Create your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (2024)

LLMs such as GPT have certain limitations. They may not have up-to-date information due to their knowledge cutoff date for training. This poses a significant challenge when we want our AI models to provide accurate, context-aware, and timely responses. Imagine asking an LLM about the latest technology trends or seeking real-time updates on a breaking news event; traditional language models might fall short in these scenarios.

In this blog, we will introduce you to a game-changing technique called retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). This unique approach empowers language models such as GPT to bridge the gap between their static knowledge and the dynamic real world. With RAG, we’ll show you how to equip your generative AI applications with the ability to pull in fresh information, ground your organizational data, cross-reference facts to address hallucinations and stay contextually aware, all in real-time.

Generative AI technology has the potential to greatly enhance education in the health sector, particularly in fields like anatomy and physiology. This is because AI platforms can create highly detailed and interactive models of the human body, making complex systems like the cardiovascular or nervous systems easier to understand than with traditional methods.

Another benefit of generative AI is its ability to personalize the learning experience. By analyzing a student's performance, the AI can identify areas where the student needs improvement and generate customized practice questions to target those areas. Additionally, generative AI can simulate patient interactions, which is essential in enhancing diagnostic skills.

This blog will show how generative AI using Azure AI studio prompt flow with Multi-Round Q&A on Your Data chat can make anatomy and physiology education more interactive, engaging, and effective and help students prepare for their healthcare careers.

1. Architecture

Create your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (1)

2. Create an Azure AI Search resource

You need an Azure AI Search resource to index your data for your copilot solution. This will let you use custom data in a prompt flow.

  1. In a web browser, open theAzure portalat sign in using your Azure credentials.
  1. On the home page, select+ Create a resourceand search forAzure AI Search. Then create a new Azure AI Search resource with the following settings:
    • Subscription:Select your Azure subscription
    • Resource group:Select or create a resource group
    • Service name:Enter a unique service name
    • Location:Make arandomchoice from any of the following regions*
            • East US
              • East US 2
                • France Central
                    • North Central US
                      • Sweden Central
                        • Pricing tier: Standard

                        3. Wait for your Azure AI Search resource deployment to be completed.

                        3. Create an Azure AI project

                        Now you’re ready to create an Azure AI Studio project and the Azure AI resources to support it.

                        1. In a web browser, openAzure AI Studioat sign in using your Azure credentials.
                        1. On theManagepage, select+ New AI hub. Then, in theGetting startedwizard, create a project with the following settings:
                          • AI Hub:Create a new resource with the following settings:
                            • AI Hub name:A unique name
                              • Azure Subscription:Your Azure subscription
                                • Resource group:Select the resource group containing your Azure AI Search resource
                                  • Location:The same location as your Azure AI Search resource
                                    • Azure OpenAI: (New)Autofills with your selected hub nameCreate your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (2)
                                        • Project name:Create a new project with the following settings:
                                          • The project name
                                          • Choose the Hub created early

                                    Create your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (3)

                                    3. Wait for your project to be created.

                                    Create your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (4)

                                    4. Deploy models

                                    To implement your solution, you will require two models.

                                    • An embedding model that turns text data into vectors for easy indexing and processing.
                                    • A model that can produce responses in natural language to queries using your data.
                                    1. In the Azure AI Studio, in your project, in the navigation pane on the left, underComponents, select theDeploymentspage.
                                    1. Create a new deployment (using areal-time endpoint) of thetext-embedding-ada-002model with the following settings:
                                      • Deployment name:text-embedding-ada-002
                                      • Model version:Default
                                      • Advanced options:
                                          • Content filter:Default
                                            • Tokens per minute rate limit:5K
                                          1. Repeat the previous steps to deploy agpt-35-turbomodel with the deployment namegpt-35-turbo.

                                          Create your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (5)

                                          5.Add data to your project

                                          The data for your copilot consists of a set of Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology in PDF format designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to human anatomy and physiology. Let’s add it to the project.

                                          1. In Azure AI Studio, in your project, select the Data page in the navigation pane on the left underComponents.
                                          2. Select+ New data.
                                          3. expand the drop-down menu to selectUpload files/folders in the Add your data wizard.
                                          4. SelectUpload files/folderand select Upload files.
                                          5. Set the data name to“xxxxxxx”.

                                          6. Create an index for your data

                                          Now that you’ve added a data source to your project, you can use it to create an index in your Azure AI Search resource.

                                          1. In Azure AI Studio, in your project, select the Indexes page in the navigation pane on the left underComponents.
                                          2. Add a new index with the following settings:
                                          • Source data:
                                              • Data source: Use existing project data
                                                • Select the“xxxxxx”data source
                                              • Index storage:
                                                  • Select theAzureAISearchconnection to your Azure AI Search resource
                                                  • Search settings:
                                                      • Vector settings: Add vector search to this search resource
                                                        • Azure OpenAI Resource: Default_AzureOpenAI
                                                          • Acknowledge that an embedding model will be deployed if not already there
                                                          • Index settings:
                                                              • Index name: “xxxxxxx”
                                                                • Virtual machine: Auto select
                                                              1. Wait for the indexing process to be completed, which can take several minutes. The index creation operation consists of the following jobs:
                                                                • Crack, chunk, and embed the text tokens in your data.
                                                                • Update Azure AI Search with the new index.
                                                                • Register the index asset.

                                                                Create your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (6)

                                                                7. Examine the index

                                                                Before using your index in a RAG-based prompt flow, let’s verify that it can be used to affect generative AI responses.

                                                                1. In the navigation pane on the left, underTools, select thePlaygroundpage.
                                                                2. On the Setup panel, select theAdd your datatab, and then add thebrochures-indexproject index and select thehybrid (vector + keyword)search type.
                                                                3. After the index has been added and the chat session has restarted, resubmit the promptWhat can you recommend for beginners?
                                                                4. Review the response, which should be based on data in the index.

                                                                Create your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (7)

                                                                8. Use the index in your prompt flow

                                                                In this example, I’ll use a ready-made template from the Prompt Flow page. I’ll choose the “Multi-Round Q&A on Your Data” template, which applies an augmented generation method to the retrieved Essentials of Anatomy and Philosophy book, based on a user’s question.

                                                                Create your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (8)

                                                                You can easily clone this Flow and start exploring it.

                                                                Create your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (9)

                                                                Let us analyze the individual parts that comprise it and delve into their unique characteristics:

                                                                • Inputs: User’s query and Chat history: contains the history chat
                                                                • Output : Model’s augmented response

                                                                Create your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (10)

                                                                • modify_query_with_history

                                                                Before the question gets embedded, modify_query_with_history adds context to the question by including instructions and the chat history. This is the default prompt:

                                                                Create your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (11)

                                                                • Examples of chat history:

                                                                Input: Hi, I'm struggling to understand how the nervous system interacts with other body systems. Can you help?

                                                                Output: Absolutely! The nervous system interacts with other body systems primarily through nerve impulses that control and coordinate actions. For example, the nervous system sends signals to the muscular system to initiate movement.

                                                                Input: That makes sense. Can you explain how the nervous system affects the digestive system?

                                                                Output: Sure! The nervous system regulates the speed at which food is digested through signals that increase or decrease the rate of muscle contractions in the gastrointestinal tract. This is crucial for efficient digestion and nutrient absorption.

                                                                Input: Thanks! How about the cardiovascular system? How does the nervous system interact with that?

                                                                Output: The nervous system controls the heart rate and blood pressure. It can send signals to the heart to speed up or slow down based on the body's needs, like during exercise or rest.

                                                                • lookup

                                                                We use lookup to link our data to the model. The data must be indexed first, which is done in the Azure AI Studio ‘Indexes’ component on the side bar.

                                                                In thelookupsection, set the following parameter values:

                                                                1. mlindex_content:Select the empty field to open the Generate pane
                                                                  1. index_type: Registered Index
                                                                  2. mlindex_asset_id: brochures-index:1
                                                                2. queries:${modify_query_with_history.output}
                                                                3. query_type:Hybrid (vector + keyword)
                                                                4. top_k: 2

                                                                Create your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (12)

                                                                To get the right path, go to Build / your_project_name / Data / your_index_name, click on Index Data and copy the Data connection URI from the Data links section

                                                                Create your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (13)

                                                                • generate_prompt_context

                                                                generate_prompt_context receives a list of search result entities as input and turns them into a string with content and source information for each document. This function enhances the intelligence level by adding pertinent details to the prompt, enabling more knowledgeable and context-sensitive responses.

                                                                Create your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (14)

                                                                • Prompt_variants

                                                                With prompt_variants, you can make different versions of prompts to get more variety in the questions you ask.

                                                                Create your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (15)

                                                                • chat_with_context

                                                                chat_with_context uses the context created by generate_prompt_context to improve the conversation. It takes into account the previous context and the related document chunks, which helps it to reply more logically and correctly.

                                                                Create your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (16)

                                                                Let's test the chat to see how it reacts.

                                                                Create your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (17)

                                                                After creating the flow, we can deploy it as a managed endpoint, which can be consumed through REST API by clicking the "Deploy" button on the flow page.

                                                                Create your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (18)

                                                                After that, you will need to choose a virtual machine that will be used to facilitate the deployment process :

                                                                Create your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (19)

                                                                Note that there is a feature available that you can opt to enable, called Inferencing data collection (currently in preview). When enabled, it automatically collects inputs and outputs as a data asset within your Azure AI Studio. This can be used later as a test dataset.

                                                                9. Consuming your Prompt Flow

                                                                After deploying your flow in Azure AI Studio, you can consume it as a managed endpoint. To access this feature, simply navigate to the "Deployments" tab and click on your flow's name. From there, you can also test your flow to ensure it's working properly before consumption.

                                                                Create your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (20)

                                                                We can use streamlit in VS Code to write the code that will view your Endpoint and Keys. Go to the consume tab and copy and pastethem into your code.

                                                                import streamlit as stimport urllib.requestimport jsonimport osimport sslfrom dotenv import load_dotenv# Load environment variablesload_dotenv()AZURE_ENDPOINT_KEY = os.environ['AZURE_ENDPOINT_KEY'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'def allowSelfSignedHttps(allowed): # Bypass the server certificate verification on the client side if allowed and not os.environ.get('PYTHONHTTPSVERIFY', '') and getattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context', None): ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context# Streamlit UI components st.image("education.png", width=600) st.title(' Welcome to your Essential of Anantomy and Physiology Assistant!') st.sidebar.title(" Copilot for Anantomy and Physiology !") st.sidebar.caption("Made by an Pascal Burume")""" Generative AI technology has the potential to greatly enhance education in the health sector, particularly in fields like anatomy and physiology. This is because AI platforms can create highly detailed and interactive models of the human body, making complex systems like the cardiovascular or nervous systems easier to understand than with traditional methods. """)def main(): allowSelfSignedHttps(True) # Initialize chat history if "chat_history" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.chat_history = [] # Display chat history for interaction in st.session_state.chat_history: if interaction["inputs"]["chat_input"]: with st.chat_message("user"): st.write(interaction["inputs"]["chat_input"]) if interaction["outputs"]["chat_output"]: with st.chat_message("assistant"): st.write(interaction["outputs"]["chat_output"]) # React to user input if user_input := st.chat_input("Ask me anything..."): # Display user message in chat message container st.chat_message("user").markdown(user_input) # Query API data = {"chat_history": st.session_state.chat_history, 'chat_input': user_input} body = json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8') url = '' headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {AZURE_ENDPOINT_KEY}', 'azureml-model-deployment': 'xxxxxxxxxx-1' } req = urllib.request.Request(url, body, headers) try: response = urllib.request.urlopen(req) response_data = json.loads('utf-8')) # Check if 'chat_output' key exists in the response_data if 'chat_output' in response_data: with st.chat_message("assistant"): st.markdown(response_data['chat_output']) st.session_state.chat_history.append( {"inputs": {"chat_input": user_input}, "outputs": {"chat_output": response_data['chat_output']}} ) else: st.error("The response data does not contain a 'chat_output' key.") except urllib.error.HTTPError as error: st.error(f"The request failed with status code: {error.code}")if __name__ == "__main__": main()

                                                                Samples prompts:

                                                                • What can you recommend for me today
                                                                • Give me a plan of study today
                                                                • I want dive into the muscular system

                                                                Create your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (21)

                                                                Create your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (22)

                                                                You can also use the backend of Azure Monitor to view metrics for your flow, in the “Monitoring” tab.

                                                                Create your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (23)

                                                                9. Conclusion

                                                                As we wrap up this exploration into the transformative capabilities of generative AI technologies, particularly within the realms of education and healthcare, it's clear that the potential for innovation is immense. By leveraging retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), we have unlocked a path that bridges the gap between static data and the dynamic needs of real-world applications. This blog has outlined not just the theoretical possibilities but also practical steps to implement these technologies using Azure AI Studio.

                                                                Thank you for joining us on this insightful journey through the capabilities of modern AI technologies. We are excited about the future possibilities as we continue to push the boundaries of what AI can achieve in educational contexts. Let’s move forward into a future where technology and education merge to create enriching, empowering learning experiences.

                                                                10. Resources

                                                                1. Streamlit • A faster way to build and share data apps
                                                                2. Deploy a flow in prompt flow as a managed online endpoint for real-time inference - Azure Machine Le...
                                                                3. Get started in prompt flow - Azure Machine Learning | Microsoft Learn
                                                                Create your own copilot using Azure Prompt flow and Streamlit (2024)


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                                                                Name: Golda Nolan II

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                                                                Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.