for ever thinking Leo needed a protector. But then it happened. Hikiji slammed into Leo, and Leo’s shell shattered and Usagi world narrowed to that point. To Leo hitting the ground. To Hikiji reaching down with his glowing hands to suck the life out of his beloved.

No more. No more. Usagi let out a bellow like never before. He was raised by a lion, he knew how to roar like one. He launched forward, smacking into Hikiji. He knocked the monster back. The two of them tumbling to the ground. Usagi quickly got to his feet, striking out at Hikiji forcing the man back.

Raph moved to Leo as Usagi duked it out with Hikiji. Before he could say anything though Leo spoke, his voice thready but there. “Help ‘Sagi-chan.” He had seen the blur that was his boyfriend he knew Usagi would need help to win, and he couldn’t help anymore. Raph nodded and finally got to his feet his face set and determined. Leo was able to get his hand under himself to lift himself just enough to turn his head and see the fight.

“I’ve had enough of you!” Hikiji yelled out. “I’m ending this Asahi!” Usagi didn’t have time to question what Hikiji had just called him. The man’s hand came flying forward and connected with Usagi’s wrist. Usagi screamed. He felt his energy leaving his body.

Leo watched. He watched as Usagi tried desperately to strike out at the man holding him. Watched as Hikiji moved out of the way and batted his attempts away. Watched as Usagi got weaker and weaker, watched as her frame got gaunter. And he watched as Usagi stopped moving. Watched as Hikiji dropped his body to the ground.

Raph had froze. The scene in front of him to horrific to process and he had froze. It wasn’t until Usagi hit the ground that his brain kicked back in. He used his nimpo to punch Hikiji as hard and as far as he could. “Mad Dogs let’s go.” Raph called moving to follow up.


The others had been getting their injured to the portal but had heard the commotion. After the initial hit and Raph’s tumble, Draxum had tried to slow Hikiji down as best he could with his vines. The others were still moving towards the portal. They didn’t realize how bad it was. Didn’t realize how bad it was until they heard Usagi’s scream and Raph’s call for action.

Mikey had just made it to the portal. He handed Katsuichi off to Splinter, the old lion asking desperately what had happened to his son. Splinter did his best to support the other father as Mikey and Casey took off towards Raph.

Donnie, April, and Gen all turned as one moving forward. Cassie meeting up with them. Gen stopped when they came across Kitsune and Chizu. As much as he wanted to continue on he had to get his sister to safety first. “Go on, I’ll take care of them.” He called to the others as they continued forward.

“Gen-chan what happened to Usagi-chan?” Kitsune asked as Gen helped her on to his back and scooped up Chizu with his good arm.

“I don’t know Kit-chan.” Gen hated not going to find his brother, hated not knowing, but he had to take care of his sister first.

Donnie ran forward but came to a full stop when he saw Leo’s shell. “Leo!” He ran over to his twin. Casey, Mikey meeting up with him, April, and Cassie as they reached Leo. They were horrified. Leo’s shell was completely shattered. “We’ve got to get you out of here.” Donnie started looking for a safe way to move Leo but was stopped by Leo’s hand grabbing his.

Leo had yet to look at them. His eyes still locked on Usagi. “Help Raph. He can’t win on his own. He needs all of you. Go.”

Donnie didn’t know what to say. Luckily Casey did. It just wasn’t what Donnie wanted to hear. “Dad’s right. If we’re winning we have to fight together.” He hated it but he knew Leo was right. Hikiji was too strong for any of them to beat alone. They had to fight as a team.

Mikey grabbed Leo and Donnie’s joined hands. “You better stay alive until we get back to you.” Leo didn’t respond his eyes still locked on Usagi. Mikey looked up to follow his gaze and gasped. “We’ll get him Leo I swear.”

Eventually Leo nodded and the brothers let go.

“Alright. Time to go FULLY LETHAL!” Donnie cried out, and for the first time ever not one family member raised their voice to disagree or dissuade him. For this they were all more than comfortable ending this monster. In a blur Leo’s family was gone.

Slowly ever so slowly Leo crawled his way over to Usagi. He had to make it to him. Had to see it for himself before he would believe it. The journey was slow and agonizing.

Once he got there Leo pushed himself up so that he was leaning over Usagi. He looked for any sign of life. The movement of his chest, the twitch of his nose, anything to let him no he was alive. But there was none of that.

Leo looked down at the body that was once the love of his life. He felt tears rolling down his face as he stared into Usagi’s lifeless gaze. His arms gave out and he fell against his boyfriend’s still chest, his arms wrapping around him to hold him close.

And then, he wailed.

His mournful cry was heard all across the battle field. Kitsune’s eyes widened as she started to shake. Gen fell to his knees realizing what was lost. And Katsuichi. Katsuichi, who had already been struggling to stand, just fell. His eyes locked on to his boys- his boy now. “No.” It was a whisper, a breath, a pray. “Please anything but that.”

Leo’s cry also halted his own family. Their eyes widening at the sound produced by their loved one. Then they hardened. This monster had taken someone from Leo. Someone he loved. Someone they had already begun to love without ever meeting him. The monster would pay.

Donnie moved his hands out his nimpo taking shape behind him. “Taste a wrath Oppenheimer could only dream of.” He cried out as multiple missiles appeared behind him before shooting forward at their enemy.

Unfortunately Hikiji was fast. He had just rejuvenated his own power. While everyone else was tired and injured from the fight he was fighting like a new warrior. He easily dogged all of Donnie’s attacks and rushed the boy only to be grabbed by one of Mikey’s chains and launched across the field.

Leo was oblivious to the fighting going on behind him. His family was trying their best to keep the fight away from him.

He laid there resting against Usagi. He was trying to process what had just happened. They were finally back together. All the time apart, all the worry, finally Usagi was right there. And then he wasn’t. Did Leo even get to talk to him before he - before he - Leo couldn’t even think it. He clung tightly to his lover.

What was the last thing he had said to Usagi? When was the last time he had spoken to Usagi? He had cheered for Usagi when he was fighting Kenichi in the tournament, did that count as talking to him? Or was their private moment in the infirmary their final conversation? It was all so long ago. He remembered how comforting and supportive Usagi had been in the infirmary, he’d never hear Usagi’s voice again. He’d never get to tell him he loves him ever again. All their plans, all Leo’s hopes and dreams for the future, gone just like that.

Then an idea came to him. If Hikiji could drain life away, why couldn’t he share his. He had watched how Hikiji’s powers moved. It was so similar to the way Grandma’s healing powers worked. He had to try. He knew he had no energy left but even if it was a hopeless dream he had to try.

He gently pushed back from Usagi’s body, holding back a sob as he saw his lifeless eyes again. He placed one hand on Usagi’s chest and another on the side of his face, hoping to channel what little energy he had left into his heart and brain. Just like Atsuko taught him. He closed his eyes and focused.

He thought about his family fighting so hard for him. He thought about Gram-Gram and her words of love and sacrifice. Of Grandma’s gentle but firm lesson on healing. But mostly he thought about Usagi and the life they wanted together. He felt his nimpo activating. He could feel the energy emanating from his body, but this time it felt different, stronger maybe.

Leo felt a hand come to rest on his shoulder. He didn’t need to open his eyes to know who it was. He knew it was Karai. Then he felt another hand rest on his other shoulder, Asahi. A third set of hand were placed in his injured shell. Atsuko.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was surrounded by ancestors, “Anata wa hitori ja nai.” He heard Karai’s voice come from behind him as he felt his power increase.

Leo smiled at the strength his family was giving him. He focused on pushing that energy from himself and into Usagi. He watched as his glow spread from his hands all over Usagi’s body. Starting at his heart and head but quickly spreading all over his frame.

Slowly Usagi became less and less gaunt. His color returned to his face. His eyes slowly lost their glassy look before a breath re-entered his lungs. He looked up at Leo, glowing brighter than the sun. He reached one of his shaky hands up to rest on Leo’s cheek. “Beloved.” He breathed out as a prayer

Leo let out a sob. He didn’t want to move his hands from where they rested on Usagi, too scared to break his spell. So instead, he lowered himself down once again so he was resting against Usagi. Usagi reached his arms around him, holding him close.

When he did Usagi realized that something felt off. Or rather something wasn’t there. “Leonardo-chan,” he whispered, “your shell. It’s not shattered. It’s smooth.” Leo’s eyes widened but he didn’t dare move to check it himself. As he took in a breath he could feel Usagi’s hand moving along his shell. He knew it was true as there was no more pain along his back.

He took in a deep breath and chose to focus on Usagi and restoring his energy. He might be breathing again, a miracle in itself, but he could tell by the way he was moving and speaking that he was still weak. So, Leo continued to push energy out of himself.

What Leo wasn’t paying attention to, was where all that energy was going. The ground around them was pulsing with blue energy. Plants and flowers around them were growing at a rapid rate. Red rose bushes started to appear around them, sprigs of yellow yarrow and bustles of purple heliotrope mixed in with the rose bushes. Around them a bed of forget me not started to bloom. Each pulse was bigger than the last expanding the range of Leo’s power. Further away peony bushes started to grow and vines of morning glories started to wrap themselves around bushes and trees.

Then Leo’s power passed to where someone was standing. Casey was hanging back from the fight. Hoping that if Hikiji made another run for Leo he could stop him with his shield. He felt a warm energy envelop him. It felt like a hug, warm and comforting.

Then he started to glow. At first it was a bright blue. Leo’s blue he realized. Then it quickly became the dark green of his own nimpo energy. But it wasn’t his normal glow no it was almost like he burned. Not that it hurt but more that his powers were ebbing and flowing like a fire might. He turned to see Leo shining brighter than he had ever seen, his energy spreading, pulsing along the ground. He didn’t know what was happening but he also didn’t panic. It was like a wave of comfort had also arrived with the power boost. All of his aches and pains from the battle were gone. He wasn’t even tired anymore. He turned to look at the battle again only to notice that Leo’s power was spreading.

Gen was still on his knees when he felt a comforting warmth pass over him. Kitsune felt it as well.

“Gen-chan you’re glowing!” Kitsune explained as Gen glowed blue.

Gen turned his head to look over his shoulder at Kitsune. “So are you.”

They felt their aches ease. Kitsune’s ribs slowly started to feel better. They weren’t fully healed but they were far better than before. Gen felt less tired, his arm was still injured but didn’t ache nearly as bad.

Their glow changed from blue, suprising both of them. Gen’s took on a deep violet while Kitsune’s was a soft teal. The glow stayed close to both of their bodies but there was a thrum of power like never before.

Then something caught Kitsune’s eye. “Gen-chan look!” She cried out while pointing down at Chizu. The other girl had taken on a blue glow as well. The glow finishing what Leo had started as the stab wound in her abdomen fully healed. She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment before they flew open. The glow around her changing from blue to a rosey red glow.

“Chizu-chan!” Kitsune was so excited that her friend was okay.

“What’s happening? Shouldn’t I be dead right now?” Chizu questioned as she looked down at her perfectly intact stomach.

Neither Gen nor Kitsune could answer her as they were unsure of what was happening as well.
The next people the wave hit was Splinter, Draxum and Katsuichi. The rat had moved to help the lion, as he knew the pain of losing a son, while Draxum stood guard over the two of them. The lion was in no condition to continue the fight, and Splinter was not about to let another person his son cared for die.

The pulse passed over all of them at once. The comforting blue hue shining from them all. Splinter and Draxum knew exactly who this was as soon as they felt the energy. Their bodies no longer ached from battle, as they felt their son’s comforting presence wash over them. Splinter’s own cray glows replaced his son’s blue but he could tell that he was stronger now. Draxum was shocked when his own glow changed from Leo’s bright blue to a magenta color. It was so different from the color of his vines or his oozesquitos, yet it was fitting. A brand-new beginning with his new family, though his glow wasn’t as bright as Splinter’s

What surprised them the most was Katsuichi. He also was covered in Leo’s blue glow. His wounds healed and his energy restored. What they didn’t expect was for Katsuichi’s glow to change as well. As the lion stood to his feet his glow changed from blue to a burning orange, far darker than Mikey’s own glow. His glow, much like Draxum’s, wasn’t as intense as Splinter’s but it was still his own unique color.

As Katsuichi felt his strength return and the comforting presence surrounded him, he turned his head to look at his boys-boy his boy. Only to see a miracle. Leo leaned back a bit to sit up, as he did he saw Usagi sit up as well. Not a corpse being pulled along but Usagi siting under his own power. Usagi was alive. His son was alive! Katsuichi turned his head to face Hikiji.

April had just charged the man and smacked him hard with her bat sending him flying across the field. She hadn’t been looking where she smacked him, more focused on knocking him away from Raph. She sent him flying over Leo and Usagi and right in front of the adults.

Katsuichi let out a mighty roar catching everyone’s attention as he launched himself at Hikiji. He could feel it, his strength had increased with whatever it was Leo was doing. He drew his blade and slashed it at the monster in front of him. Hikiji drew his own sword and locked their blades together. Katsuichi could see the fear in the man’s eyes as he realized he was being overpowered.

Once more Hikiji reached out to grab hold of Katsuichi’s wrist to drain his energy away, but you couldn’t trick Katsuichi twice. He pivoted his blade and stepped to the side. All the strength Hikiji was using to push against Katsuichi’s blade suddenly had nothing to push against. The man stumbled forward reaching his hand out to catch his balance. As he did so, Katsuichi swung his blade down severing Hikiji’s wrist from his body. The monster screamed. It was the beginning of the end.

Leo’s energy had finally reached the rest of his family. His siblings paused as the warm reassuring energy passed over them. The blue glow telling them exactly who this was.

As one they whipped their heads over to look at Leo. He and Usagi were surrounded by flowers in full bloom, Leo’s blue glow shining like a beacon. Wisps of blue light danced around the sky intermingling with the ancestors floating in the air. It was a beautiful and awe-inspiring site to behold.

“Whoa.” Raph breathed. The warmth of his brother’s energy enveloping him. He could feel the broken bones in his arm mending and his strength returning. Though resetting his arm should have hurt something awful, it instead a warm tingling feeling, like someone was gently rubbing his arm.

“Great Galileo.” Donnie said. His arms slumping and his bō staff slipping from his fingers in surprise. That was his twin. His twin that was making the sky light up like the Aurora Borealis.

“Forget the blue one, LOOK AT US!” Cassie yelled as her glow changed from blue to black. The energy bleeding off her like flames. “I HAVE NEVER FELT STRONGER! FEEL MY WRATH OLD ONE!” She screamed as she thrusted her arm towards Hikiji and snapped. A bolt of lightning came flying down at the man. Katsuichi jumped away hearing the girl’s cry. Hikiji was just able to jump out of the way of the main attack. The power of the lighting hitting the ground caused and explosion sending him flying into the air.

“Oh ya.” Mikey called seeing his own glow changing to his bright orange, his energy shining more than Cassie’s. His own column of orange light shining to the sky. “Cowabunga!” He cheered as he spun over his shoulder and released his chain. It wrapped around Hikiji mid-air. Mikey used it to pull the man down, releasing him just before he hit the ground. Hikiji hit the ground so hard that he bouncing back up into the air.

“Aaaaaaaaappppprrrrrrriiiiiiiilllllll,” April called out her name her yellow glow dancing behind her as she ran the length of the battle field. She jumped into the air with a spin. She waited until she was even with Hikiji in the air. “O’Neil!” She cried out as she smacked him back over to where her siblings were.

“Time to meet Newton’s first law of motion” Donnie gripped his bō staff, his purple hue shining to the sky as well as he created his infamous drill on the end of his staff. He swung it up and over his shoulder bringing it down on Hikiji as he flew over, driving the man into the ground.

“Smashing like a boss!” Raph jumped high into the air making a giant construct once more. He leaned to his side in the air and made sure his drop was led by his elbow. It was a classic Ghostbear move. He landed on Hikiji hard enough to make the earth shake.

Then he felt pain. Once again Hikiji was trying to drain his energy. Raph cried out in pain but it didn’t last long.

“Unhand my son human vermin!” Draxum and Splinter had made their way to the battle field. Draxum used his vines to rip Hikiji away from Raph while Mikey used his chains to pull Raph to safety.

Splinter jumped into the air kicking Hikiji hard in the stomach. He then kicked off of him mid-air spinning up into the air and kicking him down to the ground. “HOT SOUP!”

Right as Hikiji hit the ground from Splinter’s attack he pushed himself up with his remaining hand. He looked around the group and spotted the lovers curled together. If he could just get to that wretched blue turtle, he could end all of this. He lunged forward making a desperate attempt for Leo and Usagi only to run straight into a force field of forest green light, knocking him back several feet.

“You’re not getting near my Dad!” Casey called. He dropped his shield right after Hikiji bounced off it. He didn’t want to leave himself open for an attack of any kind. His plan was to quickly block Hikiji’s movement while not leaving his shields around long enough to be drained.

The man turned enraged eyes on to the boy. He quickly noticed two things. Th first being Casey’s powers. They were defensive, meant to keep someone back. With proper training it could be very offensive, but the boy was obviously young and unexperienced with his powers. If Hikiji pressed him the boy would have no choice then to activate his shields, something Hikiji could easily drain.

The second was that Casey had separated himself from the family. While the others were all moving together and covering each other’s backs, Casey had singled himself out. By hanging back to watch Leo’s back he had left himself without a partner to support him.

It was a fatal mistake. One Hikiji was willing to take advantage off. Without warning he charged the boy at full speed.


While all of this was going on Leo and Usagi were curled against each other. Once they sat up Usagi had pulled Leo into his lap. Leo still had one hand resting over Usagi’s heart and the other cradling his head. Usagi rested one of his hands against Leo’s shell, thumbing at the ridges where his shell was once shattered. His other hand rested on Leo’s neck right over his pulse. Their foreheads were rested together as they took in the fact that they were both still alive.

Usagi looked over Leo’s shoulder to see the fight raging outside of their little paradise. “What do you say we end this Leonardo-chan?” He asked nodding his head back towards the fight. Leo tightened his grip for a moment before letting out a breath.

“I’m game, but only if you can keep up.” The words were teasing but the tone held so much concern. What if he let Usagi go and this all ended? What if he lost him again?

Usagi nuzzled their foreheads together. “You’re not getting rid from me that easily.” Once again, the words were teasing but Usagi’s tone was serious. He was reassuring Leo that he wasn’t going to die on him again. He truly had never felt stronger.

Leo leaned forward just enough to brush their lips together. “Then let’s end this.” Leo finally moved his hand from Usagi’s chest. He hesitated right after he moved it waiting to see if the spell would end and he would lose Usagi again. But nothing happened so he kept moving. He reached up to the remaining katana on his back. His cane and other katana were lost somewhere in the flower field around them. His other hand drifted down from Usagi’s neck to his shoulder and then down his arm until their hands were able to intertwine.

Usagi lifted their joined hands to his lips placing a kiss on the back of Leo’s hand. He then reached his free hand over Leo’s shoulder and gripped the hilt of the ōdachi he had gifted to Leo at the Yoake festival. His own katana and wakizashi were in the underbrush of the flowers as well. And though he loathed to part from them for a battle, it seemed almost poetic to use his courting gift to Leo to finish the monster behind them.

He waited until Leo nodded his permission before drawling the sword from its sheath. With weapons in hand, Leo drew his katana back and launched it taking him and Usagi with it.


Hikiji charged Casey. Even with the beating he had taken and his hand lobbed off the man was still fast. He caught Casey off guard, the rest of the family to. Casey could hear their worried cries for him as the sickly yellow blur approached.

What did he do? He couldn’t dodge, he was to fast. If he put up a shield the man would drain it and Casey’s energy. Casey made the decision to set his feet and take the monster head on. He pulled his chainsaw hockey stick up right waiting for the right moment to swing.

It never came.

Right before the man reached him, a katana imbedded itself into his shoulder. A second later Leo and Usagi were there.

“Sensei!” In that moment it was like seeing his old Sensei coming to his rescue once again. He never called his Dad ‘Dad’ on missions only Sensei. It was easy for the title to fly from his lips once again.

Leo pulled his katana from Hikiji’s shoulder, not wanting him to drain any energy from the blade. He let go of it, the blade falling near Casey’s feet.

Leo’s hand joined Usagi’s on the hilt of the ōdachi as the two trusted the weapon forward.

Right into Hikiji’s chest.

The two let go of the hilt as they landed. Leo’s leg buckled under his weight, even with all the miracles he had pulled, healing his leg wasn’t one of them. Usagi quickly grabbed Leo’s waist to support his boyfriend as they kept their eyes locked on their enemy.

Hikiji tried to drain power from the ōdachi to keep himself alive. But there was no mystic energy tied to the blade. Even if there was it was impossible to heal a heart that was split in two by a blade. For a moment his powers flickered in and out before the man fell to his knees and collapsed to the ground. He was dead.

It was over it was finally over.


so only one person guessed it. the death was Usagi, but I gave him back. that and Hikiji. I thought about taking out Chizu but I'm not a fan of redemption stories ending with the character doing one good thing and dying. No she's got a long journey ahead of her.

I hope you all liked it. I've had the mental image of Leo's powers shining over the battlefield since December. Sorry if you were looking forward to a bigger death scene.

just some clarifications. Usagi, Gen, Kitsune, Chizu, Katsuichi, and Draxum do not have nimpos yet. that is why Draxum is still using his vines. I will expand more on this later.

Leo's healing ability has a limit to it. his shell, Usagi's death, Chizu's wound are all recent injuries so he could heal them. older injuries like Usagi's cut, Kitsune's ribs, Gen's shoulder, and of course Leo's leg are out of his reach because they are older injuries. Katsuichi got his energy back because that was his soul not his body. (does that make sense)

Next time (yes I know the summary says the end but there is one more chapter) EPILOGUE: the toll of Leo's powers, healing, Leo and Usagi finally get to talk. and WELCOME TO NEW YORK (its been waiting for you)

Chapter 16: To Loves End


the battle is over
return to New York


and so it ends.
Thank you so much for all the wonderful support you guys have given me. I am so glad that you have loved my story, its been a blast to write.
but here we are at the end of part two. I hope you like it.

(if you would like some mood music fo this chapter "to love's end" from Inuyasha was is great for this chapter

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It was over. They had won.

Leo panted as he took in the fact that Hikiji was dead. The battle was over. They were safe.

He felt his body starting to relax and his eye starting to close. Safe. They were all safe.


Usagi stood next to Leo his arms wrapped around his waist holding him close. A good thing as Leo suddenly went limp in his arms. Leo started to list forward, but Usagi quickly moved one of his arms from his waist to his shoulders falling to his knees with Leo’s drop so that he could ease his boyfriend down. He could hear the shocked gasps around them but kept his attention on Leo.

He cradled Leo close making sure he was safe. At some point during Leo’s decent his glow had faded, his eyes were shut and his body limp with his head lulling to the side as Usagi held him tenderly.

“Leonardo-chan?” Usagi whispered his voice still recovering from the screaming he did earlier. Leo looked so peaceful and still in his arms. Usagi quickly leaned over him, his ear coming to rest over his chest where he could hear the gentle beating of his heart. Usagi moved his head up so that his face lined up with Leo’s and could feel his shallow breaths ruffling his fur as he breathed out.

Leo was alive. Obviously exhausted, but alive.

Usagi took a shuttering breath in resting his forehead against Leo’s. They were alive. Hikiji was dead and they were alive.

“Is he?” Usagi looked up at the voice. Raph stood before him holding a hand out but stopping himself from touching. Almost as if he were afraid to get too close. He could see Mikey leaning against Donnie who had an arm wrapped around the younger turtle. April stood at Raph’s other side with a hand on Casey’s shoulder. Cassandra stood next to the boy, not touching but a comforting precedent none the less. All their eyes were fixed on Leo, and Usagi could guess why from the worry in their eyes.

“He’s alive.” He could see the tension drain out of their bodies in that moment. They had feared the same thing he had. Usagi took a moment to look down at his beloved once more. Leo looked so peaceful, Usagi wanted nothing more than to carry him to safety, but there was something he still had to do.

Usagi looked up making eye contact with Raph. The larger turtle was hovering closer than before. A clear signal to Usagi he was making the right choice. “Would you take him?” He asked as he nodded his head down to Leo.

“Oh! I thought that you would want-” Raph trailed off not sure himself where he was going with that statement. Usagi stepped in for the large turtle.

“I would love nothing more, but I need to retrieve our blades. And I fear my own strength might still give out.” He added the last part when he saw Raph open his mouth after the first reason. Most likely to offer to get their swords himself but it was better this way. While Usagi felt alright he could feel exhaustion creeping up on him. He wanted to make sure Leo returned safely. There was also something else he had to do then just get his and Leo’s swords.

“Alright.” Raph moved to scoop Leo up out of Usagi’s arms, he’s massive size dwarfing his little brother. Once Leo was settled into his hold, he turned his attention back to Usagi. “Thank you.” Raph would have let Usagi carry Leo back, he knew the bunny meant a lot to Leo and he had proven himself today on the battle field. But after everything that happened, Raph was relieved to have Leo safe and sound in his arms.

Usagi returned his thanks with a nod. Watching as Raph led the way back to the portal. His little brothers were quick to follow. Donnie shooting Usagi an unsure look while Mikey gave a little wave. April and Cassie quickly followed as well but Casey remained behind. Carrying for Leo’s katana was once his duty, and with his Dad out of commission he would take up the mantle again until his Dad was able to wield them once more.

He watched as Usagi pushed himself up and started to walk away from Hikiji’s corpse.

“Don’t we need to grab Leo’s ōdachi?” He asked looking between the sword and Usagi’s retreating figure. Usagi turned to look at the younger boy surprised he had stayed behind.

“Not yet. That will be the last one we remove.” Usagi informed him while making his way back towards the garden Leo had created. Casey was confused but followed behind the bunny anyways. Usagi must have a reason for leaving Leo’s ōdachi behind.

Usagi entered the flower garden Leo has created with reverence trying his very best to not crush any of the flowers his beloved had grown. Casey followed with the same cautious steps. At the same time, he looked around in awe.

He could recognize some of the flowers. The red roses, purple heliotrope, and orange yarrow were easy for him to recognize. They were the flowers that made up Leo’s treasured flower crown, a gift from Usagi if he was not mistaken. He didn’t know what the peonies were nor the morning glories, there weren’t many flowers in the apocalypse. He did recognize the forget-me-nots, they had been popular to draw around the names of the fallen in the resistance. He knew Master Leonardo had always liked them.

Master Leonardo had never created something like this. His eyes tracked over to Usagi as he knelt down and gently removed Leo’s katana from the foliage, and he wondered if the reason Master Leonardo hadn’t been able to do something like this was because he never had the opportunity to find love the way Leo had.

Usagi turned and held out Leo’s katana to Casey. “I’m assuming this is why you stayed.” Casey was surprised but gently took the katana from Usagi. The bunny gave him a small smile before turning back to the overgrowth. He found his wakizashi next and quickly sheathed it. Leo’s cane came next, he glanced over his shoulder seeing that Casey hadn’t left yet and held it out for him to take as well.

The whole time Usagi was delicate with the foliage. Trying his best not to cut any of the flowers as he removed the blades for the garden. He treated it with care, a care Casey assumed came from it being Leo’s creation.

Finally, he pulled out his own katana but he didn’t sheath it. He kept the blade drawn and in hand. He turned to face Casey and gestured behind the boy. A quite way of asking him to trace their steps back out.

Once they had left the heart of Leo’s over growth Casey was able to get a look around. He could see that Raph and the others had already made their way through the portal, as had Usagi’s friends. The only ones left besides the two of them were Draxum, who was guarding the portal, and Katsuichi. The later was approaching them.

“Sensei,” Usagi gave a short bow meeting up with the lion. The lion though ignored his bow and quickly pulled the bunny into a tight hug. After a moment of hesitation Usagi returned the hug as well.

“I thought I lost you forever.” Katsuichi whispered to his boy holding him close.

Usagi tightened his arms around his master too. “You did, but Leonardo-chan saved me.”

Katsuichi held him tight for a moment longer before placing his hands on Usagi’s shoulders and pushing the boy back. Looking his student over to make sure he was truly alright before smiling at the boy. “Then it seems I own Leo-kun a great deal.”

Usagi met his smile before his face morphed into one of concern. “How are you feeling.” Usagi questioned still worried for his father figure.

“Much better now. Though my shoulder seems to still be a problem.” Katsuichi tried to reassure his student. He was far better than before Leo’s miracle.

“May I see?” Casey asked as he approached the pair. They were dear to Leo, and Katsuichi had been under his care, he wanted to make sure he was okay.

Katsuichi was a little surprised at the requested but allowed the young teen to examine his shoulder. Usagi took Leo’s katana from Casey so he would have a free hand to work with. As soon as Casey pushed on where the wound once was, Katsuichi hissed out in pain.

“That’s what I was worried about.” Casey said pulling his hand away.

“What is it?” Usagi asked concerned for his father figure.

“Dad’s energy healed the wound but it didn’t remove the arrow head from his shoulder. We’re going to have to go in and get it.” Casey explained.

Katsuichi and Usagi shared a quick look before Usagi asked. “Dad?” Casey’s head snapped up to see the two looking at him in confusion. And why wouldn’t they be. Leo was seventeen and Casey was fourteen there is no reason Casey should be calling Leo Dad. There was no physical way Leo could be his Dad. How does he explain? How much had Leo shared with them about Casey’s past and their almost future?

Before Casey could say anything Usagi spoke again. “Leonardo-chan told me you were from the future.” Casey gave a quick nod to that wanting to confirm that that was true. “Were you,” Usagi paused again searching for the right words, “raised by Leonardo-chan? In the future?”

“Yes!” Oh, thank pizza supreme, he didn’t have to explain everything. “Master Leonardo raised me after my Mom passed away. He was the only parent I really remember.” Casey paused but neither Katsuichi or Usagi filled the silence between them. “When Leo came back from this world he found out, he promised to be there for me how ever I needed. I still calm him Dad. He still acts like it to.” Casey smiled to himself. He missed Master Leonardo everyday but the family had been wonderful and while Leo wasn’t the same, he was there for Casey and that meant the world to him.

But then he remembered who he was talking to. This was Leo’s boyfriend. Leo’s boyfriend who defiantly didn’t sign up for kids. Leo didn’t even know he was Casey’s adopted dad when he was in Usagi’s world. What if he had just messed up their relationship? He had to do something. “But if that’s weird for you I can stop. I don’t want to-”

“Why would I make you stop?” Usagi asked confused. “You’re Leonardo-chan’s kid. I have no place coming between that. He loves you. That’s all I need to know.” Casey was relieved Usagi sounded so calm and reassuring. He spoke as if this was obvious, and maybe it was. The Hamato clan was a strange one, maybe Leo had prepared him for that. “Though I would like to know more.” Usagi smiled at him, he wasn’t prying for any information Casey didn’t want to share, but he was opening the door for Casey to tell him what he was comfortable with.

“Sure, what do you want to know.” Casey started answering any questions the pair had as they walked back over the Hikiji. He answered questions about New York, and about his adjustment to the past. It struck him that Usagi was about to be in a very similar position to him, leaving one world behind for another.

The talk was pleasant until they reached the body of Hikiji. The man’s eyes were still open and the ōdachi still pierced his chest. After a moment of silence Casey moved forward to remove the blade when he was stopped by Katsuichi.

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to be sure he’s dead before we remove the blade.” Katsuichi was gently but firm as he moved between the teens and the body. He might be acting paranoid but this oni disguised as a man had caught them off guard one to many times for Katsuichi to be anything but cautious.

Usagi nodded along. This is why he had stayed behind. He wanted to make sure there was no way Hikiji was coming back.

“How do we do that?” Casey asked unsure what the two samurai were thinking.

“We take his head.” Katsuichi explained.

Casey looked between them shocked. The man was already dead? Was this really necessary?

Usagi saw the boy’s shocked expression. He gently placed a hand on Casey’s shoulder drawling the boy’s attention. “This isn’t just about making sure he’s dead, but it is also tradition here.” He didn’t have time to explain the history of the tradition, nor did he want to as he could see how pale the boy was becoming. Leo’s world was different from theirs in many ways, now was not the time to discuss it. “Take Leonardo-chan’s katana and cane back to the portal we’ll be right behind you.” He gave the younger boy an out if he did not want to stay. An out Casey quickly took.

Casey started making his way back to Draxum. Usagi turned his attention back to the matter at hand. Katsuichi held his hand out towards Hikiji’s body. “The honor is yours.” Hikiji died at Usagi and Leo’s hands, he was their’s to behead. Usagi nodded and placed both hands on his Katana. With on quick and strong stroke he separated Hijiki’s head from his body, making sure he cut all the way through. Once the head had been removed, only then did Katsuichi remove the ōdachi from the corpse.

Normally the head would be taken with them and presented to Lord Mifune, but that wasn’t possible as they were not traveling back to the Tenshu. It mattered little to Usagi, he was more concerned about the monster mystically healing himself and coming after them again. He felt more confident in their victory with the man’s head detached from his shoulders.

Casey made his way back over to Draxum. The old goat watching all this play out. Casey looked at him and Draxum could see the boy’s unease. “It’s a Samurai tradition, to take an enemies head and present it to their Lord or general. It is a great honor for them.” he explained the tradition to his grandson and could see the boy starting to understand. “Though we should probably explain that its not a tradition in our world before letting them out for missions.” Or maybe he wouldn’t. There were a few enemies of his sons that Draxum wouldn’t mind seeing beheaded. It certainly put an end to the problem.

The two looked up as Katsuichi and Usagi approached them, Usagi had already stopped to clean off his sword before making his way over to them. Once they were all together Draxum gave a firm nod and turned to lead them through the portal. It was over. They were going home.


Leo could hear murmuring around him. He couldn’t make out who the voices were but he could hear sounds bouncing around the room.

He squeezed his eyes tight before fluttering them open. He looked around to see Mikey pulling on Raph’s shoulder. “Come on Raph, you got to take a break.”

“I will, I just want to stay for a little longer.”

“Raph you’ve been here for hours! Let someone else take over and get some rest.” Mikey argued with their big brother. He was about to say more when he looked over and saw Leo’s open eyes. His face lit up as he quickly scrambled over Raph to get to Leo’s side. “Leo you’re awake!” He cried hugging Leo tightly.

“Leo!” Raph cheered pulling both of them into a tight hug. Raph’s cheer was quite loud and was obviously heard outside of the room as other people came scrambling in. Donnie and Casey came quickly though the door followed closely by April and Cassie. The four joined in the group hug.

Donnie let go first. “It’s great to have to back Leo.”

“Good to be back. How long was I out for?” Leo asked still in Raph and Mikey’s grasp.

“Almost two days Strips. Started to think you were avoiding us.” Leo looked up to see Gen and Kitsune enter the room. Gen’s arm was in a sling and Kitsune’s ribs were wrapped tightly but they were smiling.

“Gen-chan, Kitsune-chan!” Leo was so excited to see them. He didn’t get a chance to really talk to them during the chaos of the fight. Raph and Mikey moved a little bit away making room for the two new comers who quickly pulled Leo into a hug.

“It’s so good to see you again Leo-chan.” Kitsune said. She had been so worried for her friend, it was wonderful to finally have him back.

“It’s good to see you to. I’ve missed you guys.” Leo said as he hugged them tight.

“I’m sure you missed some of us more than others.” Gen huffed as he pulled away. Leo gave him a confused look and Gen chuckled as he moved to the side revealing Usagi standing in the door way. Leo’s confused look quickly transformed into a blush. Gen was right he had miss Usagi more than the others.

Mikey looked between Leo and Usagi in excitement before grabbing Donnie and Raph’s wrist. “Well good to see you’re awake Leo, but I’m sure you need your rest so we’ll get out of your way.” He said as he dragged a sputtering Raph and a protesting Donnie behind him. As he walked out the door, he turned to Usagi. “You won’t mind watching him, right ‘Sagi-san. Someone’s got to make sure he stays in bed.” Before Usagi could comment Mikey was gone dragging his brothers with him. April followed behind with Casey and Cassie, she gave a little wave to Leo as they left. Kitsune and Gen quickly followed suit. Before Leo and Usagi could say anything the door was closed leaving them alone.

Usagi turned to face Leo, who look thoroughly unimpressed. “They’re listening through the door.” Was all he said.

Usagi was about to respond when a muffled voice replied. “No, we most certainly are not.”

“Donnie!” Several other voices replied.

Leo and Usagi looked at each other before they started laughing. “Go way before I portal you.” They heard some grumbling as well as movement from the other side of the door. Leo then smiled warmly at Usagi.

As Usagi made his way over the bed, Leo spoke, this time in a far gentler tone. “It’s really is good to see you again Usa-chan. I’ve missed you so much. I was so scared that I lost you and-” Leo was starting to ramble. He was so relieved that everyone was alright and that Usagi was here that he didn’t notice Usagi’s expression getting sadder and sadder. What he did notice is when Usagi kneeled next to the bed rather than claiming the chair Raph left behind or sitting on the bed next to him. “Usagi-chan?”

“Hamato Leonardo I have failed you.” Usagi started with his head hung low. Leo scrambled to reach for him but stopped as Usagi continued to speak. “You I trusted me with not only your heart but a piece of your very soul, and I failed to protect it.”

“No, Usagi-chan it’s-” Leo started to try and cut off Usagi’s speech but Usagi wouldn’t have it.

“It’s not alright!” He knew Leo, even when he wasn’t looking at him, he knew what his beloved was going to say. “I failed. You trusted me and I let a mad man not only hold your soul but watched as he drained your very life essence out of it. I put you and your family in danger because I wasn’t strong enough to keep a knife safe.” Usagi could feel himself starting to lose control, he needed to ring this back in. He could lose it later when he was alone, he couldn’t dump this on Leo, not after everything.

He took a breath in before continuing. “Words cannot express how sorry I am. I can never make this up to you. Which is why I am returning this to you.” And with that he held Leo’s tanto out to him. He held it in both hands above his bowed head. His palms open and waiting for Leo to take it back. To remove his love and trust as Usagi had certainly lost it. “And I will remove myself from you before I can hurt you again.”

Leo was stunned. He couldn’t wrap his head around what was happening. Usagi thought he failed? That this was all his fault? That Leo wouldn’t forgive him? Leo didn’t need to, this wasn’t Usagi’s fault, it was his. And Usagi wanted to give back his tanto and breakup with him? Was he reading this right? This couldn’t be happening?

Leo didn’t know where to start. He was hurt and couldn’t believe that after everything this is how it ended. What could he say? Well, he knew one thing, if Usagi wanted to leave Leo wouldn’t stop him but he wasn’t going to let him leave think this was all his fault.

“I- Usagi-chan-” could he still call Usagi that? “I- this isn’t your fault?” His voice came out weak and shaky. Usagi’s ears twitched a sign he was listening so Leo pushed forward before Usagi could interrupt him again. “It my fault, Hikiji was after me and my family-”

“Stop.” Usagi tried to cut him off again but Leo pushed through.

“He went after you because he wanted me. I put you all in danger in the first place. I’m the reason Kitsune and Gen got hurt.” Leo kept going getting more upset as he talked.

“Stop this isn’t-” Usagi tried to cut him off again. He could hear how upset Leo was getting and this wasn’t Leo’s fault. None of this was Leo’s fault, he didn’t know there was a mad man in Usagi’s world who would stop at nothing to kill his family. Leo wasn’t responsible for their injuries.

“I’m the reason you died!” Leo yelled at him tears filling his eyes as he remembered the horrible moment Usagi’s body hit the ground, remembered holding his lifeless corpse and wailing to the sky for help. He caused that. If he had never given Usagi that tanto, he never would have been in danger. He never would have died. Maybe Usagi was right, they should break up but not because Usagi was a failure, no Leo was the failure between them.

Usagi had enough. His head flew ups and he quickly placed the tanto to the side freeing his hand so he could frame Leo’s face with them. He pushed out of his kneeling position so he was now standing next to the bed. He leaned down so his forehead rested against Leo’s, angling his head upwards so they comfortably fit together. He used his thumbs to wipe away Leo’s tears as they fell.

“This is not your fault. You had no idea that Hikiji existed when you created the tanto. You didn’t know what would happen.” Usagi said as calmly as he could, but the tremble in his hands revealed just how upset he was.

“But I-” Leo started to argue back. But Usagi gently shushed him.

“If you knew Hikiji was there and how big of a threat he was, would you have given me the tanto?” Usagi already knew the answer.

“No. I never would have put you in that kind of danger.” Leo’s voice was firm. There was no world in which he would willingly put his loved ones in a position like that.

“Then it’s not your fault.” Usagi said gently nuzzling Leo as he spoke. He was trying to be as comforting as he could, but he was also be a bit selfish. He was touching Leo as much as he could before he had to let go forever. “You brought me back to life. You saved me. This is not your fault.”

Leo closed his eyes focusing himself on Usagi’s words before speaking again. “Then it’s not yours either.”

“Leonardo-chan-” Usagi breathed his name in a sigh. Their situations were different. Leo didn’t know there was a mad man. But Usagi came face to face with him and lost the tanto. That was his fault.

“I know about Chizu-san’s betrayal.” Leo pushed forward stopping Usagi in his tracks. “I know that you were ambushed. I know that Hikiji attacked your whole family. And I know that he threatened to kill Katsuichi -sama if you didn’t hand over the tanto.” Leo stated everything so calmly. He pulled back from Usagi just enough to look him in the eyes.

The bunny was completely shocked. How did Leo know all of that. He’d been unconscious since the fight ended no one had the opportunity to tell him all of that.

Leo reached up and framed Usagi’s face with his own hands. “You know I’d never hold it against you if you traded my tanto for Katsuichi-sama’s life right?”

“Leonardo-chan.” There were so many emotions tied into his named. Grief. Regret. Sorrow.

“You didn’t know what would come. And it doesn’t matter because you never handed it over. You never gave him my tanto. Chizu did. It’s not your fault. Everything that happened. Everything he did, it’s not your fault.” Leo reassured his lover.

“He hurt you. He hurt you and I didn’t stop him.” Usagi still couldn’t let go of his guilt.

“A lot of people have hurt me. People will continue to hurt me. We’ve had this conversation before. I don’t need you to protect me, but I want you to stand with me.” Leo looked Usagi in the eyes, he could see that his boyfriend was wavering so he gave one final push. “Usagi-chan you died for me. You died to protect me. How can you say you didn’t protect me when you gave your life for me.” Leo moved to rest their foreheads against one another again. “I never want you to do that again. I never want to lose you again.”

They were silent for a moment, just taking each other in. Then Leo sighed and pulled away. “If you truly want to give it back. If you really want this to be the end. To walk away, then I won’t stop you. I love you, and I will never stop you from doing what you truly want to do. But if you love me, then please stay.”

Usagi moved fast pulling Leo into a kiss. Holding his face gently as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed. The two kissed long and hard only pulling away when they needed air. “I love you. I love you more every day and I don’t want to be without you. If you can forgive me-”

Leo cut him off pulling him into another kiss. His arms wrapping around Usagi’s necks pulling him closer. Usagi adjusted his grip, moving his hands from Leo’s cheeks down to his waist pulling his boyfriend closer to him. Leo broke the kiss but didn’t move far away, no just far enough to whisper against his lips.

“There is nothing to forgive.” He kissed Usagi again. The two holding each other close and pushing all their emotions into their actions. Their longing, fear, relief, and love all mixing into their motions.

Eventually Usagi pulled away resting his forehead against Leo’s once again. “I love you.” Was all he could think to say at that moment. It was all the really mattered.

Leo smiled and gave him a quick kiss before leaning back again. “And I you.” Then he pulled back a little bit more so that he could look at Usagi. Usagi met his gaze this time, the two smiling warmly at each other. “I know it’s late, but welcome to New York mi amor.”


And that's a wrap on book 2

(originally I was going to add a conversation between Usagi and Chizu but I'm going to save that for another time)

I am planning to do a third book about Usagi and the gang adjusting to New York. It will focus on the boys' relationship (I have not forgotten those victory kisses), how Usagi and the others fit into New York, Chizu and her new role in the group. and many other things.

but before I do that, I will be writing a short (for me) story for 2003 Leosagi (hope to see you there)

thank you so much for your support!! I hope you guys loved it!

Two Worlds of Family, Friends, and Foes - Annonnie (2024)


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.