What do you do if a customer service interview question catches you off guard? (2024)

Last updated on Jun 9, 2024

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Stay Calm


Clarify Doubts


Use Examples


Be Honest


Think Aloud


Stay Positive


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Interviews can be nerve-wracking, especially when a question comes out of left field. In customer service roles, where adaptability and quick thinking are prized, how you handle an unexpected question can be particularly telling. It's not just about the right answer; it's about demonstrating your problem-solving and communication skills in real-time. So, what do you do if you're caught off guard during a customer service interview?

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  • Dércio Pandza Premier Relationship Manager Assistant | Motivator | Customer Service Specialist

    What do you do if a customer service interview question catches you off guard? (5) 4

  • Caio Azevedo IT Support Technician | IT Analyst | IT Operations Analyst

    What do you do if a customer service interview question catches you off guard? (7) 3

What do you do if a customer service interview question catches you off guard? (8) What do you do if a customer service interview question catches you off guard? (9) What do you do if a customer service interview question catches you off guard? (10)

1 Stay Calm

When faced with an unexpected interview question, your first step is to remain calm. Your reaction can speak volumes about how you handle stress and surprise situations, which are common in customer service roles. Take a deep breath and give yourself a moment to collect your thoughts. It's perfectly acceptable to pause before responding; it shows that you're taking the question seriously and considering your answer carefully, rather than rushing to fill the silence.

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  • Show empathyWhen facing an unexpected situation like this, I think it's important to show that you mind the customer's question. Making him/her know that you have high interest in solving their problem. Put on their shoes. And only after that you'll be able to find the right words to say in this situation.


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  • Dércio Pandza Premier Relationship Manager Assistant | Motivator | Customer Service Specialist

    Se voce se encontrar desprevenido durante uma pergunta de entrevista de atendimento ao cliente, e importante nao entrar em panico. Voce pode responder de forma honesta e sincera, admitindo que nao tem uma resposta pronta, mas esta disposto a pensar rapidamente e oferecer uma solucao ou resposta da melhor maneira possivel. Demonstrar habilidades de pensamento rapido e adaptabilidade pode ser valorizado pelos entrevistadores. Alem disso, voce pode pedir um momento para ponderar sobre a questao ou pedir mais informacoes para melhor entender o contexto antes de responder.



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  • Lettie Herbosa Property Manager at Barker Management, Inc.

    In my many years in customer service, I learned about a golden rule that extends far beyond customer service: "Stay calm!!" It is a fundamental principle that underscores Customer Service 101, treating the customer as king! Always give your customers full attention, without any false pretenses. If you need a moment to think things through, simply ask; but don't forget to say sorry if they've been inconvenienced. And finally, when you're ready to offer a solution, be confident and committed, but make sure to take a moment to think about how you can do even better next time. In essence, treating everyone you interact with as valued customers enriches both your professional and personal life, making you the bigger person in every scenario.


    What do you do if a customer service interview question catches you off guard? (37) What do you do if a customer service interview question catches you off guard? (38) What do you do if a customer service interview question catches you off guard? (39) 24


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  • Marlon Almeida, CFP® Especialista de Investimentos | Assessor Financeiro | Mercado Financeiro | CPF®️

    First of all, it is extremely important assure that the question was understood. Though you are not able to answer the question on time, you probably will be able to instruct the customer hoe to get the right answer anyway else. Transperancy has been appreciated from clients nowadays.Second of all, even though you haven't been an expert in all subjects, it is crucial that you master your field. If your client perceives that you can answer about what they expect that you know, the client will be more understandable when you need more time to look for all the information that you need to answer them. To summarize, being prepared and being transparent are two important bases to have the confidance of your client.

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2 Clarify Doubts

If a question is unclear or you're unsure how to answer, don't hesitate to ask for clarification. This can buy you some time to think and also shows that you're not afraid to ask questions to ensure you understand the situation—much like you would with a customer. It's better to give a well-thought-out response to the question you're actually being asked than to give a quick response to what you think you heard.

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  • Caio Azevedo IT Support Technician | IT Analyst | IT Operations Analyst

    Never assume anything. Always asks for more information and more data. While asking for more use the time to calculate and think in your answer.During a interview the ability to provide a answer is not the most important part, but how you analyze/troubleshoot to get there. The solution is just a consequence of your other skills, and I have had cases on interviews that no solution were available to my position.


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  • Wangare Woresha Stakeholder Management and Customer Service Expert | Business Process Analyst| Project Manager |

    This process involves asking probing questions to gather all the necessary details. By doing so, we ensure that we have a comprehensive understanding of the customer's situation and can tailor our response accordingly. This not only helps us provide a more accurate and relevant solution but also demonstrates to the customer that we genuinely care about their needs and are committed to helping them.


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  • One of my self learning experience is to “not to assume what the answer is but to find the answer with 100% confidence!” Be honest with the guest, and take the opportunity to find them the accurate answers. Guests will appreciate your honesty, and that you care!


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3 Use Examples

Drawing on past experiences can help you answer a question that you weren't prepared for. Relate the question to a similar situation you've encountered in the past and explain how you handled it. This approach not only provides a concrete example of your problem-solving skills but also demonstrates your ability to apply previous learning to new scenarios, which is valuable in customer service.

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  • Luiz Fernando Favaro Analista de Teste | Bandeiras | LinkedIn Top Voice

    Using past experiences is a useful technique for answering surprise questions. By associating the question with a previous event, you not only provide a practical example of your skills, but also show that you can adapt previous experiences to new situations. This ability to apply prior knowledge to different contexts is particularly valuable in customer service, where each interaction can bring unique challenges.

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  • Wli Kaline Administração | Liderança | Team management |

    Sempre que encontra-se em um momento sem respostar, reflita e entre em uma pausar, é normal reformular as respostas, para que ela sai da forma mais coerente possível.


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4 Be Honest

Sometimes, you might not have an immediate answer, and that's okay. Honesty is a key trait in customer service, so if you don't know the answer, admit it. However, follow up by explaining how you would find the answer or solve the problem. This shows your willingness to learn and your commitment to finding solutions, which are both important in a customer service setting.

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  • Cade Maldonado Finance Manager at Salus Law, PLLC

    I love this thought. Interviewees often have the misconception that employers want the “cookie cutter” employee. However, more often than not that’s false. Transparency. Employers seek the employee that shows them who they are. Good interview questions should be given by an employer. As an employee, that’s what we should desire! Isn’t the job we are seeking worth being stumped by an interview question? Gather yourself. Tell the interviewer that they have asked a good question. Keep normal conversation happening. Humans have emotions. At times we are unpredictable. Lean into the human aspect with honesty, instead of avoiding it with robotic responses. Society is continually changing. Those who are honest will reap the reward.


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  • Dhripam Datta BIM Specialist @ Roots BIM LLC | BIM (Structural) Professional | Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) | TIGPS SLG | BCS Charter Member @ BIM Coordinators Summit | Former Senior Engineer @ Pinnacle Infotech

    Don't attempt to bluff your way through a question. If you're unfamiliar with a topic or don't have a ready answer, it's better to admit it. Honesty and integrity are valued traits in customer service roles.


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5 Think Aloud

If you're stumped, think aloud. This strategy involves talking through your thought process as you work towards an answer. It allows the interviewer to understand how you approach problems and can be particularly impressive if the question is designed to assess your problem-solving skills. It's like giving them a window into how you would handle real customer issues on the spot.

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  • Luiz Fernando Favaro Analista de Teste | Bandeiras | LinkedIn Top Voice

    Thinking out loud during an interview can be an effective strategy when faced with a challenging question. By verbalizing your reasoning, you give the interviewer a window into your analytical and problem-solving abilities. This not only demonstrates transparency, but can also be impressive if the question is designed to test these specific skills. It's a way to show how you would handle real customer service situations, emphasizing your ability to think critically and find solutions in real time.


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  • Dhripam Datta BIM Specialist @ Roots BIM LLC | BIM (Structural) Professional | Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) | TIGPS SLG | BCS Charter Member @ BIM Coordinators Summit | Former Senior Engineer @ Pinnacle Infotech

    Walk the interviewer through your thought process as you formulate your response. Verbally articulating your reasoning shows transparency and gives insight into how you approach problem-solving.

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6 Stay Positive

Maintain a positive attitude throughout the interview, even when faced with tough questions. Your demeanor can have a significant impact on the interviewer's perception of your suitability for a customer service role. A positive outlook demonstrates resilience and a can-do attitude—qualities that are essential when dealing with customers and their myriad of issues.

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  • Yakbyen Lar Relationship Manager

    I stay calm, by taking a deep breath, relax and attack the question from the simplest manner I can.I will answer in simple terms, by that more ideas may come upstairs, hopefully I round up my point well and articulated.

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  • Dhripam Datta BIM Specialist @ Roots BIM LLC | BIM (Structural) Professional | Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) | TIGPS SLG | BCS Charter Member @ BIM Coordinators Summit | Former Senior Engineer @ Pinnacle Infotech

    Maintain a positive attitude throughout the interview, even if you encounter challenging questions. A positive demeanor conveys confidence and resilience, qualities that are highly desirable in customer service professionals.

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7 Here’s what else to consider

This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?

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  • Sherif Sabry 💡 LinkedIn top 1% Customer Service Voice | Founder @ BULKY EGYPT | Strategic B2B Marketing and Sales professional | Customer Service Expert | Chemicals Import/Export Specialist

    Use the STAR Method. Structure your response using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to provide a clear and structured answer. Describe the situation or problem, the task or challenge you faced, the action you took, and the positive result or outcome.Be honest in your response and avoid trying to provide a rehearsed or insincere answer. Authenticity and transparency can build credibility and rapport with the interviewer.If you are truly unable to answer the question directly, consider redirecting the conversation by relating it to a related topic or skill that you are more comfortable discussing. This can help you steer the conversation back to familiar ground.


    What do you do if a customer service interview question catches you off guard? (151) What do you do if a customer service interview question catches you off guard? (152) 2

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  • William Coming Dust Collector Service Specialist at IWI Inc

    No one knows it all.You have a team around you.Make sure you understand the customers needs and reason for the question.Assure them you will discuss it with others in you organization and provide them with an answer.


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What do you do if a customer service interview question catches you off guard? (2024)


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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

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Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.